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Objectives No. of Items Item Distribution Percentage

Identify real or make-believe, fact, or non-fact
5 1–5 10 %
images (EN6VC-IIIa-6.2)
Interpret the meaning suggested in visual
media through a focus on visual elements, for
5 6-10 10%
example, line, symbols, color, gaze, framing
and social distance (EN5VC-IIIf-3.8)
Infer purpose of the visual media EN6VC-IId-
10 11-20 20%
Describe different forms and conventions of
film and moving pictures (lights, blocking,
direction, characterization, acting, dialog,
setting, set-up) EN6VC-Ia-5.1.1/ EN6VC-Ib- 8 21-28 16%
5.1.2/ EN6VC-Ic-5.1.3/ EN6VC-Id-5.1.4/
EN6VC-Ie-5.1.5/ EN6VC-If-5.1.6/ EN6VC-Ig-
5.1.7/ EN6VC-Ih5.1.8
Analyze the characters used in print, non-
print, and digital materials (age and gender,
12 29-40 24%
race and nationality, attitude, and behavior)
Analyze the setting used in print, non-print,
5 41-45 10 %
and digital materials EN6VC-Ii-3.3.4
Make connections between information
viewed and personal experiences (EN6VC- 5 46-50 10%

Total 50 50 100%

Prepared by:


English Teacher

1. make-believe
2. real
3. make-believe
4. make-believe
5. real
6. a. color
7. b. framing
8. a. line
9. b. gaze
10. c. symbols
11. A. persuade viewers and listeners to buy a product or think certain ways
12. B. educate through factual content and information
13. B. educate through factual content and information
14. D. entertain an audience, as in video games or movies
15. A. express an opinion or point of view
16. True
17. True
18. True
19. True
20. True
21. Blocking
22. Characterization
23. Set-up
24. Acting
25. Dialogue
26. Setting
27. Light
28. Direction
29. old
30. old
31. young
32. female
33. male
34. female
35. Filipino
36. Filipino
37. Filipino
38. Thankful
39. Thankful
40. Thankful
41. Print
42. Non- print
43. Digital
44. Print
45. Print
46. I connect
47. I connect
48. I connect
49. I connect
50. I connect
Name: ___________________________________________________________ Score: _______________
Grade and Section: _________________________________________________ Date: ________________
First Periodical Test in English 6
I. Analyze each image. Identify whether they are real or make-believe. Write your answer on the space
1. _____________________ 2. _____________________ 3. _____________________

man flying to space dog barking at stranger fairy granting our wishes
4. _____________________ 5. _____________________

dwarf playing horn doctors having surgery

II. Identify what visual element is used in the following picture. Choose the letter of the correct answer.
__________6. a. color b. framing c. gaze

__________7. a. color b. framing c. gaze

__________8. a. line b. gaze c. symbols

__________9. a. line b. gaze c. symbols

__________10. a. line b. gaze c. symbols

III. Analyze the images below. Infer its purpose by selecting from the choices below. Write the letter of your
answer on the space provided.
a. express an opinion or point of view
b. educate through factual content and information
c. persuade viewers and listeners to buy a product or think certain ways
d. entertain an audience, as in video games or movies
11. _____________________ 12. _____________________ 13. _____________________

14. _____________________ 15. _____________________

Read each sentence. Write true if the statement talks about visual media is correct. Write False if the
statement about Visual media is incorrect.
_____16. Visual media help you understand a lesson more clearly.
_____17. YouTube is one example of a visual media.
_____18. All visual media have purposes.
_____19. Animated films are good forms of visual media because children like you love to watch them.
_____20. The images we see around us all have meanings.
IV. Choose from the conventions and devices of films used in the following sentences. Pick your answer inside
the box.

Light Blocking
Direction Characterization
Acting Dialogue
Setting Set-up

____________________ 21. The relationship of the camera to the actors. Essentially, it is the physical
movement of the actors relative to the position of the camera.
____________________ 22. The process by which the writer reveals the personality of the character.
____________________ 23. It refers to the creation of a scenery that depicts the “look” or physical
appearance of the set for a film.
____________________ 24. It includes facial expressions, body language and delivery of lines
____________________ 25. The exchange of spoken words between two or more characters in the film or
moving pictures.
____________________ 26. The time and geographic location within a film or within a work of film.
____________________ 27. It is a very important aspect for shaping meaning in films. It can manipulate a
viewer’s attitude towards a setting or a character.
____________________ 28. The process of making sure that every component of a movie runs smoothly

V. Directions: Look at the picture below. Complete the following table by describing and analyzing the picture in
terms of age and gender, race and nationality, and attitude and behavior.

age 29. 30 31.

a. young
b. old
gender 32. 33. 34.
a. male
b. female
race and nationality 35. 36. 37.
a. Filipino
b. American
attitude and behavior 38. 39. 40.
a. thankful
b. sad

VII. Read the following sentences and analyze if the material used in each number is print, non-print, or digital.
_____________________ 41. I love reading books written by Nick Joaquin.
_____________________ 42. During online class, our teacher presents her lesson using a PowerPoint
_____________________ 43. Mark and Teofilo are watching a tutorial video about Verbs from YouTube.
_____________________ 44. “Harry Potter book and the Chamber of Secrets” is my favorite book.
_____________________ 45. My favorite Korean Pop Group “Blackpink” is featured in Elle Magazine.

VIII. Make connections with the information in the following sentences from your own personal experience
during pandemic. If you can recall anything as you view, write I connect, but if you cannot recall anything write
I cannot connect.
_____________________ 46. Washing hands with soap and water to avoid the spread of virus.
_____________________ 47. Wearing mask to avoid virus.
_____________________ 48. Using generous amount of alcohol to disinfect my hands.
_____________________ 49. Answering modules during distance learning.
_____________________ 50. Staying at home to avoid the contagious disease.

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