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Article for international conference for peace

An analytical study of the peace doctrine in the sacred scriptures of
Semitic religions

Sadia Yousaf Zia
PhD scholar
University of management and technology
Dr. Sajid Iqbal Sheikh
Assistant professor
University of management and technology

A peaceful and meaningful life is the right of every individual as well as Muslims
of the world. The article elaborates on the views about ideological interpretations
of the peace narrative, especially on perspectives of peace in the Islamic Paradigm.
When we talk about religious interpretations the conflicts come to our mind about
what has been presented in the history of religions. These interpretations have a
wide role in making peace that has been interpreted in one’s own mind but the true
interpretation is presented in our religious contexts. Today the phenomenon,
islamophobia has been prevailing in our societies came from the West. The thought
prevailed about Islam by the false picture that has been presented by the western
world on purpose to harm Islamic teachings that have been widely spreading. Islam
is the religion of peace and harmony as its name depicts the massage. The
discussion about the upbringing of peace in societies is the main discourse in
Islamic doctrine. The way to maintain peace and harmony is discussed in the holy
Quran and Sunnah. Why jihad is necessary and what are the circumstances that are
hindrances in peace. This study liberates the perspective that no religion has any
teachings to spread destruction and evilness. The paper presents the comparative
interpretations that have been presented in academic writings of Judaism,
Christianity, and Islam about the peace maintaining process and it also elaborates
on the interpretations of jihad and the present peace process. The mode of study is
comparative and analytical. Basically, the paper describes the peace contribution of
Islam and Muslim scholars in this regard. There is an urge to eliminate the
misconceptions regarding peaceful Muslim and Islam in the modern era.
The peace process, interpretations, islamophobia, ideological study, scholarly
views, Modern era
Peace is the right of every human being on earth. “Islam is the religion of peace”
the statement is proven by the prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. He proved
it by the massage of Allah Almighty, he delivered to the world no doubt each and
everything he deliberately delivered to us. “Quran” and his Sunnah are the proof of
the massage and the life he spent and the footprints he has given to us if we All
Muslims stick to the Sunnah we don’t go astray, as prophet peace be upon him told
in khutba hijja tul wida, which is called the charter of human rights.

“I am leaving two things among you people if you stick to them tightly you would
not go astray, Quran and my suunah”1
The centralization of the Muslim Ummah has been shattered by a deep-rooted
episteme and conspiracy. Now the evil conspiracy is taking over the Muslim world
in a much-planned manner as we see on media sources Muslims all over the world
are victimized. The west on their own ideology and misconception tore up the root
of the Muslim countries. The conflict has been widening and presented in a way
that the ideology of Islam has been manipulated. The problem arises in all the ways
that Islam and Muslims are been targeted and are victimized because of the so-
called non-peaceful behavior in a so-called western worldview. The main reason
for conspiracy is the ideology of peace that is presented in the way that Jihad in
Islam is the main source of barbarism, conflict is that Islam forces to convert and
colonialize with this obligation. I think in this present situation barbarism is
coming from the very sophisticated and educated west. The concept of genocide 2is
also prevailing in this regard which is Muslim genocide only in the name of
religion now a days.
Whenever we talk about the peace process the reasons for conflict are there. The
secular worldview is up to proving that there is no peace because religion is the
reason for conflict. Religion is the one reason itself to promote war. There are
many books and literature about this notion. There is a report presented in 2014
that shows the statistical data about the conflict present because of Religion. 3The
statistics support the stereotypes. But the main reason is to get more powerful to
hold the world in hand, to rule the world without any hurdles, especially the main
hurdle “religion” is in the way should be eliminated after creating doubts. The

Nasr Nasr Ben Abdel Rahman Al-Koufi said Zaid ibn al - O people, I have left you in what if you take it will not be
misleading the book of God and my family . And Zaid bin Al-Hassan, it was narrated on the authority of Saeed bin
Sulayman and not one of the people of knowledge.

Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah: "I saw the Messenger of Allah during his Hajj, on the Day of 'Arafah. He was upon his
camel Al-Qaswa, giving a Khutbah, so he said: 'O people! Indeed, I have left among you, that if you hold fast to it,
you shall not go astray: The Book of Allah and my family, the people of my house."

Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3786
,Safi ur rehman, Mubarakpori, Raheeq ul makhtoom, maktaba salfia,1998.
Power, Genocide and Mass Murder,Rudolph J. Rummel,First Published February 1, 1994 Research Article

2014 Global Peace Index Report Institute for Economics and Peace– February 2014, A GLOBAL STATISTICAL

statement itself falsified when all religions present teachings regarding peace and
ask their followers to act upon in an obligatory way. On the other hand, the
teachings present in Christianity and Judaism are the same as those presented in
Islam the interpretations are the same but what is with its implications? The
political conspiracy and intimacy led the way towards destruction, its clear from
the history that is not necessary to mention here there are a lot of material in book
form in this perspective. Crusades and holy wars are as a result of that. The matter
is that is religion is the only reason for all that mess..?
In this paper, I want to show the teachings of the big religions which seem to be a
cause of war. Judaism, Christianity, and most highlighted religion “Islam” the
teaching and the peace notion presented in different ways in these religions is
presented here to understand that Massage which has been manipulated and used
against different purposes, that real purpose is forgotten in that way.
Islam is always presented as the main reason for conflict in that manner but the
main teachings are not too much different from Christianity and Judaism so 1400
years ago the conflict has been resolved by this peace massage.the statement is the
prove of interfaith dialogue that happened 1400 years ago.
Quran always invites other to make peace boundaries with all of the nations as
Quran says in surah Al-imran verse 64:
"‫ُقْل َٰٓيَأْهَل ٱْلِكَٰت ِب َتَع اَلْو ْا ِإَلٰى َك ِلَم ٍۢة َس َو ٓاٍء َبْيَنَنا َو َبْيَنُك ْم َأاَّل َنْع ُبَد ِإاَّل ٱَهَّلل َو اَل ُنْش ِر َك ِبِهۦ َش ْئًـا َو اَل َيَّتِخ َذ َبْعُضَنا َبْعًضا‬
‫"َأْر َباًبا ِّم ن ُدوِن ٱہَّلل‬

Say, "O People of the Scripture, come to a word that is equitable between us and
you - that we will not worship except Allāh and not associate anything with Him
and not take one another as lords instead of Allāh." But if they turn away, then say,
"Bear witness that we are Muslims [submitting to Him]."4
The Quranic verse takes us towards the peace process to eliminate the conflicts and
to come to the point of the common teachings present in our scriptures other than
uncommon commandments.
Then further proceed to stick to the faith that everyone has, like in another verse
that more clarify the statement,


‫َلُک ۡم ِد ۡی ُنُک ۡم َو ِلَی ِد ۡی ِن‬

“For you is your religion, and for me is my religion.”

Here Quran also shows the flexibility in owning the religion its teaching are open
to everyone, here Quran says:
"‫َال ِإْك َر اَه ِفي الِد هيِن َقد َّتَبَّيَن الُّر ْش ُد ِم َن اْلغي َفَم ْن َيْكُفْر ِبالَّطاُغ وِت َو ُيْؤ ِم ن ِباہِّلل َفَقِد اْسَتْمَس َك ِباْلُعْر َو ِة اْلُو ْثَقَى َال‬
‫"انِفَص اَم َلَها َو ہللا َسِم يٌع َع ِليم‬
“Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from error: whoever
rejects evil and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that
never breaks. And God hears and knows all things.”6
So there is no force no allegation no endorsement it’s up to anyone who wants to
accept it. That is the beauty of Islam.
If we talk about the peace notion given by all the sematic religious scriptures (Ehl e
Kitab) all of the religious scriptures are talking about peace and to eliminate the
element of “war”, by words, by sources, or by forces at last. The massage given by
all the scriptures is the same, here we study the notion of peace completely. The
interpretations of the verses make the difference but the peace message is the same.
(in my perception)
In Judaism (Torah, Talmud):
The Hebrew word “shalom” denotes the word “peace”. That derived from the
name of God in Hebrew7, Aramaic8, and Arabic the same(s,l,m) root word is used
for wholeness, peace, safe and intact.9 The word peace appears 237 times in old
There are many verses of the Torah that interpret the peace notion, as given below:

