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[Info | 12:46:23 PM] [Medal Log Init] 3.107.0.

0 - 9/3/2019 12:46:23 PM

[Info | 12:46:23 PM] User saved as 1962464 - tokonikola

[Info | 12:46:23 PM] Clip folder: C:\Users\User\Videos\Medal
[Info | 12:46:23 PM] Initial app settings--
[Info | 12:46:23 PM] Trigger key is F8 - FPS setting is 30 - Width setting is 1280,
Height 720 - Clip length is 120 - Detect all games setting is False - Encoding
setting is GPU - Overlay setting is True - Sound setting is True - Mic input
setting is False - Mic gain is 0 - Game sound gain is 0 - Auto upload setting is
True - Auto upload state setting is 2 - environment setting is production -
WindowsGameMode setting is False - Maintain Aspect Ratio is False - Clip folder is-
C:\Users\User\Videos\Medal - Bitrate setting is b='10M' g='12' - Controller trigger
key is Back - Saving Trigger Key Enabled setting is True - Saving Controller
Trigger Key Enabled setting is True -
[Info | 12:46:23 PM] request user
[Info | 12:46:23 PM] request environment
[Info | 12:46:23 PM] request environment reply "production"
[Info | 12:46:23 PM] requestuser reply {"expires":31536000000,"key":"855aefbb-ba27-
[Info | 12:46:23 PM] New command - user * {
"expires": 31536000000,
"key": "855aefbb-ba27-456b-ae9c-5e1b67f85557",
"userId": 1962464,
"userName": "tokonikola",
"userName.base64": "dG9rb25pa29sYQ=="
[Info | 12:46:23 PM] Saving environment production
[Info | 12:46:23 PM] Username is base64 translated to tokonikola
[Info | 12:46:23 PM] Username is base64 translated to tokonikola
[Info | 12:46:23 PM] User updated 1962464 - tokonikola
[Info | 12:46:23 PM] 1 logs of- User updated 1962464 - tokonikola
[Info | 12:46:23 PM] job.respond f3101374-7fcd-4f45-a937-23debf51a0e8
[Info | 12:46:23 PM] New command - user * {
"expires": 31536000000,
"key": "855aefbb-ba27-456b-ae9c-5e1b67f85557",
"userId": 1962464,
"userName": "tokonikola",
"userName.base64": "dG9rb25pa29sYQ=="
[Info | 12:46:23 PM] Username is base64 translated to tokonikola
[Debug | 12:46:23 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:46:23 PM] User updated 1962464 - tokonikola
[Info | 12:46:23 PM] job.respond 45d46c38-73b5-4dfd-965f-2a79d9217565
[Debug | 12:46:23 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'f3101374-7fcd-4f45-a937-
[Debug | 12:46:23 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] New command - set.triggerkey * {
"key": "F8",
"key.base64": "Rjg="
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Saving key settings Rjg=
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Key setting is base64 translated to F8
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond 63e5931b-a0d6-4062-b3c3-caa66cca4dac
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] New command - set.triggerKeyEnabled * {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Saving Trigger Key Enabled True
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond fb26ecbe-ff38-4fa9-9154-4fdee0fd0015
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] New command - set.controllerTrigger * {
"name": "select",
"displayName": {
"xbox": "Back",
"playstation": "Select"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Saving controller key settings select
[Debug | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond 85e68409-d90b-4a51-bf8f-c1c7c69bc37c
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] New command - set.controllerTriggerEnabled * {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Saving Controller Trigger Key Enabled True
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond 14d447f1-4531-4f3e-86c5-a30942e3a06e
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] New command - set.cliplength * {
"cliplength": "120"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Saving clip length 120
[Debug | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond 80cfbc85-f536-427d-b995-4b73e174fc75
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] New command - set.resolution * {
"resolution": "High"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Saving resolution High
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Saving bitrate 10
[Debug | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Sending Bitrate Setting
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] SendBitrateSetting reply "ok"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond 39a6f316-8a11-449a-8471-a5f9f59cb589
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] New command - set.fps * {
"fps": "30"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Saving FPS 30
[Debug | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond 124c8ef1-e918-41a1-8bea-ac9d1e5ac85b
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] New command - set.micinput * {
"micinput": 0
[Debug | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Saving Mic Input 0
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond f071e265-101a-49db-ab98-d09b5c9a5e2d
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] New command - set.overlayalerts * {
"overlayalerts": 1
[Debug | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Saving Overlay Alerts 1
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond 9e5187ed-c352-415d-b215-f8e985574921
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] New command - set.soundalerts * {
"soundalerts": 1
[Debug | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Saving Sound Alerts 1
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond c38fe183-ca52-4967-9089-75585c19a02f
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] New command - set.maintainAspectRatio * {
"maintainAspectRatio": 0
[Debug | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Saving Maintain Aspect Ratio 0
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond 17ddadb7-e1db-4fcc-8eff-8775e9864140
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] New command - set.detectallgames * {
"detectallgames": 0
[Debug | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Saving Detect All Games 0
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond b56aeb37-c9b2-48ca-b0fa-aefdf904fa95
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] New command - set.encoder * {
"type": "GPU"
[Debug | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond c9cfdc21-ebf8-43a7-b93e-c9ca91fe06fd
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] New command - set.clipFolder * {
"clipFolder": "C:%path.sep%Users%path.sep%User%path.sep%Videos%path.sep%Medal",
"clipFolder.base64": "QzpcVXNlcnNcVXNlclxWaWRlb3NcTWVkYWw="
[Debug | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Saving Clip folder: QzpcVXNlcnNcVXNlclxWaWRlb3NcTWVkYWw=
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Clip folder setting is base64 translated to C:\Users\User\
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond 066860a0-3663-4b2b-a373-2f83d01ddc56
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] New command - set.bitrate * {
"bitrate": "10"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Saving bitrate 10
[Debug | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond 035d15f3-ef24-45b0-9cba-8562890034d3
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] New command - set.autoUploadState * {
"autoUploadState": 2
[Debug | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Saving Auto Upload State 2
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond ff2f472e-0d81-4a48-b176-ccf460f8b311
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] New command - set.autoUpload * {
"autoUpload": true
[Debug | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] Saving Auto Upload True
[Info | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond d60a62e1-ca40-480d-94f8-022906a51e94
[Debug | 12:46:24 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'63e5931b-a0d6-4062-b3c3-
[Debug | 12:46:24 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 12:46:26 PM] Codec Succeeded h264_amf
[Info | 12:46:26 PM] AMD driver version is supported.
[Debug | 12:46:26 PM] encoder options reply "ok"
[Warning | 12:46:26 PM] No clip db to send data
[Info | 12:46:26 PM] Creating symbolic link: C:\Medal\Tools\Host\
[Info | 12:46:26 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use
[Info | 12:46:26 PM] 1 logs of- Optimal available encoding option h264_amf.
Selected to use GPU
[Info | 12:46:26 PM] codecName- h264_amf, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] Setting external audio device
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] Default device is Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (Realtek High Definition
Audio), Audio Index:3, Waveformat:IeeeFloat, SampleRate:48000, Channels:2,
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] MedalWriter Created
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] 1 logs of- Optimal available encoding option h264_amf.
Selected to use GPU
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] codecName- h264_amf, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] Setting external audio device
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] Default device is Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (Realtek High Definition
Audio), Audio Index:3, Waveformat:IeeeFloat, SampleRate:48000, Channels:2,
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] Contains args: True
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] Disabling windows game mode to improve performance..
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] Windows game mode disabled.
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] Saving WindowsGameMode 0
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] ----[ESM State]: Initializing----
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] request windowsgamemode reply "ok"
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] [ESM Event] - Initialized
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] Running as admin False
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] DetectAllGames False
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 12:46:27 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 12:46:28 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 12:46:28 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 12:46:28 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 12:46:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 12:46:28 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Medal\app-4.273.0\
[Info | 12:46:28 PM] ----[ESM State]: SearchingForCapture----
[Info | 12:46:29 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Could not establish a connection to
any IPC server: Could not connect as an exception occured.
[Warning | 12:46:29 PM] No MedalCapture listener found
[Info | 12:46:29 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Client stopped.
[Info | 12:46:29 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] Server started.
