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Flood Mapping from Single Sentinel-1 SAR

Franz J Meyer, University of Alaska Fairbanks
This notebook presents a SAR-based flood mapping approach that largely follows a
methodology developed by the German Aerospace Center and published in Sentinel-1-
based flood mapping: a fully automated processing chain by Twele et al.. The approach
is based on radiometricall terrain corrected (RTC processed) Sentinel-1 SAR data and
applies a dynamic thresholding method followed by fuzzy-logic-based post processing
procedure. This notebook implements the initial threshold-based flood mapping
approach but, for simplicity, does not include the fuzzy-logic post processing steps.

The approach is based on image amplitude data and is capable of detecting standing
surface water. Note that flooding under vegetation will not be detected by this

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3/3/24, 10:13 SARHazards_Lab_Floods

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General Methodology and Workflow

The workflow of the Sentinel-1-based processing chain, as outlined in the figure below,
is composed of the following main elements:

1. Find relevant SAR data over your area of interest at the Alaska Satellite Facility's
SAR archive and Perform geometric and radiometric terrain correction using the
RTC processing flow by GAMMA Remote Sensing,
2. adaptive and automatic threshold calculation as discussed in the course,
3. initial flood detection by applying the calculated threshold image wide,
4. fuzzy-logic-based classification refinement,
5. final classification into permanent and flood waters using auxiliary data, and
6. dissemination of the results.

Step 1 of this workflow are operationally implemented in the Alaska Satellite Facility's
Hybrid Pluggable Processing Pipeline (HyP3) environment and accessible to the public at
the HyP3 Website. This notebook will focus on Steps 2 and 3

Flood Mapping Procedure

Loading Python Libraries 2/19
3/3/24, 10:13 SARHazards_Lab_Floods

In [ ]: import glob
import os
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal
import pyproj
import pandas as pd
import rasterio
import skfuzzy

import ipywidgets as ui

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for add_subplot, axis, figure, imshow, legend, pl

# set_title, set_xlabel, set_ylabel, set_ylim, subp

from asf_notebook_FloodMapping import handle_old_data

from asf_notebook_FloodMapping import input_path
from asf_notebook_FloodMapping import NoHANDLayerException

%matplotlib widget

Write Some Helper Scripts

Write a function to pad an image, so it may be split into tiles with consistent

In [ ]: def pad_image(image: np.ndarray, to: int) -> np.ndarray:

height, width = image.shape

n_rows, n_cols = get_tile_row_col_count(height, width, to)

new_height = n_rows * to
new_width = n_cols * to

padded = np.zeros((new_height, new_width))

padded[:image.shape[0], :image.shape[1]] = image
return padded

Write a function to tile an image

In [ ]: #def tile_image(image: np.ndarray, width: int = 200, height: int = 200) -> np.ndarr
def tile_image(image: np.ndarray, width, height) -> np.ndarray:
_nrows, _ncols = image.shape
_strides = image.strides

nrows, _m = divmod(_nrows, height)

ncols, _n = divmod(_ncols, width)

assert _m == 0, "Image must be evenly tileable. Please pad it first"

assert _n == 0, "Image must be evenly tileable. Please pad it first"

return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided( 3/19
3/3/24, 10:13 SARHazards_Lab_Floods

shape=(nrows, ncols, height, width),
strides=(height * _strides[0], width * _strides[1], *_strides),
).reshape(nrows * ncols, height, width)

Write a function for multi-class Expectation Maximization Thresholding

In [ ]: def EMSeg_opt(image, number_of_classes):

image_copy = image.copy()
image_copy2 =, np.nan) # needed for valid post
image = image.flatten()
minimum = np.amin(image)
image = image - minimum + 1
maximum = np.amax(image)

