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Team Name: LOA

Team Members’ Names and Departments

• Gökalp ARSLAN – Electrical and Electronics Engineering
• Burak ŞAFAK – Software Engineering
• Onur ERGÜDEN – Software Engineering

Introduction and Background

Our university has a problem, and that is the library’s occupancy level. In our group's
and other students' experience, the library is very disorganized. The reason behind this
is that some students abuse the library by leaving their bags and leaving for hours.
There is another reason, which is our library's capacity. Unfortunately, in our university,
the student-to-library-desk ratio is low. The purpose of this proposal is to present a
solution to the problem of finding a study desk that is not occupied during peak times in
the university library. To address this issue, we propose to develop a library occupancy
app that will show students the library's occupancy level.
Project Description
We thought of an app that shows us the emptiness of
our library. At first this was our main goal. While we are
thinking on an idea we decided to add more features to
our app. The app will be user-friendly and will work on
both IOS and Android platforms. Its aim is to keep our
library more organized. This app contains a QR code
reader that will read QR codes that we place to the
desks. These QR codes will provide our app the
information that it needs. App will show us which desks
are available at that moment. Also, our app will have an
online book system that can show students and
teachers which books are available. Since our school
keeps records, we can integrate that system of record to our app. The library occupancy
app will offer several benefits, the library will be more organized and students time and
effort will be saved due to finding available desks easier.


As our team includes software, electrical and electronics and biomedical engineers, we
will be able optimize our time and budget, code the application, and manage its
efficiency at the same time. We are only engineering students, but we believe we can
help our school.
Timeline and Budget

The development of the library occupancy app is a simple process, yet that requires
careful planning and execution with help of professional developers. We propose a
timeline of 8 months in total to complete the development of the app and trials. With
following the agile methodology of software development, app can be finished
approximately 4-6 month. The estimated cost of the project is 40.000-80.000 USD
which includes app development and QR code installation. Months 1-6 will be dedicated
to development of the app, and at the same time floor plan of our library will be drawn.
Following that, QR codes will be placed. After Library Occupancy App (LOA) is
finished, months 7 and 8 will be the trail process, user training and eliminating bugs that
might be occur. After all this process we might have some updates that will be coming
after user experience feedback. This can cost more money, but 40.000-80.000 USD will
be enough for the beginning.


In conclusion, our university's library has been facing the problem of students struggling
to find available desks to study. Our aim is to solve this problem by making our library
more organized. To achieve this goal, we have decided to develop an application that
shows desk availability. Additionally, we are planning to integrate our school’s library
system into the app, which will allow students to check the availability of books in real-
time. The name of our app is the Library Occupancy App (LOA). With our app, students
no longer need to wander around the library searching for an empty desk. With careful
planning, execution, and maintenance, the Library Occupancy App can be a valuable
asset to our university’s community.
Sources (IMAGE 1)üniversitesi-
kütüphanesi/4cefbcf313aea143fd05759f (IMAGE 2)

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