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2020학년도 건국대학교

재외국민과 외국인전형 필기고사


○ 시험 시간은 10:00 ~ 12:00 (120분)입니다.

○ 수험생 성명, 수험번호, 지원 모집단위를 명확하게 기재하십시오.

○ 문제지 하단의 쪽수(현재 쪽/전체 쪽수)를 보시고 페이지 누락 여부를 확인한 후, 누락된 페이지가 있으면 즉시 감독
자에게 알리고 문제지를 교체 받아야 합니다.

○ 영어 문제지는 총 50문항, 500점 만점으로 되어 있으며, 수학 문제지는 총 25문항, 500점 만점으로 되어 있습니다.

○ 각 문항별로 배점이 상이하므로 유의하시기 바랍니다. - 영어(5점, 10점, 15점), 수학(10점, 20점, 30점)

○ 답안지 마킹은 컴퓨터용 사인펜만 사용하여야 하며, 수정 시에는 수정테이프만 사용가능하며, 수정액은 사용이 불가합

※ 시험이 시작되기 전에는 표지를 넘기지 마십시오.

2020학년도 건국대학교 재외국민과 외국인전형 필기고사

< 영 어 >
성명 수험번호 모집단위
◎ 수험생 성명, 수험번호, 지원 모집단위를 명확하게 기재하십시오.
◎ 문제지 하단의 쪽수(현재 쪽/전체 쪽수)를 보시고 페이지 누락 여부를 확인한 후, 누락된 페이지가 있으면
즉시 감독자에게 알리고 문제지를 교체 받아야 합니다.
◎ 영어 문제지는 총 50문항, 500점 만점으로 되어 있습니다.
◎ 각 문항별로 배점이 상이(5점, 10점, 15점)하므로 유의하시기 바랍니다.
◎ 답안지 마킹은 컴퓨터용 사인펜만 사용하여야 하며, 수정 시에는 수정테이프만 사용가능하며, 수정액은 사
용이 불가합니다.
(1-7) 어법상 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. (8-10) 밑줄 친 (A) ∼ (D) 가운데, 어법상 적절하지 않은 것을 고르시오.

1. Mary hasn't got ______ flowers and she's crying. [5점] 8. Nowadays, (A) most people decide quite early what kind of work they
① no ② some would do. When I was at school, we had to choose what to study at
③ one ④ any fifteen. I chose scientific subjects. (B) During three years I tried to learn
physics and chemistry, but in the end, I decided that I (C) would never
be a scientist. It was (D) a long time before I told my parents that I was
2. He speaks German well ________ he has never been to Germany. [5점] not happy at school. [10점]
① however ② even though
① (A) ② (B) ③ (C) ④ (D)
③ just as ④ because

9. Do not think of today's failures, (A) but of the success that may
3. I am sure he ________ his parents if he became rich. [10점] come tomorrow. You have (B) set yourselves a difficult task, but you
① looks after will succeed if you persevere, and you will find (C) a joy in
② will look after overcoming obstacles. Remember, no effort that we make to attain
③ is looking after something beautiful is ever lost. Sometime, somewhere, somehow we
④ would look after shall find (D) that we seek. [15점]

① (A) ② (B) ③ (C) ④ (D)

4. The students _________________________. [10점]

① that failed the exam must report to the office at once 10. Researchers say (A) memory can be improved, and the keys to
② must report that failed the exam to the office at once achieving it are simpler than you (B) might think ―lots of practice
③ must report to the office at once that failed the exam and better organization. Do you often lose your keys? Keep them
④ that must report to the office failed the exam at once in the same place every day. Are you afraid of (C) forgetting an
important date? Tell your brain it is crucial and say the date aloud
several times a day. If you still forget things now and then, don't
5. I'm going to the passport office _________. [10점] worry ―experts say forgetting things (D) are normal. [10점]
① stamping my passport
② of stamping my passport ① (A) ② (B) ③ (C) ④ (D)
③ to have stamped my passport
④ to have my passport stamped
(11-18) 밑줄 친 단어와 의미가 가장 가까운 것을 고르시오.

