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Estimado aprendiz, tenga en cuenta los siguientes puntos y desarróllelos para subir la evidencia.

La actividad a continuación se desarrollará teniendo en cuenta lo visto en formación. Tenga en

cuenta las estructuras y significados explicados en clase. Desarrolle y adjunte la evidencia en la
plataforma antes de la fecha programada y practique para hacer una intervención verbal
aplicando el pasado progresivo.

Diríjase al siguiente link y desarrolle las actividades en el nivel fácil para repasar lo visto en clase,
adjunte pantallazo de su resultado al final de este formato para tener un referente.


Complete the sentences using the past continuous:

1. A group of teenagers were staying at the hotel. ( to stay)

2. At 11 o´clock Jane was watching television. ( to watch)
3. Carol and Tim were having dinner. ( to have)
4. Was George waiting for the bus? ( George / to wait)
5. They were not driving very fast. ( not / to drive)
6. Were they not going out together? ( they / not / to go)
7. Carol was wearing a really beautiful dress. ( to wear)
8. Was susan looking at Dr. Morgan? ( Susan / to look)
9. Were her parents talking about her? ( her parents / to talk)
10. Weren”t you running? ( you / not / to run)
11. The policeman wasn”t writing his report? ( the policeman / not / to write)
12. They were having a good meal? ( They / to have)
13. Why was he standing there? ( he / to stand)
14. Why weren”t they eating anything? ( they / not / to eat)
15. Was he getting into the taxi? ( he / to get)
16. She was trying a new hat. ( to try)
17. Were they making coffee? (they / to make)
18. They were not living abroad. (not / to live)
19. The phone was ringing. (to ring)
20. They were helping me with the washing up. ( to help)

Write a brief description of the events that took place in the short film “The other side of
the box” by using the past progressive:

She was fleeing when he was chasing her.

He was looking for him while he was hiding.
He was walking when the bird spotted him.
He was eating while they were attacking him.

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