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VW O53: 0 8 DL G3 3) =— 6 ¢°@ Gum 4, When do people do the things in Exercise 1? —= Write four sentences. whispers People do this when theyre in thewinema VOCABULARY Communicating 5, Read your sentences from Exercise 4 to your ©. 1 Match the words with the photos (1-8) and partner. Can they guess the words? 301" definitions (9-11). Then listen, check and repeat. describe post translate | gesture (_) shake hands wave Guess the correct answer. How many messages do people around the world text every minute? a 16million b 16million € 160 million Find another interesting fact about how people communicate. Then write a question for your partner to answer. greet shout whisper interpret smile ‘say what someone is saying in another language 10 put something on a blog or website 11. say what someone or somethings like No more language lessons? country, but you can't speak the language. What can you do? Speak more slowly? Gesture with your hands? Well, you can try, but those things won't work for every situation. Luckily, now there's a solution: the Pilot, the world’s first ‘smart earpiece’ (@) | magine you're travelling in a different It's really easy to use. You put the eorpiece in ‘your ear and the other person puts one: In theirs. When you speak, the earpiece translates what you ay, So the other person hears what you said but in their own language. fis for back as the 1950s, machines could translate written texts, but they could not interpret spoken language. Things are very different today. The Pilot can already translate, between English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese, and in the future, you'll be able to chat with speakers of many more languages. ‘Some scientists say that machine translation won't bbe able to replace human translation completely. Machines con understand people when they speck dlearly, but they can't clays understand people when they whisper or tell jokes. However, the. technology uses artificial intelligence to leorn and Is improving ropidly, so maybe in a few more yeors the Pilot will be able to do these things, too. What does this mean for learning languages? Will tourists be able to travel without a dictionary or a guide? Will students be able to forget about grommor? Will we be able to understand every language perfectly? Not yet, but one thing is cleor; devices like the Pilot will be able to help. 36 SPREAD THE WORD! | UNIT 3 READING An article aA 1 Read the article. How can we communi people who don’t speak our language? 2. Circle the correct answers. 1 What the writer trying to do in this text? 2 Give advice about learning languages. b_ Describe anew invention. ¢_ Explain why they like machine translation, d_ Emphasise the importance of artificial intelligence. 2. What does the writer say about machine- translation technology? a Itworks for all languages. bb Itis getting better all the time, € Itis usually perfect. 4d Itishelpful in al situations. 3. What does the writer say about learning languages? 2 We don't need dictionaries anymore. b_ Inthe future, only tour guides will speak different languages. € Itis still necessary to study languages. 4d. We will be able to learn a language very quickly. 3 Find the adverbs in the arti 1 lucky (paragraph 1) 2 complete (paragraph 3) 3. clear (paragraph 3) 4 5 le for the adjectives. luckily. rapid (paragraph 3) perfect (paragraph 4) 4, Discuss the questions. 1 Would you buy one of these earpieces? Why / Why not? 2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of these earpieces? LANGUAGE IN ACTION can, could, will be able to Which tips does he give? PST ana Pert rd As far back as the 1950s, machines * translate written texts. Present = | They? always understand people. Future 2 | Willwebe? to understand every language perfectly? = 1 Complete the examples in the table above. Use the article on page 36 to help you. 2 Circle the correct options. 