11. The stage coach was the swiftest method of travel through the
Far West. [5점]
6. _________ from London to Edinburgh! [10점]
① How long there is ② What a long way it is ① easiest ② cheapest
③ What distance is there ④ How long is ③ fastest ④ most comfortable

7. It said on the radio that it was one of _______ earthquakes the 12. The planet Mercury is visible to the naked eye but is not the
world has known. [10점] easiest planet to spot. [10점]
① most devastating ② the most devastating
① unclothed ② unaided ③ unarmed ④ unattached
③ very devastating ④ the too devastating
1 9
13. The Civil War created extremely rapid manufacturing activity 23. In ancient Greek Olympics, judges did not come from all over
to supply critical material. [10점] the world, unlike the modern Olympics. They were Eleans, or from
Elis, a local region that included Olympia. Even though the judges
① crucial ② serious ③ disputed ④ unpraised
were all Eleans, local Elean Greeks were still allowed to compete in
the Olympics. The Elean people had such a reputation for _____ that

14. Incheon Airport provides diverse cultural experiences for nationals an Elean cheating at the Games was a shock to other Greeks. [10점]

and visitors alike. [10점]

① courage ② competitiveness
① similar ② stable ③ unique ④ varied
③ loyalty ④ fairness

15. My biology teacher was very considerate and lent a helping hand 24. The disappearance of many plants and animals worries scientists
when I was in trouble. [10점] and environmentalists. They want the U.S. Endangered Species Act
to be made stronger. However, loggers, land developers, and factory
① polite ② sizeable ③ significant ④ thoughtful
owners disagree. They want changes that will make the act ____.
They want the act to consider people more. [10점]

16. The newly discovered genes will provide invaluable clues about
① weaker ② stronger ③ complicated ④ publicized
the mysterious process. [5점]

① hints ② plans ③ secrets ④ symptoms

25. Professor Jacob said that we should push to slow immigration
into the United States. He has long viewed population control as a
17. Some bacteria cause food to spoil when they break down the
means to reduce demand on natural resources. By _______
chemicals in the food. [5점]
immigration, Jacob has joined conservative anti-immigrant activists
① cool ② boost ③ boil ④ decompose who want to close U.S. borders. [10점]

① opposing ② balancing ③ increasing ④ moderating

18. A public library is a resource the entire community can draw
on. [10점]
(26-28) (A), (B)에 들어갈 말이 올바르게 짝지어진 것을 고르시오.
① use ② save ③ provide ④ sketch 26. When you read a paragraph, you should always ask yourself, “What
is this about?” That question will lead you to the topic of the

paragraph. The topic should not be too (A) that is, it should cover the
(19-20) 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. whole paragraph and not just a part of it. And the topic should not be
19. “__________” means a warning or criticism about someone’s ―
too (B) that is, it should cover only the sentences in the paragraph
behaviour. [10점] and not other possible ideas and sentences. [10점]
① adequacy ② promotion ③ extinction ④ admonition
① wide - narrow ② transparent - vague
③ closed - open ④ specific - general
20. “__________” means ‘lasting only a short time.’ [10점]

① virtual ② transient ③ complex ④ permanent

27. Going to concerts and listening to very loud music at home are
things teens do often. Over time, (A), too much exposure to loud noise

(21-25) 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

can lead to a condition known as Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL).

21. Winking at somebody reminds them of a shared secret or is used as Personal music players are one of the chief causes of NIHL among teens.

a private signal. Raising the eyebrows with the eyes wide open, or Computer games, television, and movies can also create an environment

blinking several times, expresses surprise, shock or sometimes disapproval. that is too noisy for the human ear. People are now losing their hearing

The phrase eyebrows were raised is often used _____________. [10점] at younger ages than they did just 30 years ago. Equally serious is that
hearing loss can last a lifetime, (B) it cannot be easily cured. [10점]
① ironically ② metaphorically
③ meaninglessly ④ implicitly ① however - since ② though - just as
③ for this reason - as a result ④ for example - because

