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Email Etiquette

In today’s world, email has become a part of professional communication between people
worldwide. However, it is important to consider email etiquette to prevent disrespect and
misunderstandings. Therefore, it is crucial to boost good email etiquette and effective
communication and establish positive feelings in professional settings, which involves being
respectful, professional, and mindful of the recipients.

A good email contains respect for the recipients. Email etiquette is also essential for professional
settings because it shows a person’s professionalism and respect and also impacts the reputation
of the sender to the professor's classmates or even friends.

A professional email should follow these elements: clear subject lines, greetings, and signatures.
A clear subject will help the recipient understand the purpose of the sender. The greetings show
respect, and the signature shows who the sender is and will give information about the sender to
recipients. For example, considering these elements will show your credibility, like 'Hello, dear
professor’. If email etiquette is not followed, it can lead to misunderstandings, waste time, or
destroy someone's professional reputation.

Proofreading and editing before sending an email is essential to avoid grammatical mistakes,
misunderstandings, and typos that ensure that the content of your email is clear and you have not
used any offensive language. Also, it shows attention to detail and professionalism in the details
of email.

In summary, I think following the tips and paying attention when writing an email and
considering the rules, respect, and professionalism will boost effective communication and bring
honor to the sender and respect for recipients.

4. Email security and privacy

What is email security and privacy?

As a critical safeguard for all types of organizations and professionals, email

security prevents unauthorized access resulting in data breaches, detects and blocks
malicious content, and ensures the privacy of sensitive information being transmitted
(Proof Point US, 2024b).

Maintaining email security and safety is very important in professional communication for many
reasons. First, there is information that is confidential and sensitive for people. Ensure email
security and privacy to prevent unofficial access and protect information. If this data falls into
the wrong hands, it can have negative consequences that can destroy someone’s life.

Second, it establishes trust and reputation with people and organizations and demonstrates the
warranty for safeguarding their data. It also helps avoid any possible misunderstandings at work.
Finally, email privacy and security prevent and avoid any risk of cyberattacks, which can lead to
reputational and financial losses.

To avoid security pitfalls, individuals should avoid clicking on unknown links or opening
attachments from unknown senders. It is very important to verify the legitimacy of emails and
make sure they are from trusted sources or organizations. We can avoid this by using strong
passwords, updating passwords regularly, updating software, and so on. Also, being careful
about phishing is important for email security.

Unintentional data breaches in email can cause serious consequences; for example, they could
expose personal information like an address or phone number and also lead to embarrassment or
reputational damage. Imagine that someone accidentally sends personal photos or data to an
unknown recipient, and this recipient uses this data against you. So, this can lead to personal
relationship damage in someone’s life. Therefore, always be careful and double-check emails
before sending them to recipients.



Subject: Inquiry on Grade Announcement

Hello, dear professor

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to kindly inquire about the expected date for the
announcement of our grades for Digital Literacy. As the semester nears its middle, I am eager to
assess my progress and make any necessary adjustments. I also appreciate your commitment to
ensuring our academic growth and look forward to your guidance.

Thank you for your time and support.


Arezo Dehqanyar


AUAF ID: 50082

What is email security? - Defining security of email | ProofPoint US. (2024b, January 5).


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