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University of Applied Sciences, Neu-Ulm

Faculty of Information Management

Systematic Literature Review

How can digital technologies be used to improve sustainable farming

Behnaz Baghaie Nejad - 330808

Zabiullah Amiri - 348708

Yonathan Debretsion - 357578

Tim Reichart - 225423

Course: Systematic Literature Review

Instructor: Prof. Dr. Chris Williams
Due Date: 07.02.2024
Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU)

Neu-Ulm / Germany
Declaration of Honor
We declare in our honor that we have written this Systematic Literature Review (SLR)
independently and that we have not used any sources or aids other than those indicated. We
have marked as such any thoughts taken directly or indirectly from external sources.
We also want to mention that We haven't shared this Systematic Literature Review with any
other exam office in a similar form, nor has it been published anywhere yet.

Neu - Ulm, 7 February 2024 / Zabiullah Amiri

Neu - Ulm, 7 February 2024 / Yonathan Debretsion

Neu - Ulm, 7 February 2024 / Tim Reichart

Neu - Ulm, 7 February 2024 / Behnaz Baghaie Nejad

1. Introduction...................................................................................................................................1
1.1. Digital Transformation............................................................................................................2
1.2. Digital Technology...................................................................................................................2
1.3. Sustainability............................................................................................................................3
1.4. Sustainable Farming practices.............................................................................................3
2. Method............................................................................................................................................4
2.1. Research questions.................................................................................................................4
2.2. Search process.........................................................................................................................5
2.3. Inclusion and exclusion criteria...........................................................................................5
3. Results............................................................................................................................................6
4. Findings..........................................................................................................................................6
5. Discussion.....................................................................................................................................7
6. Conclusion....................................................................................................................................9
7. Limitation.....................................................................................................................................10


Digitalization is gaining traction as a crucial factor in enhancing sustainable farming practices

within the agri-food industry. However, the adoption and implementation of digital technologies
face various obstacles that could hinder their potential impact on the sector. This study aims to
identify and comprehensively analyze these challenges through a literature review and provide
a framework for understanding their implications for sustainable development. The study
employs a structured literature review approach, categorizing the main challenges into three
dimensions: policy and regulation, economic and managerial, and socio environmental. By
examining these challenges, the study sheds light on the potential barriers to the adoption and
use of digital technologies in the agri-food industry. The study also discusses future research
directions and the practical implications of addressing these challenges, contributing to the
innovation management literature by providing a holistic and integrated perspective on the
challenges and opportunities of digitalization in the agri-food industry. To investigate the
research question, “How can digital technologies be used to improve sustainable farming
practices?”, the study proposes a structured literature review approach. This methodology
enables the identification and analysis of the challenges and opportunities associated with
digitalization in the agri-food industry, providing a comprehensive understanding of factors that
can facilitate or hinder the adoption of digital technologies in sustainable farming practices.