[Info | 12:46:29 PM] Encoder server started
[Info | 12:46:29 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureNotFound
[Info | 12:46:29 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 12:46:29 PM] recordingstopped
[Debug | 12:46:29 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 12:46:30 PM] {"GPU":{"1 Name":"Radeon RX 580 Series","1 Status":"OK","1
Caption":"Radeon RX 580 Series","1 DeviceID":"VideoController1","1 AdapterRAM":"4.0
GB","1 AdapterDACType":"Internal DAC(400MHz)","1 Monochrome":"False","1
amdxc64.dll","1 DriverVersion":"26.20.13001.18009","1 VideoProcessor":"AMD Radeon
Graphics Processor (0x67DF)","1 VideoArchitecture":"5","1 VideoMemoryType":"2","2
Name":"Radeon RX 580 Series","2 Status":"OK","2 Caption":"Radeon RX 580 Series","2
DeviceID":"VideoController2","2 AdapterRAM":"4.0 GB","2 AdapterDACType":"Internal
DAC(400MHz)","2 Monochrome":"False","2 InstalledDisplayDrivers":"C:\\Windows\\
DriverVersion":"26.20.13001.18009","2 VideoProcessor":"AMD Radeon Graphics
Processor (0x67DF)","2 VideoArchitecture":"5","2
VideoMemoryType":"2"},"HardDrives":{"C:\\ Name":"Drive C:\\","C:\\ Drive
type":"Fixed","C:\\ Volume label":"System","C:\\ File system":"NTFS","C:\\
Available space to current user":"13.5 GB","C:\\ Total available space":"13.5
GB","C:\\ Total size of drive":"165.0 GB","C:\\ Root directory":"C:\\","D:\\
Name":"Drive D:\\","D:\\ Drive type":"Fixed","D:\\ Volume label":"New Volume","D:\\
File system":"NTFS","D:\\ Available space to current user":"1.6 TB","D:\\ Total
available space":"1.6 TB","D:\\ Total size of drive":"1.8 TB","D:\\ Root
directory":"D:\\"},"CPU":{"1 Name":"Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz","1
DeviceID":"CPU0","1 Manufacturer":"GenuineIntel","1 CurrentClockSpeed":"3192","1
Caption":"Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 10","1 NumberOfCores":"6","1
NumberOfEnabledCore":"6","1 NumberOfLogicalProcessors":"12","1 Architecture":"9","1
Family":"198","1 ProcessorType":"3","1 Characteristics":"252","1
AddressWidth":"64"},"OS":{"1 Caption":"Microsoft Windows 10 Pro","1
WindowsDirectory":"C:\\Windows","1 ProductType":"1","1 SerialNumber":"00331-10000-
00001-AA565","1 SystemDirectory":"C:\\Windows\\system32","1 CountryCode":"7","1
CurrentTimeZone":"240","1 EncryptionLevel":"256","1 OSType":"18","1
Version":"10.0.17134"},"Sound":{"1 Name":"Realtek High Definition Audio","1
ProductName":"Realtek High Definition Audio","1 DeviceID":"HDAUDIO\\
PowerManagementSupported":"False","1 Status":"OK","1 StatusInfo":"3","2 Name":"AMD
High Definition Audio Device","2 ProductName":"AMD High Definition Audio Device","2
PowerManagementSupported":"False","2 Status":"OK","2 StatusInfo":"3"}}
[Info | 12:47:15 PM] Process name found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping | Caption |
MSCTFIME UI | and class | MSCTFIME UI | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 12:47:16 PM] Process name found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping | Caption |
Fortnite | and class | UnrealWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 12:47:16 PM] Game Found Type 1: Fortnite
[Info | 12:47:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:47:16 PM] Game found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping Handle: 197678
[Warning | 12:47:16 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Info | 12:47:17 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:47:17 PM] [ESM Event] - GameFound
[Info | 12:47:17 PM] Attaching to Process ID: 6396
[Info | 12:47:17 PM] Process detected as: 64 Bit
[Info | 12:47:17 PM] Process detected as: x64\
[Info | 12:47:17 PM] MainWindowHandle 197678
[Info | 12:47:17 PM] Thread id: 6228
[Info | 12:47:17 PM] ----[ESM State]: Injecting----
[Info | 12:47:17 PM] recordingstarted 62 - Fortnite
[Debug | 12:47:17 PM] recordingstarted reply "ok"
[Info | 12:47:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:47:46 PM] 22 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:47:46 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:47:46 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 12:47:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:47:52 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:47:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:47:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] incoming connection from:
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] Capture Connected to Encoder
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureConnected
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameCaptureState----
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] Start Controller Input Hook
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] Keyboard hook started F8
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] Default device is Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (Realtek High Definition
Audio), Audio Index:3, Waveformat:IeeeFloat, SampleRate:48000, Channels:2,
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] codecName- h264_amf, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] MedalWriter started. Video options: b='10M' g='12'
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] Keyboard hook started F8
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: [Config] received
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGI module detected.
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Direct3D9 module detected.
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGL module detected.
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGLCapture created
[Info | 12:47:54 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Begin
[Info | 12:47:55 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Before device creation
[Info | 12:47:55 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Device created
[Info | 12:47:55 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook applied.
[Info | 12:47:55 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Waiting for hook..
[Info | 12:47:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Offsets: 4058, 53C0
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Supports EX: True
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: D3D9Capture created
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Waiting for hook..
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGL Hook: Hook applied.
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Direct3D11 detected.
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: D3D11Capture created
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: -----ACTIVE CAPTURE: DXGI :
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameCaptureStart
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Capture started (OK)
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] Config Received->Shared Texture Handle: 3221231490
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] Adapter found: 51876
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] Source Texture: 1920x1080 - R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] Input Resolution: 1280x720 - Row Pitch: 5120 - AR:16:9
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x720
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] Resources created
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] GameFilter: Operation started.
[Info | 12:47:56 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10
[Info | 12:48:08 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:48:10 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:48:10 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Hook was installed.
[Info | 12:48:19 PM] 1 logs of- Capture->MedalEncoder: Hook was installed.
[Info | 12:48:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:48:21 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:51:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 12:51:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 12:51:26 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 1:19:06 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 1:19:07 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 1:19:07 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 1:19:07 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 1:20:20 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 1:20:20 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 1:20:21 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 1:20:21 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 1:20:21 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 1:49:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 1:49:32 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 1:49:32 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 1:49:32 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 1:53:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 1:53:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 1:53:17 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 1:53:17 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 1:53:17 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 1:53:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 1:53:55 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 1:53:55 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 1:53:55 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 1:54:20 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 1:54:20 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 1:54:21 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 1:54:21 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 1:54:21 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 1:59:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 1:59:53 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 1:59:53 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 1:59:53 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:00:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:00:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:00:30 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:00:30 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:00:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:00:35 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:00:39 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:00:39 PM] Audio config- - | tracksplitbits - 0
[Info | 2:00:45 PM] Capture Disconnected
[Info | 2:00:45 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureDisconnected
[Info | 2:00:45 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 2:00:45 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 2:00:45 PM] Stopping MedalWriter.
[Info | 2:00:45 PM] MedalWriter stopped.
[Info | 2:00:45 PM] ----[ESM State]: SearchingForCapture----
[Info | 2:00:45 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] server stopped
[Info | 2:00:45 PM] End Controller Input Hook
[Info | 2:00:45 PM] Fortnite exited.
[Info | 2:00:46 PM] recordingstopped
[Info | 2:00:46 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Debug | 2:00:46 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Info | 2:00:46 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Could not establish a connection to
any IPC server: Could not connect as an exception occured.
[Warning | 2:00:46 PM] No MedalCapture listener found
[Info | 2:00:46 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Client stopped.
[Info | 2:00:46 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] Server started.
[Info | 2:00:46 PM] Encoder server started
[Info | 2:00:46 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureNotFound
[Info | 2:00:46 PM] ----[ESM State]: SearchingForCapture----
[Info | 2:00:46 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] server stopped
[Info | 2:00:47 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Could not establish a connection to
any IPC server: Could not connect as an exception occured.
[Warning | 2:00:47 PM] No MedalCapture listener found
[Info | 2:00:47 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Client stopped.
[Info | 2:00:47 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] Server started.
[Info | 2:00:47 PM] Encoder server started
[Info | 2:00:47 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureNotFound
[Info | 2:00:47 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 2:00:48 PM] recordingstopped
[Debug | 2:00:48 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Info | 2:14:28 PM] Process name found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping | Caption |
MSCTFIME UI | and class | MSCTFIME UI | Detect all Games | False
[Warning | 2:14:28 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Info | 2:14:29 PM] Process name found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping | Caption |
Fortnite | and class | UnrealWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:14:29 PM] Game Found Type 1: Fortnite
[Info | 2:14:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:14:29 PM] Game found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping Handle: 656060
[Info | 2:14:30 PM] [ESM Event] - GameFound
[Info | 2:14:30 PM] Attaching to Process ID: 11460
[Info | 2:14:30 PM] Process detected as: 64 Bit
[Info | 2:14:30 PM] Process detected as: x64\
[Info | 2:14:30 PM] MainWindowHandle 656060
[Info | 2:14:30 PM] Thread id: 12712
[Info | 2:14:30 PM] Terminating existing MedalInjector instance
[Info | 2:14:30 PM] ----[ESM State]: Injecting----
[Info | 2:14:30 PM] recordingstarted 62 - Fortnite
[Debug | 2:14:31 PM] recordingstarted reply "ok"
[Info | 2:14:47 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:14:48 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:14:48 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:14:48 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] incoming connection from:
[Info | 2:14:48 PM] Capture Connected to Encoder
[Info | 2:14:48 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureConnected
[Info | 2:14:48 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameCaptureState----
[Info | 2:14:48 PM] Start Controller Input Hook
[Info | 2:14:48 PM] Keyboard hook started F8
[Info | 2:14:49 PM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 2:14:49 PM] Default device is Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[Info | 2:14:49 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (Realtek High Definition
Audio), Audio Index:3, Waveformat:IeeeFloat, SampleRate:48000, Channels:2,
[Info | 2:14:49 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 2:14:49 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 2:14:49 PM] codecName- h264_amf, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 2:14:49 PM] MedalWriter started. Video options: b='10M' g='12'
[Info | 2:14:49 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 2:14:49 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 2:14:49 PM] GameFilter: Operation started.
[Info | 2:14:49 PM] Keyboard hook started F8
[Info | 2:14:49 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: [Config] received
[Info | 2:14:50 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGI module detected.
[Info | 2:14:50 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Direct3D9 module detected.
[Info | 2:14:50 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGL module detected.
[Info | 2:14:50 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGLCapture created
[Info | 2:14:50 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Begin
[Info | 2:14:50 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Before device creation
[Info | 2:14:50 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Device created
[Info | 2:14:50 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook applied.
[Info | 2:14:50 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Waiting for hook..
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Offsets: 4058, 53C0
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Supports EX: True
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: D3D9Capture created
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Waiting for hook..
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGL Hook: Hook applied.
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Direct3D11 detected.
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: -----ACTIVE CAPTURE: DXGI :
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: D3D11Capture created
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Capture started (OK)
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameCaptureStart
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Config Received->Shared Texture Handle: 2147491778
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Cleaned up resources
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Adapter found: 51876
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Source Texture: 1758x1080 - R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Input Resolution: 1280x720 - Row Pitch: 5120 - AR:16:9
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x720
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Resources created
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] GameFilter: Operation started.
[Info | 2:14:51 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10
[Info | 2:15:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:15:01 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:15:01 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:15:01 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:15:05 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Hook was installed.
[Info | 2:15:16 PM] 1 logs of- Capture->MedalEncoder: Hook was installed.
