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✓ Hazelnut, scientifically known as Corylus species, from the family


✓ It is considered an exotic fruit, being original from North America.

✓ Hazelnuts are one of the most nutritive among nuts, and

comprehend valuable nutrients.
✓ hazelnuts are eaten raw, roasted or even blanched. Regarding the possible
form of application, they can be used whole, shredded and turned into

✓About 70% for chocolate applications and 20% for ice cream and
pastries, leaving only 10% of total production for direct consumption,
whether fresh or in other applications.
✓Spherical hazelnuts are used in products that require whole fruits,
while elongated ones are primarily intended for the production of
shredded hazelnuts or hazelnut paste.

✓Dacquoise is a cake made with layers of almond and hazelnut

meringue and whipped cream or butter cream.

✓In Turkey, hazelnuts are used in the production of baklavas (a Turkish

special sweet ) and Turkish delicacies.
✓To ensure conservation of the hazelnuts, after harvesting, their
moisture content must be decreased to reduce water activity and
microbial spoilage as well as chemical degradation.

✓ Typically, after harvest the moisture content is between 25 and 30%,

being necessary to bring it down to only about 6% for conservation
Types of Hazelnut

✓The beaked hazelnut (C. cornuta) is native throughout Atlantic

Canada but produces a very small nut not suited to commercial

✓ The European hazelnut (C. avellana) is the only hazel grown

Nutritive value
✓ They are typically composed of fat, 62% fat, they also contain protein,
16%, and carbohydrates, 11%.

✓It is good source of monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) &

polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA). It contains predominately palmitic
acid, Stearic acid, linoleic acid & linolenic acid.

✓Amino acids like glutamic acid, arginine, alanine and aspartic acid
are present in hazelnut.
✓micronutrients such as tocopherols, polyphenols, essential minerals
(potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium), B-complex vitamins
(B1, B2 & B6 ) and Vitamin A.

✓ Owing to their nutritive value and exceptional flavor, they are widely
used in dairy products, bakery, coffee, spreads and confectionery,
being also applied directly into salads.
Health benefits
✓Rich source of vitamin E
Prevent oxidation of the polyunsaturated fats

✓High in oleic acid -a mono-unsaturated fatty acid

lower cholesterol
Reduction in both total blood and LDL cholesterol levels

✓Vitamin A is a natural antioxidant

Cancer preventing properties

✓Flavonoid and other phytochemicals

Decreasing the risk of heart diseases, cancer and other chronic diseases
✓The preferred climate is characterized by a mild summer and cool

✓higher summer temperatures can cause leaves to scorch and burn and
can prevent satisfactory fruiting.

✓More than 750 mm annual rainfall is required for good production,

and supplementary irrigation is useful during the establishment stage.
✓Hazelnuts require a well-drained soil about 1.8 m deep.

✓The tree has a mainly fibrous root system, but deeper soils allow for
greater exploitation of soil resources and heavier production in the
mature orchard.

✓In areas of shallow soils, trees have initially grown but then declined.
Heavy clays and very sandy soils should be avoided and a deep loam
is preferred.
Forms of hazelnut
Processing of Hazelnut

✓Hazelnuts are harvested annually in mid autumn.

✓As autumn comes to a close, the trees drop their nuts and leaves.

✓Most commercial growers wait for the nuts to drop on their own

✓Can shake branches lightly to encourage nuts to fall.

✓Gather all fallen nuts before the on set of autumn rains if possible.

✓ Removal of husk.

✓Hazelnuts are dried to facilitate the removal of the husk.

✓Mechanical process.

✓After de-husking, in-shell hazelnuts are sorted, cleaned and dried until
the optimal moisture content(≤12%).

✓Being the drying process within 24 hours of harvest.

✓Optimum temperature is 35-40.5oC. If the temperature exceed nut

quality will be poorer. If the temperature is low more time is required.

✓Dry hazelnuts about 2 to 3 days.

✓Kernels are firm at first. Internal color gradually changes from

white to creamy color.

✓They are cracked /shelled to free the kernel.

✓Break the shell using the nut cracker or Mechanically.

✓Discard the nuts looks scorched or Moldy.


✓After cracking, the whole and split kernels are separated from the shell
fragments by aspiration and mechanical sorting.

✓Kernels are sorted according to the size and grade.

Blanching and /or Roasting

✓Finally, the whole hazelnut kernels can be blanched and /or roasted before

✓Remove Bitter skin.


✓The vacuum packaging is recommended to protect the product from


✓Vacuum packaging or with nitrogen flows to reject oxygen and

maintain the quality.
Hazelnut storage
✓Storage facilities should be clean and dry with a relative humidity
<70% and well ventilated structures.

✓ should provide protection from rain, entry of rodents and birds.

✓The temperature should be kept between 0ºC and 10ºC to minimize

fungal growth during storage.

✓Good storage practices should be implemented to minimize the

incidence of insects and fungi in storage facilities.

✓Can be stored as in-shell or shelled.

✓Store in a dark place -provide shell life of 3 months.

✓Refrigeration provide shelf life of 9 months.

✓Freezing provides shelf life of 1 year.

Hazelnut oil
✓Two main types of processes for obtaining the hazelnut oil are physical
and chemical.

✓The physical process involves the use of mechanical power to remove

oil from material, such as hydraulic pressing, cold press method and
screw pressing method.

✓Extraction is a process based on chemical characteristics of solute and

✓Conventional solvent extraction produces low-quality oil that
requires extensive purification operations while screw pressing
does not require the use of organic solvent.

✓Unfortunately, the main disadvantage of this process is low oil

extraction yield.

✓Hazelnut oil, besides being edible, is widely used in cosmetics, in the

preparation of creams, with special emphasis on products intended
for dry skin, due to its emulsifying properties.
Roasted hazelnut
✓Roasting in hazelnuts is performed to peel, inactivate enzymes, destroy
microorganisms and reduce water activity.

✓In addition, roasting also allows to improve the colour, crispy texture
and flavor of the product.

✓Roasting increases amount of compounds with antioxidant activity, while

at the same time inactivates undesirable enzymes and microorganisms.

✓ Nevertheless, it causes some loss of nutritional value and possible

formation of undesirable compounds such as 5-hydroxy methyl furfural.
✓Industrial roasting is carried out at temperatures ranging from 100 to
160 °C for 10-60 minutes with dry air, depending on the desired color
and texture.

✓ However, it is usually held at 145 °C for 15 min.

✓The chemical reactions that are responsible for the changes during
roasting are mainly caramelization and Maillard reactions.

✓The nature of the hazelnuts and the roasting conditions (temperature

higher than 100 °C and time over 10 min) are favorable for these
reactions to occur.
Hazelnut spread
✓Pre heat the oven to 350°F/180°C.

✓Place the hazelnuts on a lined baking tray and bake in the oven for
10 minutes. Then Cool it.

✓Once cooled rub the hazelnuts to remove most of the skins.

✓After remove the skins add the hazelnuts to a food processor until they
turn into butter. This can take around 10 minutes to become extra
smooth and creamy.

✓Once a smooth liquid butter is formed, add the cacao powder,

powdered sugar and oil combine.

✓Add the cooled chocolate to the hazelnut spread with a small pinch
of salt and blitz until combined and super smooth.

✓At this point, adjust the sweetness.

✓The texture will be runny, pour it into a jar or container and place in
the fridge until thickened.
Hazelnut milk
Hazelnut flour
✓Hazelnut Meal / Natural filbert flour

✓Ground pure hazelnuts

✓ Alternative to standard wheat flour

✓Add rich flavor to baked goods

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