size = image.size
histogram = make_histogram(image)
nonzero_indices = np.nonzero(histogram)[0]
histogram = histogram[nonzero_indices]
histogram = histogram.flatten()
class_means = (
(np.arange(number_of_classes) + 1) * maximum /
(number_of_classes + 1)
class_variances = np.ones((number_of_classes)) * maximum
class_proportions = np.ones((number_of_classes)) * 1 / number_of_classes
sml = np.mean(np.diff(nonzero_indices)) / 1000
iteration = 0
class_likelihood = make_distribution(
class_means, class_variances, class_proportions, nonzero_indices
sum_likelihood = np.sum(class_likelihood, 1) + np.finfo(
log_likelihood = np.sum(histogram * np.log(sum_likelihood))
for j in range(0, number_of_classes):
class_posterior_probability = (
histogram * class_likelihood[:,j] / sum_likelihood
class_proportions[j] = np.sum(class_posterior_probability)
class_means[j] = (
np.sum(nonzero_indices * class_posterior_probability)
/ class_proportions[j]
vr = (nonzero_indices - class_means[j])
class_variances[j] = (
np.sum(vr *vr * class_posterior_probability)
/ class_proportions[j] +sml
del class_posterior_probability, vr
class_proportions = class_proportions + 1e-3
class_proportions = class_proportions / np.sum(class_proportions)
class_likelihood = make_distribution(
class_means, class_variances, class_proportions, nonzero_indices 4/19
3/3/24, 10:13 SARHazards_Lab_Floods

sum_likelihood = np.sum(class_likelihood, 1) + np.finfo(
del class_likelihood
new_log_likelihood = np.sum(histogram * np.log(sum_likelihood))
del sum_likelihood
if((new_log_likelihood - log_likelihood) < 0.000001):
iteration = iteration + 1
del log_likelihood, new_log_likelihood
class_means = class_means + minimum - 1
s = image_copy.shape
posterior = np.zeros((s[0], s[1], number_of_classes))
posterior_lookup = dict()
for i in range(0, s[0]):
for j in range(0, s[1]):
pixel_val = image_copy2[i,j]
if pixel_val in posterior_lookup:
for n in range(0, number_of_classes):
posterior[i,j,n] = posterior_lookup[pixel_val][n]
posterior_lookup.update({pixel_val: [0]*number_of_classes})
for n in range(0, number_of_classes):
x = make_distribution(
class_means[n], class_variances[n], class_proportions[n],
posterior[i,j,n] = x * class_proportions[n]
posterior_lookup[pixel_val][n] = posterior[i,j,n]
return posterior, class_means, class_variances, class_proportions

def make_histogram(image):
image = image.flatten()
indices = np.nonzero(np.isnan(image))
image[indices] = 0
indices = np.nonzero(np.isinf(image))
image[indices] = 0
del indices
size = image.size
maximum = int(np.ceil(np.amax(image)) + 1)
#maximum = (np.ceil(np.amax(image)) + 1)
histogram = np.zeros((1, maximum))
for i in range(0,size):
#floor_value = int(np.floor(image[i]))
floor_value = np.floor(image[i]).astype(np.uint8)
#floor_value = (np.floor(image[i]))
if floor_value > 0 and floor_value < maximum - 1:
temp1 = image[i] - floor_value
temp2 = 1 - temp1
histogram[0,floor_value] = histogram[0,floor_value] + temp1
histogram[0,floor_value - 1] = histogram[0,floor_value - 1] + temp2
histogram = np.convolve(histogram[0], [1,2,3,2,1])
histogram = histogram[2:(histogram.size - 3)]
histogram = histogram / np.sum(histogram)
return histogram 5/19
3/3/24, 10:13 SARHazards_Lab_Floods

def make_distribution(m, v, g, x):

x = x.flatten()
m = m.flatten()
v = v.flatten()
g = g.flatten()
y = np.zeros((len(x), m.shape[0]))
for i in range(0,m.shape[0]):
d = x - m[i]
amp = g[i] / np.sqrt(2*np.pi*v[i])
y[:,i] = amp * np.exp(-0.5 * (d * d) / v[i])
return y

def get_proj4(filename):
return pyproj.Proj(, preserve_units=True) #used in pysheds

def gdal_read(filename, ndtype=np.float64):

ds = gdal.Open(filename)
return np.array(ds.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()).astype(ndtype);
def gdal_get_geotransform(filename):
[top left x, w-e pixel resolution, rotation, top left y, rotation, n-s pixel re
ds = gdal.Open(filename)
return ds.GetGeoTransform()

Write a function to calculate the number of rows and columns of tiles needed to tile
an image to a given size

In [ ]: def get_tile_row_col_count(height: int, width: int, tile_size: int) -> Tuple[int, i

return int(np.ceil(height / tile_size)), int(np.ceil(width / tile_size))

Write a function to extract the tiff dates from a wildcard path:

In [ ]: def get_dates(paths):
dates = []
pths = glob.glob(paths)
for p in pths:
date = p.split('/')[-1].split("_")[0]
return dates