22. Minsu’s family gets all the food they need from their small
backyard. Beans grow on fence lines and lettuce grows in hanging 28. Because of people’s interference with the environment, many
kinds of plants and animals are becoming (A). Their numbers are
baskets. On the ground, two layers of vegetables grow. Stronger,
decreasing so rapidly that they are in danger of becoming extinct.
taller vegetables like broccoli grow above smaller, more fragile
Diversity is one reason why life on planet Earth has been able to
vegetables like endive. Their garden is a good example of how survive. However, now experts are concerned about the (B) of
____________. [10점] *endive: 꽃상추의 일종 many kinds of life. They have developed an endangered species
list. They have begun efforts to save the plants and animals on
① various vegetables can grow without fertilizing the list. [10점]
② modern techniques can be applied to home farming
③ small places can be used efficiently to produce food ① rare - loss ② flourishing - survival
④ we can save money by growing vegetables by ourselves ③ neglected - revival ④ multiplied - maturity

2 9
29. 다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
33. Americans agree on the importance of education being (A) available
Every scientific area tends to develop its own special language
to all, but there is disagreement about what should be taught. The
because it finds ordinary words inadequate, and psychology is no
greatest area of (B) consensus is the place of religious or moral
different. The purpose of this special term is not to mystify
education. Commonly debated topics include whether teachers
non-psychologists; rather, it allows psychologists to accurately
should be allowed to say prayers, and whether it is (C) right to hit
describe the phenomena they are discussing and to communicate
students as a punishment. Sometimes the debate ends up in court,
with each other effectively. Of course, psychological terminology
and courts usually say that no student should be (D) forced to do
consists in part of everyday words such as emotion and motivation,
something that is against his or her belief. [10점]
but psychologists use these words somewhat differently. [10점]
① (A) ② (B) ③ (C) ④ (D)
① Effective communication
② Special language of psychology
③ Mystifying non-psychologists
④ Different use of emotion and motivation

34. There is no single philosophical method that all philosophers share.

In fact, philosophers have long (A) agreed so deeply about the best or
proper way to do philosophy that sometimes they even claim that their

30. (A) (D) 중 가리키는 바가 다른 하나는? own (B) particular philosophical method produces the only real
More than three hundred years ago, people in Europe ate beef, cheese,
philosophy; the rest is either (C) worthless or belongs to some other
fish, and chicken. (A) They didn’t eat any fruits or vegetables. What
discipline. Contemporary philosophers of many kinds debate what kind
(B) they ate influenced how they looked. In famous paintings by
of philosophy is worth doing at all. (D) Similarly, neither do all
Rubens and other European artists, people weren’t slim. Today as
feminists in general nor feminist philosophers in particular agree on a
people are learning more about health, (C) they are eating a lot of
single method. [10점]
fruits and vegetables. Many of the vegetables aren’t cooked because
cooking takes away some vitamins (D) they contain. [10점] ① (A) ② (B) ③ (C) ④ (D)

① (A) ② (B) ③ (C) ④ (D)

35. 밑줄 친 부분이 의미하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은?

31. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? The hotel I stayed in was run by local people. Regarding
The poll-taking companies decide on a group of questions and pick restaurants, I chose to eat at food stands or restaurants run by
up their telephones. They call telephone numbers at random and locals so that the money would go into the right pockets. I hope
simply ask people for their feelings. In a recent poll, people were that my trip benefited the local people, not only in terms of
asked about their preferences in automobiles. The results were economy, but in terms of human relationship. It was evident from
startling: 38% said they preferred sedans, 24% wanted vans or my experience that there can be a meeting of minds and hearts
utility vehicles, 20% wanted trucks, and the rest wanted sports between people from different cultures. [10점]
cars. The difference was striking because of a sharp decrease in
① benefit local people
the popularity of sedans. Just ten years ago, nearly 60% of people
② help recover economy crisis
wanted sedans. [10점]
③ be used for right purposes
④ not be delivered to a wrong address
① 스포츠카에 대한 선호도가 가장 낮게 나타났다.
② 가장 선호하는 자동차 종류는 여전히 세단이었다.
③ 여론조사기관들은 미리 조사할 전화번호 리스트를 준비한다.
④ 10년 전 조사 결과와 비교하면 세단의 선호는 크게 줄었다.

36. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Do you enjoy drinking tea? What kind of tea do you like best? While
(32-34) 밑줄 친 (A) ∼ (D) 가운데 글의 흐름과 어울리지 않는 것을 고르시오. Korean people commonly drink green teas, when you ask for a simple
32. Most of the people who die in earthquakes are killed by falling cup of tea in Western countries, you will get black tea. You may think
buildings. Therefore, building structures that can (A) withstand the that green and black teas are made from different plants. But in fact,
power of earthquakes is a major concern. Steel seems to be the all teas come from the same plant. The different processing methods
best material, but not if it is welded to form a (B) flexible ―
produce the four main types black, green, oolong, and white and the ―
structure. Many new structures are built with a (C) new type of many different varieties in each category. [10점]
steel joint. It appears to be the most resilient type of joint. These
joints of steel can (D) move without breaking. [15점] ① Black tea is common in Western countries.
*resilient: 유연한, 탄성이 있는 ② There are four different types of tea plants.
③ You can see different varieties of oolong tea.
① (A) ② (B) ③ (C) ④ (D) ④ Types of tea depend on processing methods.

3 9
37. 글의 흐름상 빈칸에 들어갈 문장들의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? 40. 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [10점]
When drawing human figures, children often make the head too large ① what you have been waiting so eagerly
for the rest of the body. A recent study offers some insights into this ② a good example of something that lasts long
common disproportion in children’s illustrations. ______________________ ③ better in the picture than on your couch
The researchers suggest that children draw bigger heads when they ④ the best option that you can choose about a dog
know they must leave room for facial details. [10점]

A. When they drew front views of male figures, the size of the
41. 위 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은? [10점]
heads was markedly enlarged.
B. Researchers asked children between four and seven years old ① Secrets of accounting for taste

to make several drawings of men. ② Choosing a dog is like falling in love

C. However, when the children drew rear views of men, the size ③ What is under your skin does not last

of the heads was not so exaggerated. ④ Why does the physical matters for dogs

① A-B-C ② A-C-B ③ B-A-C ④ B-C-A

(42-43) 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

38. 다음 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 곳은? English began as a west Germanic language which was brought to
England by the Saxons around 400 A.D. Old English was the
Shih Huang Ti, therefore, decided to suppress Confucian
spoken and written language of England between 400 and 1100
A.D. Many words used today come from Old English, including
At the time of his death, Confucius was a respected, but not yet
man, woman, king, mother , give , and wash, as do many slang
greatly influential, teacher and philosopher. Gradually, though, his
expressions and swear words. But Old English was very different
ideas became widely accepted throughout China. (A) Then, in the
from modern English and only a few words can be easily
third century B.C. Shih Huang Ti united all of China under his
recognized. In the 9th and 10th centuries, when Vikings invaded
rule, and decided to make a complete break with the past. (B) He
England, Old Norse words, e.g., sky, take , and get and many place
ordered the burning of all copies of Confucius' works. (C) Most
names, entered the language.
Confucian books were indeed destroyed. (D) Some copies, however,
survived, and after the dynasty founded by the “First Emperor”
42. Old English에 대한 설명으로 올바른 것은? [10점]
had fallen, Confucianism re-emerged. [10점]
① 문자화 되지 않아 음성언어로만 사용되었다.
① (A) ② (B) ③ (C) ④ (D) ② 상당한 수의 은어 및 비속어적 표현들을 포함하고 있다.
③ take나 get 등 흔히 쓰이는 동사들이 여기에서 유래한다.
39. 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? ④ 오늘날의 영어와 거의 유사한 형태 및 용법을 보여준다.
The idea of renting rooms for travelers developed from the custom of
gift-giving. In the days when most travelers rode on horses or in
small carriages that were pulled by horses, there were few places 43. 밑줄 친 the language가 가리키는 것은? [10점]