2: 256,
Syriac: ‫ܫܠܡܐ‬
" ‫"שלמא‬From Proto-Semitic *šalām-. Cognates include Hebrew ‫ שלום‬, Arabic ‫سالم‬. – WordSense Online
Dictionary (10th April, 2022) URL: ‫שלמא‬/
‫ َس م‬- : ‫ِس ْل م‬- A peaceful state of affairs، State of tranquility or self_composure, Time of tranquility,
9 ‫َال‬,
The word in these meanings appeared in these verses frequently, Genesis 37:14, 43:27, Judges 18:15, 1 Samuel
17:18, 2 Samuel 11:7, and more.

According to the Jewish traditions the messianic age is the age of global peace and
brotherhood on earth. According to Islam and Christianity, the messiah is Jesus.
Jewish religious texts are overwhelmingly against violence endorsing compassion
and peace, even the interpretations are also very convincing towards peace and are
the same as Islam has taught. Like in Wikipedia, in the original Talmud there are
instructions for avoiding violence avoiding war, and not killing any person without
any crime or sin. If we go through some of the connotations in Torah and Talmud
we come across many of the verses against violence like in contemporary Torah
the version available on the web (we get Hebrew with English translation):
To bring tranquility or to eliminate any fuss element:
“Hezkiya said, “How great is peace, for every commandment in the Torah is
written with it. [For example]: “When you encounter your enemy’s ox or ass
wandering, you must take it back to him”10
At another place, to be careful and peaceful with even animals:
“If along the road you chance upon a bird’s nest, in any tree or on the ground, with
fledglings or eggs and the mother sitting on the fledglings or on the eggs, do not
take the other with her young” 11
To avoid any incident:
“When you build a new house, you shall make a parapet for your roof so that you
do not bring bloodguilt on your house if anyone should fall from it” (Ibid:8).
The punishment is for those people who slander and create quarrels,
“Adoniahu was killed because he created quarrels and it is permitted to slander
such people, as Nathan the Prophet did to Bathsheba, “…I will come in after you
and confirm your words” (Kings I 1:14). And Rebbe said, “Lying is always
forbidden except where the purpose is to bring peace between two parties.”12
The war instructions are in Mishnah and Gemara according to which there are
limitations on war, if any one wants to fight he should seek permission:

Deuteronomy 22:6 (
IbId,Kings I 1:14

“rabbinic law attempted to curtail and control the discretionary wars of Israel by
legislating that the political leadership (the king) had no authority on its own to
declare a milhemet reshut. “Discretionary wars can be waged only by the authority
of a court of seventy-one (Sanhedrin).” (Sanhedrin 2a; 20b)”13

In Christianity:
Daniel C. Arichea, says in the new testament that the word peace is used in five
ways, an absence of war, good relation with God, good relation among people,
individual virtue or state,as a part of the greeting formula14
In the Bible,(old testament) the word shalom is most commonly used to refer to
a state of affairs, one of well-being, tranquility, prosperity, and security,
circumstances unblemished by any sort of defect. Shalom is a blessing, a
manifestation of divine grace.
In inquiring about the peace of one’s fellow, one inquires as to whether things
farewell with him. (In a borrowed sense, we read: “Va-yish’al David…li-shalom
ha-milhamah“; “David asked of him…how the war prospered” [II Samuel 11:7] 15
The Bible has a lot to say about peace; it appears 329 times in the Bible, with the
highest occurrence of 30 in the book of Isaiah. Here are some of its biblical
Of course, it’s the word that is used opposite to war.
If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”16
In Christianity Jesus Christ is the ambassador of peace, promoting moral values,
the teachings of the prophet are tolerance, patience, equality, justice. Morality
always denotes and brings peace because no one should be hurt that’s the message
of biblical connotations.
Quotations from the Bible:
RABBI DONNIEL HARTMAN, Rabbinic Limitations on