11 Most people ... Swahili but they know the ‘Swahili word safari. It means ‘journey’. a b could speak willbe able to speak 2. Don’t speak too quietly during the presentation tomorrow. People... hear you. a willbe ableto b won'tbe able < won't be able to 3. Many Ancient Romans ... speak both Latin and Greek a could 4 1...understand why he was shouting, a won'tbeableto b couldn't ¢ couldn't to 5. me translate this report tomorrow? a Willyou beableto b Canyouto © Will you can 6 Carlosis bilingual. He English perfectly. acan't b can b can't ¢ can speak Spanish and could 3. Complete the text with the correct form of can, could or will be able to. Then listen and check. For centuries, nobody 1 could read Egyptian hieroglyphics, but in 1799 archaeologists discovered a large black Stone in the desert, They? believe how lucky they were. On the stone there was a text written in hieroglyphics and two other languages. This meant they finally translate hieroglyphics. Today, you" see the Rosetta Stone in the British Museum, Most Visitors ° read the text (only the experts know how to do that!), but there are translations in different languages so you ‘ Understand what it says. ee if you visit, go very early in the morning, ’s so popular you” see it if get there late, ae 4, Write in your notebook something you ... 1 could do in the past. 2. couldn't doin the past. 3. can sometimes do. 4 will be able to do in the future. 5 won't be able to do in the future, stand on my head 5 Tell your partner your answers from Exercise 4. Can they guess what they are about? Stand on my head. Isit something you won't be able to do in the future? UNIT 3 | SPREAD THE WORD! 37 LISTENING AND Qvoiceie VOCABULARY 3, Discuss the questions. A radio interview 1. How many languages do you speak? 2. Isitimportant to learn other languages? 3. What's difficult about learning a language? Collocations with say and tell 4 Complete the table with the words and phrases. °°" "Then listen, check and repeat. hello ajoke alie astory someonea secret jing initalian sorry thetruth yes/no Say yesino 1 Listen to a radio interview with James #08" about conlangs (invented languages). Why do people invent languages like Elvish? GJ LEARN TO LEARN Using flash cards When you learn new collocations, make flash cards so you can test yourself on the words. > N Listen again and circle the correct answers. & 1 James says invented languages... a_are similar to English. 25 Make flash cards for the collocations in Exercise 4. Write say or tell on one side and the rest of the b can help people to communicate. collocation on the other. Then test your partner. ¢ arenew, 2. James speaks Elvish with ... Quseits a his family : ; : 6 Write sentences in your notebook about the last time b readers of The Lord of the Rings. you dla the thingsin Exercise 4 Cee The last time | sald hello was when | came into class 3. Before he was 16, James spoke ... thismamiog a fourlanguages. b five languages. c six languages. 4 Later, James is going to .. When was the last The last time I said hello a make a speech. time you said hello? ‘was 15 minutes ago. 7 Compare your answers from Exercise 6 and ask for more information. b learn Turkish. Really? Who did speak to the radio listeners. a a you say hello to? 38 SPREAD THE WORD! | UNIT 3 LANGUAGE IN ACTION Present perfect with for/since and Ma eo acid DTU CR Cea eo Lae People have invented conlangs* hundreds of years. I've loved languages? Iwas litle How long have you studied Elvish? 1 Read the information below. Then complete the examples in the table above. We use for with periods of time and since when we talk about a specific time. P’ve been here for hours. ¥ NOT Pve-beenhere-sinee =: X I’ve been here since 1 pm. 7 NOT Fvebeen here for. K 2. Complete the sentences with for or since. 1 F'velived here for 2 Billy has had the same phone along time. 3. Mr Wilson has worked here 2015. 4 A Howlonghave you known your best friend? about six months. B we were seven years old. 5 Ihaven't eaten hours. 3, Write questions and answers with How long, for, since and the present perfect. 1 Elena / study French How long has Elena studied French? Elena has studied French for ten years. 2 Igor /live in Moscow five months ten years 3. Bill and Lucy / be married 2010 Present perfect and past simple 4, Look at the sentences. Which tense do we use for actions which started and finished in the past? 1 Pve studied it for about five years. 2. Someone told a joke in Elvisht A5 Circle the correct answers. Then listen and 588 check. BEN — Howare you? I ‘didn’t hear, Geardfrom you for nearly a week. MARIO. Sorry! |?was / 've been so busy since got / have got here. BEN How's the conference? MARIO. It's great. There are so many cool people here speaking so many different languages. BEN “Did you see / Have you seen much of New York? MARIO. On my first day, |*saw / ‘ve seen the Empire State Building. Tomorrow I'm going to the Museum of Modern Art. 'm really excited. BEN — Wow! How long ‘did you want / have ‘you wanted to go there? Years! MARIO I know! Anyway, I'm going to get a burger and fries with some friends | ‘made | 've made last night. | haven't eaten anything ‘since / for this morning. Catch you later! 