along the roads for travelers to spend the night. A tired traveler ① Germanic language ② Old English
would be welcomed into a private home. There, after a meal, the ③ Modern English ④ Old Norse
homeowners would offer a place to sleep and shelter and food for the
animals. The traveler, in exchange, was expected to have news from
(44-45) 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
the outside world and stories to tell. It was only a matter of time
Goals are things you can obtain, like owning a house, for example,
before keeping a hotel, with rooms to rent and food to buy, became
or getting a Ph.D. degree. They are concrete events, situations, or
common as a kind of business. [10점]
objects, and they can be completed, or possessed. Over time, and
① 여행자들을 보살피던 관습이 호텔사업으로 발전했다. with experience, goals may change, but the personal value system
② 잠잘 곳이 없는 여행자들에게 개인집에서 숙식을 제공했다. that guides your actions is not so changeable. Values help you
③ 여행자들은 숙식을 제공받는 대신 소정의 금액을 지불하였다. define what your life is about. They point you in a direction, but
④ 말과 마차가 주요 교통수단이었을 때는 숙박할 만한 곳이 거의 없었다. they are not a ______. Values are about having a particular code or
philosophy that you live by ―like honesty, reliability, integrity,
treating others respectfully, and so forth. They are like a compass
(40-41) 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
that guides your life actions.
As in any romance, appearance counts in the chemistry of love
for a dog. Ah! The glamor of an Afghan hound, the piercing blue
eyes of a Siberian husky. But in love, there is just no accounting 44. 빈칸에 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것은? [15점]
for taste. Whether a friend is showing us her new boyfriend or a ① transition ② destination
Boston terrier, we have often thought, “What on earth does she ③ procedure ④ consequence
see in him?” Through the eyes of love, as people say, anything
is beautiful. And we cannot see the flaws that others do in our
spouses or our dogs. Ultimately with any kind of love, it’s what’s
45. 저자가 이 글을 쓴 목적은? [10점]
under the skin that lasts. If you’re attracted just by the physical
① 새로 나온 책을 홍보하기 위해
alone, it can be a disaster. Like a mail-order bride, that gorgeous
② 어려운 개념을 설명하기 위해
redheaded chow may be __________.
*Afghan hound, Siberian husky, chow: 개의 일종
③ 기존의 이론을 반박하기 위해
④ 본인의 감정을 호소하기 위해
4 9
46. 다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은? (49-50) 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.

A powerful way to increase our preference for a disliked food is to At the beginning of the 20th century, residents of Golden Lane
mix it with some food item or sweetener that we strongly prefer. were already well aware that their little houses had a special
In one study, college students developed increased preference for unique charm. As admiration by society for monuments and old
broccoli or cauliflower after eating it a few times with sugar. Prague grew, Golden Lane became famous. To increase the
Unfortunately, few parents use such a method to improve their attractiveness of their homes for an ever-growing number of
children’s eating habits, possibly because they perceive sugar to be tourists and history lovers, the owners began to spontaneously
unhealthy and do not realize that the sugar can later be withdrawn. reconstruct their houses. (A) Cosy rooms began to change into
Instead, parents often try to persuade their children to eat a rooms with wooden floors and tiled stoves to appear nobility-like.
disliked food by offering dessert as a reward ―a strategy that Furniture in various styles was added, and the windows were
easily backfires in that the contrast between the disliked food and dressed with net curtains. (B) The walls were painted with bright
the subsequent dessert might result in the former becoming even colours and the owners hung patriotic colour prints, family photos
more disliked. [10점] and home embroidery. They began to compete with each other in
their over-decorated rooms, which in many cases were not
① How to increase preference for disliked food occupied by them any longer. (C) The last general reconstruction
② How to minimize the side effects of sweetener of Golden Lane was carried out in 2010-2011 when a new drainage
③ Importance of eating habits for healthy life system was built and the paving was renewed. From their more
④ Problem of offering children dessert for a reward comfortable apartments in Prague, they came daily to the lane,
opened the houses up to visitors who paid a few coins for the
chance to look around them. (D) The most enterprising owners
(47-48) 다음 글을 읽고 물음에 답하시오.
even rented their houses to artists or writers who were looking for
Paper can be returned to pulp by using many chemicals to bleach inspiration for their work. *embroidery: 자수( 품)
and separate the fibers. It takes much more energy to recycle a
pound of paper than it takes to recycle a pound of plastic. (A) ∼
49. (A) (D) 가운 데 글의 흐름 상 자연스럽지 않은 것은? [10점]
paper bags have a higher recycling rate than plastic, each new
① (A) ② (B) ③ (C) ④ (D)
paper grocery bag you use is made mostly from new pulp for
better strength. Bags that are recycled are often turned into
cardboard, not new paper bags. Recycling almost any kind of
plastic involves melting and reforming it. Because bags must first
50. Golden Lane에 대한 설명으로 올바른 것은? [15점]
be separated by the type of plastic they were made from, the
process is time-consuming and expensive. For example, it can cost
① 역사적 유적에 대한 사회적 관심이 증가하면서 유명해졌다.
② 정부의 주도하에 오래된 주택들의 개조가 처음 추진되었다.
$4,000 to recycle one ton of plastic bags. (B), the quality of
③ 무료로 개방되어 관광객들 사이에서 인기가 높아지고 있다.
recycled plastic is not very good. More often than not, plastic bags
④ 대부분의 집주인들이 여전히 자기 집에 거주하고 있다.
collected for recycling do not get recycled. They are carried to
other countries, where they are cheaply burned under less strict
environmental laws. *bleach: 표 백하다
47. 위 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? [15점]

