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1. patient(female) comes to the hospital and making noice. As a professional radiographer, what
will you do to control the patient.
As a professional radiographer, I will approach the patient to sound her out. I will listen carefully
whiles she expresses her concern and assure her that I will be willing to be of assistance if her
concerns are within my reach. If possible, I will make sure that the conversation is made in a
private place in order to draw her concerns away from other patients. I’ll ask her is she will be
more confident to speak with any other health professional or authorities in the hospital rather
than me. In case I find out that the patient is not of sound mind or in a state where she could
potentially cause harm to me, I’ll maintain a distance while speaking to her. If patient is not
cooperating as a result of her psychological state, I’ll consult a physician about the possibility of
administering sedation.

2. State four composition of judiciary

• Supreme Court
• Court of Appeal
• High court
• Lower court or tribunal

3. An unconscious patient come to the hospital. State three factors to consider in caring for the
• Touch and speak to the unconscious patient as if he is conscious.
• Ensure patient safety during transfer and positioning
• Communicate with the nurse responsible for the patient regarding patient condition and
4. State one example and explain the following
a. Negligence
Negligence means a failure in care, a failure arises in doing something that no reasonable person
would do (or fail to do).
Example: Failure to read the request for an x-ray examination properly

b. Battery
Battery means touching someone without permission
Example: Administering injection despite patient’s refusal

5. Explain sound efficient

To sound efficient means to speak professionally to ensure effective communication without a
misunderstanding and to build up patient’s confidence in you.
6. State three things to consider which can lead to sounding efficient or the radiographer.
• Speaking as if you have your mind on the job immediately after you
• Understanding that routine and familiar examination may be unique to the patient
• Restricting communication to the technicalities relating to the examination.
7. Mention 5 ways which a male radiographer will exhibit sexual harassment on a female.
• Pressuring patients for dates in a subtle or overt manner.
• Making sexually demeaning comments
• Making offensive personal remarks of sexual nature
• Offensive illustration of sexual nature
• Unwelcome and unprofessional physical contact such as hugging and brushing up
against the female patient.

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