[Info | 2:15:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:15:16 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Capture started (OK)
[Info | 2:15:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameCaptureStart
[Info | 2:15:16 PM] Config Received->Shared Texture Handle: 1073746754
[Info | 2:15:16 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 2:15:16 PM] Cleaned up resources
[Info | 2:15:17 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:15:17 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:15:17 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:15:17 PM] Adapter found: 51876
[Info | 2:15:17 PM] Source Texture: 1600x900 - R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 2:15:17 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 2:15:17 PM] Input Resolution: 1280x720 - Row Pitch: 5120 - AR:16:9
[Info | 2:15:17 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x720
[Info | 2:15:17 PM] Resources created
[Info | 2:15:17 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 2:15:17 PM] GameFilter: Operation started.
[Info | 2:15:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:15:24 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Capture started (OK)
[Info | 2:15:24 PM] [ESM Event] - GameCaptureStart
[Info | 2:15:24 PM] Config Received->Shared Texture Handle: 1073748226
[Info | 2:15:24 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 2:15:24 PM] Cleaned up resources
[Info | 2:15:24 PM] Adapter found: 51876
[Info | 2:15:24 PM] Source Texture: 1920x1040 - R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 2:15:24 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 2:15:25 PM] Input Resolution: 1280x720 - Row Pitch: 5120 - AR:16:9
[Info | 2:15:25 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x720
[Info | 2:15:25 PM] Resources created
[Info | 2:15:25 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 2:15:25 PM] GameFilter: Operation started.
[Info | 2:15:25 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:15:25 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:15:25 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:15:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:15:41 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Capture started (OK)
[Info | 2:15:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameCaptureStart
[Info | 2:15:41 PM] Config Received->Shared Texture Handle: 1073744066
[Info | 2:15:41 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 2:15:41 PM] Cleaned up resources
[Info | 2:15:41 PM] Adapter found: 51876
[Info | 2:15:41 PM] Source Texture: 1920x1080 - R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 2:15:41 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 2:15:41 PM] Input Resolution: 1280x720 - Row Pitch: 5120 - AR:16:9
[Info | 2:15:41 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x720
[Info | 2:15:41 PM] Resources created
[Info | 2:15:41 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 2:15:41 PM] GameFilter: Operation started.
[Info | 2:15:42 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:15:42 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:15:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:15:50 PM] Audio config- - | tracksplitbits - 0
[Info | 2:15:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:15:51 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:15:51 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10
[Info | 2:15:51 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:15:51 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:15:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:16:05 PM] Audio config- - | tracksplitbits - 0
[Info | 2:16:14 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10
[Info | 2:16:18 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:16:27 PM] 4 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:16:27 PM] Audio config- - | tracksplitbits - 0
[Info | 2:16:58 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10
[Info | 2:17:00 PM] Capture Disconnected
[Info | 2:17:00 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureDisconnected
[Info | 2:17:00 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 2:17:00 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 2:17:00 PM] Stopping MedalWriter.
[Info | 2:17:00 PM] MedalWriter stopped.
[Info | 2:17:00 PM] ----[ESM State]: SearchingForCapture----
[Info | 2:17:00 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] server stopped
[Info | 2:17:00 PM] Fortnite exited.
[Info | 2:17:00 PM] recordingstopped
[Info | 2:17:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Debug | 2:17:00 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Info | 2:17:00 PM] End Controller Input Hook
[Info | 2:17:01 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Could not establish a connection to
any IPC server: Could not connect as an exception occured.
[Warning | 2:17:01 PM] No MedalCapture listener found
[Info | 2:17:01 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Client stopped.
[Info | 2:17:01 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] Server started.
[Info | 2:17:01 PM] Encoder server started
[Info | 2:17:01 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureNotFound
[Info | 2:17:01 PM] ----[ESM State]: SearchingForCapture----
[Info | 2:17:01 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] server stopped
[Info | 2:17:02 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Could not establish a connection to
any IPC server: Could not connect as an exception occured.
[Warning | 2:17:02 PM] No MedalCapture listener found
[Info | 2:17:02 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Client stopped.
[Info | 2:17:02 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] Server started.
[Info | 2:17:02 PM] Encoder server started
[Info | 2:17:02 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureNotFound
[Info | 2:17:02 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 2:17:02 PM] recordingstopped
[Debug | 2:17:02 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Info | 2:17:38 PM] Process name found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping | Caption |
MSCTFIME UI | and class | MSCTFIME UI | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:17:39 PM] Process name found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping | Caption |
Fortnite | and class | UnrealWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:17:40 PM] Game Found Type 1: Fortnite
[Info | 2:17:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:17:40 PM] Game found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping Handle: 459894
[Info | 2:17:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameFound
[Info | 2:17:41 PM] Attaching to Process ID: 12536
[Info | 2:17:41 PM] Process detected as: 64 Bit
[Info | 2:17:41 PM] Process detected as: x64\
[Info | 2:17:41 PM] MainWindowHandle 459894
[Info | 2:17:41 PM] Thread id: 1220
[Info | 2:17:41 PM] Terminating existing MedalInjector instance
[Info | 2:17:41 PM] ----[ESM State]: Injecting----
[Info | 2:17:41 PM] recordingstarted 62 - Fortnite
[Debug | 2:17:41 PM] recordingstarted reply "ok"
[Info | 2:17:43 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:17:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:17:45 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 2:17:45 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:17:50 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:17:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:17:50 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 2:17:52 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:17:53 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] incoming connection from:
[Info | 2:17:53 PM] Capture Connected to Encoder
[Info | 2:17:53 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureConnected
[Info | 2:17:53 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameCaptureState----
[Info | 2:17:53 PM] Start Controller Input Hook
[Info | 2:17:53 PM] Keyboard hook started F8
[Info | 2:17:53 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:17:53 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:17:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] Default device is Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (Realtek High Definition
Audio), Audio Index:3, Waveformat:IeeeFloat, SampleRate:48000, Channels:2,
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] codecName- h264_amf, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] MedalWriter started. Video options: b='10M' g='12'
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] GameFilter: Operation started.
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] Keyboard hook started F8
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: [Config] received
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGI module detected.
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Direct3D9 module detected.
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGL module detected.
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGLCapture created
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Begin
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Before device creation
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Device created
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook applied.
[Info | 2:17:54 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Waiting for hook..
[Info | 2:17:55 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Offsets: 4058, 53C0
[Info | 2:17:55 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Supports EX: True
[Info | 2:17:55 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: D3D9Capture created
[Info | 2:17:55 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Waiting for hook..
[Info | 2:17:56 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGL Hook: Hook applied.
[Info | 2:17:56 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: -----ACTIVE CAPTURE: DXGI :
[Info | 2:17:56 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Capture started (OK)
[Info | 2:17:56 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: D3D11Capture created
[Info | 2:17:56 PM] [ESM Event] - GameCaptureStart
[Info | 2:17:56 PM] Config Received->Shared Texture Handle: 3221232578
[Info | 2:17:56 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 2:17:56 PM] Cleaned up resources
[Info | 2:17:56 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Direct3D11 detected.
[Info | 2:17:56 PM] Adapter found: 51876
[Info | 2:17:56 PM] Source Texture: 1758x1080 - R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 2:17:56 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 2:17:56 PM] Input Resolution: 1280x720 - Row Pitch: 5120 - AR:16:9
[Info | 2:17:56 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x720
[Info | 2:17:56 PM] Resources created
[Info | 2:17:56 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 2:17:56 PM] GameFilter: Operation started.
[Info | 2:17:56 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10
[Info | 2:18:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:18:09 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:18:09 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Hook was installed.
[Info | 2:18:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:18:10 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:18:10 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:18:10 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Hook was installed.
[Info | 2:18:14 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:19:26 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:19:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:19:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:19:27 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:19:27 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:19:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:19:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:19:56 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:19:56 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:19:56 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:20:00 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:20:37 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:20:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:20:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:20:38 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:20:38 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:20:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:20:44 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:20:44 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:20:44 PM] Audio config- - | tracksplitbits - 0
[Info | 2:20:45 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:20:45 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:20:48 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:21:22 PM] 3 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:21:22 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10
[Info | 2:21:26 PM] Audio config- - | tracksplitbits - 0
[Info | 2:21:27 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10
[Info | 2:21:54 PM] Capture Disconnected
[Info | 2:21:54 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureDisconnected
[Info | 2:21:54 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 2:21:54 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 2:21:54 PM] Stopping MedalWriter.
[Info | 2:21:54 PM] MedalWriter stopped.
[Info | 2:21:54 PM] ----[ESM State]: SearchingForCapture----
[Info | 2:21:54 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] server stopped
[Info | 2:21:54 PM] Fortnite exited.
[Info | 2:21:54 PM] recordingstopped
[Info | 2:21:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Debug | 2:21:54 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Info | 2:21:54 PM] End Controller Input Hook
[Info | 2:21:55 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Could not establish a connection to
any IPC server: Could not connect as an exception occured.
[Warning | 2:21:55 PM] No MedalCapture listener found
[Info | 2:21:55 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Client stopped.
[Info | 2:21:55 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] Server started.
[Info | 2:21:55 PM] Encoder server started
[Info | 2:21:55 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureNotFound
[Info | 2:21:55 PM] ----[ESM State]: SearchingForCapture----
[Info | 2:21:55 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] server stopped
[Info | 2:21:56 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Could not establish a connection to
any IPC server: Could not connect as an exception occured.
[Warning | 2:21:56 PM] No MedalCapture listener found
[Info | 2:21:56 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Client stopped.
[Info | 2:21:56 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] Server started.
