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Throughout the Teaching Methodology course, I have gained valuable insights that have

significantly enhanced my teaching skills. The emphasis on presentations not only improved my

confidence but also allowed me to witness various teaching demos by classmates, providing

diverse perspectives on effective teaching methods. The consistent practice of writing reflections

has honed my writing skills, fostering a habit crucial for future professional development.

Throughout the semester, I have written at least 8000 words including the major assignment.

Learning various classroom strategies and techniques has equipped me with a versatile toolkit for

effective teaching. The importance of crafting comprehensive lesson plans, ensuring they

encompass the seven features of techniques, has been ingrained in me. The course has not only

taught me how to become a proficient teacher but also emphasized the significance of keen

observation in shaping my teaching style.

In offering suggestions for improvement, I recommend a more in-depth explanation after each

group chapter presentation to broaden our understanding of the presented skills. Additionally,

addressing any missed points in the presentations would further enhance our comprehension and

application of the concepts introduced.

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