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Juan Dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City

Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI


SY 2020-2021
Karla Jane S. Noriega

Juan Dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City
Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI

Week 12

Unit 4: Core Engagement Exercise

Topic: Butt Exercise

Learning Outcomes:
a. Demonstrate the proper execution of butt exercise.

Concept Digest (Discussion)

Engaging in your butt core

Having a strong and active butt muscle does so much more than
help you look good in your jeans. It can actually reduce fatigue
and back pain, protect the knee joints, and create overall
strength. The glutes are our largest muscle group, and virtually
every movement carried out by the lower body requires their
Here are a few great reasons to work your rear and butt lift
exercises to get you started now:

Benefits of a strong butt muscle:

Powers Your Body. Strong glutes increase your force and power
during everything from sprinting, jumping, and squatting to
climbing, swinging, and cutting from side to side. A more
powerful butt will allow you to run faster, cycle stronger, and
power walk up the fifth flight of stairs without losing your
Protects Joints. A stronger butt can mean healthier knees, as
well as a pain-free lower back and hips.
Banishes Back Pain. Butt strength and endurance are correlated
with a lessened risk of lower-back pain, says Brad Schoenfeld,
Ph.D., director of the human performance lab at Lehman College.
“Increasing glute strength with resistance training in a variety
of rep ranges is the best way to prevent pain.”
Reduces Fatigue. Your butt muscles are stabilizers and
supporters of the rest of your body during your daily
activities, as well as your athletic performance. A strong butt
will give you more stamina and help reduce fatigue throughout
your day as you walk, climb stairs, ride your bike and do
whatever else you do physically. At the end of the day, you
should feel less tired and have more energy when you have a
powerful butt.

Juan Dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City
Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI

1. Fire Hydrant

How to start: Start on all fours on the floor with wrists under
shoulders and knees under hips. Keeping hips level and right
leg bent at 90 degrees, lift right knee out to side until thigh
is parallel to floor. Return to start. That's one rep. Do 15
reps on each side then continue to your next move.

2. Frog Pump

How to start: Lie on your back with your knees bent and pointed
outwards and the soles of your feet together (toes to toes, heel
to heel). Squeeze your glutes to lift your hips up until your
body forms a straight line from neck to knee. Pushing your heels
together as you lift your hips up or bringing your feet closer
to your butt can help activate your glutes more.

Juan Dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City
Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI

3. Hip Thrust

How to start:
Support your upper back on a couch, bed, or a bench, so that
the lower part of your shoulder blades is located on the edge
of the surface. Look for a height where your chest and knees
can be in a straight line. Pull your feet towards you so that
they are placed below your knees. Keep your knees bent and push
through the heels to lift your hips up from the ground.
Experiment with your foot positions to find an angle where you
feel your glutes really working.

4. Single Leg Hip Thrust

How to start:
The setup is the same as for the Hip Thrust, followed by lifting
one foot off of the ground. Push through the heel on the floor
and use your hips to lift yourself up. Don’t let your hips fall
towards one side, keep them level. Repeat with the other leg.

Juan Dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City
Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI

5. Bulgarian Split Squat

How to start:
Stand in front of a couch, chair, or something similar. Rest
one foot on the elevated surface behind you. Squat down by
flexing your knee and hip of your front leg. Push off from
the floor with the heel of your front leg to get back up.
Through this movement the majority of your weight should be
on the front leg; the back leg provides support. The front
knee is pointing toward the toes. Repeat with the other leg.

6. Pile Squat

How to start:
Standing with feet wider than shoulders and turned out so
inner thighs face forward, hands clasped in front of chest.
Tuck pelvis under and lower down into a wide-legged squat
aiming to get thighs parallel to floor. Return back to start.
That's one rep. Do 15 reps then continue to your next move.

Juan Dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City
Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI

7. Pile squat with calf raise

How to start:
Begin with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, toes
pointed slightly outward. Keeping your knees over your ankles
and chest high, bend your knees until your thighs are parallel
to the ground. With control, raise one heel as high as you
can without compromising your form. Release it to the floor,
then repeat on the opposite side to complete one rep. Continue
to alternate sides.

8. Hip Drive

How to start:
Sit on your knees, legs together, so your butt is on your
heels. Engage your glutes to lift your butt and rise to a
kneeling position. Slowly lower, keeping glutes engaged.

Juan Dela Cruz Street, Toril, Davao City
Landline No. (082) 291 1882
Accredited by ACSCU-ACI

9. Single- leg deadlift

How to start:
Stand on your right leg, slightly bending your knee. Keep
your back flat as you hinge forward at the hips into a
deadlift, sending left leg back behind you and arms below
Lower only as far as you can without curving your back.
Use your right hamstring and glute to stand. Repeat on the
other side.

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