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3 Character Study

Main Conflict: TYPE: EXAMPLE:
Person vs society He mentions mostly about food and about the
circumstances they are facing and how to come out of

Storyline: Tell this character’s story ONLY:

He talks about everything that takes place in his life.The circumstances, the outcome of
moving places and talking about hunger.

Main Conflict: TYPE: EXAMPLE:
Person vs person Laetitia wants to leave the reservation behind and
explore, while her mother values tradition and staying
where they have always been.

Storyline: Tell this character’s story ONLY:

Laetitia decides to leave the reservation and go out and visit several countries and
explore the culture. Also, wanting to explore the atmosphere.

Main Conflict: TYPE: EXAMPLE:
Person vs society She was always refusing that they have no citizenship of
any place. She is worried as she has no place to live. She
is in the middle like a boat floating in water.

Storyline: Tell this character’s story ONLY:

The Mothers character traits are brave, stubborn and arrogant. The mother is very brave
because being a woman with her young son it left her very vulnerable against the people
that could have taken advantage of her.

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