Daniel C. Arichea, Jr.First Published April 1, 1987 Research

Romans 12:18 — The New International Version (NIV),

“Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see
the Lord.”17
The massage of peace described in Bible is interpreted in many ways. Peace is gift
and glory from God that is eternal, that is unrelated to circumstances.
According to john Macarthur:
“The biblical concept of peace does not focus on the absence of trouble. Biblical
peace is unrelated to circumstances; it is a goodness of life that is not touched by
what happens on the outside. You may be in the midst of great trials and still have
biblical peace. Paul said he could be content in any circumstance; and he
demonstrated that he had peace even in the jail at Philippi, where he sang and
remained confident that God was being gracious to him. Then when the
opportunity arose, he communicated God's goodness to the Philippian jailer, and
brought him and his family to salvation. Likewise, James wrote, "Consider it all
joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials" (James 1:2).18
The other one is:
“To have that supernatural peace available puts us under obligation to lean on
it. Colossians 3:15 is not a command to seek peace, but rather a plea to let the
Lord's peace work in us: "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts." You have
this peace, now let it rule.
Perfect peace comes when our focus is off the problem, off the trouble, and
constantly on Christ. Isaiah 26:3 says, "The steadfast of mind You will keep in
perfect peace, because he trusts in You."19
Peace is a fruit of the Spirit “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,
patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,” 20
According to bible we have to be patient to enjoy peace whatever circumstances
are the glory of God come to you constantly.
In Islam:

Hebrews 12:14,
John MacArthur,the New American Standard Bible, ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995
by The Lockman Foundation, and are used by permission. Grace to you,
Gal 5:22

The word Islam is derived from the word “salama ‫” سلم‬the root word “sa- la- ma”
which means peaceful co-existence, submission, peaceful reconciliation,
There are many ayats and prophetic traditions that depicts the peace notion
The first and foremost message of Islam is peace as the Quran says:
1- Islam emphasizes peace as a primary law and nonviolence:
‫َو ہُللا َيْد ُعو ِإَلى َداِر الَّس َالِم َو َيْهِد ی َم ن َيَش اء ِإَلى ِص َر اٍط ُّم ْسَتِقيٍم‬
“Allah invites to the Home of Peace, and guides whomever He wills to a straight
path”. 21
If enemies inclined towards peace so let them:
‫و ِان جنحوا هلل سلم فاجنح لها و توکل علی هللا انه هوالسميع العليم‬
But if they incline towards peace, then incline towards it, and put your trust in
Allah. He is the Hearer, the Knower.22
Islam permits jihad in a defensive way:
‫َو َقاِتُلوا ِفي َس ِبيِل ہِللا اَّلِذ يَن ُيَقاِتُلوَنُك ْم َو اَل َتْعَتُدوا ِإَّن ہَّللا اَل ُيِح ُّب اْلُم ْعَتِد يَن‬
‘And fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not commit
aggression; Allah does not love the aggressors’23
2-The principle of proportion.
‫َفَمِن اْعَتَد ٰى َع َلْيُك ْم َفاْع َتُدوا َع َلْيِه ِبِم ْثِل َم ا اْعَتَد ٰى َع َلْيُك ْم َو اَّتُقوا ہَللا َو اْع َلُم وا َأَّن ہَّللا َم ع الُم َّتقیَن‬

‘Whoever commits aggression against you, retaliate against him in the same
measure as he has committed against you. And be conscious of Allah, and know
that Allah is with the righteous’ 24
3.- Observe the necessity.
‫َو َقاِتُلوُهْم َح َّتٰى اَل َتُك وَن ِفْتَنٌة َو َيُك وَن الِد يُن ہِّلِل َفِإِن اْنَتَهْو ا َفاَل ُعْد َو اَن ِإاَّل َع َلى الَّظاِلِم يَن‬

