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[Music] so this webinar is basically on red hat jboss so in this webinar we are

going to see what is this jboss is all about and how red hat has to do with jboss
and also we are going to see the the various components that are part of this jboss
and how and why we should uh be installing jboss so it's predominantly more from a
non-technical perspective moving on to a bit of typical perspective and then we are
moving on to the the opportunities and the business perspective that's how i have
planned this webinar so without any delay let's start with this so this webinar
focuses more on the red hat jboss eap 7.3 so people who have known this word jboss
so jboss is still existing it's not gone anywhere but it has changed its profile a
bit and now we are seeing a combination of jboss with red hat that's what we
normally call it as jbus in the market let's see what is that yeah so this is what
we're going to see the basically we are going to go through the jbl story how jboss
has evolved from where and now where it is and we are going to see more most of the
eap part so what is that eap why we need that eap1 then we are going to compare the
jboss with weblogic and websphere it's a very brief comparison then i'm going to
just just tell you how the installation process work and what are the basic
components and what are the basic operations that are there so then we are going to
see why we should be using jboss and then we are going to learn why we should i
mean then we are going to learn the opportunities that are available with jboss
then i will take up the question and answers okay so this is how it started so this
guy mark flurries he's the actually the founder of jboss he's the guy who actually
invented the software so jboss is not a name it's an acronym which stands for java
being open source software in those days they never had a fancy name they just gave
a name that they they thought in their mind so this is the guy who actually
formulated this jboss application server so it's a small application server with he
thought he could come up and he could create a middleware component so that he can
host applications and in 1999 is where this particular software was found then this
software was an open source and a freeware now people will have this confusion that
open source is free there it's not open source is different freeware is different
open source means i can view the source freeware means you can use it but there are
some conditions for that so jboss initially has such kind of conditions for example
if you see a jboss software you can start using the software nobody's going to stop
you and you can share that software with others and you can also view the code how
the jboss was developed that's all you can do what you cannot do is that you take
the software rebrand it and sell it to someone else that's against the violation
that's a violation then you cannot take the software and rebrand it on your name
and circulate it that's also a violation so there are certain things that open
source software has to has to a user of an open source software has to carry out so
for that purpose they have given a license agreement everything will have a license
even open source and freeways so it goes through an lgpl license agreement which
says all these norms and that's how the jboss was initially then with more number
of people coming in and jboss becoming famous for some reasons i'll explain you
what is that jboss reinvented itself as well so if you are a jboss user say 10
years back you will be using jboss now and in an intermediate time i would say
people started giving the name as well fly jboss became wildfly so till jboss 7 it
is called as jboss 7 jboss 8 it's called as wildfly 8. they have removed the name
jboss or whatever i told you the complete story is related to your community
edition this jboss is wild flying doll meaning what community tradition is
basically editions that are formulated by a community that means not one person
will develop this multiple people will develop it like if i'm very familiar with
some kind of a topic i will give that as a project to jboss community i will offer
it so anybody can offer a code to jboss somebody will say that no i can develop a
framework for logging so i will donate it to jboss jboss will accept it and it will
incorporate that into software and it will be released as a next comment division
so the biggest positivity of the community edition or the positive aspect of the
community edition is that it's very good it is free it is flexible you can use it
you can do poc's you can do sandbox environment you can do testing whatever you
want you can do it if you are a gamer you can use it if you are a freelancer you
can develop it whatever you want that's how the community works and if you think
that i can also add some code to it yeah do please do it but when it comes to a
real environment this community edition will not hold good reason is as i said
common tradition anybody can offer a code and the same way anybody can stop
offering the code it's about his will and wish imagine you're having a software and
you put it onto your production environment in so you have developed your code
according to that particular software in the next release they have removed a part
of the code now what happens to your development where will you go and find that
code so community editions are not that standard editions for a business critical
purpose but still they are the key players who are actually firing the software
moving from coming edition what happened was this jboss was taken over by red hat
because red hat is a company you always you all know that it is more into the
infrastructure linux missions and all so what they thought was why can't we have a
middleware umbrella under us let's have a create a big umbrella and now we also add
middleware to it so the first thing they want to include is the application server
which is the key middleware component so they took over jboss they bought jboss
buying jboss doesn't mean that community will get destroyed it's not like that the
community still exists but what j boss what red hat did to jboss wherever you see