6 Write questions for your partner with How long and the ideas in the box. be atthis school have your phone knowyourbestfriend study English How long have you known your best friend? (7 Askand answer the questions in Exercise 6. ‘Ask past simple questions to find out more. UNIT 3 | SPREAD THE WORD! 39 SPEAKING Asking for something you need Q. 1 Listen to the conversation. What does Cristina want to buy? ASSISTANT Hello, can | help you? CRISTINA Erm, oh dear! I'm sorry, | can't speak English very well but 'm looking for ...oh, what's it called? Sorry, I can't remember the word!? It’s akindof liquid. You putitt on your face at the beach.? protect your skin from the sun. ASSISTANT Do you mean sunblock? CRISTINA Yep, that’s it! Sunblock, Thank you! ASSISTANT No worries, here you go. Anything else? CRISTINA Yes. Do you have ... oh, what’s the word? > ‘earphones. You put them in your ears. You use them when it’s noisy. : be able to sleep! ASSISTANT You mean earplugs? CRISTINA Yes, thank you! Phew! Now I'l be able to sleep! €©.2. Complete the conversation with the phrases 508 from the Useful language box. Then listen and check. mes Ineed them to Weakind of They're similarto ... You use ito. 40 SPREAD THE WORD! | UNIT 3 SPEAK English boxes. CHECK 7 Work with another pair. Listen to their 3 Match the sentences (1-4) with the correct responses in the Everyday English box. 1. Thanks for helping me with my homework. 2. Can you come to the party? 3. Don't worry. The spider's gone. 4 I broke my phone! Cee Oar Noworries. (_) Ohdear! (_} Phew! (_) Yep. (_) 4, Look at the objects. Work in pairs. What do you use these things for? bo ii 5 Plana conversation. One of you isa ‘customer and the other is a shop assistant. 1. Decide which object you want to ask for. 2. Think about how you can ask for the object when you don't know what it’s called. 6 Practise the conversation. Remember to use can, could, will be able to and phrases from the Useful language and Everyday conversation and decide which object they're talking about. WRITING 3. Put a-d in the order they appear in the listicle. aa a (J interesting facts about his life A listicle b () ashort ending to make the reader think |] Look at the picture. How many languages can c (_) atitle that makes you want to find out more you name? Can you speak any of them? d (J ageneral introduction to the topic Pr ~ a 4. Complete the listicle with the words and ; 3 ieee hrases in the Useful language box. a (en a reallly cv Hallo [I Useful language ama Peieeem | all(his)life before lateron overthe last few years since soon these days Write your own listicle PLAN 5 Read the notes. Then write your own notes. : about a person who has an amazing talent. 2. Read the listicle. Which languages can Alex speak? Title: David and his amazing memory Introduction: My friend David. I've known him for five years. amen icyou’ In another Meet Alex, the amazing lang Most of us can say ‘hel and thar snguage, but Alex Rawlings can speak many languages. Interesting facts: He can remember every foe ‘ 6 : book he has read. He could remember phone numbers when he was a young child. Here are seven reasons why Alex's ami He has loved languages! and can speak 4 intotal He grew up speaking Greek and Engish ‘Aga teenager he learned languages for fun 2 hhe was 18, he could speak. French, German, Spanish, Catalan, Hebrew, Dutch, Afrikaans and allan. Short ending: | hope David will be able to help me remember English vocabulary! 6 Decide what information to include. Use the information in Exercise 3 to help you. WRITE 7 Write your listicle. Remember to include 3 he studied Russian and t an introduction, interesting facts and a German at university. * then, I short ending, can, could, will be able to, hehas learned Serbian, Hungarian and Viddish. i the correct past tenses and words and : In.2012,he became Britains most multiingl student phrases from the Useful language box. : hhe has organised mary CHECK i conferences. 