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HOLISTIC YOGA Class Plan Date:

Venue: Yoga Hall Age group: 20-60 Equipment needed: Yoga mat, Strap, Blanket,
Block, Bolster and Cushion.
Duration: 90 Risks: Use the props to go beyond the physical Supported personnel:
capacity of each student and maybe get injury trying to
reach the posture.
Number of participants: 15 Safety: Use the different props for supporting the Music: Liquid Silk by Marina Raye
body while practising and facilitate the alignment in a
safety way and own capacity
Yoga Level: All levels

Program objective: Include Yoga equipment in the practice of Session goal: To contemplate each posture and find mental relaxation
asana to facilitate the session for each person in their own time and trough the stillness of the asana practice by using props and awareness
capacity. Let the practitioner know when to use the props, what type of the breath.
of props is more suitable for them and explain the different ways of
support us with that equipment

Introduction: 3 minutes

Sukasana/ Easy cross legs position (chanting om and mantra for blessing)
Chin mudra/ Psychic gesture of consciousness

Self-introduction, safety information recommends to practices safe, always practice gentle in every pose, be aware of your breaths as
it is very easy to injure yourself when starting any new physical practice

Centering with pranayama: 7 minutes

Sukasana/ Easy cross leg siting position

Savasana/ Corpse Pose
Yogic Breath/Abdominal Breathing
In sukasana and savasana we will practice the full yogic breath with the correct position of the hands and the correct movement of the
different parts of the belly, thorax and chest. The first counting will be in a free proportion of inhale and exhale, then with one time of
inhale and one time for exhale and then one time for inhale and two times for exhale.


Warm-up activities: 10 minutes

Sukasana/Easy cross leg sitting position

Streching of the shoulders, head, arms, hands and feets in both sides, very slowly and synchronized with the breath.
Ardha Matsyandrasana/ Half spinal twist
Marjaiasana/ Bitilasana Cat and cow pose


The Core of the practice: 45 minutes

Balasana/ Child pose Blanket in the forehead or lying on the vertical position with our belly
Salamba Bhujangasana/ Sphinx Pose Bolster under our chest or belly
Supta Baddha Konasana/ Reclining Butterfly Pose Bolster,blanket in the upper part of body and blocks in the legs for
Viparita Karani/ Legs up the wall Blanket under head or back, small bolster under the lower back and block under the hips
Paschimotanasana / Seated forward fold Blanket, boslter or block in legs, belly or head
Ardha Kapotasana/ Half Pigeon pose Block, bolster and blanket under hips, head or legs
Utthan Pristinasana/ Dragon Pose or easy variation of lizard Block under the arm
Sethu Bhandasana/ Bridge Pose Block under the hips


Cool down activities: 3 minutes

Balasana / Child Pose Blanket in the forehead or lying on the vertical position with our belly
Malasana /Garland Pose Props under the hips or bolster depending on the capacity


Relaxation: 10 minutes

Savasana/ Corpse Pose

Adequate relaxation to cool down the system, which is carried out trough stretching and contracting every part of our bodies with
detailed instructions for autosuggestions, including internal organs. The relaxation is an active process that combines asanas,
breathing and suggestions. After the final relaxation, the student should move slowly and go with gentle moves to sukasana. Here
they have to place their hands in chin mudra, close their eyer and stay there in silence

Meditation: 10 minutes

Sukasana/Easy cross leg sitting position

Chin mudra/ Psychic gesture of consciousness


Closing/ Summary of the class: 2 minutes

The instructor chants three times the mantra om and the correct way to do it is to inhale and chant om (AUM) with the exhalation.
Then the instructor chants the final prayers and give thanks to the gurus for the knowledge that was transmitted. At the end you
can place your hands in a prayer position close to the heart and say namaste or On Namah Sivaya feeling grateful for this gift from

Psychic gesture of consciousness/ Chin mudra

Om Shanti

Coaching tips/ questions /challenges: Feedback from Students: Overall Review/Evaluation:


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