[Info | 2:21:56 PM] Encoder server started
[Info | 2:21:56 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureNotFound
[Info | 2:21:56 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 2:21:56 PM] recordingstopped
[Debug | 2:21:56 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Info | 2:22:02 PM] Process name found ApplicationFrameHost | Caption | MSCTFIME UI
| and class | MSCTFIME UI | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:22:06 PM] 6 logs of- Process name found ApplicationFrameHost | Caption |
MSCTFIME UI | and class | MSCTFIME UI | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:22:06 PM] Process name found ApplicationFrameHost | Caption | Settings |
and class | ApplicationFrameWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:22:08 PM] 5 logs of- Process name found ApplicationFrameHost | Caption |
Settings | and class | ApplicationFrameWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Warning | 2:22:08 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Info | 2:23:24 PM] 1 logs of- Process name found ApplicationFrameHost | Caption |
Settings | and class | ApplicationFrameWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:23:24 PM] Process name found ApplicationFrameHost | Caption | MSCTFIME UI
| and class | MSCTFIME UI | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:23:27 PM] 6 logs of- Process name found ApplicationFrameHost | Caption |
MSCTFIME UI | and class | MSCTFIME UI | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:23:27 PM] Process name found ApplicationFrameHost | Caption | Settings |
and class | ApplicationFrameWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:23:28 PM] 2 logs of- Process name found ApplicationFrameHost | Caption |
Settings | and class | ApplicationFrameWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Warning | 2:23:28 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Info | 2:26:48 PM] 4 logs of- Process name found ApplicationFrameHost | Caption |
Settings | and class | ApplicationFrameWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Warning | 2:26:48 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Info | 2:26:49 PM] Process name found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping | Caption |
MSCTFIME UI | and class | MSCTFIME UI | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:26:49 PM] Process name found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping | Caption |
Fortnite | and class | UnrealWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:26:50 PM] Game Found Type 1: Fortnite
[Info | 2:26:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:26:50 PM] Game found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping Handle: 524434
[Info | 2:26:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:26:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameFound
[Info | 2:26:51 PM] Attaching to Process ID: 4164
[Info | 2:26:51 PM] Process detected as: 64 Bit
[Info | 2:26:51 PM] Process detected as: x64\
[Info | 2:26:51 PM] MainWindowHandle 524434
[Info | 2:26:51 PM] Thread id: 11628
[Info | 2:26:51 PM] Terminating existing MedalInjector instance
[Info | 2:26:51 PM] ----[ESM State]: Injecting----
[Info | 2:26:51 PM] recordingstarted 62 - Fortnite
[Debug | 2:26:51 PM] recordingstarted reply "ok"
[Info | 2:26:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:26:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:26:55 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 2:26:57 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:27:07 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:27:07 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] incoming connection from:
[Info | 2:27:07 PM] Capture Connected to Encoder
[Info | 2:27:07 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureConnected
[Info | 2:27:07 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameCaptureState----
[Info | 2:27:07 PM] Start Controller Input Hook
[Info | 2:27:07 PM] Keyboard hook started F8
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] Default device is Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (Realtek High Definition
Audio), Audio Index:3, Waveformat:IeeeFloat, SampleRate:48000, Channels:2,
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] codecName- h264_amf, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] MedalWriter started. Video options: b='10M' g='12'
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] GameFilter: Operation started.
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] Keyboard hook started F8
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: [Config] received
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGI module detected.
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Direct3D9 module detected.
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGLCapture created
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGL module detected.
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Begin
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Before device creation
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Device created
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook applied.
[Info | 2:27:08 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Waiting for hook..
[Info | 2:27:10 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Offsets: 4058, 53C0
[Info | 2:27:10 PM] Capture Disconnected
[Info | 2:27:10 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureDisconnected
[Info | 2:27:10 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 2:27:10 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 2:27:10 PM] Stopping MedalWriter.
[Info | 2:27:10 PM] MedalWriter stopped.
[Info | 2:27:10 PM] ----[ESM State]: SearchingForCapture----
[Info | 2:27:10 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] server stopped
[Info | 2:27:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:27:10 PM] Fortnite exited.
[Info | 2:27:10 PM] recordingstopped
[Info | 2:27:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Debug | 2:27:10 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Info | 2:27:10 PM] End Controller Input Hook
[Info | 2:27:11 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Could not establish a connection to
any IPC server: Could not connect as an exception occured.
[Warning | 2:27:11 PM] No MedalCapture listener found
[Info | 2:27:11 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Client stopped.
[Info | 2:27:11 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] Server started.
[Info | 2:27:11 PM] Encoder server started
[Info | 2:27:11 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureNotFound
[Info | 2:27:11 PM] ----[ESM State]: SearchingForCapture----
[Info | 2:27:11 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] server stopped
[Info | 2:27:12 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Could not establish a connection to
any IPC server: Could not connect as an exception occured.
[Warning | 2:27:12 PM] No MedalCapture listener found
[Info | 2:27:12 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Client stopped.
[Info | 2:27:12 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] Server started.
[Info | 2:27:12 PM] Encoder server started
[Info | 2:27:12 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureNotFound
[Info | 2:27:12 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 2:27:12 PM] Process name found ApplicationFrameHost | Caption | MSCTFIME UI
| and class | MSCTFIME UI | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:27:15 PM] 6 logs of- Process name found ApplicationFrameHost | Caption |
MSCTFIME UI | and class | MSCTFIME UI | Detect all Games | False
[Warning | 2:27:15 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Info | 2:27:15 PM] Process name found ApplicationFrameHost | Caption | Settings |
and class | ApplicationFrameWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:27:18 PM] 6 logs of- Process name found ApplicationFrameHost | Caption |
Settings | and class | ApplicationFrameWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Warning | 2:27:18 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Info | 2:27:19 PM] recordingstopped
[Debug | 2:27:19 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Info | 2:27:45 PM] Process name found ApplicationFrameHost | Caption | MSCTFIME UI
| and class | MSCTFIME UI | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:27:48 PM] 6 logs of- Process name found ApplicationFrameHost | Caption |
MSCTFIME UI | and class | MSCTFIME UI | Detect all Games | False
[Warning | 2:27:48 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Info | 2:27:49 PM] Process name found ApplicationFrameHost | Caption | Groove
Music | and class | ApplicationFrameWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:27:51 PM] 5 logs of- Process name found ApplicationFrameHost | Caption |
Groove Music | and class | ApplicationFrameWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Warning | 2:27:51 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Info | 2:28:09 PM] 1 logs of- Process name found ApplicationFrameHost | Caption |
Groove Music | and class | ApplicationFrameWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:28:09 PM] Process name found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping | Caption |
MSCTFIME UI | and class | MSCTFIME UI | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:28:09 PM] Process name found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping | Caption |
Fortnite | and class | UnrealWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:28:10 PM] Game Found Type 1: Fortnite
[Info | 2:28:10 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:28:10 PM] Game found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping Handle: 459972
[Info | 2:28:11 PM] [ESM Event] - GameFound
[Info | 2:28:11 PM] Attaching to Process ID: 7896
[Info | 2:28:11 PM] Process detected as: 64 Bit
[Info | 2:28:11 PM] Process detected as: x64\
[Info | 2:28:11 PM] MainWindowHandle 459972
[Info | 2:28:11 PM] Thread id: 10080
[Info | 2:28:11 PM] Terminating existing MedalInjector instance
[Info | 2:28:11 PM] ----[ESM State]: Injecting----
[Info | 2:28:11 PM] recordingstarted 62 - Fortnite
[Debug | 2:28:11 PM] recordingstarted reply "ok"
[Info | 2:28:13 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:28:20 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:28:20 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:28:20 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 2:28:25 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:28:26 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] incoming connection from:
[Info | 2:28:26 PM] Capture Connected to Encoder
[Info | 2:28:26 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureConnected
[Info | 2:28:26 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameCaptureState----
[Info | 2:28:26 PM] Start Controller Input Hook
[Info | 2:28:26 PM] Keyboard hook started F8
[Info | 2:28:26 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:28:26 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:28:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] Default device is Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (Realtek High Definition
Audio), Audio Index:3, Waveformat:IeeeFloat, SampleRate:48000, Channels:2,
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] codecName- h264_amf, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] MedalWriter started. Video options: b='10M' g='12'
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] Keyboard hook started F8
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] GameFilter: Operation started.
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: [Config] received
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGI module detected.
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Direct3D9 module detected.
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGL module detected.
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGLCapture created
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Begin
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Before device creation
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Device created
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook applied.
[Info | 2:28:27 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Waiting for hook..
[Info | 2:28:28 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Offsets: 4058, 53C0
[Info | 2:28:28 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Supports EX: True
[Info | 2:28:28 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: D3D9Capture created
[Info | 2:28:28 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Waiting for hook..
[Info | 2:28:28 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGL Hook: Hook applied.
[Info | 2:28:28 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: -----ACTIVE CAPTURE: DXGI :
[Info | 2:28:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameCaptureStart
[Info | 2:28:28 PM] Config Received->Shared Texture Handle: 2147491970
[Info | 2:28:28 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 2:28:28 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Capture started (OK)
[Info | 2:28:28 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: D3D11Capture created
[Info | 2:28:28 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Direct3D11 detected.
[Info | 2:28:28 PM] Cleaned up resources
[Info | 2:28:28 PM] Adapter found: 51876
[Info | 2:28:28 PM] Source Texture: 1758x1080 - R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 2:28:28 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 2:28:28 PM] Input Resolution: 1280x720 - Row Pitch: 5120 - AR:16:9
[Info | 2:28:29 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x720
[Info | 2:28:29 PM] Resources created
[Info | 2:28:29 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 2:28:29 PM] GameFilter: Operation started.
[Info | 2:28:29 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10
[Info | 2:28:42 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Hook was installed.
[Info | 2:28:54 PM] 1 logs of- Capture->MedalEncoder: Hook was installed.
[Info | 2:28:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:28:54 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Capture started (OK)
[Info | 2:28:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameCaptureStart
[Info | 2:28:54 PM] Config Received->Shared Texture Handle: 1073754754
[Info | 2:28:54 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 2:28:54 PM] Cleaned up resources
[Info | 2:28:55 PM] Adapter found: 51876
[Info | 2:28:55 PM] Source Texture: 1600x900 - R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 2:28:55 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 2:28:55 PM] Input Resolution: 1280x720 - Row Pitch: 5120 - AR:16:9
[Info | 2:28:55 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x720
[Info | 2:28:55 PM] Resources created
[Info | 2:28:55 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 2:28:55 PM] GameFilter: Operation started.