Write a function to save a mask

In [ ]: def write_mask_to_file(mask: np.ndarray, file_name: str, projection: str, geo_trans

(width, height) = mask.shape
out_image = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff').Create(
file_name, height, width, bands=1 6/19
3/3/24, 10:13 SARHazards_Lab_Floods


Load SAR Data Sets to Process

In [ ]: def get_tiff_paths(paths: str) -> list:
tiff_paths = !ls $paths | sort -t_ -k5,5
return tiff_paths

Reading a SAR Data Stack:

This lab uses a subset of a Sentinel-1 SAR time series acquired near the city of Malda, on
the Indian Bangladesh border. This area experienced extensive flooding during the 2020
South Asia monsoon season. The time series covers June to August of 2020 and
combines ascending and descending RTC imagery into a joint and consistent time series
to monitoring this rapidly developing event.

In [ ]: name = "BangladeshFloodMapping_binder"
tiff_dir = path = f"/home/jovyan/{name}"
if not os.path.exists(tiff_dir):
print(f"Current working directory: {os.getcwd()}")

time_series_path = f"s3://asf-jupyter-data-west/{name}.tar.gz"
time_series = os.path.basename(time_series_path)
!aws --no-sign-request --region us-west-2 s3 cp $time_series_path $time_series

!tar -xvzf {name}.tar.gz

!rm *.tar.gz

Move into the parent directory of the directory containing the data and create a
directory in which to store the water masks

In [ ]: analysis_directory = tiff_dir
mask_directory = f'{analysis_directory}/Water_Masks'
if not os.path.exists(mask_directory):
print(f"Current working directory: {os.getcwd()}")

paths = f"{tiff_dir}/*_V*.tif*"
if os.path.exists(tiff_dir):
tiff_paths = get_tiff_paths(paths) 7/19
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Write a function to create a dictionary containing lists of each vv/vh pair

In [ ]: def group_polarizations(tiff_paths: list) -> dict:

pths = {}
for tiff in tiff_paths:
product_name = tiff.split('.')[0][:-2]
if product_name in pths:
pths.update({product_name: [tiff]})
return pths

Write a function to confirm the presence of both VV and VH images in all image sets

In [ ]: def confirm_dual_polarizations(paths: dict) -> bool:

for p in paths:
if len(paths[p]) == 2:
if ('vv' not in paths[p][1] and 'VV' not in paths[p][1]) or \
('vh' not in paths[p][0] and 'VH' not in paths[p][0]):
return False
return True

Create a dictionary of VV/VH pairs and check it for completeness

In [ ]: grouped_pths = group_polarizations(tiff_paths)
if not confirm_dual_polarizations(grouped_pths):
print("ERROR: AI_Water requires both VV and VH polarizations.")
print("Confirmed presence of VV and VH polarities for each product.")

#print(grouped_pths) #uncomment to print VV/VH path pairs

Load HAND Layer for your AOI and Create HAND-

Exclusion Mask (HAND-EM)
This notebook uses a prepared Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND) file that was cut
to the same extent as the SAR image time series. A DEM is used to create HAND by
calculating the height difference between a particular image pixels and the nearest
drainage (such as the nearest river).

To create the HAND Exclusion Mask (HAND-EM) we then threshold the HAND layer by
assuming that pixels with a HAND value > 15 m are unlikely to be flooded. This means,
in other words, we assume that flood waters are unlikely to exceed a depth of 15 m.

In [ ]: #load HAND and derive HAND-EM

Hthresh = 15 8/19
3/3/24, 10:13 SARHazards_Lab_Floods

print(f"Selected HAND: {HAND_file}")
except AttributeError:
raise NoHANDLayerException("Remember to select a HAND layer in the previous cel
hand = np.nan_to_num(HAND)

# Create Binary HAND-EM

Hmask = hand < Hthresh
handem = np.zeros_like(hand)
sel = np.ones_like(hand)
handem[Hmask] = sel[Hmask]

Now let's plot HAND and HAND-EM side-by-side. Dark blue regions in the HAND file
(left) area areas near drainage systems such as rivers. These areas are most likely to be
affected by floods. Areas in red, however, are at higher elevations and less likely to be

The HAND-EM layer to the right shows pixels unlikely to contain flood waters in black.
These pixels are at least 15 m above the nearest drainage system.

