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OSCE 2024

Q3 year old, history of atrial fibrillation, with
vomiting and weakness.Interpertate the ECG and
what is your diagnosis?
Q7 A)What is the name of
this instrument?
B)Mention three
contraindications for its
Q8 A)What is your diagnosis?
B)Mention three lines of treatment?
Q9 A)What is your diagnosis?
B)What is causative agent?
C)Mention two complications of this disease?
Q10 A)What is the name of this plant?
B)What is the toxidrome caused by this plant?
Q11 60 year female presented
with Shortness of breath. Neck
swelling. Three days of
odynophagia/dysphagia. No
What is your diagnosis?
Q12 A)Interpertate this ECG?
B)What is the diagnosis?
Q14 A)What is the name of this sign?
B)What is the diagnosis?
Q15 A)What is the name of this sign?
B)What is the diagnosis?
Q17 A)What is the name of this sign?
B)What is the diagnosis?
Q18 A)What is the diagnosis?
B)What is the complication of this disease?

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