10: 25,
8: 61,
2: 190,

‘And fight them until there is no oppres- sion, and worship becomes devoted to
Allah alone. But if they cease, then let there be no hostility except against the
oppressors’ 25
‫َو َقاِتُلوُهْم َح َّتٰى اَل َتُك وَن ِفْتَنٌة َو َيُك وَن الِد هيُن ہِّلِل َفِإِن اْنَتَهْو ا َفاَل ُعْد َو اَن ِإاَّل َع َلى الَّظاِلِم يَن‬
4.- Adherence to human principies and valúes.
‫ َع َم َلُهْم ُثَّم ِإَلٰى َر بِهِهْم‬. ‫َو اَل َتُسُّبوا اَّلِذ يَن َيْدُع وَن ِم ْن ُدوِن ہِّللا َفَيُسُّبوا ہَّللا َع ْد ًو ا ِبَغْيِر ِع ْلٍم َك َٰذ ِلَك َز َّيَّنا ِلُك ھِل ُأَّمٍة‬
‫َم ْر ِج ُع ُهْم َفُيَنبِهُئُهْم ِبَم ا َك اُنوا َيْع َم ُلون‬
‘Do not insult those they call upon besides Allah, lest they in- sult Allah out of
hostility and ignorance. We made attractive to every com- munity their deeds.
Then to their Lord is their return, and He will inform them of what they used to do’

5- to help the oppressor:

‫َو َم ا َلُك ْم َال ُتَقاِتُلوَن ِفي َس ِبيِل ِهّللا َو اْلُم ْسَتْض َعِفيَن ِم َن الِّر َج اِل َو الِّنَس اِء َو اْلِو ْلَداِن اَّلِذ يَن َيُقوُلوَن َر َّبَنا َأْخ ِر ْج َنا ِم ْن‬
‫َهـِذِه اْلَقْر َيِة الَّظاِلِم َأْهُلَها َو اْج َع ل َّلَنا ِم ن َّلُد نَك َو ِلًّيا َو اْج َع ل َّلَنا ِم ن َّلُد نَك َنِص يًرا‬
How is it with you, that you do not fight in the way of Allah (for countering
injustice and oppression), whereas there are oppressed and helpless men, women
and children who call out (for their freedom), ‘Our Lord! Bring us out of this town
whose (influential) people are oppressors and wrongdoers, and appoint for us a
protector from Your presence, and appoint for us a helper from Your presence’?

6-to bring tranquility and reconciliation:

‫َو ِإن َطاِئَفَتاِن ِم َن اْلُم ْؤ ِمِنيَن اْقَتَتُلوا َفَأْص ِلُحوا َبْيَنُهَم ا َفِإن َبَغ ْت ِإْح َد اُهَم ا َع َلى اُأْلْخ َر ى َفَقاِتُلوا اَّلِتي َتْبِغ ي َح َّتى َتِفيَء‬
‫ِإَلى َأْم ِر ِهَّللا َفِإن َفاَء ْت َفَأْص ِلُحوا َبْيَنُهَم ا ِباْلَع ْد ِل َو َأْقِس ُطوا ِإَّن َهَّللا ُيِح ُّب اْلُم ْقِسِط يَن‬
And if two parties of the Muslims fight, make them reconcile. Then if either of
these (parties) commits injustice and aggression against the other, fight against (the
party) that is committing aggression till it returns to Allah’s command (of
establishing peace). When they revert and submit, make peace between them with
equity. And put justice to work. Surely, Allah loves those who do justice.
4 : 75

7- to eliminate the fuss is obligatory:
‫ِإَّنَم ا اْلُم ْؤ ِم ُن وَن اَّل ِذ يَن آَم ُن وا ِباِهَّلل َو َر ُس وِلِه ُثَّم َلْم َيْر َت اُبوا َو َج اَه ُدوا ِب َأْم َو اِلِهْم َو َأنُفِس ِهْم ِفي َس ِبيِل ِهَّللا ُأْو َلِئ َك ُهُم‬
‫الَّصاِد ُقوَن‬
The true believers are only those who have believed in Allah and His Messenger
(blessings and peace be upon him) and then never have any doubt, and who
struggle in the way of Allah with their material as well as human resources. It is
they who are true (in their claim to believe).
Religious tolerance is one of the crucial need today. Every religious person is
fundamentalist in its nature if he is following any one the true religion. Question is
that why many of quotations are matching with each other? Because a religion is
the code of conduct of a human life. It is necessary to live with a divine law that
from the creator created for his creation. The sole purpose of a religion is to bring a
good social conduct. Humans are not animals that they live without any law and
rule, so the concept of free will is failed over here. A human need to follow some
rules and regulations to live and let live, war is not a solution of every problem.
War always began with a social dispute that have some grudges and benefits that
have to oblige. This is the conceptual meaning of peace that is present in literature
and in the theoretical framework. But from these literary frameworks we come
across the concept of fundamentalism, which is not theoretical it’s applicable and
done by action not only by heart but by raising voice against criminals and the next
step is to stop it by force. Here the concept of peace change into an active
obligation to stop the criminal by force.
Rinehart, Milton said that Rummel 30identified seven underlying principles of
peace. These principles identify peace concepts as a state of either; a) no conflict,