In [ ]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 5))

plt.suptitle('Height Above Nearest Drainage [HAND] (m)')
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
vmin = np.percentile(hand, 5)
vmax = np.percentile(hand, 95)
hh = ax1.imshow(hand, cmap='jet', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
ax1.set_title('HAND [m]')
ax2.imshow(handem, cmap='gray')

Do Initial Flood Mapping using Adaptive Dynamic

A bit of background on the implemented approach:

This is what is implemented in this notebook: An automatic tile-based thresholding

procedure (Martinis, Twele, and Voigt 2009) is used to generate an land/water
classification. The selection of tiles is performed on a bilevel quadtree structure with
parent level $L^+$ and child level $L^−$: 9/19
3/3/24, 10:13 SARHazards_Lab_Floods

1. Firstly, the entire data are separated into quadratic non-overlapping parent tiles on
level $L^+$ with a size of $100 \times 100$ pixels. Each parent object is further
represented by four quadratic child objects on a second level $L^−$. The tile
selection process is based on statistical hierarchical relations between parent and
child objects.
2. A number of parent tiles is automatically selected which offer the highest (>95%
quantile) coefficient of variation on $L^+$ of the mean backscatter values of the
respective child objects on $L^−$. This criterion serves as a measure of the degree
of variation within the data and can therefore be used as an indicator of the
probability that the tiles are characterized by spatial inhomogeneity and contain
more than one semantic class. The selected parent objects should also have a
mean individual backscatter value lower than the mean of all parent tiles on $L^+$.
This ensures that tiles lying on the boundary between water and no water areas
are selected. In case that no tiles fulfil these criteria, the tile size on $L^+$ and $L^−
$ is halved and the quantile for the tile selection is reduced to 90% to guarantee a
successful tile selection also in data with a relatively low extent of water surfaces
or with smaller dispersed water bodies.
3. To improve the robustness of the automatic threshold derivation the approach
restricts the tile selection in Step (3) to only pixels situated in flood-prone regions
defined by a Height Above Nearest Drainage (HAND)-based binary Exclustion Mask
(HAND-EM). To create HAND-EM, a threshold is applied to HAND to identify non-
flood prone areas. A threshold value of $\geq 15m$ is proposed. The HAND-EM
further is shrunk by one pixel using an 8-neighbour function to account for
potential geometric inaccuracies between the exclude layer and SAR data. Tiles are
only considered in case less than 20% of its data pixels are excluded by HAND-EM.
4. Out of the number of the initially selected tiles, a limited number of N parent tiles
are finally chosen for threshold computation. This selection is accomplished by
ranking the parent tiles according to the standard deviation of the mean
backscatter values of the respective child objects. Tiles with the highest values are
chosen for $N$. Extensive testing yielded that $N = 5$ is a sufficient number of
parent tiles for threshold computation.
5. A multi-mode Expectation Maximization minimum error thresholding approach is
then employed to derive local threshold values using a cost function which is based
on the statistical parameterization of the sub-histograms of all selected tiles as bi-
modal Gaussian mixture distributions. In order to derive a global (i.e. scenebased)
threshold, the locally derived thresholds are combined by computing their
arithmetic mean. 10/19
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6. Using the dynamically calculated threshold, both the VV and VH scenes are
thresholded for water detection
7. The detected water maps are combined for arrive at an intial water mask that can
be further refined in post processing

Here some additional refinement steps that could be added to the notebook in the

1. Calculation of attributes for fuzzy-logic post processing: Based on the preliminary

classification, the mean elevation of water objects and the size of all individual
flood objects should be calculated. Together with the earlier derived land–water
threshold, these parameters calculated from the initial classification can later be
used to define fuzzy thresholds for the standard $S$ and $Z$ membership functions
(see Section on Post Processing). This means that the initial classification based on
the automatic thresholding procedure is mandatory to build elements for the fuzzy-
logic-based refinement.