① Recycled paper is often used for grocery bags.

② It costs more energy to recycle paper than plastic.
③ Plastic bags are transported to other countries for disposal.
④ Paper bags have a higher recycling rate than plastic bags.

48. (A)와 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? [10점]

① Although - Besides ② As - Therefore

③ Although - Thus ④ As - Furthermore

5 9
2020학년도 건국대학교 재외국민과 외국인전형 필기고사

< 수 학 >
성명 수험번호 모집단위
◎ 수험생 성명, 수험번호, 지원 모집단위를 명확하게 기재하십시오.
◎ 문제지 하단의 쪽수(현재 쪽/전체 쪽수)를 보시고 페이지 누락 여부를 확인한 후, 누락된 페이지가 있으면
즉시 감독자에게 알리고 문제지를 교체 받아야 합니다.
◎ 수학 문제지는 총 25문항, 500점 만점으로 되어 있습니다.
◎ 각 문항별로 배점이 상이(10점, 20점, 30점)하므로 유의하시기 바랍니다.
◎ 답안지 마킹은 컴퓨터용 사인펜만 사용하여야 하며, 수정 시에는 수정테이프만 사용가능하며, 수정액은 사
용이 불가합니다.

1. 자연수 전 의 집 체
합 의 세 부분집합   가 다음과 같을 때, 4. 좌표평면 위의 점  가 일차함수 의 그래프와 역함수
 과 서로소인 수들의 집합을 나타내면? [10점]   의 그래프 위에 있을 때, 의 값은? [20점]

    는 의배수 ①  ②  ③  ④ 
    는 의배수
    는 의배수

①   ∪ ②   ∪
③   ∩ ④   ∩

5.    ,   인 실수  에 대하여   

 
라 할 때,  의 

값은? [20점]

①  ②  ③  ④ 
2. 세 양수   에 대한 조건 와 가 다음과 같다.
     
 세 변의 길이가 각각   인 삼각형이 있다.
다음 중 옳은 것은? [10점] 열  의 일반항이     ⋯  ⋅ 일 때, 다음 수열
6. 수  

중 0보다 크고 1보다 작은 수에 수렴하는 수열은? [20점]

① 는 이기 위한 충분조건이다.
② 는 이기 위한 충분조건이다.
③ ∼는 ∼이기 위한 필요조건이다.
①  

②  

③  

④  

④ ∼는 이기 위한 필요조건이다.

숫자를  이라 할 때,   의 값은?

양수  에 대하여    ,    ,   log ,   log 라 한다.

  7.  의 일의 자리   [20점]
3. 

다음 중  와 같은 값을 갖는 식은? [10점]
①  ②  ③  ④ 
① log    ② log 
 
③  ④ 

6 9
8. 아래그림과 같이 주어진 직사각형  을 계속하여 반으로 나눠  11. 최고차항의 계수가 양수인 이차함수 에 대하여 곡선
서  과 닮은 직사각형    ⋯ 을 차례로 얻었다.  의 긴
     곡
  는  와  를 지나 , 이 선과 선분  로 며 둘러
변의 길이를  라 하면, 급수  

의 값은? [20점] 싸인 부분의 넓이는  이다. 이 때, 의 값은?
 

