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An original amigurumi pattern from

Bubbles And Bongo


Rooney the Chipmunk

Etsy shop:!

Original pattern by: LittleAquaGirl (Instagram: @littleaquagirl)
Copyright © BubblesAndBongo 2015. All rights reserved.

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Dear fellow crochet lover,

First of all, thank you so much for purchasing this pattern!

We are more than happy for you to gift or sell any items you produce from this
pattern but request that you provide a link to our Etsy shop BubblesAndBongo and
credit @littleaquagirl as the designer.

Much love, time and effort have gone into designing this amigurumi creation and we
would appreciate if you do not share, reproduce or sell this pattern either in its
entirety or in parts.

We would love to see your finished creation, so please do tag @littleaquagirl on


Never hesitate to contact us through our Etsy shop should you have any questions
with regards to this pattern…we will do all we can to help you as best as we can!

With love,

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Pattern instructions: This pattern is written using American terminology and is worked in
continuous rounds. The finished product using the materials described in this pattern from the top
of Rooney’s head to his toes is 4.75 inches or 12 cm.

Skill level: Beginner

Materials required (descriptions in brackets indicate those used in the pictured example):

1. Yarn (For Rooney: Drops Safran in Off White or Light Brown, White; For acorn bag: cotton
blend 8 ply by Patons in Linen and Brown)
2. Crochet hook in accordance with the yarn you use (For Drops Safran: 2.25 mm; For cotton
blend 8 ply by Patons: 2.5 mm)
3. Polyester fibrefill
4. Black embroidery thread for eyes, nose and mouth
5. Black embroidery thread or cotton blend 8 ply by Patons yarn in black for the stripes
6. Pink and white felt
7. Fabric glue
8. Stitch markers, darning and embroidery needles


ch = chain dec = decrease inc = increase

rnd = round sc = single crochet sl st = slip stitch st = stitch

A very quick guide to the stitches used in this pattern in alphabetical order (note there are fantastic
resources online for more detail):

1. Chain (ch): Insert hook, yarn over, pull loop through loop on hook.
2. Decrease (dec): I prefer to use the “invisible” decrease. For this, insert hook into front loop of
first stitch (from the front and under). Repeat into front loop of next stitch. Yarn over and pull
loop through both loops on hook.
3. Increase (inc): Work two single crochets into the same stitch.
4. Magic ring: Wrap yarn around fingers to form a loop. Insert hook through middle of loop. Pull
working end of yarn through ring and chain the required number of stitches through. Pull the
yarn ends to close the loop.
5. Single crochet (sc): Insert hook, yarn over, pull loop through stitch (there should be 2 loops on
hook), yarn over, pull loop through both loops on hook.
6. Slip stitch (st): Insert hook, yarn over, pull loop through stitch and loop on hook.

! 3
ROONEY THE CHIPMUNK (use Drops Safran yarn unless otherwise stated, 2.25 mm
crochet hook)

Head (in Off White or Light Brown):

Rnd 5 Back of head

Starting from the top

Rnd 1: Start 8 sc in a magic ring [8] Magic
Rnd 2: Work 2 sc in each st around [16] ring
Rnd 3: (Sc in next st, inc in next st) x 8 [24] Rnd 6
Rnd 4: (Sc in each of next 2 st, inc in next st) x 8 [32]
Rnd 5: (Sc in each of next 3 st, inc in next st) x 8 [40]
Rnd 6: (Sc in each of next 19 st, inc in next st) x 2 [42] Front of head

Rnd 7-13: Sc in each st around [42] Picture 1

To sew the stripes on Rooney, depending on your preference, you can use either black embroidery
thread (as seen in the pictured examples of the Light Brown version) or the thicker cotton blend 8
ply by Patons in black (as seen in the Off White version). After Rnd 13, use the black thread/yarn
and sew three stripes on the top of the head. The stripes should fall between Rnd 4 and 5 behind
the starting magic ring and Rnd 6 and 7 in front of the starting magic ring. I use backstitch to sew
the stripes on with one stitch across each round (Picture 1).

Rnd 14: (Sc in each of next 6 st, inc in next st) x 6 [48]
Rnd 15: Sc in each st around [48]
Rnd 16: (Sc in each of next 7 st, inc in next st) x 6 [54] Rnd 12
Rnd 17-18: Sc in each st around [54]
Rnd 19: (Sc in each of next 7 st, dec) x 6 [48]
Rnd 20: (Sc in each of next 6 st, dec) x 6 [42] Rnd 15
Rnd 21: (Sc in each of next 5 st, dec) x 6 [36]
Rnd 22: (Sc in each of next 4 st, dec) x 6 [30]
Picture 2

After Rnd 22, embroider the eyes, nose and mouth with black embroidery thread as seen in
Picture 2. The top inside corners of his eyes should start between Rnd 12 and 13, 6 st apart. The
outside corners of his eyes should finish between Rnd 13 and 14. His nose should be embroidered
over two stitches between Rnd 15 and 16.