Now Let's do the Work:

In [ ]: # define some variables you might want to change

precentile = 0.95 # Standard deviation percentile threshold for pivotal tile
tilesize = 100 # Setting tile size to use in thresholding algorithm
tilesize2 = 50
Hpick = 0.8 # Threshold for required fraction of valid HAND-EM pixels
vv_corr = -17.0 # VV threshold to use if threshold calculation did not suc
vh_corr = -24.0 # VH threshold to use if threshold calculation did not suc

# Tile up HAND-EM data

handem_p = pad_image(handem, tilesize)
hand_tiles = tile_image(handem_p,width=tilesize,height=tilesize)
Hsum = np.sum(hand_tiles, axis=(1,2))
Hpercent = Hsum/(tilesize*tilesize)

# Now do adaptive threshold selection

vv_thresholds = np.array([])
vh_thresholds = np.array([])
floodarea = np.array([])
vh_thresholds_corr = np.array([])
vv_thresholds_corr = np.array([])

posterior_lookup = dict()

for i, pair in enumerate(grouped_pths):

print(f"Processing pair {i+1} of {len(grouped_pths)}")
for tiff in grouped_pths[pair]:
f = gdal.Open(tiff)
img_array = f.ReadAsArray() 11/19
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original_shape = img_array.shape
n_rows, n_cols = get_tile_row_col_count(*original_shape, tile_size=tilesize
print(f'tiff: {tiff}')
if 'vv' in tiff or 'VV' in tiff:
vv_array = pad_image(f.ReadAsArray(), tilesize)
invalid_pixels = np.nonzero(vv_array == 0.0)
vv_tiles = tile_image(vv_array,width=tilesize,height=tilesize)
a = np.shape(vv_tiles)
vv_std = np.zeros(a[0])
vvt_masked =, vv_tiles)
vv_picktiles = np.zeros_like(vv_tiles)
for k in range(a[0]):
vv_subtiles = tile_image(vvt_masked[k,:,:],width=tilesize2,height=t
vvst_mean =, axis=(1,2))
vvst_std =
vv_std[k] =

# find tiles with largest standard deviations

vv_mean =, axis=(1,2))
x_vv = np.sort(vv_std/vv_mean)
y_vv = np.arange(1, x_vv.size+1) / x_vv.size

percentile2 = precentile
sort_index = 0
while np.size(sort_index) < 5:
threshold_index_vv =>percentile2))
threshold_vv = x_vv[threshold_index_vv]
#sd_select_vv = np.nonzero(vv_std/vv_mean>threshold_vv)
s_select_vv = np.nonzero(vv_std/vv_mean>threshold_vv)
h_select_vv = np.nonzero(Hpercent > Hpick) # Includes
sd_select_vv = np.intersect1d(s_select_vv, h_select_vv)

# find tiles with mean values lower than the average mean
omean_vv =[h_select_vv])
mean_select_vv = np.nonzero(vv_mean<omean_vv)

# Intersect tiles with large std with tiles that have small means
msdselect_vv = np.intersect1d(sd_select_vv, mean_select_vv)
sort_index = np.flipud(np.argsort(vv_std[msdselect_vv]))
percentile2 = percentile2 - 0.01
finalselect_vv = sort_index[0:5]

# find local thresholds for 5 "best" tiles in the image

l_thresh_vv = np.zeros(5)
EMthresh_vv = np.zeros(5)
temp =, vv_array)
dbvv =
scaling = 256/(np.mean(dbvv) + 3*np.std(dbvv))
#scaling = 256/(np.mean(vv_array) + 3*np.std(vv_array))
dbtile =
for k in range(5):
test = dbtile[msdselect_vh[finalselect_vh[k]]] * scaling
#test = vvt_masked[msdselect_vv[finalselect_vv[k]]] * scaling
A = np.around(test)
A = A.astype(int)
#t_thresh = Kittler(A) 12/19
3/3/24, 10:13 SARHazards_Lab_Floods

[posterior, cm, cv, cp] = EMSeg_opt(A, 3)

sorti = np.argsort(cm)
cms = cm[sorti]
cvs = cv[sorti]
cps = cp[sorti]
xvec = np.arange(cms[0],cms[1],step=.05)
x1 = make_distribution(cms[0], cvs[0], cps[0], xvec)
x2 = make_distribution(cms[1], cvs[1], cps[1], xvec)
dx = np.abs(x1 - x2)
diff1 = posterior[:,:,0] - posterior[:,:,1]
t_ind = np.argmin(dx)
EMthresh_vv[k] = xvec[t_ind]/scaling

