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After my daily / final demonstration lessons,

These are the things I am happy about

As a pre-service teacher, I'm thrilled by the level of engagement my students

showed during our lesson on "Salitang Kilos." Their active participation in discussions

and activities about action words truly impressed me, showcasing a genuine eagerness to

learn. It's rewarding to see that the majority of students understood the concepts well and

were able to apply them successfully. What's more, the positive classroom environment,

where students collaborated effectively and supported each other's learning, made the

lesson even more fulfilling for me as a teacher.

These are the things I need to improve on

As a pre-service teacher, it's crucial to recognize areas for improvement to

continually enhance my effectiveness in the classroom. Firstly, I aim to focus on

improving the clarity of my instruction, ensuring that I communicate concepts in a way

that is clear and understandable for all students. This involves breaking down complex

ideas into simpler terms and providing ample examples to support understanding.

Additionally, I recognize the importance of differentiating my instruction to cater to the

diverse needs and learning styles of my students. By offering varied instructional

strategies and providing additional support to those who need it, I can create a more

inclusive learning environment where all students have the opportunity to succeed.
Furthermore, I understand the significance of developing strong classroom management

skills to create a positive and productive learning atmosphere. This entails establishing

clear expectations and routines, addressing disruptive behavior effectively, and fostering a

sense of community among students. Lastly, I am committed to incorporating a diverse

range of instructional methods and activities to keep students engaged and motivated.

Through ongoing reflection and feedback, I am dedicated to continuous growth and

improvement as a pre-service teacher.

These are the things I plan to do

I have identified several areas for improvement and have developed a plan to address

them effectively. Firstly, I intend to enhance the clarity of my instructions by refining my

communication skills and utilizing strategies such as breaking down complex concepts

into simpler terms and providing clear examples. Additionally, I plan to implement more

differentiated instruction to cater to the diverse needs and learning styles of my students.

This involves offering varied instructional methods and providing additional support to

students who require it, ensuring that all learners have the opportunity to succeed.

Furthermore, I am committed to improving my classroom management skills by

establishing clear expectations and routines, addressing disruptive behavior promptly and

consistently, and fostering a positive learning environment where students feel safe and

supported. Lastly, I aim to diversify my instructional strategies by incorporating a range

of activities and resources to keep students engaged and motivated.

After my daily / final demonstration lessons,

These are the things I am happy about

Following my demonstration teaching in Grade 3 on describing weather

conditions over a period of time, there were several aspects that brought me satisfaction

and joy. Firstly, I was delighted by the level of engagement displayed by the students

throughout the lesson. Their active participation in discussions and enthusiasm for

learning about weather conditions was truly inspiring. Additionally, I was pleased to

observe that the majority of students demonstrated a solid understanding of the topic.

They were able to effectively describe and discuss weather patterns over time, showcasing

their comprehension and application of the concepts presented. Furthermore, the positive

classroom atmosphere was conducive to learning, with students supporting each other's

learning efforts and collaborating effectively. Witnessing their excitement and progress

during the lesson filled me with a sense of accomplishment and affirmed my passion for


These are the things I need to improve on

I noticed that some students struggled to grasp certain concepts, indicating a need for

more targeted support and differentiated instruction. Moving forward, I plan to provide

additional resources and alternative teaching strategies to address the diverse learning

needs of all students effectively. Secondly, I recognize the importance of enhancing

clarity in my instructions. At times, I observed confusion among students, suggesting that

my instructions could have been more explicit and concise. To address this, I aim to refine

my communication skills and ensure that my instructions are easily understandable for all

learners. Additionally, I acknowledge the need to incorporate more varied instructional

strategies to cater to different learning styles and abilities. While the lesson was engaging,

I believe that diversifying my teaching methods further could enhance student

engagement and comprehension. Lastly, I intend to focus on strengthening my classroom

management skills to create a more structured and conducive learning environment. By

establishing clear expectations and routines, addressing disruptive behavior promptly, and

fostering a positive classroom culture, I aim to optimize the learning experience for all

students. Through reflection and continuous improvement, I am committed to enhancing

my teaching practice and facilitating meaningful learning experiences for my students.

These are the things I plan to do

In response to my demonstration teaching in Grade 3 on describing weather conditions

over a period of time, I have outlined several proactive steps for improvement. Firstly, I

aim to implement more differentiated instruction to better address the diverse learning

needs of my students. Secondly, I plan to enhance the clarity of my instructions by

refining my communication techniques and ensuring that they are easily understandable

for all learners. Additionally, I intend to diversify my instructional strategies to cater to

different learning styles and abilities, fostering greater engagement and comprehension

among students. Furthermore, I am committed to strengthening my classroom

management skills to create a more structured and conducive learning environment.

Lastly, I will actively seek feedback from colleagues and mentors, using it to inform and

guide my ongoing professional development as a teacher

During my fifth week as a pre-service teacher under the mentorship of Ma'am Ivy

Manaopanao MT-1, I had the opportunity to immerse myself further into the intricacies of

teaching. This week was particularly enriching as I engaged in various teaching activities and

received valuable feedback from Ma'am Ivy.

One of the highlights of this week was the crafting and execution of a lesson plan for the

Filipino subject. With meticulous planning and careful consideration of the learning objectives, I

designed a comprehensive lesson that catered to the needs and interests of the students. The demo

teaching session provided me with a platform to showcase my teaching skills and implement

innovative teaching strategies. Ma'am Ivy's constructive feedback served as a guiding light,

highlighting my strengths while also pointing out areas for improvement. Her encouraging words

motivated me to strive for excellence in my teaching endeavors.

I also had the opportunity to handle other subjects such as Math, Aral Panlipunan, and

Science throughout the week. This diversified teaching experience allowed me to adapt to

different teaching styles and explore various pedagogical approaches. It was a challenging yet

fulfilling experience as I navigated through different subject matters, ensuring that each lesson

was engaging and informative for the students.

Overall, my fifth week as a pre-service teacher was marked by growth, learning, and

meaningful interactions with both students and my cooperating teacher, Ma'am Ivy Manaopanao

MT-1. With each passing week, I am continuously honing my teaching skills and gaining

invaluable insights that will undoubtedly shape my journey as a future educator.

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