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· Story

· Characters

· Level/environment design

· Gameplay

· Art

· Sound and Music

· User Interface, Game Controls

· Accessibility[citation needed]

· Monetization

Exotic City
1 Story:

1.1 Start Scene: In start scene player will have a nightmare running in wild and being chased by some
annonymous monster and suddenly weak-up in his bedroom being panicked. Then he picks his phone to
watch the time and finds out some weird massage from his friend sent at 3 Am. Then he checks out it is
9 Am of morning but finds there are dark outside. So he jump off the bed and try to contact to his friends
but there is no network. Then he gets up and try to understand the situation and suddenly hear some
wierd sound from kitchen and go to check out whats going on. when he enters the kitchen a wierd
creature attacks on him and he looses his coutiousness. then he wakes up in the first level while
something is pulling his leg inside a woods and lefts him in the middle of nowhere. Initially his eyes are
blurry and when it gets clear he founds he is in a forest in the evening and its close to get dark.

1.2 level 1: Player stands up and when his vision is clear his phone gets a new notification from
annonymous number giving some instruction to him.

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