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Application :


is collection of Rules.

Application Structure :

Implementation (Event management Application

Framework (MgmtFW)

PegaRules (Pega Platform)

Class :
Class is a collection of Properties & methods. Method in class can access
Properties, Methods of same class (or its parents)
Class is a collection of Rules.
Class defines the scope. A rule in a class can call or can refer another rule in
the same class (or its Parent).

Section rule in Mah-EvntMgmt-Work, can access FirstName,LastName Property rules in

same class.

Rules are the building blocks of Pega Application.

Ruleset : is a container to store or maintain rules in its versions. Ruleset

bundles the rules together and helps in deployment to higher environemnts.
You will have versions for each rule set. 01-01-01

Pega provided some standard rule types.

1. Property -> Which is useful to store value (you can store Chars, Int, Decimenal
in Property)
2. Section -> You can create a form (user form) using which we can accept input
from user or display contents to user

Inheritance :
1. Pattern Inheritance
2. Direct Inheritance

Classes created from "New Application" Wizard :


Organization : Mah
Application : EvntMgmt

Rulesets :


Organization Layer :
Mah-Data => Organizational Data Layer
Mah-Int => Organizational Integration Layer

Application Layer :
Mah-EvntMgmt-Data => Application Data Layer

Mah-EvntMgmt-Int => Application Integration Layer

Framework Application Layers :


Three layers :
1. Work Layer : Case or Work Object execution will happen in Work Layer.

2. Data Layer : We create reusable data components in data layer. Address (StrNo,
Addressline1, City, State, Pin)

3. Int Layer : We create reusable integration components in Int layer

Home Work :

1. Create abstract class “Event” in Organizational Data layer and Add create
properties EventType, EventName in it.
Eg : Mah-Data-Event
2. Create concrete data class “City” in Application Data layer by running Data
Type Wizard. Add properties Cityname, CityCode, StateCode. Take Citycode as Primary
Key. Keep default CustomerData database (in source tab - bottom)
Eg : Mah-EvntMgmt-Data-City

3. Create concrete data class "State" in Application Data layer by running Data
type Wizard. Add Properties StateCode, StateName, Capital, Area and take StateCode
as key. In Source tab, change Database from CustomerData to PegaData.
4. Write down the data table that got created after running the data type wizards

5. Create New application with Reusable Divisional Layer and find out How many
rulesets got created. List down the different Layers (Organization, Division,
Application) Classes created by Application creation Wizard.

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