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What is Bias?

Bias means someone is only putting forward one side of an argument.

For example: An advert will only tell you the good things about a product, and may
exaggerate those! Remember, a writer may only be telling you one side of a story! –
always think about what a writer may not be telling you. –don’t always believe what you

Why do we need to understand bias?

Whatever the reason, if truth is to prevail, we can't just "read" the newspaper. –Be
discerning and become part of the process. –Otherwise, you're just a passive object of
someone else's agenda. As Mark Twain once said, "If you don't read the newspaper, you
are uninformed; if you do read the newspaper, you are misinformed."

Bias is a characteristic of the research technique that makes it rely on experience and
judgment rather than data analysis

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