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• What would you do if you won a million dollars?

- I would buy everything I wanted.

• If you changed your name, what name would you choose?
-I would choose a name more suited to me, I have always liked the
name of...
• If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
-I would like to change the political situation.
• If you could be a Marvel Comics superhero, who would you like to be?
-I would like to be like Iron Man.
• If you won an all-paid trip, where would you go?
- I would like to go to all of Europe.
• If you had a new dog, what would you name it?
-I would like to call it "burrito."
• If you were on a desert island, what three things would you take?
- I would like to bring a lighter, pots and a bed.
• If you had a drink, what would you prefer, beer or wine?
- I would prefer to have a beer and accompany it with wings.
• If you opened a business, what would it be?
-I would like a cafeteria.
• If you could choose, would you rather travel the world or have a lot of
-I would prefer to travel the world, definitely.

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