 [20점]

 

⋯ ① 3 ② 4 ③ 5 ④ 6


①  ②  ③   
 ④   
 항
12. 다 함수  가 다음 조 건을 모두 만족할 때,

 

의 값은? [20점]

(가) 모든 실수   에 대하여      이다.

(나) lim  
변의 길이가 인 정사각형 의 변  위를
9. 점  가 한 → 

움직일 때, 삼각형  의 외심을 라 하자.    일 때 삼

각형 의 넓이를 라 하자. 이 때,  ′의 값은? [20점] ①  ②  ③  ④ 


원점을 출발하여 수직선 위를 움직이는 점 의 시각 초 ≧ 


에서의 속도가         로 주어질 때, 다음 중 틀린 것은?

X   


출발한 이후 1초까지 계속하여 가속되었다.


② 1초일 때보다 2초일 때 원점으로부터 더 멀리 떨어져 있다.
   ③ 가속도의 절댓값은 2초일 때 가장 작다.
④    인 범위에서 진행 방향은 바뀌지 않는다.
①  ②  ③  ④ 
  

실수 전체의 집합에 대하여 다음과 같이 정의된 함수 가 미

10. 14. 연속함수 가 다음 조 을 건 모두 만족한다.
분가능할 때, 의 최댓값은? [20점]
(가) 모든 실수 에 대하여     이다.

     
  
       ≧ 
(나)    

① 6 ② 7 ③ 8 ④ 9 다음 정적분 중 그 값이 항상 이 되는 것이 아닌 것은?

 
①  
 ②  

  
③  

④ 
   

7 9
모든 실수에서 연속인 함수
15. 가 다음 조 을 건 모두 만족 그림과 같이 0부터 9까지 열 개의 숫자가 적힌 카드 여러 벌을
할 때,    의 값은? [20점] 사용하여 100부터 999까지 세 자리 수를 모두 나열할 때, 0이 적힌
카드는 모두 몇 장이 사용되는가? [20점]

(가)          

 

0 1 2 ⋯ 8 9
(나)     

  ① 162장 ② 171장 ③ 180장 ④ 189장

①  ②  ③  ④ 
 

루어진 다섯 자리 자연수 중 어떤 이웃한 세

20. 4와 6만으로 이

16. 다음 등식을 만 하는 다 식 의  의 항 
계수는? [20점] 자리도 그 숫자의 합이 인 것의 개수는? [20점]

        ①  ②  ③  ④ 

① 25 ② 26 ③ 27 ④ 28

네 문자 a, b, c, d를 사용하여 만든 네 자리 문자열을 사전
식으로 배열했을 때,  번째에 나타나는 문자열은? [20점]

17. 함수          의 그래프와 축으로 ① abbc ② abdc ③ acac ④ acbc
둘러싸인 부분의 넓이는? [20점]

  
①  ②  ③  ④ 
  

원      에 각각 빨강, 파랑, 노랑 중 한 가
22. 6개의
지 색을 칠하고자 한다. 이웃한 원의 색을 서로 다르게 칠하는
경우의 수는? [20점]

      

18. lim  의 [20점]

→∞   

 
①  ②  ③  ④ 
 
①  ②  ③  ④ 

8 9

23. 다음을 만 하는 양의 실수  중 가장 작은 것은? [30점]
방정식        으로 정의되는 도형 위의 모든 점
는 부등식  ≥    으로 정의되는 영역 안에 있다.

  
①  ②  ③  ④ 
  

출발하여 길을 따라가다가 갈림길을 만나면 반드시

24. A 지점에서
오른쪽 또는 아래쪽으로 간다고 하자. 이때 오른쪽과 아래쪽을 선택

할 확률은 각각  이다. 마지막에 B 지점에 도착할 확률을 P(B), C

지점에 도착할 확률을 P(C)라 하자. P(B) P(C)의 값은? [30점]

   
①  ②  ③  ④ 
   

25. 함수   의 그래프가 다음과 같을 때, 방정식

  ∘  의 모든 실근의 합을 구하면? [30점]

O 1 2 x

 
①  ②  ③  ④ 
 

9 9

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