8 Doyou... ° Alex is too busy working to + have an introduction to the topic? + give interesting facts about the person's lifer study more languages, but he hopes tolearm more Next time youre studying a language, dont think, | wont be able to do this, but say ‘Ves, L cant. UNIT 3 | SPREAD THE WORD! 41 here in the future without 4 MrHicks greeted everyone and said learning the language: Sol practised and got bette. everything yet, but I'm sure that after a 00 5 When | visit italy, few more years |* English really well. When a_ my friend interprets for me. people ask, ‘What about me? ® another een language one day? Itellthem, Work hard, andyou shake hands when we meet — someone new. 4, Complete the conversation with the correct form of the d lots of messages on social media. present perfect or past simple, Use the verbs in brackets. © intohis friend’s ear. INTERVIEWER How many languages can you speak, Jo? 2. Complete the textwith the phrases. J Three. English, Spanish and Russian. inthe box and say or tell. INTERVIEWER Excellent. And how long (work) as a tour guide? hello jokes something Jo Well, 1? (start) in 2008, so stories thetruth yes : you a secret (be) a guide for over ten years. INTERVIEWER Can you interpret from and into Russian? My friend is getting married in Madrid. JO eer ical Fes ate He's asked me to make a speech at his Hes ery UNS ena (aera wedding and | Moscow for two years. but hate making speeches. People INTERVIEWER Can you start work next week? JO Of course. Thank you - Spasibo! expect you to? and make them laugh. Ican : about when we were at school together, but that's all. Fat b ET Ts tS He wants me to * funny in Spanish but can! {can talk about communicatingin English. @2) 2 I've told him | speak Spanish, but | only know how Ican use collocations with say andtell, 2D = ‘sans Idandwillbeabletoto ay as gy best to” . I can use can, coul talk about ability. can use the present perfect with for, since and How ong... ? eee I can use the present perfect and past simple. eee 44 SPREAD THE WORD! | UNIT 3 LEARN TO LEARN NES aw oa} ¥ LEARN TO... RECORD COLLOCATIONS IN DIFFERENT WAYS If you choose the best way for you, you'll remember them more easily. ee 1. Complete the collocation box, table and $B 2 Play Beep! Say asentence with acollocation from “p « spidergram with the correct words and phrases. Exercise 1. Don't say the verb - say beep! Can your & partner guess the missing word? B appointment cancel doctor's. late Aa 7 noise phone school 6pm Twant to beep? Make! 1 beep? = anappointment school at 4 o'clock Collocation box for appointment with Dr Smith. enna make an al amine | WNIT 2h /dentist’s| 1K) = = 3. Use the words and phrases below to make i collocation boxes for friend and take in yournotebook, Use the collocation box [= Collocation table for make/do ‘ make | do — for appointment to help you. 5 v |. |amiotes ‘aclose along-time anold aschool d L ¥_| the shopping aselfie makea thebest the bus = 4 7_[welbadly inan exam YM 1 v iam 4, Copy the spidergram below in your = ¥__| your homework notebook. Then complete it with the Sy 7 | the housework words and phrases. » ) v the bed a Collocation spidergram for have ee we ——— talking / speaking ) (food and drink ¥ c Collocation spidergram for leave + leave at”. + leave home achat aconversation acup of coffee ‘good/bad time breakfast something to eat the time of yout a + leave early /® + leave” me + leave on time + leave work ~eL 5 Make a collocation table for do, go and play in your notebook. Then complete it other phrases Finish with the words. + leave the TV / light on + leave your job 10 . sak, basketball cards exercise football ( + leave your key /® athome ||] + leave school sketb - 1 jogging karate skiing tennis + leave a message for someone + leave university c WIL Wrens (El Ciel ABC LEARNING OUTCOMES eee 5 eer ee ee) to) eee elilal fl ory Cree ees | eevee se . 4 meme unt a s eee ether) Oma =~ Look at the photo. Do you think the person is healthy? Why? 2. Before you watch, do you exercise your mind? How? 3. Name three things that emotional intelligence helps you do. Watch and check. Are you emotionally intelligent? reo eee erated eyes ees Pera ven hat) sar tar an es VOCABULARY Health and fitness A. 1 Match the words and phrases with the photos and repeat. cough relax get better sneeze get enough sleep sweat get ill ) train get stressed go jogging have a fever warmup workout [ 10 to become sick 11 to exercise gently before doing sport 12 tostop feelingill 13. to practise a sport regularly (GJ LEARN To LEARN Recording vocabulary by topic ‘Add new words to different pages in your notebook for different topics. 2, Label one page in your notebook ‘health’ and another ‘fitness’. Add the phrases from Exercise 1, and think of and add more. {% 3 Tell your partner your extra phrases. Can they guess if they’re about health or fitness? (1-9) and definitions (10-13). Then listen, check Quse it! 4 Complete the questions with words from Exercise 1, Then write two more questions. 