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Part 1

Series Name: The 100 (Season 1, Episode 1, Pilot)


The conflict is between Clarke and Bellamy who came down to the earth after the space station
100 years as the earth got inhabitable 100 years ago due to the nuclear reactions. The conflict
was about finding the food on earth as they might have gone short of supplies quickly where
Clarke wanted to team up as she was already from the privileged family in the space station with
her mother being in charge. On the other hand, Bellamy wanted Clarke to go by herself and take
the other privileged members to do the hard work rather than asking others to do so. The 100
people came down who got divided into the groups led by Clarke and Bellamy leading to the

Conflict Explanation

From Clarke's point of view, she wanted everybody to assemble and work under the discipline to
find the food on earth. Clarke was acting like an unannounced leader because she inherited that
from her parents and family in the space station who were always in charge. Although she did
not act like a dictator unlike the leadership at the space station, Clarke was still giving orders and
wanted everybody to listen to her so someone can be an anchor to the solution for the upcoming
problems they might face on earth.

Conflict Resolution

From the table, there are two options that can be used to resolve the conflict including deferring
to the other (lose-win) and Cooperating (Win-Win). These options look feasible because the
compromise cannot go for the long run while the Clarke does not know how long they are going
to stay on earth and if they are going to find any food or not.

 Defer to other (Lose-Win)

The lose-win is also called to accommodate during the conflict in which the person can accept
the loss for the bigger win tomorrow. It is suitable because the fight was never in the favour of
anyone in such situations. Rather it was required that Clarke and Bellamy both learn from the
mistakes because leadership and assembling are necessary for such chaos while the rebellion
attitude would not work either. So, someone had to lose in such a situation to find the food

 Cooperate (Win-Win)

The option is also suitable in the scenario because everyone came down on earth equal and they
had equal rights to the supplies. It was better to cooperate to understand that issue is all-
important for everyone. They required a long-term relationship because Clarke and Bellamy
spoke up which showed that they can be leaders on either side and the compromise can help
them to work. However, in this case, it is required that both people should cooperate.


I would have recommended the cooperate strategy as it was needed to get together on earth to
start a new life because there were hundreds of others on the space station waiting for them to get
on earth after getting the positive report. However, the situation was not suitable at that time so
Clarke had to back off and choose the accommodate strategy to lose for a longer win.


It worked for the team because Clarke' explored the earth, and the hurdles on the earth as they
went through a lot. It did not help Clarke's team on search only but Bellamy's team as well as
they realized, that cooperation is required for further problems. Although, they could not find
food immediately but Clarke's strategy to defer worked for conflict resolution.


I have learned that conflict resolution has stages as well. Conflict can cause the positives as it
creates an understanding of the hidden things like in the case of Clark and Bellamy. Clarke
showing the courage to lose in the conflict led to cooperation because conflict caused to reveal
the problems that everybody is going to face. It led to the conclusion that they should cooperate
to find food. The key takeaway for me from this discussion is that the starting point for conflict
resolution is important as it leads to long-term conflict resolution. The conflict still prevailed
within the people came down to earth but Clarke and Bellamy knew to cooperate to make
everyone satisfied and secure.

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