49 : 9:

49 : 15

R.J. Rummel,Understanding Conflict and War: Vol. 5:The Just Peace,Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1981

violence or war, b) order, c) mind, d) law, e) (coercive) power, f) divinity or, g)
Peace is more important in life, it is not apart from justice and tranquility. It’s a
social contract. The problem is that the word peace derives its meaning and
qualities, within a theory or a framework. Everyone sees peace differently, Hindus,
Buddhists, and Christians see it differently Fascists, socialists and libertarians have
different views about it. The problem is to stick to the true teachings to get a better
society and avoid warfare. If we talk about the peace message given by all
religions whose followers are abundant there should be a huge crowd who follow
their religious instructions as they know in their sense better without arguing with
others. That is the best way taught by the best teachings in Quran and prophetic
‫ُقْل ٰۤی َاْهَل اْلِكٰت ِب َتَع اَلْو ا ِاٰل ى َك ِلَم ٍة َس َو آٍۭء َبْیَنَنا َو َبْیَنُك ْم َااَّل َنْع ُبَد ِااَّل َهّٰللا َو اَل ُنْش ِر َك ِبٖه َش ْیــًٴـا َّو اَل َیَّتِخ َذ َبْعُضَنا َبْعًضا‬
‫َفِاْن َتَو َّلْو ا َفُقْو ُلوا اْش َهُد ْو ا ِبَاَّنا ُم ْس ِلُم ْو ن‬-‫َاْر َباًبا ِّم ْن ُد ْو ِن ِؕهّٰللا‬
Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “O People of the Book! Let us come to common terms: that we
will worship none but Allah, associate none with Him, nor take one another as
lords instead of Allah.” But if they turn away, then say, “Bear witness that we have
submitted ˹to Allah alone.”32
Primary sources of Islamic law endorses peace in many surahs like,good
behaiviour to followers of other religion.(yunus10:99),settle disputes, know each
other(hujurat49:9,13)to cooperate for goodness, not enmity. The concept of peace
in Islam may get less spotlight in Islamic political literature, but it is actually very
much mentioned, even written with details in the books of Adaab (ethics) of social
The concept of jihad is present in siyar , maghazi and the seerah books where
there are different narrations about the journeys towards the battlefields,
agreements, interactions and commandments due to specific situations like
apostasy, rebellion, and piracy, which are described in siyar kabir, siyar saghir by
imam Muhammad Alshaibani is there, there many eastern and western scholars
who took advantage and did a reconstruction of the book and there are many books
interpreted the idea present in these types of books. The legal view on international
Rinehart, Milton. "Toward Better Concepts of Peace." Beyond Intractability. Eds. Guy Burgess and Heidi Burgess.
Conflict Information Consortium, University of Colorado, Boulder. Posted: May 2005
3:68, The clear Quran,Dr.mustafa alKattab,