1 When wasthelast time you got + ill? 2 Have you ever afever? 3. How often do you stressed? 4 Doyouever go 2 5 Ask and answer the questions in Exercise 4. When was the last time you got ill2 It was about three months ago. Guess the correct answer. Your sneezes can travel up to ... kilometres per hour. a 50 b 100 160 Find another interesting fact about the human body. Then write a question for your partner to answer. Send us your questions about staying healthy in space. How many movies have you seen about life i space? It looks fun, right? Bu Our readers have asked us lots of questions about life on the International Space Station (ISS). The list is too long to answer all of them, but we've answered four of the best ones. They do a lot! They go on space walks, repair things. do experiments and communicate with Earth. But too much ‘work isn’t good for anyone and we all need a little fun! Astronauts play games, watch movies and listen to musi. If they get stressed, they relax by enjoying the incredible vviews of our beautiful planet from space. Yes, it does. Gravity is very weak so everything floats — imagine sneezing in space! This means it's easy to lift ‘things. Astronauts train a lot on Earth, but if they don’t do enough exercise in space, their muscles and hearts lose strength and their bones get weaker, and this can happen in just o few weeks! These are only a few examples of the problems astronauts can have. Sometimes, when they get back to Earth, they're not strong enough to walk! The ‘answer is exercise and not just a little exercise - « lot! READING Online FAQs 1. Guess the answers to the questions. a How much exercise do astronauts do? b How and what do astronauts eat? ¢ What do astronauts do on the International ‘Space Station every day? d_ Does the body change in space? e When and how do astronauts sleep? ©. 2 Read the text. Match the questions (a-e) from oo 1 with the answers (1-4) in the text. Which question is not answered? UO 48 HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY MIND | UNIT 4 Well, quite « lot. Take Japanese astronaut Koichi Wokate, for example. He lived on the ISS for 188 days and worked out for at least two hours every day. Some astronauts ge jogging! One astronaut, Chris Hadfield, even ran marathon in space! Good question. We all need to get enough sleep. but in space, with I6 sunrises and I6 sunsets every 24 hours, that's not easy. Too many changes from day to night ‘make it difficult to know when to sleep. so astronauts have very strict routines and wear special blindfolds to block out the sunlight. 3. Find words in the text that mean ... 1 the force that makes objects fall to the ground (answer 2). 2. the noun from the adjective ‘strong’ (answer 2). 3. avery long race (answer 3). 4. times when the sun appearsin the morning (answer). 4, Discuss the questions. 1 How do you think astronauts train before going into space? 2. Would you like to live on the ISS? Why / Why not? LANGUAGE IN ACTION Quantifiers Adjectives Countable nouns How many hours of sleep Cera eC Ca Rs Pcie Uncountable nouns 2 much work isn’t good The list is too long. Too many changes from day tonight. | 5, anyone Areyouold enough tobe —_| Wehave enough chairs. We all need to get® sleep, anastronaut? : They'renot strong* This can happen in just ® few weeks. | Weallneed* little fun, 1 Complete the examples in the table above. Use the text on page 48 to help you. 1ed words in the sentences 2. Replace the under! ith a few or a little. 1 Ihave some time to do my homework but not much, alittle 2 Ido some exercises to warm up. 3. The team has three or four good players. 4 Lonly got four hours sleep! 3. Write sentences about the situations with not ‘enough or too and the words in brackets. 1 There are 12 students in the class but only 11 chairs. (be / chairs) There aren't enough chairs. 2 Jowas wearing shorts and a T-shirt in the cold weather. Now she’s sick, (wear / clothes) 3. Jake is 16. He wants a car but he can’t drive until he's 18. (young / drive) 4 |want to go out, but I'm coughing and sneezing and have a fever. (sick / go out) Too does not mean the same as very. We use too to mean ‘more than enough’. We use very to make an adjective or adverb stronger. I'm very happy. Let’s celebrate. 7 NOT Hm-too-happy.