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Elliptical Sentences

Elliptical Sentences (kalimat elipsis): Penggabungan dua kalimat yang memiliki unsur yang
sama dengan tujuan untuk membentuk kaimat majemuk dan menghilangkan pengulangan
kata yang tidak diperlukan. Kalimat elipsis terbagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu:
1. Kalimat elipsis dalam kalimat gabungan setara
Kalimat elipsis dalam kalimat gabungan setara menggunakan kata penghubung “and”.
Kalimat gabungan ini terbagi lagi menjadi dua yaitu
a. Kalimat gabungan setara positif
Subject 1 + Auxiliary + Verb + and + so + auxiliary + subject 2
Subject 1 + Auxiliary + Verb + and + Subject 2 + Auxiliary + too
Contoh Kalimat :
I will start working at the publishing company tomorrow. (Rina will start working at the
publishing company tomorrow)
Kalimat gabungan
I will start working at the publishing company tomorrow, and so will Rina.
I Will start working at the publishing company tomorrow, and Rina will too.
Jika kalimat gabungan tersebut tidak menggunakan auxiliary, maka rumus yang digunakan
Subject 1 + Verb + and + so + do/does/did + Subject 2
Subject 1 + Verb + and + Subject 2 + d/does/did + too
Contoh Kalimat :
My mother gave me beautiful clothes as my birthday present. (My aunt gave me beautiful
clothes as my birthday present)
Kalimat gabungan
My mother gave me beautiful clothes as my birthday present, and so did my aunt.
My mother gave me beautiful clothes as my birthday present, and my aunt did too.
b. Kalimat gabungan setara negatif
Subject 1 + auxiliary not + Verb + and + neither + auxiliary+Subject 2
Subject 1 + auxiliary not + Verb + and + Subject 2 + Auxiliary not +Either
I am not going to go shopping by myself.
My mother is not going to go shopping by herself.
Kalimat gabungan
1 am not going to go shopping by myself and neiter is my mother.
I am not going to go shopping by myself, and my mother is not either.
Subject 1 + don’t/doesn’t/didn’t + Verb + and + Neither + do/does/did/ + Subject
Subject 1 + don’t/doesn’t/didn’t + Verb + and + Subject 2 + don’t/doesn’t/didn’t
+ Either
Contoh Kalimat :
Sinta didn’t come to my birthday party.
Mike didn’t come to my birthday party
Kalimat gabungan
Sinta didn’t come to my birthday party, and neither did Mike
Sinta didn’t come to my birthday party, and Mike didn’t either.

2. Kalimat elipsis dalam kalimat gabungan berlawanan

Kalimat elipsis dalam kalimat gabungan setara menggunakan kata penghubung “but”
Subject 1 + auxiliary + verb + but + subject 2 + auxiliary not + verb
Subject 1+ auxiliary’ not + verb + but + subject 2 + auxiliary + verb
Rini is working in the private company.
Sinta is not working in the private company.
Kalimat gabungan
Rini is working in the private company but Sinta is not.
Selain menggunakan kata “but”, kata “while” atau “whereas” juga digunakan dalam kalimat
gabungan setara berlawanan.
Subject 1 + verb + but/while/whereas + subject 2 + do/does/don’t/doesn’t/did/didn’t
My brother plays tennis every weekend.
My sister doesn’t play tennis every weekend.
Kalimat gabungan
My brother plays tennis every weekend whereas my sister doesn’t.

Auxiliary verb (kata kerja bantu): fungsinya untuk mempertegas kata kerja utama atau
untuk membentuk kalimat negatif atau kalimat tanya.
Contoh Auxiliary verb
Auxiliary verb Present Past
Main Auxiliary: am, are, is, being, been was, were
Be (biasanya digunakan dalam
continuous tense dan passive voice)

Do (biasanya digunakan dalam do, does did

kalimat negatif dan kalimat tanya
pada bentuk simple tense)

Have (biasanya digunakan dalam have, has, having had

perfect tense)
Modal Auxiliary: Will Would
Shall Should
Can Could
May Might
Must Ought to

Tulislah kalimat-kalimat berikut menjadi kalimat elipsis
1. My mother is in Jakarta now. My father is in Jakarta now
2. I was in Jambi in 1994. They were in Jambi in 2000
3. She goes to school at 6 am. He goes to school at 6 am
4. They haven't been in the class. I have been in the class
5. They will watch the movie. I will watch the movie
6. I like my coffee sweet and black. Rio like his coffee sweet and black
7. I can drive a car. She can’t drive a car

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