1. Introduction
In today’s world, digital technologies have become an indispensable part of every aspect of life
and a crucial component of business. From big data and robotics to artificial intelligence,
virtual and augmented reality, the Internet of Things, Blockchain, adaptive systems, bio, and
neuroethology, these technologies have advanced beyond their initial novelty phase and are
now essential to manage effectively to address the pressing challenges of our time, such as
climate change, global warming, and economic disruption (Shamin et al., 2019). These
challenges pose a threat to the sustainability of the global economy, and as such, it is
imperative to prioritize stability and prevent the exacerbation of cyclical fluctuations and new
global crises. Additionally, ensuring a high economic growth rate while maintaining a balance
between progress and environmental sustainability is essential for long-term economic
development (Bogoviz et al., 2019). Advances in technology have changed our diet and eating
habits, lifestyle, perception, and understanding of some environmental issues so agriculture is
directly related to these assumptions. (Yahya, 2018). These are process automation and
robotics, agricultural applications and information systems, cyber-physical systems, related
tools and machines, and the collection and analysis of large amounts of data. So far, attention
has been focused on the sustainability of agriculture by achieving the goals of flexibility and
efficiency through agricultural processes. In the future, the digital transformation of agriculture
should provide an answer to all the challenges of today and facilitate the struggle (Hrustek,
2020). The integration of technology in the agri-food industry, particularly through smart
agriculture, presents both opportunities and challenges. While digital technologies can
enhance efficiency and sustainability, their adoption poses economic, social, and
environmental challenges for firms and the industry (Annosi et al., 2020b). To effectively
promote more sustainable farming practices, policy strategies can be designed with both
short-term and long-term approaches to address the dispositional factors that influence
farmers' adoption of these practices. One short-term policy recommendation is to tailor policies
to individual farmers based on their unique characteristics, such as personality, level of
resistance to change, risk tolerance, moral and environmental concerns, and farming
objectives. For example, economic incentives may be targeted at farmers who prioritize profit
as their primary farming objective, as those with strong intrinsic motivations to protect the
environment may be less likely to respond positively to financial incentives (Dessart et al.,
2019). This study aims to gain a deeper understanding of the potential consequences of
digitalization in agriculture by considering the unique factors that influence its development
and impact in different regions and communities. To achieve this, the study employs a
methodological approach that considers the specific cultural, social, and economic factors that
vary across different areas. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the

methodology used to develop the study, including the architecture of the considered use
cases. Section 3 presents the results of the study, while Section 4 discusses the findings and
identifies open problems. Finally, Section 5 summarizes the main conclusions of the paper
and suggests potential directions for future research.

1.1. Digital Transformation

The topic of digital transformation is gaining significant attention in the academic community.
This involves the transition from traditional agricultural methods to smart agriculture practices
by examining the emerging trends of digital technologies in the agricultural industry (Abbasi et
al., 2022). Digitalization has the potential to help address the productivity, sustainability, and
resilience challenges facing agriculture („The digitalization of agriculture “, 2022). The
automation of as many agricultural processes as possible is seen as a necessary step toward
reducing losses, increasing the productivity of agricultural businesses, and optimizing resource
management (Shamin et al 2019). This study draws on evidence on the adoption and impacts
of digital agriculture in OECD countries to provide insights into the current state of digital
transformation and propose areas for future research („The digitalization of agriculture “, 2022).

1.2. Digital Technology

Digital technologies have become an indispensable and integral component of virtually every
facet of human life, passing through various aspects of society and serving as a crucial
cornerstone for businesses to thrive and remain relevant in today's rapidly evolving landscape.
Advanced technologies, encompassing a diverse array such as big data, robotics, artificial
intelligence, virtual and augmented reality, the Internet of Things, Blockchain, adaptive
systems, as well as bio and neurotechnology, have not only gained prominence but have
firmly established themselves in the contemporary atmosphere (Shamin et al., 2019).
Additionally, digital technologies have the potential to significantly impact the way agricultural
activities are carried out through the adoption of new business models. Many these models
have been adopted by farmers to increase production, optimize resource consumption, reduce
costs, and improve the quality and quantity of their output, all while tailored to the specific
needs of their production processes. The most adopted digital technologies in agriculture
include object identification, georeferencing, measurement of physical and chemical
parameters, satellite navigation, connectivity, data storage and analysis, process automation,
and vehicle tracking. Other scenarios where digital technologies are being used in agriculture
include sensor-based greenhouse management, energy efficiency, monitoring of phenological
phases, detection of insects or crop diseases, traceability of the production chain, irrigation
planning, and optimization of plant growth monitoring (Hrustek, 2020d). Consequently, the
effective management of these sophisticated technologies has emerged as a pressing
imperative, demanding that organizations sharpen and cultivate the requisite skills and
competencies to navigate this dynamic ground adeptly. To maintain a competitive edge, firms
are compelled to adapt proactively to these transformative changes by undertaking strategic
initiatives aimed at revamping their core competencies, acquiring novel skills, and leveraging
knowledge to foster innovation and cultivate new areas of expertise (Annosi et al., 2020c).