#l_thresh_vv[k] = t_thresh / scaling

#dbtile =

# Mark Tiles used for Threshold Estimation

vv_picktiles[msdselect_vh[finalselect_vh[k]],:,:]= np.ones_like(vv_

# Calculate best threshold for VV and VH as the mean of the 5 threshold

#m_thresh_vv = np.median(l_thresh_vv)
EMts = np.sort(EMthresh_vv)
#m_thresh_vv = np.median(EMthresh_vv)
m_thresh_vv = np.median(EMts[0:4])
print("Best VV Flood Mapping Threshold [dB]: %.2f" % (10*(m_thresh_vv-3
print(" ")

# Derive flood mask using the best threshold

if m_thresh_vv < (vv_corr/10.0+30):
change_mag_mask_vv =, dbvv) < m_thresh_v
vv_thresholds_corr = np.append(vv_thresholds_corr, 10.0*(m_thresh_v
#change_mag_mask_vv =, vv_array) < m
change_mag_mask_vv =, dbvv) < (vv_corr/1
vv_thresholds_corr = np.append(vv_thresholds_corr, vv_corr)

# Create Binary masks showing flooded pixels as "1"s

flood_vv = np.zeros_like(vv_array)
sel = np.ones_like(vv_array)
flood_vv[change_mag_mask_vv] = sel[change_mag_mask_vv]
np.putmask(flood_vv,vv_array==0 , 0)

# Export flood maps as GeoTIFFs

filename, ext = os.path.basename(tiff).split('.')
outfile = f"{mask_directory}/{filename}_water_mask.{ext}"
write_mask_to_file(flood_vv, outfile, f.GetProjection(), f.GetGeoTransf

vh_array = pad_image(f.ReadAsArray(), tilesize)
invalid_pixels = np.nonzero(vh_array == 0.0)
vh_tiles = tile_image(vh_array,width=tilesize,height=tilesize)
a = np.shape(vh_tiles)
vh_std = np.zeros(a[0])
vht_masked =, vh_tiles)
vh_picktiles = np.zeros_like(vh_tiles) 13/19
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for k in range(a[0]):
vh_subtiles = tile_image(vht_masked[k,:,:],width=tilesize2,height=t
vhst_mean =, axis=(1,2))
vhst_std =
vh_std[k] =

# find tiles with largest standard deviations

vh_mean =, axis=(1,2))
x_vh = np.sort(vh_std/vh_mean)
xm_vh = np.sort(vh_mean)
#x_vh = np.sort(vh_std)
y_vh = np.arange(1, x_vh.size+1) / x_vh.size
ym_vh = np.arange(1, xm_vh.size+1) / xm_vh.size

percentile2 = precentile
sort_index = 0
while np.size(sort_index) < 5:
threshold_index_vh =>percentile2))
threshold_vh = x_vh[threshold_index_vh]
#sd_select_vh = np.nonzero(vh_std/vh_mean>threshold_vh)
s_select_vh = np.nonzero(vh_std/vh_mean>threshold_vh)
h_select_vh = np.nonzero(Hpercent > Hpick) # Includes
sd_select_vh = np.intersect1d(s_select_vh, h_select_vh)

# find tiles with mean values lower than the average mean
omean_vh =[h_select_vh])
mean_select_vh = np.nonzero(vh_mean<omean_vh)

# Intersect tiles with large std with tiles that have small means
msdselect_vh = np.intersect1d(sd_select_vh, mean_select_vh)
sort_index = np.flipud(np.argsort(vh_std[msdselect_vh]))
percentile2 = percentile2 - 0.01
finalselect_vh = sort_index[0:5]

# find local thresholds for 5 "best" tiles in the image

l_thresh_vh = np.zeros(5)
EMthresh_vh = np.zeros(5)
temp =, vh_array)
dbvh =
scaling = 256/(np.mean(dbvh) + 3*np.std(dbvh))
#scaling = 256/(np.mean(vh_array) + 3*np.std(vh_array))
dbtile =
for k in range(5):
test = dbtile[msdselect_vh[finalselect_vh[k]]] * scaling
#test = vht_masked[msdselect_vh[finalselect_vh[k]]] * scaling
A = np.around(test)
A = A.astype(int)
#t_thresh = Kittler(A)
[posterior, cm, cv, cp] = EMSeg_opt(A, 3)
sorti = np.argsort(cm)
cms = cm[sorti]
cvs = cv[sorti]
cps = cp[sorti]
xvec = np.arange(cms[0],cms[1],step=.05)
x1 = make_distribution(cms[0], cvs[0], cps[0], xvec) 14/19
3/3/24, 10:13 SARHazards_Lab_Floods

x2 = make_distribution(cms[1], cvs[1], cps[1], xvec)

dx = np.abs(x1 - x2)
diff1 = posterior[:,:,0] - posterior[:,:,1]
t_ind = np.argmin(dx)
EMthresh_vh[k] = xvec[t_ind]/scaling