you'll be able to see this logo you may not be able to see this logo anymore
because this is what we are interested upon so what jboss did what red hat did to
jboss red hat took jboss and he said jboss whatever the code that you give from the
community we are going to standardize it we are going to stabilize it and then when
everything is good we will going to give that as a release to the market and they
formulated or they coined the word called as enterprise application platform eap
jboss eap so if somebody asks you okay what is the server that you're using in your
production you can't say jboss you have to say jboss eap because jboss is a
community edition eap is an entrepreneur solution you will get support for this you
have a issue you raise a ticket to your red hat and red hat will provide the
support for this but in the comment edition it's not like that so this is the area
that we need to focus more on now comparing jboss with websphere now obviously you
cannot compare jboss application server with weblogic or websphere highly
impossible they are like giants but yes you can compare jboss eap with websphere
and weblogic okay so web spear and weblogic are like two biggest guys in the world
okay so they are they are the kings two kings of the application server world and
this guy came in jboss and suddenly people started showing more interest on jboss
there are multiple reasons for this one of the primary reasons is people will say
no no it's cost or not cost if you calculate almost it's the same but what is that
cutting edge that jboss gives you jboss eab gives you which you have spent weblogic
doesn't give you and you to add one more point to it websphere weblogic has got
much more advanced features much more familiar or user-friendly interfaces but
still people go to jboss why now the current trend is that it is not about the
software that you use or rigidity of the software or the robustness of the software
the current world is all about the flexibility of the software jboss eap is very
flexible meaning you develop an application and you want to install a code you can
do it like this within a minute installation process very easy configuration damn
easy administration very very easy and customization that's the most easiest part
you can do a customization create a container and launch it in a container done
whereas with spin web logic you will have lots of issues and challenges doing it
that means if i want to administrate a websphere of weblogic i want to have a
professional who has around six or seven years of experience on that particular
product with jboss hire a guy teaching jboss for one month putting him on secondary
support and he's ready for primary support in account in another couple of three
months done so resource wise this is very easy now moving on to next part so what
about the installation as i said if you see here you can see that there is a
installer that means it is an .exe file where you can give next and install it and
you will always also get a zip file you know install it unzip it relate the
software anyways you can do it then you also have a source code that means you can
view the code how the jbr has been developed now what are the installation mode
that we have got with jboss you can install jboss in gui mode console mode silent
mode and the zip installation just unzipping it all the four modes you can easily
install jbos now as a component what does jboss contain jboss eab contains
basically so at this point of time it will be very people who are very new to jboss
i mean it may be very technical for you but let's i'll try to make this slide as
simple as possible this is like the anatomy of jboss
like if you had there's a human body you have kidney heart lung legs and all limbs
so this is something of that sort the first and foremost thing is that you have a
wildfly core that means that inside your eap there is actually a jboss application
server that is sitting that version is 10.1.2 this version has nothing to do with
your eip version okay so if you rip open jboss eap you will see a jboss inside that
ok then under 2 under 2 is a web server which is packaged along with your jboss j
groups infinite span are components that help you to do clustering in jboss ion
jack mark is again a third party component which helps you to do ejb level
clustering narayana is a transactional software which will help you to do
transactions activembu artemis again it is a jboss product which helps you to do
messaging inside jboss jboss logging this is a component that helps you to use for
loggings in jboss HAL is a web console that whatever the web console that you see
the admin console that is HAL jboss security which helps you to provide security
concepts to jboss ticket box it's a very a small feature which maintains your vault
that means that if your password and anything is there it will help you to maintain
those passwords securely and last is your netty which is a http based protocol
connector so with all these things together you will get the jboss eap everything
combined together is your attack jboss eap so these are like as i said the parts of
the body jboss parts of the body then are two modes in which you can operate jboss
one is a standalone mode another one is a domain mode so a standalone mode will
have one server one server that is one instance of jboss will be there that means
you install you get a box linux boss or windows box on that you install jboss and
you start your jboss you'll get one instance of jboss that means when you check the
process there'll be one java process jboss process that will be running the same
jboss process will be used to deploy your application and also host the admin
console application then domain mode domain mode is where one jboss server can
manage another jboss server in standalone mode is not possible so here i have host
a, host b and host c so host a server which is called as a domain controller that
can manage the other servers inside your jboss so this is more on to a hierarchy
level if you want to create a huge hierarchy of servers and jboss you can go to