1.3. Sustainability
Sustainability in food and fiber agriculture is intricately linked to knowledge and intelligence. As
defined by the Brundtland report, sustainability is the ability to meet current needs without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In a more practical
sense, sustainability can be seen as enhancing a system's productivity without depleting the
resources necessary for future productivity (Wiseman et al., 2019). To achieve sustainable
development, we must collect and analyze evidence of the challenges faced by firms in
adopting digital technologies, as well as their related economic, social, and environmental
impact. Moreover, the concept of sustainability in agriculture has gained increasing attention,
yet the distinct differences between sustainable agriculture and the broader term are rarely
elaborated upon. Sustainable agriculture has been a prominent topic in recent years and has
been the driving force behind the integration of digital technologies in agriculture. As we move
forward, there will be a heightened focus on achieving economic, environmental, and social
sustainability through agricultural practices that are guided by digital transformation's key
determinants. This interest is not only limited to the scientific community but has also been
acknowledged by the European Union's policies for the upcoming period, which place a
significant emphasis on this area (Hrustek, 2020d). Our focus is on smart agriculture, which
involves the application of smart technologies to the agri-food industry (Annosi et al., 2020d).
However, the objectives of economic, environmental, and social sustainability are often at
odds, leading to unmet social expectations. In the future, the sustainability of the entire supply
chain will be crucial, to develop, implement, and adopt digital solutions that ensure high-quality
and safe food and feed, while also promoting efficient, environmentally friendly, and
sustainable business practices (Hrustek, 2020c).

1.4. Sustainable Farming practices

Sustainable farming practices are crucial for maintaining the health of our planet, communities,
and food systems in the long term. However, the costly adoption of these practices can be

complex due to the uncertain effects of the farming system on agronomy and the environment.
Behavioral models are suitable for investigating adoption behavior, but few studies have
utilized these models to date (Weltin et al., 2021). Farmers' decisions to adopt more
sustainable practices, such as organic farming, restoring hedgerows, or growing cover crops,
are primarily business decisions that involve long-term personal and economic consequences.
These decisions may involve significant investments and commitment, and often involve the
provision of public goods (Weltin et al., 2021). Recent innovations in information technology
(IT) have the potential to support farmers in their decision-making and operations, such as
precision agriculture (PA) which utilizes IT applications to monitor soil and crop conditions and
apply treatments with a high degree of precision. The advent of precision agriculture (PA)
technology marks a significant shift in farming practices, as it enables the treatment of fields as
diverse and heterogeneous entities rather than homogenous areas requiring indiscriminate
care. By leveraging advanced analysis and selective treatment, PA technology has been
recognized as a major contributor to improved farming efficiency and environmentally
sustainable practices. With the ability to reduce the use of contaminants by more than 90%, PA
technology offers a wealth of opportunities to enhance the efficiency of farming operations
while promoting sustainability (Aubert et al., 2012).

2. Method
A systematic literature review can help scholars to evaluate current research by providing a
comprehensive framework (Chauhan et al., 2022, p.291). In the context of this research
attempt, a systematic literature review was carefully conducted to gather appropriate
information concerning sustainable farming practices, dig into the utilization of digital
technologies in sustainable farming, and explore the associated dimensions and challenges
within the defined scope.
Moreover, the SLR serves as a pivotal instrument in garnering a comprehensive
understanding of prevailing sustainable farming practices while carefully scanning the extent
to which digital technologies are harnessed within farming operations to support sustainability

2.1. Research questions

Innovative and digital technologies can change farming and agriculture fundamentally toward
precision agriculture by choosing inputs including seed, pesticide, etc. wisely to enhance
output, decrease costs and reduce environmental impact (Lassoued et al., 2023, p.2). Based

on a literature review, sustainable farming practices are essential for preserving natural
Additionally, digital technologies have the potential to play a significant role in improving
sustainability in farming practices by providing farmers with essential information for making
better decisions in critical situations. (Tsolakis et al., 2023). This paper aims to answer
following question as its main question: How digital technologies can be used to improve
sustainable Farming practices?
The goal of this research question is to investigate the current digital technologies and best
practices that are used in the farming industry to achieve sustainability, as well as to explore
the extent to which digital technologies enhance sustainability in farming.