relations is articulated and implemented later on under “maqasad e sharia”. which
aims to protect the whole of humanity by applying hudud to get “Maqasid e sharia”
(purpose of humanity and life) which are protections of a person, his wealth,
health, life, wisdom and his belief. It is just like the permissible war in Judaism and
Christianity. To protect humanity and the purpose to create humans.
The problem actually is the implementation, the meaning, concept and philosophy
and the actual objective of “peace” as described, is not implemented in its context.
The permission of war is to bring back peace and the social norms, to eliminate the
problem causing individuals. Not kill masses, not oppressing the party that is
peaceful but not in power, small in population, and cannot retaliate to defend itself.
but the objective is to help the oppressed one until the oppressor is not defeated.
The rule of reconciliation is told by Quran .it is for Muslim parties but it is also
applicable for non Muslims parties.
‫َو ِإن َطاِئَفَتاِن ِم َن اْلُم ْؤ ِمِنيَن اْقَتَتُلوا َفَأْص ِلُحوا َبْيَنُهَم ا َفِإن َبَغ ْت ِإْح َد اُهَم ا َع َلى اُأْلْخ َر ى َفَقاِتُلوا اَّلِتي َتْبِغ ي َح َّتى‬
‫َتِفيَء ِإَلى َأْم ِر ِهَّللا َفِإن َفاَء ْت َفَأْص ِلُحوا َبْيَنُهَم ا ِباْلَع ْد ِل َو َأْقِس ُطوا ِإَّن َهَّللا ُيِح ُّب اْلُم ْقِسِط يَن‬
And if two parties of the Muslims fight, make them reconcile. Then if either of
these (parties) commits injustice and aggression against the other, fight against (the
party) that is committing aggression till it returns to Allah’s command (of
establishing peace). When they revert and submit, make peace between them with
equity. And put justice to work. Surely, Allah loves those who do justice.
But what is happening in the world needs a divine consideration to get back the
reconciliation and justice and not to use the power.
R.J. Rummel presented statistical data that is in the favor of the statement “power
kills and absolute power kills” he collected the statistical data and presented it in
his writing “power Genocide mass murder”.
“most absolute Power, that is, the communist USSR Cambodia under the Khmer
Rouge, Vietnam, and Yugoslavia, as well as Nazi Germany, accounts for nearly
128,000,000 of the killings, or 84%. No one of the remaining mega- murderers,
49 : 9:

which include the regimes of Pakistan,3 wartime Japan, Nationalist China,
Cambodia prior to the Khmer Rouge, communist Vietnam, post-World War II
Poland,4 and communist Yugoslavia, were democratic when it committed its
democide. Then there are the kilomurderers, or those states that have killed
innocents by the tens or hundreds of thousands, the top five of which were the
China Warlords (1917-49), Atattirk's Turkey (1919-23), the United Kingdom
(primarily due to the 1914-19 food blockade of the Central Powers and Levant in
and after World War I, and the 1940-45 indiscriminate bombing of German cities),
Portugal (1926-82), and Indonesia (1965-87). These are shown in Table 1. Some
lesser kilomurderers were communist Afghanistan, Angola, Albania, Rumania,
This content downloaded from on Sat, 10 Sep 2016 11:36:56 UTC
All use subject to 4 Rudolph J. Rummel and Ethiopia,
as well as authoritarian Hungary, Burundi, Croatia (1941-44), Czechoslo- vakia
(1945-46), Indonesia, Iraq, the Czar's Russia, and Uganda. For its indiscriminate
bombing of German and Japanese civilians, and of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos
during the wars in Indochina, the United States must also be included on this list.
These and other kilomurderers add almost 15,000,000 people killed to the
democide for this century”34
Today in many countries genocide and mass murder are going on the world is on
the brink of a third world war. Palestine’s today situation, India and Burma are also
in the state crime position. The Genocide and mass murder are actions of the
regime. That “death by government” is in the name of religion. The followers of
religions are murdered in all this statistical data. That is mostly done by secular
The anti-religious agony or religious enmity cannot bring peace, the source of
ultimate power always tried to overcome others then where is the purpose of
human life? Is it to gain ultimate power and crush all humanity? That is brutality,as
in Torah :
“You must not carry false rumors; you shall not join hands with the guilty to act as
a malicious witness:

Power, Genocide and Mass Murder,Rudolph J. RummelFirst Published February 1, 1994 Research Article

You shall neither side with the mighty *mighty Others “multitude.” to do wrong—
you shall not give perverse testimony in a dispute so as to pervert it in favor of the
mighty—nor shall you show deference to a poor person in a dispute.”35