Rnd 23: (Sc in next st, dec) x 10 [20]

Rnd 24: (Sc in next 2 st, dec) x 5. Sl st in next st. Fasten off and weave the tail in [15]

Stuff the head firmly.

! 4
Legs x 2 (in Off White or Light Brown):

Starting from the bottom

Rnd 1: Start 6 sc in a magic ring [6]
Rnd 2: Work 2 sc in each st around [12]
Rnd 3: (Sc in each of next 3 st, inc) x 3 [15]
Rnd 4-6: Sc in each st around [15]

Picture 3
After Rnd 6, sl st in next st, fasten off and weave end in.

Repeat as for LEG 1. At the end of Rnd 6 do not fasten off and we will work into the body.

Before starting the body, I recommend setting up three markers as seen in Picture 3. The first
marker (pink) goes into the last st of Rnd 6 of LEG 2. The second marker (blue) goes into the st
after that marked with the pink marker. The third marker (orange) goes into a st on LEG 1. These
markers will help you keep track of where the start and end of each leg are.

Stuff the legs with polyester fibrefill at this point.

Body (in Off White or Light Brown):

Rnd 1: Working from the end of LEG 2. Ch 3. Sc into the st after the orange marker on LEG
1 (Picture 3). Mark this stitch with a fourth marker (green, Picture 4). Sc in next 15 st
around LEG 1. Sc in each of the three ch st created earlier. Sc in next 15 st around
LEG 2. Replace all markers as you go just for Rnd 1[36]
Rnd 2-13: Sc in each st around [36]
Rnd 14: (Sc in each of next 4 st, dec) x 6 [30]
Rnd 15: Sc in each st around [30]
Rnd 16: (Sc in each of next 3 st, dec) x 6 [24]
Rnd 17: Sc in each st around [24]
Rnd 18: (Sc in each of next 2 st, dec) x 6 [18]
Rnd 19: Sc in each st around [18]
Rnd 20: (Sc in each of next 4 st, dec) x 3 [15]
Picture 4

After Rnd 20, sl st in next st, fasten off and leave a long tail for sewing the body to the head.
Stuff the body with polyester fibrefill.

! 5
Arms x 2 (in Off White or Light Brown):

Starting from the bottom

Rnd 1: Start 6 sc in a magic ring [6]

Rnd 2: (Sc in next st, inc in next st) x 3 [9]
Rnd 3-14: Sc in each st around [9]
Picture 5
After Rnd 14, flatten the arms (as in Picture 5).
Sc across both sides of the tail in each of the next 3 st to close the opening.
Fasten off leaving a long tail for attaching the arm to the body.

Ears x 2 (in Off White or Light Brown):

Starting from the middle

Rnd 1: Start 6 sc in a magic ring [6]

Rnd 2: Work 2 sc in each st around [12]
Picture 6
Rnd 3: (Sc in next st, inc in next st) x 6 [18]

After Rnd 3, weave in the tail left from the magic ring towards
the st on your hook (Picture 6). Fold the ear in half and sc
across both sides of the ear in the next st to keep the ear
folded (Picture 7). Fasten off leaving a tail for attaching the
ear to the head.

Picture 7
Tail (in Off White or Light Brown):

Starting from the tip of the tail

Rnd 1: Start 6 sc in a magic ring [6]

Rnd 2: (Sc in next st, inc in next st) x 3 [9]
Rnd 3-4: Sc in each st around [9]
Rnd 5: (Sc in each of next 2 st, inc in next st) x 3 [12]
Rnd 6: (Sc in each of next 3 st, inc in next st) x 3 [15]

At this stage, fasten an extra long piece of black embroidery thread/yarn on the inside of the tail
and bring the loose end through the magic ring such that it is on the outside of the tip of the tail.
We will use this later to embroider the three stripes on the tail.