2.2. Search process

The research was carefully conducted in various iterative rounds to ensure a comprehensive
exploration of the subject matter. Initially, two reputable databases, WISO and Web of
Science, were carefully selected to conduct the search. Utilizing a set of targeted keywords
such as "digital agriculture," "smart ranching," "digital cultivating and crop yield," "smart
agriculture and crop productivity," "digital ranching technologies," "smart farming sensors,"
"digital agriculture in developing countries," and "smart ranching in low-resource settings," the
search yielded a substantial number of articles. Specifically, the results unveiled a noteworthy
count of 1024 articles in Web of Science and 2414 articles in WISO, indicating a rich pool of
potential resources for analysis. Subsequently, stringent inclusion criteria were applied to
refine the selection process. These criteria encompassed articles published within the last six
years, those exclusively published in scientific journals, and those authored in the English
language. Further details regarding inclusion and exclusion criteria will be expounded upon in
subsequent sections.

2.3. Inclusion and exclusion criteria

The following criteria were used to eliminate irrelevant articles from the 3438 articles and to be
more specific regarding research for inclusion:

· Type of paper are articles, review article, early access, and enriched Cited References.
· Papers published from 2018 to 2023.
· Written in English language.
· Published in scientific journals.
· Open access and from any location.

By applying the inclusion criteria, the number of articles decreased to 578 articles in Web of
Science, 472 articles in WISO, and 1050 articles in both databases. At this step, the
researchers thoroughly reviewed the related topics and abstracts and eliminated irrelevant
studies and duplicates.

Exclusion criteria were based on following items:

· Irrelevant studies based on their topics or abstracts

· Duplicate in data bases

The final result then was 13 articles by considering inclusion and exclusion criteria.

3. Results
This systematic literature review focused on exploring sustainable farming practices and the
integration of digital technologies in agriculture. The initial search across WISO and Web of
Science databases yielded a total of 3438 articles. After applying inclusion criteria, such as
articles published in the last six years, in English, and in scientific journals, the number was
refined to 1050 articles for further analysis.
The breakdown after applying inclusion criteria resulted in 578 articles from Web of Science,
472 articles from WISO, and a total of 1050 articles from both databases. Subsequently, a
meticulous review of topics and abstracts was conducted to eliminate irrelevant studies and
duplicates. This process further narrowed down the pool of relevant articles.

4. Findings
The findings underscored a widespread consensus among researchers and experts regarding
the transformative impact of digital technologies, particularly in the domain of precision
farming. The review carefully identified and analyzed key technologies, such as smart
agriculture sensors and data-driven decision-making tools, which have proven instrumental in
guiding farmers towards making informed decisions regarding crucial inputs like seeds and
Moreover, a common and recurring theme that emerged throughout the analysis was the
immense potential of digitalization to fundamentally reshape traditional farming practices. This
transformative process not only aims at increasing productivity and reducing operational costs
but also addresses pressing environmental concerns by minimizing the ecological footprint
associated with agricultural activities. The recognition of digital technologies as viable

solutions to the numerous challenges faced by the agricultural industry was noticeable
throughout the literature, sparking valuable discussions on overcoming barriers in the domain
of digital agriculture.
In summary, the systematic literature review provides compelling evidence supporting the
indispensable role of digital technologies in fostering sustainable farming practices. This
highlights their remarkable potential to significantly enhance precision agriculture and,
consequently, deliver substantial benefits to farmers, the agricultural sector, and the
environment at large.

