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Devina Putri Indira

NPM 2306207373
Sastra Berbahasa Inggris dan Masyarakatnya

Individual Reflection on the Romantic Period

I find it intriguing how the Romantic Period or romanticism came about as a deliberate
response to the social changes brought by the Industrial Revolution. It is fascinating to
see how romantics idealized nature over progress and rationality and valued it amidst the
rise of urbanization and technology. The era puts more significance on emotions,
imagination, and subjectivity over objectivity. As I delve deeper into the era, I realize
how it resonates with my own longing for connection in a world that is now overrun by
materialism and utilitarianism.

William Wordsworth’s “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud'' is one of the poems from this
era. The poem successfully captures the essence of the Romantic period, celebrating the
beauty of nature, particularly the enchanting imagery of daffodils, which symbolizes the
influence of nature over humanity. The speaker puts emphasis on the serenity of the
daffodils. Even in absence, the pleasant memory of the daffodils continues to evoke joy.
This poem delves into the profound relationship between humanity and nature. It shows
us that nature will always be a part of us. Through William's solitary wanderings amidst
the daffodils, he not only glorifies the natural world but also portrays how communion
with nature can uplift the human spirit.

The era reminds me of the importance of staying true to our feelings and values. All in
all, romanticism serves as a powerful reminder for beauty, meaning, and a deeper
connection to the natural world.

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