! 6
Rnd 7: (Sc in each of next 4 st, inc in next st) x 3 [18]
Rnd 8: (Sc in each of next 5 st, inc in next st) x 3 [21]
Rnd 9-11: Sc in each st around [21]
Rnd 12: Sc in each of next 19 st, dec [20]
Rnd 13: Sc in each of next 18 st, dec [19]
Rnd 14: Sc in each of next 17 st, dec [18]
Rnd 15: Sc in each of next 16 st, dec [17]
Rnd 16: Sc in each of next 15 st, dec [16] Rnd 17
Rnd 17: Sc in each of next 14 st, dec [15]
Rnd 18: Sc in each of next 13 st, dec [14] 1 2 3
Rnd 19: Sc in each of next 12 st, dec [13] Direction to
Rnd 20: Sc in each of next 11 st, dec [12] sew stripes

Rnd 21: Sc in each of next 10 st, dec [11]

Picture 8

Embroider the three stripes in the order as seen in Picture 8. Use backstitch to sew the stripes on
with one stitch going across two rounds. The stripes should fall between the tip of the tail to
between Rnd 16 and 17. Fasten off and weave the end in.

Lightly stuff the tail. Flatten the tail (as in Picture 5). Sc across both sides of the tail in each of the
next 4 st to close the opening. Fasten off leaving a long tail for attaching the tail to the body.

Tummy (in White):

Starting from the middle

Ch 7 and stitches will now be worked around both sides of the foundation chain.

Rnd 1: Start in the second ch from the hook, sc in next 5 st, 3 sc in next st, sc in next 4 st,
inc in the starting ch [14]
Rnd 2: Inc in next st, sc in next 4 st, inc in each of next 3 st, sc in next 4 st, inc in each of
next 2 st [20]
Rnd 3: Inc in next st, sc in next 5 st, (inc in next st, sc in next st) x 3, sc in next 4 st, (inc in
next st, sc in next st) x 2. Sl st in next st. Fasten off and leave a long tail for sewing
the tummy to the body [26]

! 7
ACORN BAG (use cotton blend 8 ply by Patons yarn, 2.5 mm crochet hook)

Body of acorn (in Linen):

Starting from bottom

Rnd 1: Start 6 sc in a magic ring [6]

Rnd 2: (Sc in next st, inc in next st) x 3 [9]
Rnd 3: (Sc in each of next 2 st, inc in next st) x 3 [12]
Rnd 4-7: Sc in each st around [12]
Rnd 8: Dec x 6. Fasten off leaving a long tail [6]

After Rnd 8, thread the tail through a needle. Weave the needle through the front loop of each of
the 6 st. Pull the yarn tail and the hole should close. Insert the needle through the middle of the
hole and pull through the body of the acorn and fasten off. This is the top of the body of the acorn.

Cap of acorn (in Brown):

Starting from top

Rnd 1: Start 6 sc in a magic ring [6]

Rnd 2: Work 2 sc in each st around [12]
Rnd 3: (Sc in each of next 3 st, inc in next st) x 3 [15]
Rnd 4: Sc in each st around. Fasten off leaving a long tail [15]

After Rnd 4, sew the cap onto the top of the body of the acorn. Fasten off and bring the yarn tail
through the top of the cap via the starting magic ring. Cut off the yarn to leave a little “stalk”.


1. With the yarn tail left from the body, sew Rooney’s body to his head with whip stitches.

2. Position the tummy in the middle of the body (~4 rnd down from the neck of the body) and sew
on (Picture 9).

3. Attach the arms between Rnd 18 and 19 of the body (2 rnd down from the neck of the body), 6
st apart in the front.

4. Attach the ears to Rnd 6 of the head.

! 8
5. Sew the tail onto his body. Position the tail as seen in Picture 10, the stripes should face the
front. I position the tail at an angle so that you can see the tail from the front. The top corner
should sit between Rnd 7 and 8 of the body. The bottom corner sits between Rnd 5 and 6.
Sew across the base of the tail and also secure the tail to the body with two additional stitches
as indicated by the positions of the green pins.

6. Crochet the strap for the acorn bag. Join brown cotton blend 8 ply by Patons yarn to any st on
the bottom rim of the cap of the acorn. Using a 2.5 mm crochet hook, Ch 35 and fasten off,
leaving a long tail to sew the end of the chain to the acorn. Place the chain around Rooney’s
body (cross body) and sew the free end of the chain to a st on the opposite side of the starting
st on the acorn cap.

7. Cut out two pink felt circles (~0.5 cm in diameter) for the rosy cheeks and teeth with the white
felt (shaped as seen in Picture 11). Use fabric glue to attach felt pieces to head. The pink felt
circles should sit over Rnd 15 and 16 of Rooney’s head about 8 st apart and the teeth below
his mouth.

~ 4 Rnds

Rnd 8
Rnd 15

Rnd 5

Picture 9 Picture 10 Picture 11

Little Rooney is all done!

We hope that you had fun making him…
We would love for you to share your creation with us!! (see how at start of pattern )
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