5. Discussion
The systematic literature review presented offers a comprehensive exploration of the
transformative potential of digital technologies in enhancing sustainable farming practices. The
research underscores how innovative tools and systems such as sensors, drones, AI-driven
analytics, and IoT devices can significantly contribute to optimizing resource use, reducing
environmental impact, and promoting economic and social inclusivity within the agricultural
sector. However, the discussion extends beyond the mere identification of these technological
solutions, delving into the broader implications, challenges, and the contextual factors that
determine the potential success of digitalization in agriculture.

In response to the research question, "How can digital technologies be used to improve
sustainable farming practices?", the findings reveal a multifaceted impact of digital
technologies in agriculture. Precision agriculture, powered by these technologies, presents an
effective approach to enhancing resource efficiency, minimizing environmental degradation,
and improving crop yields. The economic benefits are evident in the form of increased
efficiency, reduced operational costs, and enhanced profitability for farmers. Socially,
digitalization in farming addresses labor shortages and promotes inclusivity, empowering
farmers with information, education, and decision-making resources.

This also gets underlines by the study “Decoding technological frames: An exploratory study of
access to and meaningful engagement with digital technologies in agriculture” which examines
the digital divide and framing in Brazilian agriculture, focusing on diverse actors' engagement
with digital technologies. It explores how different levels of access and perceptions of digital
technology among medium-sized farms, technology startups, native communities, and
research organizations (Embrapa) affect their adoption and utilization of digital innovations.
The study reveals varied awareness, motivation, and skills across these actors, highlighting
the complex interplay between technological access, societal positioning, and cultural
perceptions in shaping the digital landscape of Brazilian agriculture (Engås et al., 2023).

But also, the disruptive impact of several complexities must be mentioned, discussed, and
evaluated. Despite the promising potential of digital technologies, the journey from theoretical
models to practical implementation is fraught with complexities. The review acknowledges the
existence of a gap between theoretical findings and their real-world applications.
Technological adaptability, economic feasibility, socio-cultural acceptance, and environmental
considerations emerge as critical factors that may impede the seamless integration of digital
solutions in farming practices. The unique challenges and opportunities that developing
countries face in adopting these technologies further underscore the need for a nuanced
approach that considers the specific cultural, social, and economic factors prevalent in
different regions.

To bridge the gap between theory and practice, the discussion advocates for a collaborative
and integrated approach involving key stakeholders such as farmers, technology developers,
and policymakers. It's essential to align theoretical understanding with practical realities,
ensuring the sustainable and effective implementation of digital technologies in farming.
(Wachtel, 2018).

Regarding the mentioned discrepancies there is also a huge challenge to be faced. The study
presented in the Journal of Rural Studies (Volume 92, 2022) by Susanna Kujala, Outi Hakala,
and Leena Viitaharju offers a profound exploration of the regional disparities in organic farming
within Finland. This meticulous research is also grounded in the broader context of sustainable
agriculture and rural development, emphasizing the important role of organic farming as a
potential catalyst for advancing these goals. The study's significance is underscored by its
alignment with national and EU-level initiatives aimed at amplifying the proportion of organic
farmland, thereby contributing to the sustainability and ecological balance of food systems. It
underscores the necessity of nuanced, region-specific policies and interventions to foster
organic farming. By highlighting the symbiotic relationship between various factors such as
organic heritage, farm size, primary agricultural sectors, and market dynamics, the research
advocates for a holistic, integrated approach to policy formulation and implementation. This
approach, which transcends the traditional siloed strategies, is pivotal for realizing the national
and EU-level targets for organic farming, thereby contributing to sustainable agricultural
systems and rural development (Kujala et al., 2022).

With respect to the study provided by Kujala, is it important to to target a further group of
stakeholders to achieve a successful transformation in sustainable farming. Regulations given
by the government can also have a a great impact on individual farming practices based on
the farmer’s location.