domain mode then simple question why should i go for jboss eip open source and
freeware as i was saying it is open source its freeware you can download it you can
install it you can use it as you start using more you get familiarized with the
software and then you can use software for packaging you can use it for your poc's
you can use it for your sandbox environment and if you like it you can preferably
recommend it to your organization to implement in the production okay flexibility
of usage so i can take the software rip this software apart add my application onto
it repackage it then i can deliver it as a packaged application possible flexible
operations as i said you have two different modes of operations it is very easy for
you to maintain those servers stopping and starting but it's very easy no you know
no constraints and all you can use it with multiple modes fast footprint the moment
you start jboss it will get started within seconds because why what takes a server
to start late or what takes the server to start earlier if you have more services
running on the server it will take time to start if less services are running it
will take less time to start obvious but what if i have more services but still
have to start very fast then we are going for a concept called as on demand
services where when you start your application sorry when you start your server
depending upon the application needs it will load the classes or load the services
only for that application demands whatever the application demands only it will
load in the future maybe after three a couple of hours if any other services are
required then it will load that service it will not load all the services together
so which makes jboss to have a very faster footprint easy to migrate say if i have
a websphere and i want to my jboss you can recreate graded upgrade is also very
easy now very key point no licensing only subscription there's a difference between
licensing and subscription licensing means i take up a software and i'm paying for
that software and i'm paying for the usage of that particular software live
subscription is different subscript is something that boss i'm going to use the
software for one year i will pay you an amount what are the bugs that comes in what
are the issues this comes in i will just raise the service request for that i can
get an answer for that say for example i am getting a life first let me talk about
the licensing path that makes you to understand subscription easy if i buy a
product say version one then i have got a license for that i start using it now i
want to migrate to second version that is version one two version two again i have
to buy licensing for version two okay yes in jboss it's simpler i buy a
subscription for three years so now i'm using jboss eap6 in the first year in the
second year i'm using jboss eap7 i have upgraded it no charge free again i am going
for jboss 8 no charge free so i have bought a subscription for 3 years for 3 years
jboss will give me some support irrespective of whatever the versions that you are
using that there's more advantages for an organization because they can very well
play with the software and its upgrades there is no constraint no we have to hold
this because we have already paid it for that no that kind of funda will happen
then as usual excellent support from red hat as they were delivering for their
operating system they have they do a beautiful support for their products also
jboss also now this is the most important and biggest question why should you learn
jboss okay why this webinar has been conducted why i am talking you are listening
so if you ask me five years six years back there was a huge funder for a fan base
for weblogic and ripspear websphere every company used to say that no either
install websphere or weblogic depending upon the budget they have got now with new
people coming into market new brains coming into the devops and other stuffs people
see citing those softwares are creating a hindrance for the development purpose i'm
not saying they are bad they are obviously good they are fantastic but the ease of
working with that is becoming more and more difficult why it is becoming difficult
it is not the product is making it difficult because there are easier products than
that like tomcat and jboss so what jboss is doing is that jboss is actually making
people to use more and more of it when you say more people are using it that means
the the requirement for the support engineers requirement for the build engineers
will be also more that means there are more job opportunities for jboss than other
products one of the key feature is that it is easy to learn scale up as i was
saying before if we if you want to train web spear okay i will train you websphere
i will train you weblogic i'll train a jboss so the training period would be
different for the products let's say on average two months of training you have
attended after these two months of training how fast you can scale up that is the
question with websphere i would say at least it will take three to four months to
scale up in web span environment weblogic also is very similar but in jboss it is
very easy in one month you can scale up you can go to an organization without
knowing anything by the time they create your user id and passwords you can you go
to a training get trained you get familiarized with the product then you get your
user id passwords and other client requirements and all by the time you go and sit
in front of your system you will able to know what is there that means you can
understand when they talk to you in the jboss language when they say what is the
mode that they are using you can easily understand okay they are talking about
standalone domain mode when they say did you start your say service or you start
your instances you will be able to understand okay they are talking about jboss
server and they are talking about this configuration that is more important for you
the most important thing is that when you go and sit in front of your disk you
should understand what the other guy says forget about your whether you're working
with the jboss or websphere or any other product first of all the other guy