[Info | 2:28:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:28:55 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 2:28:55 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:28:55 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:28:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:29:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:29:03 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Capture started (OK)
[Info | 2:29:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameCaptureStart
[Info | 2:29:03 PM] Config Received->Shared Texture Handle: 3221228098
[Info | 2:29:03 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 2:29:03 PM] Cleaned up resources
[Info | 2:29:03 PM] Adapter found: 51876
[Info | 2:29:03 PM] Source Texture: 1920x1040 - R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 2:29:03 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 2:29:03 PM] Input Resolution: 1280x720 - Row Pitch: 5120 - AR:16:9
[Info | 2:29:03 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x720
[Info | 2:29:03 PM] Resources created
[Info | 2:29:03 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 2:29:03 PM] GameFilter: Operation started.
[Info | 2:29:04 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:29:04 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:29:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:29:15 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:29:16 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Capture started (OK)
[Info | 2:29:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameCaptureStart
[Info | 2:29:16 PM] Config Received->Shared Texture Handle: 2147485378
[Info | 2:29:16 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 2:29:16 PM] Cleaned up resources
[Info | 2:29:16 PM] Adapter found: 51876
[Info | 2:29:16 PM] Source Texture: 1920x1080 - R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 2:29:16 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 2:29:16 PM] Input Resolution: 1280x720 - Row Pitch: 5120 - AR:16:9
[Info | 2:29:16 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x720
[Info | 2:29:16 PM] Resources created
[Info | 2:29:16 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 2:29:16 PM] GameFilter: Operation started.
[Info | 2:29:16 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:29:16 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:29:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:29:22 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:29:22 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:29:22 PM] Audio config- - | tracksplitbits - 0
[Info | 2:29:23 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:29:23 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:29:25 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:29:29 PM] 4 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:29:29 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10
[Info | 2:30:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:30:31 PM] 8 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:30:31 PM] Capture Disconnected
[Info | 2:30:31 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureDisconnected
[Info | 2:30:31 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 2:30:31 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 2:30:31 PM] Stopping MedalWriter.
[Info | 2:30:31 PM] MedalWriter stopped.
[Info | 2:30:31 PM] ----[ESM State]: SearchingForCapture----
[Info | 2:30:31 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] server stopped
[Info | 2:30:31 PM] Fortnite exited.
[Info | 2:30:31 PM] recordingstopped
[Info | 2:30:31 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Debug | 2:30:31 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Info | 2:30:32 PM] End Controller Input Hook
[Info | 2:30:32 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Could not establish a connection to
any IPC server: Could not connect as an exception occured.
[Warning | 2:30:32 PM] No MedalCapture listener found
[Info | 2:30:32 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Client stopped.
[Info | 2:30:32 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] Server started.
[Info | 2:30:32 PM] Encoder server started
[Info | 2:30:32 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureNotFound
[Info | 2:30:32 PM] ----[ESM State]: SearchingForCapture----
[Info | 2:30:32 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] server stopped
[Info | 2:30:33 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Could not establish a connection to
any IPC server: Could not connect as an exception occured.
[Warning | 2:30:33 PM] No MedalCapture listener found
[Info | 2:30:33 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Client stopped.
[Info | 2:30:33 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] Server started.
[Info | 2:30:33 PM] Encoder server started
[Info | 2:30:33 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureNotFound
[Info | 2:30:33 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 2:30:34 PM] Process name found FCPrimal | Caption | D3DProxyWindow | and
class | D3DProxyWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:30:35 PM] Process name found FCPrimal | Caption | MSCTFIME UI | and class
| MSCTFIME UI | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 2:30:36 PM] Process name found FCPrimal | Caption | FarCry® Primal | and
class | Nomad | Detect all Games | False
[Warning | 2:30:37 PM] Scanning already in progress
[Info | 2:30:37 PM] Game Found Type 1: Far Cry Primal
[Info | 2:30:37 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:30:37 PM] Game found FCPrimal Handle: 656580
[Info | 2:30:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameFound
[Info | 2:30:38 PM] recordingstarted 143 - Far Cry Primal
[Info | 2:30:38 PM] Attaching to Process ID: 10328
[Info | 2:30:38 PM] Process detected as: 64 Bit
[Info | 2:30:38 PM] Process detected as: x64\
[Info | 2:30:38 PM] MainWindowHandle 656580
[Info | 2:30:38 PM] Thread id: 2608
[Info | 2:30:38 PM] Terminating existing MedalInjector instance
[Info | 2:30:38 PM] ----[ESM State]: Injecting----
[Debug | 2:30:38 PM] recordingstarted reply "ok"
[Info | 2:31:07 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] incoming connection from:
[Info | 2:31:07 PM] Capture Connected to Encoder
[Info | 2:31:07 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureConnected
[Info | 2:31:07 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameCaptureState----
[Info | 2:31:07 PM] Start Controller Input Hook
[Info | 2:31:07 PM] Keyboard hook started F8
[Info | 2:31:08 PM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 2:31:08 PM] Default device is Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[Info | 2:31:08 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (Realtek High Definition
Audio), Audio Index:3, Waveformat:IeeeFloat, SampleRate:48000, Channels:2,
[Info | 2:31:08 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 2:31:08 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 2:31:08 PM] codecName- h264_amf, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 2:31:08 PM] MedalWriter started. Video options: b='10M' g='12'
[Info | 2:31:08 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 2:31:08 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 2:31:08 PM] GameFilter: Operation started.
[Info | 2:31:08 PM] Keyboard hook started F8
[Info | 2:31:08 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: [Config] received
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGI module detected.
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Begin
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Before device creation
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Device created
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook applied.
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Waiting for hook..
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Direct3D11 detected.
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: -----ACTIVE CAPTURE: DXGI :
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: D3D11Capture created
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Capture started (OK)
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] [ESM Event] - GameCaptureStart
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Config Received->Shared Texture Handle: 1073754434
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Cleaned up resources
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Adapter found: 51876
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Source Texture: 1920x1080 - R8G8B8A8_UNorm
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Input Resolution: 1280x720 - Row Pitch: 5120 - AR:16:9
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x720
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Resources created
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] GameFilter: Operation started.
[Info | 2:31:09 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10
[Info | 2:31:24 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Hook was installed.
[Info | 2:32:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:32:39 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:32:39 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:32:39 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:32:40 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:32:42 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 2:32:42 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 2:33:13 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 2:33:14 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 2:33:14 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 2:33:14 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 3:01:13 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 3:01:15 PM] Capture Disconnected
[Info | 3:01:15 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureDisconnected
[Info | 3:01:15 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 3:01:15 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 3:01:15 PM] Stopping MedalWriter.
[Info | 3:01:15 PM] MedalWriter stopped.
[Info | 3:01:15 PM] ----[ESM State]: SearchingForCapture----
[Info | 3:01:15 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] server stopped
[Info | 3:01:16 PM] End Controller Input Hook
[Info | 3:01:16 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Could not establish a connection to
any IPC server: Could not connect as an exception occured.
[Warning | 3:01:16 PM] No MedalCapture listener found
[Info | 3:01:16 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Client stopped.
[Info | 3:01:16 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] Server started.
[Info | 3:01:16 PM] Encoder server started
[Info | 3:01:16 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureNotFound
[Info | 3:01:16 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 3:01:16 PM] recordingstopped
[Debug | 3:01:16 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Info | 3:01:16 PM] Far Cry Primal exited.
[Info | 3:01:16 PM] recordingstopped
[Info | 3:01:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Debug | 3:01:16 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Info | 6:15:44 PM] [Medal Log Init] - 9/3/2019 6:15:44 PM

[Info | 6:15:44 PM] User saved as 1962464 - tokonikola

[Info | 6:15:44 PM] Clip folder: C:\Users\User\Videos\Medal
[Info | 6:15:44 PM] Initial app settings--
[Info | 6:15:44 PM] Trigger key is F8 - FPS setting is 30 - Width setting is 1280,
Height 720 - Clip length is 120 - Detect all games setting is False - Encoding
setting is GPU - Overlay setting is True - Sound setting is True - Mic input
setting is False - Mic gain is 0 - Game sound gain is 0 - Auto upload setting is
True - Auto upload state setting is 2 - environment setting is production -
WindowsGameMode setting is False - Maintain Aspect Ratio is False - Clip folder is-
C:\Users\User\Videos\Medal - Bitrate setting is b='10M' g='12' - Controller trigger
key is Back - Saving Trigger Key Enabled setting is True - Saving Controller
Trigger Key Enabled setting is True -
[Info | 6:15:44 PM] request user
[Info | 6:15:44 PM] request environment
[Info | 6:15:44 PM] request environment reply "production"
[Info | 6:15:44 PM] requestuser reply {"expires":31536000000,"key":"855aefbb-ba27-
[Info | 6:15:44 PM] New command - user * {
"expires": 31536000000,
"key": "855aefbb-ba27-456b-ae9c-5e1b67f85557",
"userId": 1962464,
"userName": "tokonikola",
"userName.base64": "dG9rb25pa29sYQ=="
[Info | 6:15:44 PM] Saving environment production
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] Username is base64 translated to tokonikola
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] 1 logs of- Username is base64 translated to tokonikola
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] User updated 1962464 - tokonikola
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] User updated 1962464 - tokonikola
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] job.respond 8e960f18-2895-4db9-adef-b44ae96ac41f