Besides of several protests being held in Germany, extensive demonstrations in Brussels take
place. Farmers from several EU countries gathered to voice their discontent with the current
EU agricultural policies, particularly critiquing the trade policies and environmental regulations.
An estimated thousand tractors were used to block traffic, symbolizing the farmers' demands
for policy revisions to address their economic hardships. Besides of harsh sustainability
regulations, the central focus was also the EU's trade policy, specifically the resistance against
the EU-Mercosur free trade agreement, which farmers argue would unfairly expose them to a
surge of cheaper agricultural imports not adhering to the stringent environmental standards
imposed on EU products (Simon & Arboleas, 2024).

These protests underline again, that divergent perspectives of various stakeholders

underscore the need for a nuanced and considerate approach in policy formulation and
implementation, ensuring that the transition towards sustainable agriculture is both
environmentally sound and economically feasible – also in consideration depending on the
location where the production is based.

The review also highlights the need for an integrated and comprehensive assessment of the
trade-offs and synergies between different dimensions of sustainability – environmental,
economic, and social – in the context of digital technologies in agriculture. Further, this
systematic literature review emphasizes the importance of a holistic, context-sensitive
approach that reconciles technological innovation with the socio-economic, cultural, and
environmental realities of the agricultural sector.

6. Conclusion
Drawing from the systematic literature review and integrating insights from the studies on
digitalization in agriculture, the conclusion recognizes the transformative impact of digital
technologies on farming practices. These innovations have reshaped agricultural tasks from
manual, labor-intensive operations to more data-driven, analytical processes.

Integrating digital technologies in farming practices, as highlighted in the systematic literature

review, necessitates a balance between traditional agricultural knowledge and digital
proficiency. As an example, the study “Digitalization in Agriculture: Knowledge and Learning
Requirements of German Dairy Farmers” exemplifies this by illustrating the German dairy
farmers' need to adapt to technological advancements while maintaining their expertise in
conventional farming practices. This balance is crucial for successfully navigating the
complexities of modern, sustainable farming, emphasizing the importance of continuous
learning and adaptability in the agricultural sector and underlines once more the findings made
within this systematic literature review (Göller et al., 2021).

The integration of digital technologies has not only improved resource efficiency and crop
yields but also introduced a new dimension of knowledge and skill requirements for farmers.
This evolution necessitates a deep understanding of both traditional agricultural practices and
modern digital systems, highlighting the importance of comprehensive educational programs
that address the intersection of these domains. Moreover, while digitalization offers numerous
benefits such as increased operational flexibility and reduced physical labor, it also presents
challenges like the need for constant connectivity and the risk of reduced direct interaction
with farming processes. These findings call attention to the complex nature of integrating
digital technologies into farming and the critical role of targeted education, governmental and
regional regulations and support to navigate this transition successfully, in the best case
equally fulfilling the needs and demands of all stakeholders.

7. Limitation
The systematic literature review, while illuminating the integration of digital technologies and
sustainable farming practices, is not without its limitations. The exclusive reliance on WISO
and Web of Science databases introduces the potential for publication bias, as noteworthy
research outside these databases may be overlooked. The decision to include only English-
language articles may also lead to a language bias, excluding valuable insights published in
other languages like German. The temporal scope, focusing on the last six years, might
neglect foundational works that provide historical context. The lack of specificity regarding
geographical regions could result in an oversight of unique regional challenges and
innovations. Additionally, the focused analysis on abstracts for relevance may limit the depth
of insights available in full texts. The rapidly evolving nature of technology suggests that the
review's temporal scope may not fully capture the latest innovations. Lastly, the reliance on
academic sources may neglect insights from industry reports, government publications, or
grassroots initiatives, potentially limiting the practical understanding of digital technologies in
sustainable farming. Addressing these limitations in future research will enhance the breadth
and depth of insights into this dynamic intersection.


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