whatever says that you should be able to understand you should not put a question
mark phase in front of that guy so in that perspective jboss is easy and gables you
can easily scale up so this is one of the key parts i would say with jboss coming
in every engineer thought it is easy to learn and it is also easy to learn and they
learnt it so they had a thought process it was successful and they start learning
jboss and they learn jboss but the catches see products like websphere weblogic and
other stuffs they have created to such a level that everything is foolproof that
means that everything is documented everything is there and if you can you click
something something comes up and everything is there but with jboss it is not like
that the more you start using it the more the expert you become in that case the
number of experts in jboss are actually less for example if i ask you to migrate a
server from websphere to weblogic you will go to weblogic site or you raise a
ticket with oracle they will give you the exact procedure to migrate websphere to j
weblogic it is just you know weblogic at your weblogic admin you will start
migrating it putting the websphere from websphere
to jboss is very difficult why everybody knows how to administer jboss because
it's an easy work they started working on but the level of degree they have to
improve on their own you have to compare the architecture of one product and
superimpose that on the other product for that the degree of knowledge on jboss is
very less in the market if somebody can gain that then he has got a very bright
future forget about fuji he's get he will get a very good salary so the effect of
that this many implementation projects are there in jboss in the market we don't
have people to do that so now what organizations are doing is that due to this
pandemic and also due to the initial cost cutting measures they started training
people from web sphere web logs and other products into jboss and they are trying
to implement the project now you can train and you can implement it but the
knowledge that requires a higher degree of knowledge to implement the project that
is very less now and the projects are more the demand for skilled engineers in
jboss is also very less many implementations projects are available now wherever i
see an implementation project or i see a migration project from a higher software
to jba software yeah the migration so new implementations and the migrations so
which eventually all these things will end up to a better job market so if you are
a good qualified person in jboss with a very good understanding on the product you
need not have to excel it at least have a very good understanding on the project
your job market is always open for this and at least for next 10 years jboss will
rule the of the market because of its cost support and flexibility so that's all
from my side so now i just walk you to the course content so what MindMajix offers
you is these course contents so it's a 15 hours 15 session course so each session
has 15 different topics each topic may range up to one to two days max some to
three days so these if you understand this 15 chapters the expectation is that you
will be able to understand the first thing i always believe in that first you
should have a good understanding that means when somebody converses you converse
with you in terms of the jboss language you should be able to understand that that
is assured number two you will be able to perform the basic installation basic
troubleshooting and basic configuration number three you will be able to understand
what the peripheral software is for example you go into a company okay the moment
you enter in nobody will ask you come on come on sit and install jboss no they will
not do that so we have added certain other parts of the course which is not listed
in this course content is that how the basically a team works a middleware team or
jboss team works so these three are the things that we actually that means the
familiarity with the product the basic understanding of the product and the
peripheral components that are going to be that you will be encountering in any of
the organization and will be offering you a custom course content live session
recordings and three assignments if you are able to do these three assignments i
will be able to assure you that yes you'll be able to go and sit in organization
and start working so so this is the course content and it will range up to 3.5 to 4
weeks that means approximately a month that's how the course would be so now i'm
open to question answers you can start somebody muted everybody or something no
questions are you there hello this conference will now be recorded hey who's
recording the conference here yeah hey open you can talk it's not that you have to
ping me okay cost cost is something that you need to deal with the psy and i'll
take up the technical questions jboss works on particularly in java language see
jboss helps you to deploy applications which are made of java that means you can
host and you can you can run only java applications others cloud computing is
entirely different cloud computing is different hosting is different cloud
computing refers to the infrastructure that it holds this is refers to the
application that is going to host so cloud is entirely different this is entirely
different you can use jboss on a cloud environment what really is what really is
jboss it's an application server you have an application you have to run it so only
your application runs you will be able to access the application so who will run
the application some engine has to be there right that powering engine is jboss any
up no i'm not getting your question any applications can we know means can you
please rephrase the question kaushik up yeah as i said jboss is an application
server that you have web spheres and application server web logics and applications
there are many application servers in the market name to use for no no you actually
your your sentence is breaking can you come come i mean can you come through audio
okay okay [Music] you

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