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Alex: Hey Sarah! How have you been?

Sarah: Hi Alex! I've been good, thanks. Have you seen any interesting movies lately?
Alex: Yeah, I recently rewatched "Casablanca." It's one of my all-time favorites.
Sarah: "Casablanca," huh? That's a classic! I think I saw it a long time ago.
Alex: It's one of those movies that you appreciate more with each viewing.
Sarah: Sounds like I should give it another watch. Do you only watch classic movies?
Alex: No, I love all kinds of movies! Classics, indie films, newer releases...
Sarah: That's cool! I tend to stick to more mainstream stuff.
Alex: Have you seen "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"? It's a brilliant indie film.
Sarah: No, I haven't seen that one, but it sounds intriguing.
Alex: You should definitely check it out.
Sarah: I'll add it to my list. So, what else have you been up to lately?
Alex: I've been writing a novel.
Sarah: Writing a novel must be challenging but rewarding.
Alex: It is! How about you? Anything exciting happening in your life?
Sarah: Not much, just the usual daily stuff. But I'm thinking of planning a trip soon.
Alex: That sounds like an amazing idea!
Sarah: Well, I hate to cut this short, but I have to run some errands. It was great catching up
with you!
Alex: No worries, Sarah. It was great chatting with you too. Take care!
Sarah: Bye, Alex!
Alex: Bye, Sarah

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