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34. Give a chemical fertilizer industry brief information about the in Indi ‘Ans, Chemical India dustry has an Important place are Tast_ dew » Sulphuric caustic soda and Included in Inorganic chemicals. Petro-chemicals are main cones with reference to organic chemical industry, din plastic artificial. bres, artificial colour-chemicals, rubber, medicines, ete + Inorganic chemical industry is widespread in many parts of the country, whereas the organic ‘chemical industry 1s found near the oll refineries snd petro-chemical centres, India holds an important position among the developing countries in the Insectietdes. production of To » Gujar ‘county. 48 superior tn chemical industry tn the + Major centres of fare Ahmedabad, Vaclod: Industry tn Gujarat Ankleshwar, Bharuch, p 27. Name the writers of "Sangeet Ratnakar’ Ti and “Sangeet Parijat’, LQp Rat is an ancient Indign text on classical music composed by Pandit Sarangdev. it portant treatise on the north Indiaii Style of classical music written by Pandit Ahobale. 988. Mention th challenges against the cotton textile industry Oo ‘Ans. The challenges against the cotton textile ea industry of India are Scarcity) of high quality cotton ‘of worn out and obsolete machinery — Irregular supply of electric power Less skilled labourers + Competition from artificial fibre ~ Tough competition in international market (Ex.g.-The cotton_texttle_industry has flourished more in Mumbai and Ahmedabad.” Explain the statement.) Ans. The cotton textile industry has flourished more in Mumbai and Ahmedabad due to following reasons =~ Cheap cottons _ : ‘ey or Ports of exports = Favourable markets Pp _ 28. Write about the types of classical dances, along with their place of origin. Ans. Bharatnatyam, Kuchipudi, Kathakalt. . Kathak, Manipuri and Odissi are the principal types | of classical dances in India. i> Bharatnatyam originated in Tanjor district of | Tamil_ Nadu. _ — Kuchipudi o ated in Andhra Pradesh. + Kathakali Mires in Kerala. — Kathak originated in Uttar Pradesh. | — Manipuri originated in Manipur. 36. Write a note on the Naxal Ans.(1)Naxalite movement emerged i the Naxalbart_regjon in, Wiest Be 1967 as an the Zamindars T2)R was inspired by the Communist Revolution in China led by Mao-se-Tung (3) Chara Muzus 1¢ founders of the Naxalite movement. (4) The Naxalites resort to all forms of olence that includes bomb explosions, attack on the nulitary personnel and government buildings Idnapping of the public offleials and extortion They forcefully collect money and foodgrains from the people in ‘their territory (5) intially exploited peasants and Ia workers willingly supported the Naxalites. However, ‘over a. period of time popular support has declined due to indiscriminate violence and exploitation of people dar and Kanu Sanyal were less To (6)This movement has spread over 13 states The most affected states are Andhra Pradesh Telangana, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and Odisha, (7) People's War Group (PWG) and Maoist Communist Centre (MCC) are two major Naxal organizations (8) They represent localized protest against the state government and its police force. Pp 92, State about Mica ‘Ans. The prop and the uses of mica are as follows ~ Mica is a transparent, elastic and non-conductor (ery slow conductor) of heat and electricity can withstand a very high voltage of ele + That is why It Is tised in ins vents lke heaters which use elecieicity for heating, tron, etc fs also ised in electrical goods, radio, telephone aircraft, motor car, gramophone, noise absorbing It fs also useful as a supplement to glass to give shining » Bihar, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh and Rajast fare major producers of mica. Besides these states, mica is also found in Karna Bengal and Tamil Nadu. aka, West Top + There 1s a huge reserve of muscovite type © mica in Indi ik In the world im mica + India holds first production. 99. Write short note on Bio-Gas. Ans. Biogas ts > Farm_weasics, acess agrculural_mateca mo at dung, human “excrete. tc Te Uo the gas obalned trom ts known as ‘Blo gu + i formed through the chemeal process with the help of bacteria, Methane gas from st. It 48 a combustible gas. After the biogas is obtained, a non-viral precious fertilizer can be produced from the residue “+ Thus, energy as well as fertizer both can be obtained from blo-as. » The gas generated from only animal dung is known as ‘Gober Gas’. The plant which produces bio-gas and fertilizers 1s known as Blo-gus Plant + Lakhs of 1 used as fuel in Mts place, trees cleanliness of the vil nes of wood and ant To villages. If blo-gas 1s used in felling can be saved and the will increase and the scarcity of domestic energy can be reduced. » Uttar Prades first and secon fm India and Gujarat are respectively In the production of biogas p (Ex. g. Mention 1 of wildlife.) reasons for the destructios ‘Ans. The reasons