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Nature and all the phenomena that take place in it are exceptionally beautiful and unusual, at the

same time as enigmatic as quantum mechanics and as simple as Newton's laws.

Science, deciphering the laws of nature, tries to share the truths it has discovered with humanity.
But the cold and dry language, like lead, of science does not show all the beauty of the universe
and does not entice the human heart. And someone might ask what is the way out of the
situation. And this is where the Art and Literature comes into play. The purpose of art is not to
teach us some facts from science, but to popularize them, spread, share, kindle a spark and
interest in people.
Also, stylistic figures offered by art are valuable not only for the popular science writer but also
for the researcher because an analogy can help to develop a theory and help the researcher to
gain a better understanding of his or her domain by comparing it to a different system.
Overall, people need not only rigid truths to be able to satisfy their primary needs, i.e. to survive,
but also recreation, music, literature. In all areas of life, we must find golden mean to live in
harmony with oneself and “the laws of universe”.

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