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] New command - user * {
"expires": 31536000000,
"key": "855aefbb-ba27-456b-ae9c-5e1b67f85557",
"userId": 1962464,
"userName": "tokonikola",
"userName.base64": "dG9rb25pa29sYQ=="
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] Username is base64 translated to tokonikola
[Debug | 6:15:45 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] User updated 1962464 - tokonikola
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] job.respond b2f3c060-0c03-4a70-87c4-82b1c068ee60
[Debug | 6:15:45 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'8e960f18-2895-4db9-adef-
[Debug | 6:15:45 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] New command - set.triggerkey * {
"key": "F8",
"key.base64": "Rjg="
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] Saving key settings Rjg=
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] Key setting is base64 translated to F8
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] job.respond 8ecd3936-3412-4607-8ca9-44d642a6faec
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] New command - set.triggerKeyEnabled * {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 6:15:45 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] Saving Trigger Key Enabled True
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] job.respond 7689d890-056a-40bf-8b9a-bad4f45d35fa
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] New command - set.controllerTrigger * {
"name": "select",
"displayName": {
"xbox": "Back",
"playstation": "Select"
[Debug | 6:15:45 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] Saving controller key settings select
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] job.respond 2eba93ff-19c4-4f26-b09a-4f8b950cdb97
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] New command - set.controllerTriggerEnabled * {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 6:15:45 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] Saving Controller Trigger Key Enabled True
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] job.respond 080e9c6c-4c54-4543-97fd-ff8ce0daa2d0
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] New command - set.cliplength * {
"cliplength": "120"
[Debug | 6:15:45 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] Saving clip length 120
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] job.respond 3bd19b9c-08bc-453c-898e-372d7daeafe2
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] New command - set.resolution * {
"resolution": "High"
[Debug | 6:15:45 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] Saving resolution High
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] Saving bitrate 10
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] Sending Bitrate Setting
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] SendBitrateSetting reply "ok"
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] job.respond 67329f6b-43fc-43c3-b765-0ea4fd6be5ab
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] New command - set.fps * {
"fps": "30"
[Debug | 6:15:45 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:15:45 PM] Saving FPS 30
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond 89d7dc04-8e02-409a-aa51-61fe69995259
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] New command - set.micinput * {
"micinput": 0
[Debug | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] Saving Mic Input 0
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond c1bb725a-1319-4ab2-9796-901d96dd7703
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] New command - set.overlayalerts * {
"overlayalerts": 1
[Debug | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] Saving Overlay Alerts 1
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond 8b212cb9-f81f-4a14-ac7c-4a73418fe54d
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] New command - set.soundalerts * {
"soundalerts": 1
[Debug | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] Saving Sound Alerts 1
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond 5fd2bc54-d794-4194-a942-384ae5cfc744
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] New command - set.maintainAspectRatio * {
"maintainAspectRatio": 0
[Debug | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] Saving Maintain Aspect Ratio 0
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond 025749d8-6185-4bdb-9167-c92ff1545e06
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] New command - set.detectallgames * {
"detectallgames": 0
[Debug | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] Saving Detect All Games 0
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond c5ad0202-5aea-4665-a77a-a2ee8ba1f8a2
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] New command - set.encoder * {
"type": "GPU"
[Debug | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond b941e01a-13c7-4437-87da-ff625d089eae
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] New command - set.clipFolder * {
"clipFolder": "C:%path.sep%Users%path.sep%User%path.sep%Videos%path.sep%Medal",
"clipFolder.base64": "QzpcVXNlcnNcVXNlclxWaWRlb3NcTWVkYWw="
[Debug | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] Saving Clip folder: QzpcVXNlcnNcVXNlclxWaWRlb3NcTWVkYWw=
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] Clip folder setting is base64 translated to C:\Users\User\
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond fc0d1e27-d18d-4d70-9661-1c4097a892f3
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] New command - set.bitrate * {
"bitrate": "10"
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] Saving bitrate 10
[Debug | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond 2cfaf105-9080-4dba-9045-03ba70cbf468
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] New command - set.autoUploadState * {
"autoUploadState": 2
[Debug | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] Saving Auto Upload State 2
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond c737d0a6-3f27-43fa-b2b7-7f7435c4581e
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] New command - set.autoUpload * {
"autoUpload": true
[Debug | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] Saving Auto Upload True
[Info | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond 9dbf1cb3-391a-4cf9-8ee8-8d6d3a9d596d
[Debug | 6:15:46 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'8ecd3936-3412-4607-8ca9-
[Debug | 6:15:46 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 6:15:47 PM] Codec Succeeded h264_amf
[Info | 6:15:47 PM] AMD driver version is supported.
[Debug | 6:15:47 PM] encoder options reply "ok"
[Warning | 6:15:48 PM] No clip db to send data
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] Creating symbolic link: C:\Medal\Tools\Host\
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] 1 logs of- Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected
to use GPU
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] codecName- h264_amf, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] Setting external audio device
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] Default device is Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (Realtek High Definition
Audio), Audio Index:3, Waveformat:IeeeFloat, SampleRate:48000, Channels:2,
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] MedalWriter Created
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] 1 logs of- Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected
to use GPU
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] codecName- h264_amf, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] Setting external audio device
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] Default device is Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (Realtek High Definition
Audio), Audio Index:3, Waveformat:IeeeFloat, SampleRate:48000, Channels:2,
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] Contains args: True
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] Disabling windows game mode to improve performance..
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] Windows game mode disabled.
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] Saving WindowsGameMode 0
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] ----[ESM State]: Initializing----
[Info | 6:15:48 PM] request windowsgamemode reply "ok"
[Info | 6:15:49 PM] [ESM Event] - Initialized
[Info | 6:15:49 PM] Running as admin False
[Info | 6:15:49 PM] DetectAllGames False
[Info | 6:15:49 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 6:15:49 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 6:15:49 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 6:15:49 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 6:15:49 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 6:15:49 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 6:15:49 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Medal\app-4.273.0\
[Info | 6:15:49 PM] ----[ESM State]: SearchingForCapture----
[Info | 6:15:50 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Could not establish a connection to
any IPC server: Could not connect as an exception occured.
[Warning | 6:15:50 PM] No MedalCapture listener found
[Info | 6:15:50 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Client stopped.
[Info | 6:15:50 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] Server started.
[Info | 6:15:50 PM] Encoder server started
[Info | 6:15:50 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureNotFound
[Info | 6:15:50 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 6:15:51 PM] recordingstopped
[Debug | 6:15:51 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 6:15:52 PM] {"GPU":{"1 Name":"Radeon RX 580 Series","1 Status":"OK","1
Caption":"Radeon RX 580 Series","1 DeviceID":"VideoController1","1 AdapterRAM":"4.0
GB","1 AdapterDACType":"Internal DAC(400MHz)","1 Monochrome":"False","1
amdxc64.dll","1 DriverVersion":"26.20.13001.18009","1 VideoProcessor":"AMD Radeon
Graphics Processor (0x67DF)","1 VideoArchitecture":"5","1 VideoMemoryType":"2","2
Name":"Radeon RX 580 Series","2 Status":"OK","2 Caption":"Radeon RX 580 Series","2
DeviceID":"VideoController2","2 AdapterRAM":"4.0 GB","2 AdapterDACType":"Internal
DAC(400MHz)","2 Monochrome":"False","2 InstalledDisplayDrivers":"C:\\Windows\\
DriverVersion":"26.20.13001.18009","2 VideoProcessor":"AMD Radeon Graphics
Processor (0x67DF)","2 VideoArchitecture":"5","2
VideoMemoryType":"2"},"HardDrives":{"C:\\ Name":"Drive C:\\","C:\\ Drive
type":"Fixed","C:\\ Volume label":"System","C:\\ File system":"NTFS","C:\\
Available space to current user":"13.1 GB","C:\\ Total available space":"13.1
GB","C:\\ Total size of drive":"165.0 GB","C:\\ Root directory":"C:\\","D:\\
Name":"Drive D:\\","D:\\ Drive type":"Fixed","D:\\ Volume label":"New Volume","D:\\
File system":"NTFS","D:\\ Available space to current user":"1.6 TB","D:\\ Total
available space":"1.6 TB","D:\\ Total size of drive":"1.8 TB","D:\\ Root
directory":"D:\\"},"CPU":{"1 Name":"Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz","1
DeviceID":"CPU0","1 Manufacturer":"GenuineIntel","1 CurrentClockSpeed":"3192","1
Caption":"Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 10","1 NumberOfCores":"6","1
NumberOfEnabledCore":"6","1 NumberOfLogicalProcessors":"12","1 Architecture":"9","1
Family":"198","1 ProcessorType":"3","1 Characteristics":"252","1
AddressWidth":"64"},"OS":{"1 Caption":"Microsoft Windows 10 Pro","1
WindowsDirectory":"C:\\Windows","1 ProductType":"1","1 SerialNumber":"00331-10000-
00001-AA565","1 SystemDirectory":"C:\\Windows\\system32","1 CountryCode":"7","1
CurrentTimeZone":"240","1 EncryptionLevel":"256","1 OSType":"18","1
Version":"10.0.17134"},"Sound":{"1 Name":"Realtek High Definition Audio","1
ProductName":"Realtek High Definition Audio","1 DeviceID":"HDAUDIO\\
PowerManagementSupported":"False","1 Status":"OK","1 StatusInfo":"3","2 Name":"AMD
High Definition Audio Device","2 ProductName":"AMD High Definition Audio Device","2
PowerManagementSupported":"False","2 Status":"OK","2 StatusInfo":"3"}}
[Info | 6:30:50 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBCheckForUpdate
[Info | 6:30:50 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 6:30:50 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 6:30:51 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 6:30:51 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 6:30:51 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 6:30:51 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 6:30:51 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Medal\app-4.273.0\
[Info | 6:30:51 PM] ----[ESM State]: SearchingForCapture----
[Info | 6:30:51 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] server stopped
[Info | 6:30:52 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Could not establish a connection to
any IPC server: Could not connect as an exception occured.
[Warning | 6:30:52 PM] No MedalCapture listener found
[Info | 6:30:52 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Client stopped.
[Info | 6:30:52 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] Server started.