#l_thresh_vh[k] = t_thresh / scaling

# Mark Tiles used for Threshold Estimation

vh_picktiles[msdselect_vh[finalselect_vh[k]],:,:]= np.ones_like(vh_

# Calculate best threshold for VV and VH as the mean of the 5 threshold

#m_thresh_vh = np.median(l_thresh_vh)
EMts = np.sort(EMthresh_vh)
#m_thresh_vh = np.median(EMthresh_vh)
m_thresh_vh = np.median(EMts[0:4])
print("Best VH Flood Mapping Threshold [dB]: %.2f" % (10*(m_thresh_vh-3
print(" ")

# Derive flood mask using the best threshold

maskedarray =, dbvh)

#maskedarray =, vh_array)

if m_thresh_vh < (vh_corr/10.0+30):
change_mag_mask_vh = maskedarray < m_thresh_vh
vh_thresholds_corr = np.append(vh_thresholds_corr, 10.0*(m_thresh_v
#change_mag_mask_vv =, vv_array) < m
change_mag_mask_vh = maskedarray < (vh_corr/10.0+30)
vh_thresholds_corr = np.append(vh_thresholds_corr, vh_corr)
# change_mag_mask_vh = vh_array < m_thresh_vh

# Create Binary masks showing flooded pixels as "1"s

sel = np.ones_like(vh_array)
flood_vh = np.zeros_like(vh_array)
flood_vh[change_mag_mask_vh] = sel[change_mag_mask_vh]
np.putmask(flood_vh,vh_array==0 , 0)

# Export flood maps as GeoTIFFs

filename, ext = os.path.basename(tiff).split('.')
outfile = f"{mask_directory}/{filename}_water_mask.{ext}"
write_mask_to_file(flood_vh, outfile, f.GetProjection(), f.GetGeoTransf

# Create Maps (Pickfiles) that show which tiles were used for adaptive threshol
vv_picks = vv_picktiles.reshape((n_rows, n_cols, tilesize, tilesize)) \
.swapaxes(1, 2) \
.reshape(n_rows * tilesize, n_cols * tilesize) # yapf: disable
vh_picks = vh_picktiles.reshape((n_rows, n_cols, tilesize, tilesize)) \
.swapaxes(1, 2) \
.reshape(n_rows * tilesize, n_cols * tilesize) # yapf: disable

# Write Pickfiles to GeoTIFFs

#outfile = f"{mask_directory}/{filename[:-3]}_vv_pickfile.{ext}" 15/19
3/3/24, 10:13 SARHazards_Lab_Floods

#write_mask_to_file(vv_picks, outfile, f.GetProjection(), f.GetGeoTransform())

#outfile = f"{mask_directory}/{filename[:-3]}_vh_pickfile.{ext}"
#write_mask_to_file(vh_picks, outfile, f.GetProjection(), f.GetGeoTransform())

# Combine VV and VH flood maps to produce a combined flood mapping product

comb = flood_vh + flood_vv
comb_mask = comb > 0
flood_comb = np.zeros_like(vv_array)
flood_comb[comb_mask] = sel[comb_mask]
filename, ext = os.path.basename(tiff).split('.')
outfile = f"{mask_directory}/{filename[:-3]}_water_mask_combined.{ext}"
write_mask_to_file(flood_comb, outfile, f.GetProjection(), f.GetGeoTransform())

# Create Information on Thresholds used as well as Flood extent information in

vv_thresholds = np.append(vv_thresholds, 10.0*(m_thresh_vv-30))
vh_thresholds = np.append(vh_thresholds, 10.0*(m_thresh_vh-30))
floodarea = np.append(floodarea,(np.sum(flood_comb)*30**2./(1000**2)))

Evaluate Flood Mapping Results

The code cell below plots the time series of flooded area that was found in the
analyzed SAR scenes

In [ ]: temp_path = f"{tiff_dir}/*.tiff"
dates = get_dates(temp_path)
time_index = pd.DatetimeIndex(dates)

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 4))

ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111) # 121 determines: 2 rows, 2 plots, first plot
ax1.plot(np.unique(time_index), floodarea, color='b', marker='o', markersize=3, lab
ax1.axhline(y=np.mean(floodarea), color='r', linestyle='--')
ax1.set_ylabel('Flood Area [$km^2$]')
figname = ('ThresholdAndAreaTS.png')
ax1.legend(loc='upper right')
plt.savefig(figname, dpi=300, transparent='true')

The following code cells allow you to visualize individual flood maps superimposed on
the respective SAR image they were derived from.