-tet's celebrate. X 4. Complete the conversation with the correct quantifiers, Then listen and check. ‘A Hey, how was the game? B Welost. The other team were just? too strong. We weren’t even good ? to score one goal! We spent too? time defending and not * time attacking, ‘A Maybe you aren't doing* training, You always lose! B No, we don't. We've won a games this season, A. Butifyou lose too” games, you'll be out of the competition, B iknow! We need a* luck! 5 Complete the sentences about you. Then compare with a partner. Yesterday, | ate too many Last week, | didn’t get enough Last summer, | saw a few Last night, I drank alittle My parents don't have enough | usually have too much UNIT 4 | HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY MIND 49 ourune VOCABULARY AND Quseit: LISTENING 4, Work in pairs. Use the words from Exercise 1 to Healthy eal talk about the Eatwell Plate. eal eatin ¥ 7 Bananas have got a lot of vitamins. 2.1 Complete the health facts with the words in the box. Then listen, check and repeat. abalanced diet calories carbohydrates dairy products fat fibre protein nutrition vitamins The Eatwell Plate OE OF 9 GBR) Tieips the body to Carbohydrates grewand be . . guethebedy STRONG. (CHEESE An interview most of its and BUTTER ENERGY. BO Emainsloco 5, Read the health advice. Do you agree or 40°" disagree? Listen and check. © © © we, QP chocolate is bad for you. tsin (A, B,C, et ane foods such as CARS ee? © esimportant to drink eight FRUIT. Include | substances chat Stasses of water a day Ie helps food pass oe sees eetet MILK cep ene boy © wating up cing the ict made from is bad for your health, 6 ik eo" sensi abays bua © tre number @) @ A itl exercise every cay ‘of x © is is better than a lot of, tells us how much about the food oO exercise once a weok ENERGY isa You EAT and how is in food. mixture of" ealfects your DIFFERENT = HEALTH. A G Listen again and complete the professor’s advice. yo Serer AH | 05 Nonsone It’s a good idea to... It’s a bad idea to... eat lots of fruit and vegetables. | count calories. oO LEARN TO LEARN — _ Cognates Scientific words are often similar in different pe 4 languages. There are sometimes small differences in a spelling or pronunciation. : | 2. Which of the words from Exercise 1 are similar in @Qyiveieeiig) jour language? ” eee 7 Discuss the questions. ¥& 3. Say aword to your partner. They spell the word 1 Can you think of any other advice? correctly. Then swap. 2 Are people in your country today healthier than 50 years ago? Why / Why not? 50 HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY MIND | UNIT 4 LANGUAGE IN ACTION should, shouldn't and ought to ASIC} Reece nate Pee ena Rees We should eat the right things. Abalanced diet ought * include some fat. We shouldn’t eat too many bad carbohydrates. we do to be healthy? 1 Complete the examples in the table above. 2. Match the problems with the advice. Then use the prompts to write sentences with should, shouldn't and ought to. 1 Thavea fever. 6 You should stay in bed and you shoulditt-go to school 2 Myeyes are tired. 3. Myteam loses every game! 4 | sneeze a lot in the summer. train harder not walk in the countryside stayin bed and-not go to school not look at your phone before bed agooe fe3 Use the prompts to write questions with should. Then ask and answer with a partner. 1 I /do /improve my English What: should | do to improve my English? You should watch films in English. 2 people /doto be happy 3. people / do tobe healthier © 4. Complete the ultra-marathon advice with should, “® "shouldn't and ought to. Then listen and check. NEW TO ULTRA. PW MARATHONS? Here are our top five tips. ‘Well, you ‘shouldn't try the 100 k ~ it's too difficult. You 2 to start with the 50k, 2 You? to train most days, but you 4 cilso rest one day a week, On training days, you ® run foo much - few hours is fine! Add a few extra kilometres ‘each time. 3 You* eat well in the moming and, during the maraithon itself, drink lots of werter (but you definitely” rink too much — that's dangerous) 4 If there are a few hills, its OK to walk up them. You* to save your energy for the end of the ultra-marathon, 5 Finally, you* stay positive. In 2016, 70-year-old Bob Becker 1an 469 kmn! If he can do it, you com! 5. Read the silly opinions and think of reasons to support them. 1 Students should wear hats in class. Students should wear hats in class because ‘there isn't time to do our hair inthe morning, 2 Pokémon ought to be an Olympic sport. 3. Teachers shouldn't give homework on Tuesdays. 4. Everybody should have a snake as a pet. 5 People shouldn't eat sweets at the weekend. 6G Compare your ideas from Exercise 5. UNIT 4 | HEALTHY BODY, HEALTHY MIND 51

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