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23 General knowledge questions for a school visit or regular class

2. 15 24 36 45 33 32 34 67 – 15 24? – 36 45 33 32 34 67
3. Cheetah, Tiger, Rabbit, Mouse, Snake. Which is the second fastest? - Tiger
4. Which is the odd one out? Dog, Cow, Wolf, Chicken, Mouse, Deer – Chicken
5. What is the name of Prince Williams’s wife? - Kate
6. Which country has more people? Indonesia, Germany, France, Spain, Monaco – Indonesia
7. Which of these is a a back doctor? Chiropractor, Anethsetist, Peadiatrician, G.P.? –
8. The British English way of saying ‘Sneakers ‘ is? - Trainers
9. Americans say ‘Pants’, British say? - Trousers
10. Which of these foods is bitter? Grapes, Bread, Cheese, Chocolate, Ice Cream, Cornflakes? -
11. Which of these foods is sour? Chocolate, Lemon, Pear, Spaghetti, Garlick, Rainbow Cake? -
12. Which of these foods is Indian? Nasi Goreng, Sushi, Sweet & Sour, Tom Yam, Biryani,
Porridge? - Biryani
13. The American City of New Orleans is on which river? The Potomic, The Orchy, The Missisipi,
The Thames, The Nile? -The Missisipi
14. Which of these states is in the North East of America? Washington, Maine, Texas, California,
Oregon, South Carolina? - Maine
15. What is the capital of Scotland? -Edinburgh
16. What is the capital of Northern Ireland? Dublin, Brussels, Berlin, Cardiff, Rekjavik, Belfast? -
17. What is the name of the American President who served during the American Civil War?
Washington, Jefferson, Nixon, Lincoln, Obama, Bush - Lincoln
18. What is the name of the Eagle on the Indonesian Flag? – Garuda
19. What food does a Cocoa bean make? – Chocolate
20. Which of these actors starred in the movie ‘The Avengers’? Tom Cruise, Robert Downey Jr,
Robert Di Niro, Marlon Brando, Kiera Knightley? - Robert Downey Jr
21. Which of these animals is cold blooded? Chicken, Lizard, Whale, Dolphin, Zebra? - Lizard
22. What country does the work ‘Karaoke’ origniate from? China, Indonesia, Thailand,
Germany, Japan? - Japan
23. Which of these Roman cities was destroyed by a Volcano? Rome, Carthage, Pompeii,
Londinium, Capua? Pompeii

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