[Info | 6:30:52 PM] Encoder server started
[Info | 6:30:52 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureNotFound
[Info | 6:30:52 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 6:30:52 PM] recordingstopped
[Debug | 6:30:52 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Info | 6:34:22 PM] Process name found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping | Caption |
MSCTFIME UI | and class | MSCTFIME UI | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 6:34:28 PM] 1 logs of- Process name found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping |
Caption | MSCTFIME UI | and class | MSCTFIME UI | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 6:34:28 PM] Process name found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping | Caption |
Fortnite | and class | UnrealWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 6:34:28 PM] Game Found Type 1: Fortnite
[Info | 6:34:28 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:34:28 PM] Game found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping Handle: 722012
[Info | 6:34:29 PM] [ESM Event] - GameFound
[Info | 6:34:29 PM] Attaching to Process ID: 8536
[Info | 6:34:29 PM] Process detected as: 64 Bit
[Info | 6:34:29 PM] Process detected as: x64\
[Info | 6:34:29 PM] MainWindowHandle 722012
[Info | 6:34:29 PM] Thread id: 2608
[Info | 6:34:29 PM] ----[ESM State]: Injecting----
[Info | 6:34:29 PM] recordingstarted 62 - Fortnite
[Debug | 6:34:30 PM] recordingstarted reply "ok"
[Info | 6:34:59 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:35:00 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 6:35:01 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 6:35:01 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] incoming connection from:
[Info | 6:35:01 PM] Capture Connected to Encoder
[Info | 6:35:01 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureConnected
[Info | 6:35:01 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameCaptureState----
[Info | 6:35:01 PM] Start Controller Input Hook
[Info | 6:35:01 PM] Keyboard hook started F8
[Info | 6:35:01 PM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 6:35:01 PM] Default device is Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[Info | 6:35:01 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (Realtek High Definition
Audio), Audio Index:3, Waveformat:IeeeFloat, SampleRate:48000, Channels:2,
[Info | 6:35:01 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 6:35:01 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 6:35:01 PM] codecName- h264_amf, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 6:35:01 PM] MedalWriter started. Video options: b='10M' g='12'
[Info | 6:35:01 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 6:35:02 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 6:35:02 PM] Keyboard hook started F8
[Info | 6:35:02 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: [Config] received
[Info | 6:35:02 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGI module detected.
[Info | 6:35:02 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Direct3D9 module detected.
[Info | 6:35:02 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGL module detected.
[Info | 6:35:02 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGLCapture created
[Info | 6:35:02 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Begin
[Info | 6:35:02 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Before device creation
[Info | 6:35:02 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Device created
[Info | 6:35:02 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook applied.
[Info | 6:35:02 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Waiting for hook..
[Info | 6:35:03 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Offsets: 4058, 53C0
[Info | 6:35:03 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Supports EX: True
[Info | 6:35:03 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: D3D9Capture created
[Info | 6:35:03 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Waiting for hook..
[Info | 6:35:03 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGL Hook: Hook applied.
[Info | 6:35:03 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: D3D11Capture created
[Info | 6:35:03 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Direct3D11 detected.
[Info | 6:35:05 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: -----ACTIVE CAPTURE: DXGI :
[Info | 6:35:05 PM] [ESM Event] - GameCaptureStart
[Info | 6:35:05 PM] Config Received->Shared Texture Handle: 2147485442
[Info | 6:35:05 PM] Adapter found: 47684
[Info | 6:35:05 PM] Source Texture: 1758x1080 - R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 6:35:05 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 6:35:05 PM] Input Resolution: 1280x720 - Row Pitch: 5120 - AR:16:9
[Info | 6:35:05 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x720
[Info | 6:35:05 PM] Resources created
[Info | 6:35:05 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 6:35:05 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Capture started (OK)
[Info | 6:35:05 PM] GameFilter: Operation started.
[Info | 6:35:05 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10
[Info | 6:35:15 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:35:16 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 6:35:16 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 6:35:16 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 6:35:17 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:35:17 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Hook was installed.
[Info | 6:35:23 PM] 1 logs of- Capture->MedalEncoder: Hook was installed.
[Info | 6:35:23 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:35:25 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:35:25 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 6:35:47 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:35:50 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:35:50 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 6:35:50 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 6:35:53 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 6:35:54 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:35:55 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 6:35:55 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 6:35:55 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 6:36:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:36:07 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:36:07 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 6:36:07 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 6:36:12 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:37:03 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:37:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 6:37:03 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 6:37:03 PM] Window is moving, fallback canceled
[Info | 6:37:04 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 6:37:04 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 6:37:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 7:08:38 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:08:38 PM] 1 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 7:08:38 PM] Audio config- - | tracksplitbits - 0
[Info | 7:08:39 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 7:08:39 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 7:08:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 8:59:27 PM] [Medal Log Init] - 9/3/2019 8:59:27 PM

[Info | 8:59:27 PM] User saved as 1962464 - tokonikola

[Info | 8:59:27 PM] Clip folder: C:\Users\User\Videos\Medal
[Info | 8:59:27 PM] Initial app settings--
[Info | 8:59:27 PM] Trigger key is F8 - FPS setting is 30 - Width setting is 1280,
Height 720 - Clip length is 120 - Detect all games setting is False - Encoding
setting is GPU - Overlay setting is True - Sound setting is True - Mic input
setting is False - Mic gain is 0 - Game sound gain is 0 - Auto upload setting is
True - Auto upload state setting is 2 - environment setting is production -
WindowsGameMode setting is False - Maintain Aspect Ratio is False - Clip folder is-
C:\Users\User\Videos\Medal - Bitrate setting is b='10M' g='12' - Controller trigger
key is Back - Saving Trigger Key Enabled setting is True - Saving Controller
Trigger Key Enabled setting is True -
[Info | 8:59:27 PM] request user
[Info | 8:59:27 PM] request environment
[Info | 8:59:27 PM] request environment reply "production"
[Info | 8:59:27 PM] requestuser reply {"expires":31536000000,"key":"855aefbb-ba27-
[Info | 8:59:27 PM] New command - user * {
"expires": 31536000000,
"key": "855aefbb-ba27-456b-ae9c-5e1b67f85557",
"userId": 1962464,
"userName": "tokonikola",
"userName.base64": "dG9rb25pa29sYQ=="
[Info | 8:59:27 PM] Saving environment production
[Info | 8:59:27 PM] Username is base64 translated to tokonikola
[Info | 8:59:27 PM] Username is base64 translated to tokonikola
[Info | 8:59:27 PM] User updated 1962464 - tokonikola
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond b5c94b9b-e32b-4bd6-8fd1-b39bcc615e0f
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] 1 logs of- job.respond b5c94b9b-e32b-4bd6-8fd1-b39bcc615e0f
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] New command - user * {
"expires": 31536000000,
"key": "855aefbb-ba27-456b-ae9c-5e1b67f85557",
"userId": 1962464,
"userName": "tokonikola",
"userName.base64": "dG9rb25pa29sYQ=="
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Username is base64 translated to tokonikola
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] 1 logs of- job.respond b5c94b9b-e32b-4bd6-8fd1-b39bcc615e0f
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] User updated 1962464 - tokonikola
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond e1bb3b5c-bf3f-40cc-b05e-f7c7b01e994e
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'b5c94b9b-e32b-4bd6-8fd1-
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] New command - set.triggerkey * {
"key": "F8",
"key.base64": "Rjg="
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Saving key settings Rjg=
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Key setting is base64 translated to F8
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond 91a8c20f-e274-48aa-88a9-fbac5786a2f3
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] New command - set.triggerKeyEnabled * {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Saving Trigger Key Enabled True
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond a350fc42-07c2-4aee-b722-bf94d3e5bfae
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] New command - set.controllerTrigger * {
"name": "select",
"displayName": {
"xbox": "Back",
"playstation": "Select"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Saving controller key settings select
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond 9df1b313-48c0-4474-afcd-219648d38081
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] New command - set.controllerTriggerEnabled * {
"enabled": true
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Saving Controller Trigger Key Enabled True
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond 171777af-426b-4ad7-864e-8f3ea9766364
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] New command - set.cliplength * {
"cliplength": "120"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Saving clip length 120
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond e5af32d4-d6e0-4512-8a4b-a5147ed9636a
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] New command - set.resolution * {
"resolution": "High"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Saving resolution High
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Saving bitrate 10
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Sending Bitrate Setting
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] SendBitrateSetting reply "ok"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond 0e36a7cd-b7fe-4461-a3d1-1587e44c7f8f
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] New command - set.fps * {
"fps": "30"
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Saving FPS 30
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond 76c43424-d5c1-4ce7-a01a-1534d0398ba0
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] New command - set.micinput * {
"micinput": 0
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Saving Mic Input 0
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond 4a8674df-554e-477a-b7b4-9703e17fc2ce
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] New command - set.overlayalerts * {
"overlayalerts": 1
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Saving Overlay Alerts 1
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond fc9087ef-5515-49c7-bd3e-7cc85f94577e
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] New command - set.soundalerts * {
"soundalerts": 1
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Saving Sound Alerts 1
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond 11152ef1-9384-4ef1-9f81-a068bb07ae3f
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] New command - set.maintainAspectRatio * {
"maintainAspectRatio": 0
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Saving Maintain Aspect Ratio 0
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond 6bfe090d-7a87-4b1d-99f3-5941be8085c5
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] New command - set.detectallgames * {
"detectallgames": 0
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Saving Detect All Games 0
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond b682ac12-722d-4311-86a7-843e696e5a0d
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] New command - set.encoder * {
"type": "GPU"
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond eadb2f8b-995d-4bad-a227-e9b2af1dc3af
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] New command - set.clipFolder * {
"clipFolder": "C:%path.sep%Users%path.sep%User%path.sep%Videos%path.sep%Medal",
"clipFolder.base64": "QzpcVXNlcnNcVXNlclxWaWRlb3NcTWVkYWw="
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Saving Clip folder: QzpcVXNlcnNcVXNlclxWaWRlb3NcTWVkYWw=
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Clip folder setting is base64 translated to C:\Users\User\
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond 551fb431-a413-40bd-ab66-d3fe38d84943
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] New command - set.bitrate * {
"bitrate": "10"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Saving bitrate 10
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] [ESM Event] - ConfigChanged
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond 33952e62-9b5c-4a45-a574-712a47153e2e
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] New command - set.autoUploadState * {
"autoUploadState": 2
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Saving Auto Upload State 2
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond a3942716-6e71-48c4-9dec-4b8918599e9d
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] New command - set.autoUpload * {
"autoUpload": true
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] Saving Auto Upload True
[Info | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond 39f58b7c-b2ee-41ee-912a-6a17cc5197ac
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] PollDesktopJobQueue reply [{'uuid':'91a8c20f-e274-48aa-88a9-
[Debug | 8:59:28 PM] job.respond "ok"
[Info | 8:59:30 PM] Codec Succeeded h264_amf
[Info | 8:59:30 PM] AMD driver version is supported.