The concept of peace, the literature theories, and the divine laws can be presented
to describe the peace notion and its object. Whatever the religion is the simple rule
to get interfaith harmony and tranquility is to implement the peaceful culture just
not only understand it. The nations left their original religion just because they are
putting their own interests and objectives. They divided into sects to get their own
desires and thus defamed and defaced the religious virtue. The personal grudges
and lust to be in power by any means to get some benefit left them and their
followers astray. Even they changed the interpretations of the Bible and there are
many versions of bible in the result the originality is disputed now just for a minor
As the Quran say in surah nahal verse95:
‫ِاَّنَم ا ِع ْنَد ِهّٰللا ُهَو َخ ْیٌر َّلُك ْم ِاْن ُكْنُتْم َتْع َلُم ْو َن‬-‫َو اَل َتْش َتُرْو ا ِبَع ْهِد ِهّٰللا َثَم ًنا َقِلْیؕاًل‬
Translation: "And do not trade Allah’s covenant for a fleeting gain. What is with
Allah is certainly far better for you, if only you knew."36

‫َو َء اِم ُنوْا ِبَم ٓا َأنَز ْلُت ُمَص ِّد ًقا ِّلَم ا َمَع ُك ْم َو اَل َتُك وُنٓو ْا َأَّو َل َك اِفٍر ِبِهۦۖ َو ال َت شَت ر‌وا ِبٔـايٰـ تى َث َم ًن ا َقلياًل َو ِإّي ٰـ َى َفاَّت قوِن‬
“And believe in what I have sent down confirming that which is [already] with
you, and be not the first to disbelieve in it. And do not exchange My signs for a
small price, and fear [only] Me.”37

Exodus 23,The Contemporary Torah, JPS, 2006,


2:41— Saheeh International,

The commandments are not for Ehl e Kitab but also a lesson for Muslims. Though
Almighty Allah has promised to keep the Quran uneditable forever so we can find
only one text. But there are many interpretations we can find that are not related to
context even, can change the original meaning but not the text. So truth has to be
followed by any means.
Today crescent and peace are in a question mark because we Muslims left the right
path shown and given to us. This is one reason for the decline of Muslims in some
of the main reasons for the present situation. That also happened with jews and
Christians.I think there will be more peaceful days and nights in the world if the
peaceful teachings are followed as they are taught by Torah, Bible, and Quran.


Exodus 23,The Contemporary Torah, JPS, 2006,

Saheeh International,

Jami` at-Tirmidhi 3786,
,Safi ur rehman, Mubarakpori, Raheeq ul makhtoom, maktaba salfia,1998.
Rudolph J. Rummel,Power, Genocide and Mass Murder, First
Published February 1, 1994 Research Article


Global Peace Index Report Institute for Economics and Peace– February 2014, A
Syriac: ‫ܫܠܡܐ‬
"‫"שלמא‬From Proto-Semitic *šalām-. Cognates include Hebrew ‫ שלום‬,
Arabic ‫سالم‬. – WordSense Online Dictionary (10th April, 2022)
URL: ‫שלמא‬/
‫ َس َالم‬- : ‫ ِس ْلم‬,
The contemporary Torah, Genesis 37:14, 43:27, Judges 18:15, 1 Samuel 17:18, 2
Samuel 11:7, and more.
RABBI DONNIEL HARTMAN, Rabbinic Limitations on

Daniel C. Arichea, Jr.First Published April 1, 1987 Research

Romans 12:18 — The New International Version (NIV),
Hebrews 12:14,
John MacArthur, The New American Standard Bible, ©1960, 1962, 1963, 1968,
1971, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, and are used by
permission. Grace to you,
R.J. Rummel,Understanding Conflict and War: Vol. 5:The Just Peace,Beverly
Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1981
Rinehart, Milton. "Toward Better Concepts of Peace." Beyond Intractability. Eds.
Guy Burgess and Heidi Burgess. Conflict Information Consortium, University of
Colorado, Boulder. Posted: May 2005
The clear Quran,Dr.mustafa alKattab,
Rudolph J. Rummel, Power, Genocide and Mass Murder, First Published February
1, 1994 Research Article


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