for the destruction of wild Is are as follows (2The naturat_habitats of the -e ae tm danger because of human 3 in the grasslands and the wetlands in the forests. + Destruction of forests Is the most responsible reason for the natural imbalance. As a result the wild animals have decreased, Hunters ki Dbones, horns, + Many animals have become extinct because they are killed to obta fragrant material > Wild animals are affected by many factors sich as desire to get more land for agriculture, fling trees for timber and firewood, construction of railways, roads and airports, multipurpose projects a settlements and the expansion of the settlements, displaced animals die as well the animals for their hair, skin a construction of canal Top + The existence of wild animals is endangered because of the increasing pressure on forests for fuel. forage of grazing, + Forest fire lls many animals. When fire at the time of rearing their young one ff hatching the the wild animals fea. there is a decrease many animals who have lost their dv hhappen to be in populated area. At that tn Joe their lives due to confrontation w 26. Explain our two fundamental duties as laid down in the constitution for the preservation and conservation of heritage. Ans. Article 51 (A) of the tution of India lays down the Fundamental of the citizen. Items (6), (7) and (9) in Article 51 (A) prescribe the duties related to the preservation of cultural heritage. — These duties are as under: (1)To value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture; (2)to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife, and to have compassion for living creatures; (3) to safeguard public property and to adjure violence. (Ex. Q. What is terrorism ?) To Ans. Terrorism is the deliberate use of or SCORER threat of use of violence for the attainment of undefi aon defined political, economic and ideological objectives. » The well-organised terrorist organizations indulge in surprise act of violence against the ‘enemy state and its people. + It has become a global phenomenon which has no regard for human lives or human freedom, (Ex. Q. Give introduction of the words: (1) Kumin @ Kumin The artists of Manipuri style dance wear plaited green coloured petticoat and silk blouse and tie a belt around the waist. This attire is called kumin. Garba. The word ‘Garba’ is derived from the word ‘Garbh deep’. An earthen lamp is placed in an earthen pot with holes. The dancers keep this on their heads and move around in circles. 37. Why did Kashmiri Pandits migrate from their home land? Ans. The Kashmiri Pandits were the followers of Hindu religion and were Kashmir. small_minority +The ‘local’ and ‘imported’ terrorists terrorised the Kashmiri Par >To save their I and freedom, the Kashmiri Pandits migrated to other parts of India. 29, “India has been a land of pilgrimages ancient _ time.” Explain the since statement. (OR Describe the places of pilgrimages in P —— Ans. People of India are religious and visit their places of pilgrimage + They undertake Journey to In this way India has been a land of pilgrimages since ancient umes, and natural the world heritage 30. What ddl Swamy Vivekanand say about Ans. Swami Vivekanand attended the World Religions Conference at Chicago in the USA. + While addressing the gathering, he had said that, “I am proud to say that, I represer the religion that has taught the lessons of tolerance, compassion and universal fraternity to the world.” the peildlife on verse 31. Write Mm of cnn ‘Ans. When the d 1s beyond doubt, th wild animal » Today, many animals are on verge of extinction ~ Tigers were found in entire India in last century. Today, tiger 18 found only in Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal and reson + Barker, tigers were f ‘Ambajl, Panchmahal and! Dangs. Today. tiger 4, totally extn 1c forests of Gujarat + Panther is almost extinct ft India th of a last surviving animal ‘animal is called “Extinct the forests oo + Many species of birds, which were found ia the forests of India are now hardh + Vulture, duck with pink throat, Indian crane fowl, etc. are on verge of extinction. “+ Chulotra, once found in very large number in Arunachal Pradesh are hardly found. To ~ Alligators, a species of crocodile, found in the fresh river water and Ganga dolphin are also fon verge of extinction * There 1s a constant decrease in the number of sea turtles coming to the sandy coasts of Odisha and Gujarat for tayi “+ Water-fowls are Narmada, Tapl. Ma Gujarat and Sabarmatt rivers 18 25, Which e things that are ineluded tage ? Ans. Our cultural heritage is ve It includes palaces, forts, buildings, stupas, viharas and chaityas. ~ It also includes temples, mosques, tombs, victory gates and sculptures. > Even historical places of our freedom movement like Sabarmati Ashram, Dandi, Bardoli, Vardha, Shantiniketan and Delhi are part of our cultural heritage. To Pp

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