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Title: "The Vacation”

CHARACTERS (all of them are 20):

Emily: mute girl with schizophrenia, playful, cheerful, psychotic and obsessive way
of attachment to people, manipulative, secretive, posessive… She has a special
attachment to Lisa, because she is the only one that understands her schizophrenia.

Lisa: depressed girl obsessed with psychology, spirituality and crystals. Very quiet,
sensitive, poetic and loyal. She wants to get killed all the time. Bipolar disorder.

Sarah: cheerful, energetic and optimistic girl obsessed with videogames and
animals. Impulsive, adventurous, social, open-minded, mean (stupid blonde) and
supportive. She is crazy in love with Mark, at the point that she commits suicide.
She is psychotic. She is possesive, jealous and she has a complex and traumatic
backstory. Single mom.

Alex: He is in love with Sarah, which creates this love triangle between Sarah, Mark
and him. He is a very smart boy that comes from a wealthy family. He is the only
one that has a stable mental health.

Mark: he is in love with Lisa, but not love LOVE, he just likes her because she is the
only one that understands him, so he doesn´t kill her. He has a horrible and
traumatic past (abused, abandoned…). He has DID, which is a personality disorder
where multiple “people” can live inside a body. Mark has 3: the normal one, which is
described previously, a 10 year-old boy, Mariano and the serial killer that killed his
friends (but in collaboration with Mark), Marco.


(Friends meeting, gathering and sitting down, enjoying life and their free weekend,
hiking) (Camera pointed to each of the Friends arriving and waving hi)

MARK: (cheerful) Alright, guys, it's story time! Let's make this trip unforgettable.

ALEX: (excited) I love a good story.

LISA: (enthusiastic) Yeah, let's do it!

MARK: (grinning) Perfect! Here's the deal: each of us shares a deep, dark secret or
something no one else knows about. It'll bring us closer as friends.

EMILY: (signing) I don´t know.

MARK: Oh, come on Emily! It´ll be fun!

EMILY: (signing) Ok…

SARAH: (smiling) Who wants to go first?

ALEX: Why don´t you go first, Emily?

EMILY: (signing) My secret is that I sometimes hear voices that tell me to do things

MARK: What kinds of things?

EMILY: For example, “The trees are watching you. Burn the forest down”. That´s
what they said just a momento ago.

SARAH: (smiling) That is so cool! OMG!

ALEX: (whispering) Okay? I´m next. I secretly like to sing pop songs when I'm alone.

LISA: (laughing with a straight face) That's adorable!

SARAH: My turn! I've always been afraid of the dark.

MARK: (raising an eyebrow) Really? That's a surprise.

LISA: What are you scared of, Mark?

MARK: Nothing.


MARK: Well, actually, being left alone.

ALEX: I am alone all the time…

SARAH: At least you´re in a billionaire´s mansion!

ALEX: Yes, that´s what they all say, but you eventually get tired!

ALEX: I am tired of receiving expensive gifts from my parents to make up for the
time they don´t spend with me!

SARAH: (playfully) If you don´t like the presents, you could just give them to me,
you know… Sharing is caring!

MARK: Hey, Sarah, poor boy

SARAH: Yes Mark I am so sorry!

ALEX: Apologize to me!

SARAH: Ok..! I am sorry Alex


SARAH: (smiling) But if you don´t like some of your presents I would like to have


EMILY: (signing) This was fun

MARK: (smiling) Glad you changed your mind.

LISA: Hey guys, I think we should start our hike. That´s why we came in the first
place, right?

SARAH: Well, no, actually, I came to get rid of my 4 year-old child, Georgia. She is
so annoying, and her father doesn´t even care to feed her. I am so tired of him! And

ALEX: Why didn´t you tell me? I could have hired a nanny to help you!

SARAH: Nah! Don´t worry! But I appreciate it.


SARAH: I am tiredddd! Can we rest now?

MARK: Ok. Look, there´s a table!

They go up to the table and sit down. SILENCE

SARAH: I need to pee, I´ll be back in a minute! (leaves running)

ALEX: I need to make a quick call, I´ll be right back (leaves)

MARK: Well, are you enjoying the hike?

EMILY: Yes, it´s alright.


LISA: Hey Mark, why did you choose this forest for our hike?

MARK: (a bit nervous) Well, I thought it was beautiful.

LISA: Yes, indeed, but haven´t you read the stories?

EMILY: What stories?

LISA: 100 hikers dissapeared in the last 10 days, and no one has found them yet.

MARK: Should we look for them?