This next code cell first creates the information we are plotting below such as surface
water and SAR data stacks.

In [ ]: wpaths = f"{tiff_dir}/Water_Masks/*combined.tif*"
spaths = f"{tiff_dir}/*VV.tif*"
vrtcommand = f"gdalbuildvrt -separate Water.vrt {wpaths}"
vrtcommand = f"gdalbuildvrt -separate SAR.vrt {spaths}" 16/19
3/3/24, 10:13 SARHazards_Lab_Floods

SAR_file = "SAR.vrt"

img = gdal.Open(SAR_file)
wm = gdal.Open(water_file)
SARstack = img.ReadAsArray(5, 20, 5, 5)
SARsize = np.shape(SARstack)
SARbands = SARsize[0]

Please change the band_num setting in the next code cell to visualize flood mapping
results for different SAR image acquisition dates.

Note the tool bar in the bottom left corner of the image that's created. Feel free to use
the toolbar to zoom into the image and navigate around.

In [ ]: band_num = 7# Change the band number to visualize different SAR acquisitions and re
if band_num > SARbands:
band_num = SARbands

SARraster = img.GetRasterBand(band_num).ReadAsArray()
waterraster = wm.GetRasterBand(band_num).ReadAsArray()
water_masked =, waterraster)
waterraster = 0
plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6))
vmin = np.percentile(SARraster, 5) #vh_array
vmax = np.percentile(SARraster, 95)
plt.imshow(SARraster, cmap='gray', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
plt.suptitle(f'Water Mask on SAR Image: {time_index.year[band_num*2-1]} / {time_ind
plt.imshow(water_masked, cmap='Blues',vmin=0, vmax=1.2)

EXERCISE: Analyze the Quality of the Water Masks

Look at different Flood Maps for your 16 dates and evaluate the performance of the

flood map. To do so, use the toolbar in the bottom left corner of the image above to

zoom in and navigate around:

Zoom into the map and look at the details. Are there some pxiels that you
would have added to the mask?

If you think flood areas were missed, do you seen anything in the underlying

image that may explain why a pixel was not detected? 17/19
3/3/24, 10:13 SARHazards_Lab_Floods

Create Summary Statistics

Once flood maps for each individual image acquisition date were created, summary
statistics can be derived that describe the severity and duration of an event. In the
following, we will be deriving a metric describing how many days each image pixel was
inundated during an analyzed event. This should provide a template for other metrics
to be created.

In [ ]: rasterstack = wm.ReadAsArray()
srs = np.shape(rasterstack)
floodcount = np.sum(rasterstack,0)
floodpercent = floodcount / srs[0] * 100
dt = time_index.dayofyear[SARbands] - time_index.dayofyear[0]
flooddays = floodpercent / 100 * dt
rasterstack = 0
fd_masked =, flooddays)

In [ ]: SARraster = img.GetRasterBand(SARbands).ReadAsArray()
plt.figure(figsize=(9, 6))
vmin = np.percentile(SARraster, 5) #vh_array
vmax = np.percentile(SARraster, 95)
plt.suptitle('Number of Inundated Days Per Pixel - Minimum SAR Image as Background'
plt.imshow(SARraster, cmap='gray', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
im = plt.imshow(fd_masked, cmap='jet')
plt.colorbar(im, orientation='vertical')
outfile = f"{mask_directory}/flooddays.tif"
write_mask_to_file(flooddays, outfile, img.GetProjection(), img.GetGeoTransform())

EXERCISE: Analyze the Summary Statistic Plot

Look at different colors in the plot above and try to understand what they mean and

whether or not they make sense to you. To do so, use the toolbar in the bottom left

corner of the image above to zoom in and navigate around. 18/19
3/3/24, 10:13 SARHazards_Lab_Floods

Version Log
SARHazards_Lab_Floods.ipynb - Version 1.0.4 - 11/03/2021

Recent Changes:

Correct dates in Water Mask on SAR Image plot 19/19

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