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11/21/23, 8:54 PM The Names Of Sayyidina Rasoolullah - Sunnah.

Sayyidina Rasoolullah - - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (‫)صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬

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Home » Ash-Shama'il Al-Muhammadiyah » The Names Of Sayyidina Rasoolullah

‫باب ماجاء في أسماء رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬
The Names Of Sayyidina Rasoolullah
Ash-Shama'il Al-Muhammadiyah 365
Muhammad ibn Jubair ibn Mut'im reported that his father said:
"Allah’s Messenger said (Allah bless him and give him peace): “Verily I have several names: I am Muhammad; I
am Ahmad; I am al-Mahi [the Eraser], with whom Allah erases unbelief; I am al-Hashir [the Gatherer], at whose
feet the people will be gathered; and I am al-'Aqib [the Ultimate] (The name al-'Aqib [the Uhimate] means the
one after whom there is no Prophet.)
‫ َقاَل َر ُسوُل ِهللا‬:‫ َقاَل‏‏‬، ‫ َعْن َأِبيِه‬، ‫ َعْن ُمَحَّم ِد ْبِن ُجَبْيِر ْبِن ُم ْط ِعٍم‬،‫ َعِن الُّز ْه ِر ِّي‬، ‫ َح َّدَثَنا ُسْفَياُن‬:‫ َقاُلوا‏‏‬،‫ َو َغْيُر َو اِح ٍد‬، ‫عن َسِع يُد ْبُن َعْبِد الَّر ْح َمِن اْلَم ْخ ُز وِم ُّي‬
‫ َو َأَنا‬،‫ َو َأَنا اْلَح اِشُر اَّلِذي ُيْح َشُر الَّناُس َعَلى َقَدِم ي‬، ‫ َو َأَنا اْلَم اِح ي اَّلِذي َيْم ُح و ُهَّللا ِبَي اْلُكْفَر‬،‫ َو َأَنا َأْح َم ُد‬،‫ َأَنا ُمَحَّم ٌد‬، ‫‏ ِإَّن ِلي َأْس َم اًء‬:‫صلى هللا عليه وسلم‏‬
‫‏‬.‫اْلَعاِقُب اَّلِذي َلْيَس َبْعَدُه َنِبٌّي‏‬
Grade: Sahih (Zubair `Aliza'i)
Reference : Ash-Shama'il Al-Muhammadiyah 365
In-book reference : Book 51, Hadith 1
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Ash-Shama'il Al-Muhammadiyah 366, 367
Hudhaifa said:
"I encountered the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) in one of the streets of Medina, and he said: “I
am Muhammad; I am Ahmad; I am the Prophet of Mercy and the Prophet of Repentance; I am the Follower [of
the earlier Prophets]; I am the Gatherer and the Prophet of the Fierce Battles.”
‫ ِفي‬،‫‏ َلِقيُت الَّنِبَّي صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬:‫ َقاَل‏‬،‫ َعْن ُح َذْيَفَة‬، ‫ َعْن َأِبي َو اِئٍل‬، ‫ َعْن َعاِص ٍم‬، ‫ َح َّدَثَنا َأُبو َبْك ِر ْبُن َعَّياٍش‬:‫ َقاَل‏‏‬، ‫َح َّدَثَنا ُمَحَّم ُد ْبُن َطِر يٍف اْلُكوِفُّي‬
‫‏‬.‫ َو َنِبُّي اْلَم الِح ِم‏‬، ‫ َو َأَنا اْلَح اِشُر‬،‫ َو َأَنا اْلُم َقَّفى‬، ‫ َو َنِبُّي الَّتْو َبِة‬، ‫ َو َأَنا َنِبُّي الَّر ْح َم ِة‬،‫ َو َأَنا َأْح َم ُد‬،‫‏ َأَنا ُمَحَّم ٌد‬:‫ َفَقاَل‏‬، ‫َبْعِض ُطُر ِق اْلَم ِديَنِة‬

،‫ َعِن الَّنِبِّي صلى هللا عليه وسلم‬،‫ َعْن ُح َذْيَفَة‬، ‫ َعْن ِز ٍّر‬، ‫ َعْن َعاِص ٍم‬،‫‏ َأْنَبَأَنا َحَّم اُد ْبُن َسَلَم َة‬:‫ َقاَل‏‬، ‫ َح َّدَثَنا الَّنْض ُر ْبُن ُشَم ْيٍل‬:‫ َقاَل‏‏‬، ‫َح َّدَثَنا ِإْس َح اُق ْبُن َم ْنُص وٍر‬
‫‏‬.‫ َعْن ُح َذْيَف ‏َة‬، ‫ َعْن ِز ٍّر‬، ‫ َعْن َعاِص ٍم‬،‫ َقاَل َحَّم اُد ْبُن َسَلَم َة‬،‫ َهَكَذا‬،‫َنْح َو ُه ِبَم ْعَناُه‬

Grade: Hasan Isnād (Zubair `Aliza'i)

Reference : Ash-Shama'il Al-Muhammadiyah 366, 367
In-book reference : Book 51, Hadith 2
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