LISA: No! Of course not! We should leave this to the professionals.

EMILY: Mark, did you know about the disappearances?

MARK: Well…

LISA: Why?

They look at eachother

MARK: No, it´s not like that

EMILY: Is he…?

LISA: Why would you?

SARAH comes back

SARAH: Hey guys! What are you talking about?

MARK: (cutting her off) Nothing!

SARAH: Why are you so nervous? Chill!

ALEX comes back too

ALEX: Are you ready to keep going?

SARAH: Actually, no

LISA: Honestly, I don´t care

ALEX: We just have 10 km of the trail left, so we should be done in the next 4 hours.

SARAH: Yes, but we also have to go back, which would take us 6 hours!

ALEX: It´s 11 a.m., so if we move fast we can arrive at 9 p.m.

LISA: I don´t think we would make it.

MARK: I agree. We should just go back and rest at the hotel

LISA: (mad) Great.

ALEX: Are you ok, Lisa?

LISA: (cutting him off) Yes, I´m fine!

ALL start walking

MARK: Hey Alex, bro, I need to talk to you for a sec. Can you come here?

ALEX: (confused) Sure! (goes to Mark)

SARAH: Do you want us to wait for you?

MARK: Nooo, go ahead, we´ll catch up!


MARK + ALEX alone

SILENCE walking

ALEX: Soooo… what did you want to talk about?

MARK: Oh, yes! You know, you are my best friend right?

ALEX: Really?

MARK: Yes. When I first moved here I had no friends at all, and I was lonely, until
you found me.

ALEX: I didn´t think it was that deep

MARK: I wanted to thank you

ALEX: Nooo, you don´t have to!

MARK: No really, I insist.


MARK: (looks around before saying it) I wanted to give you a little vacation

ALEX: Wow, where?

MARK: Heaven (pulls out a knife and slices his neck) (he then puts a plastic bag over
his head and leaves him)

MARK runs and catches up to the girls.

EMILY: Where´s Alex?

MARK: (nervous) He had to stay behind to make a call.

LISA: Again?

MARK: Yess, the man has got business.


LISA: (signing to Emily) I´ve got a bad feeling.


SARAH: Where is Alex?! He should have already finished that call!

MARK: (breaks down crying) He was kidnapped ok?! I just didn´t want to tell you
because you would have gotten scared!
EMILY: You should have told us!

SARAH: We could have saved him!

LISA: Let´s call the police!

MARK: No! It´s too late. The kidnapper killed him in front of me!

SARAH: Why didn´t he kill you?

MARK: Because I ran away.

EMILY: Let´s run now!

LISA: Why?

SARAH: So they don´t get us too???!!!

LISA: Calm down guys! We have 5 km of the hike left. They shouldn´t be around
these more public areas, so we´re good.

SARAH is very scared.

LISA: Here, take this rock, it´ll protect you.

SARAH: It´s just a rock.

LISA: No, it´s not. It has protective powers.

EMILY: Really? I want one too

LISA: Here you go.

LISA: Do you want one also Mark?



SARAH: Can we sit down? I am exhausted!

MARK: Sure

SARAH: Let´s play truth or dare

ALL sit down

LISA: Who wants to start?


EMILY spins the bottle and it lands on ALEX

EMILY: Truth or dare?

LISA: Dare

EMILY: I dare you to order a pizza

LISA: Nooo! Please! I hate social interaction!

SARAH: Come on! It´s no big deal!

LISA: Do you know how that affects my health?


SARAH: What, do you have an allergy to people?

LISA: Exactly.

SARAH: Ok, don´t do it, but you don´t get to spin the bottle

EMILY spins it again and it lands on MARK

EMILY: Truth or dare?

MARK: Truth

EMILY: Are you in love with one of us?



MARK: Lisa

SARAH got angry, and as the minutes passed, she got angrier
SARAH: (looking at Lisa) I am going to kill you! (screaming and saying each word


SARAH: Ok? It´s not okay! You have to be scared!

LISA: I´m not. I actually don´t care

SARAH: Arghhhhh!!!

LISA: But why?

SARAH pulls LISA aside and whispers

SARAH: I know you knew I loved Mark

LISA: I actually did, you are right

SARAH: (mad) He is mine!

LISA: Ok, go get him girl!

SARAH: (crying) But he loves you!

LISA: (crying and whispering) I´m sorry

MARK comes in

MARK: Why are you crying?

SARAH: (psychotically laughing) You love her and not me!

