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Intro music 1sec

Announcer: Get ready to enjoy the taste of real milk, with Amul! 2sec

[Sound of a pouring milk into a glass] 1sec

Announcer: Amul, the leading milk brand in India, brings you the 3sec
purest and freshest milk, sourced from thousands of farmers across
the country.

[Sound of a spoon stirring in a glass of milk] 2sec

Announcer: Whether you like your milk sweet, creamy or plain, 5sec
Amul has a variety of options for you, from whole milk to toned milk
and even flavored milk, like chocolate and strawberry.

[Sound of a child drinking milk and smacking lips in satisfaction] 1sec

Announcer: And with the new, easy-to-use packaging, you can 5sec
enjoy a glass of Amul milk anytime, anywhere.

[Sound of a carton of milk being opened] 2sec

Announcer: So why settle for less when you can have the best? 5sec
Make Amul a part of your daily diet and experience the difference
real milk can make.

[Outro Music] 1sec

Announcer: Amul – The Taste of Real Milk. 2sec

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