MARK: (confused) Yes…

SARAH: (gets on top of a table and gets a tree branch) (she tries to kill herself) I
want to die! (she gets shot)

LISA: (crying) Think about Georgia! What would she think if her mother was dead,

SARAH: (stopping for a moment) I-I-I don´t know what I was thinking

SARAH drops dead

MARK puts away his gun

MARK: wish granted

LISA: (crying) She hesitated


LISA: (laughs and cries) She was my best friend

MARK: (laughing too) But now she´s on vacation with Alex


EMILY: What happened?

LISA: The kidnappers are close

MARK: Let´s get moving!

EMILY: I think we are being watched

MARK: Don´t worry, I´ll protect you

LISA: (suddenly starts crying) (mumbles) They are close


EMILY is scared

OLIVER jumps out of the Woods

OLIVER: Sorry if I scared you

MARK: Ahhhh! Who are you?

OLIVER: I´m the forest ranger´s son, Oliver

EMILY: Nice to meet you!

LISA: She says it´s nice to meet you (whispers) she can´t speak.

OLIVER: (whispers back) oh, sorry…

MARK pulls LISA aside

MARK: Emily is also your best friend, right?

LISA: Umm, yess. Why?

MARK: Don´t you think she also deserves a vacation?

LISA: (crying) What is your trigger?

MARK: (confused) My-my, trigger?!

LISA: Yes! I know you have Dissociative Personality Disorder, and one of you
believes is a serial killer.

MARK: (laughing) Wow, you are very, very smart

LISA: I´m not scared of you

MARK: No, you´re not scared of death

LISA: Also true

MARK: That´s why your vacation is on Earth

LISA: Ok… But I need to know why you killed them. I still haven´t figured that out

MARK: (grinning) I´ll give you one more chance to observe

LISA and MARK go back to OLIVER and EMILY

OLIVER: Why did you come to this forest? People have been disappearing like crazy
these past few days

MARK: Oh, we know, don´t worry


MARK: That´s what makes it more interesting

OLIVER suddenly gets a bad feeling about this guy, MARK

MARK tells EMILY and LISA to come with a hand gesture

MARK: Do you mind Oliver? I have to tell them something private

OLIVER: Don´t worry man, I was just leaving (leaves)

MARK turns to LISA

MARK: Lisa, you know… I´ve been thinking… (pulls out a knife)

EMILY: (grabs Mark´s arm and looks at him with tears in her eyes)

LISA: Don´t!

EMILY: (lets go of Mark)

MARK: (puts the knife up to Lisa´s chin) I thought you didn´t want to live…

EMILY: (looks at Lisa) Is that what you wanted?

LISA: (with tears in her eyes) Yes…

EMILY goes up to them, pulls Mark away and hugs Lisa

MARK stabs Emily in the back and the knife goes right through her heart

LISA starts laughing and crying

MARK: She deserved it…

LISA: I still don´t see it

MARK: Run!

MARK + LISA catch up to OLIVER and he also starts running

They stop

OLIVER: Why are we running?

MARK: They killed Emily right in front of us!


LISA: The kidnappers

OLIVER: I´ll call my dad!

MARK: No! (pulls out his gun and shoots him)

LISA: You are messed up

MARK: Exactly

LISA and MARK start walking and they sit down

MARK: I was abused in my childhood, and my parents abandoned me at 9 years


LISA: (starts laughing)

MARK: (ignores that) I was coming home from school and I found no one at home. I
searched for them, but no one was there. I thought they went to eat out, and I
waited for them, but they never came.

LISA: (starts crying)

MARK: And you have bipolar disorder

LISA: Yes, and you have DID

MARK: How many of them? Have you figured it out?

LISA: I have 2 for now: Mark and the serial killer

MARK: Marco. (silence) And you´re missing one: Mariano: a 10 year-old.

LISA: What is your trigger to become another one?

MARK: I don´t have one. I have the rare ability to switch them whenever I want.

LISA: So who killed our friends?

MARK: Probably Marco, but I am so used to switching that I now don´t know who I

LISA: (quiet) But, why did you kill them?

MARK: I don´t know, it was never about them personally, I wanted what´s best for
them (starts crying). I-I-I thought th-they would be better there…

LISA: (looking at him smiling)

MARK: If you want, you can turn me in to the police

LISA: Why?

MARK: Why not?

LISA: I understand that you had your reasons to do that

MARK: Thank you for understanding

LISA: You´re welcome, but look for Satan when you go to hell, and get some tips,
because those killing methods were too damn basic.

MARK: Oh I will, and I will return…

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