[Debug | 8:59:30 PM] encoder options reply "ok"
[Warning | 8:59:30 PM] No clip db to send data
[Info | 8:59:30 PM] Creating symbolic link: C:\Medal\Tools\Host\
[Info | 8:59:30 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 8:59:30 PM] 1 logs of- Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected
to use GPU
[Info | 8:59:30 PM] codecName- h264_amf, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] Setting external audio device
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] Default device is Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (Realtek High Definition
Audio), Audio Index:3, Waveformat:IeeeFloat, SampleRate:48000, Channels:2,
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] MedalWriter Created
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] 1 logs of- Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected
to use GPU
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] codecName- h264_amf, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] Setting external audio device
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] Default device is Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (Realtek High Definition
Audio), Audio Index:3, Waveformat:IeeeFloat, SampleRate:48000, Channels:2,
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] Contains args: True
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] Disabling windows game mode to improve performance..
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] Windows game mode disabled.
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] Saving WindowsGameMode 0
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] ----[ESM State]: Initializing----
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] request windowsgamemode reply "ok"
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] [ESM Event] - Initialized
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] Running as admin False
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] DetectAllGames False
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] ----[ESM State]: UpdatingGameDatabase----
[Info | 8:59:31 PM] Checking for new version from
[Info | 8:59:32 PM] Remote Info:
[Info | 8:59:32 PM] Local Info:
[Info | 8:59:32 PM] No update is available.
[Info | 8:59:32 PM] [ESM Event] - GameDBUpdateComplete
[Info | 8:59:32 PM] GameDB: C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Medal\app-4.273.0\
[Info | 8:59:32 PM] ----[ESM State]: SearchingForCapture----
[Info | 8:59:33 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Could not establish a connection to
any IPC server: Could not connect as an exception occured.
[Warning | 8:59:33 PM] No MedalCapture listener found
[Info | 8:59:33 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Client stopped.
[Info | 8:59:33 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] Server started.
[Info | 8:59:33 PM] Encoder server started
[Info | 8:59:33 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureNotFound
[Info | 8:59:33 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 8:59:33 PM] recordingstopped
[Debug | 8:59:34 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Debug | 8:59:34 PM] {"GPU":{"1 Name":"Radeon RX 580 Series","1 Status":"OK","1
Caption":"Radeon RX 580 Series","1 DeviceID":"VideoController1","1 AdapterRAM":"4.0
GB","1 AdapterDACType":"Internal DAC(400MHz)","1 Monochrome":"False","1
amdxc64.dll","1 DriverVersion":"26.20.13001.18009","1 VideoProcessor":"AMD Radeon
Graphics Processor (0x67DF)","1 VideoArchitecture":"5","1 VideoMemoryType":"2","2
Name":"Radeon RX 580 Series","2 Status":"OK","2 Caption":"Radeon RX 580 Series","2
DeviceID":"VideoController2","2 AdapterRAM":"4.0 GB","2 AdapterDACType":"Internal
DAC(400MHz)","2 Monochrome":"False","2 InstalledDisplayDrivers":"C:\\Windows\\
DriverVersion":"26.20.13001.18009","2 VideoProcessor":"AMD Radeon Graphics
Processor (0x67DF)","2 VideoArchitecture":"5","2
VideoMemoryType":"2"},"HardDrives":{"C:\\ Name":"Drive C:\\","C:\\ Drive
type":"Fixed","C:\\ Volume label":"System","C:\\ File system":"NTFS","C:\\
Available space to current user":"12.7 GB","C:\\ Total available space":"12.7
GB","C:\\ Total size of drive":"165.0 GB","C:\\ Root directory":"C:\\","D:\\
Name":"Drive D:\\","D:\\ Drive type":"Fixed","D:\\ Volume label":"New Volume","D:\\
File system":"NTFS","D:\\ Available space to current user":"1.6 TB","D:\\ Total
available space":"1.6 TB","D:\\ Total size of drive":"1.8 TB","D:\\ Root
directory":"D:\\"},"CPU":{"1 Name":"Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz","1
DeviceID":"CPU0","1 Manufacturer":"GenuineIntel","1 CurrentClockSpeed":"3192","1
Caption":"Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 10","1 NumberOfCores":"6","1
NumberOfEnabledCore":"6","1 NumberOfLogicalProcessors":"12","1 Architecture":"9","1
Family":"198","1 ProcessorType":"3","1 Characteristics":"252","1
AddressWidth":"64"},"OS":{"1 Caption":"Microsoft Windows 10 Pro","1
WindowsDirectory":"C:\\Windows","1 ProductType":"1","1 SerialNumber":"00331-10000-
00001-AA565","1 SystemDirectory":"C:\\Windows\\system32","1 CountryCode":"7","1
CurrentTimeZone":"240","1 EncryptionLevel":"256","1 OSType":"18","1
Version":"10.0.17134"},"Sound":{"1 Name":"Realtek High Definition Audio","1
ProductName":"Realtek High Definition Audio","1 DeviceID":"HDAUDIO\\
PowerManagementSupported":"False","1 Status":"OK","1 StatusInfo":"3","2 Name":"AMD
High Definition Audio Device","2 ProductName":"AMD High Definition Audio Device","2
PowerManagementSupported":"False","2 Status":"OK","2 StatusInfo":"3"}}
[Info | 9:00:25 PM] Process name found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping | Caption |
MSCTFIME UI | and class | MSCTFIME UI | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 9:00:26 PM] Process name found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping | Caption |
Fortnite | and class | UnrealWindow | Detect all Games | False
[Info | 9:00:26 PM] Game Found Type 1: Fortnite
[Info | 9:00:26 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 9:00:26 PM] Game found FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping Handle: 196944
[Info | 9:00:27 PM] [ESM Event] - GameFound
[Info | 9:00:27 PM] Attaching to Process ID: 9528
[Info | 9:00:27 PM] Process detected as: 64 Bit
[Info | 9:00:27 PM] Process detected as: x64\
[Info | 9:00:27 PM] MainWindowHandle 196944
[Info | 9:00:27 PM] Thread id: 9532
[Info | 9:00:27 PM] ----[ESM State]: Injecting----
[Info | 9:00:27 PM] recordingstarted 62 - Fortnite
[Debug | 9:00:27 PM] recordingstarted reply "ok"
[Info | 9:01:01 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 9:01:01 PM] Window is moving, fallback canceled
[Info | 9:01:02 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] incoming connection from:
[Info | 9:01:02 PM] Capture Connected to Encoder
[Info | 9:01:02 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureConnected
[Info | 9:01:02 PM] ----[ESM State]: GameCaptureState----
[Info | 9:01:02 PM] Start Controller Input Hook
[Info | 9:01:02 PM] Keyboard hook started F8
[Info | 9:01:02 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 9:01:02 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 9:01:02 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 9:01:02 PM] Recording mic: False
[Info | 9:01:02 PM] Default device is Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
[Info | 9:01:02 PM] Audio device set. Audio name:Speakers (Realtek High Definition
Audio), Audio Index:3, Waveformat:IeeeFloat, SampleRate:48000, Channels:2,
[Info | 9:01:02 PM] Mic disabled
[Info | 9:01:02 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 9:01:02 PM] codecName- h264_amf, fcc type- eMFCC_ARGB32
[Info | 9:01:02 PM] MedalWriter started. Video options: b='10M' g='12'
[Info | 9:01:02 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 9:01:02 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 9:01:02 PM] Keyboard hook started F8
[Info | 9:01:03 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: [Config] received
[Info | 9:01:03 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGI module detected.
[Info | 9:01:03 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Direct3D9 module detected.
[Info | 9:01:03 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGL module detected.
[Info | 9:01:03 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGLCapture created
[Info | 9:01:03 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Begin
[Info | 9:01:03 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Before device creation
[Info | 9:01:03 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Device created
[Info | 9:01:03 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook applied.
[Info | 9:01:03 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Waiting for hook..
[Info | 9:01:04 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Offsets: 4058, 53C0
[Info | 9:01:04 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Supports EX: True
[Info | 9:01:04 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: D3D9Capture created
[Info | 9:01:04 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Waiting for hook..
[Info | 9:01:04 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: OpenGL Hook: Hook applied.
[Info | 9:01:04 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: -----ACTIVE CAPTURE: DXGI :
[Info | 9:01:04 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: DXGIHook: Direct3D11 detected.
[Info | 9:01:04 PM] [ESM Event] - GameCaptureStart
[Info | 9:01:04 PM] Config Received->Shared Texture Handle: 2147496258
[Info | 9:01:04 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Capture started (OK)
[Info | 9:01:04 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: D3D11Capture created
[Info | 9:01:04 PM] Adapter found: 49182
[Info | 9:01:04 PM] Source Texture: 1758x1080 - R10G10B10A2_UNorm
[Info | 9:01:04 PM] Optimal available encoding option h264_amf. Selected to use GPU
[Info | 9:01:04 PM] Input Resolution: 1280x720 - Row Pitch: 5120 - AR:16:9
[Info | 9:01:04 PM] Output Resolution: 1280x720
[Info | 9:01:04 PM] Resources created
[Info | 9:01:04 PM] Started Filter
[Info | 9:01:04 PM] GameFilter: Operation started.
[Info | 9:01:05 PM] Audio config- 0,1 - | tracksplitbits - 10
[Info | 9:01:18 PM] Capture->MedalEncoder: Hook was installed.
[Info | 9:04:36 PM] 1 logs of- Capture->MedalEncoder: Hook was installed.
[Info | 9:04:36 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 9:04:41 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowFocus
[Info | 9:04:41 PM] Fallback set game in focus
[Info | 9:15:07 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 9:15:08 PM] 2 logs of- [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 9:15:08 PM] Audio config- - | tracksplitbits - 0
[Info | 9:15:08 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureSetMonitor
[Info | 9:15:08 PM] [ESM Event] - WindowCaptureMoved
[Info | 9:15:14 PM] [ESM Event] - GameWindowDefocus
[Info | 9:15:19 PM] Capture Disconnected
[Info | 9:15:19 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureDisconnected
[Info | 9:15:19 PM] Keyboard hook detached
[Info | 9:15:19 PM] Stopped Filter
[Info | 9:15:19 PM] Stopping MedalWriter.
[Info | 9:15:19 PM] MedalWriter stopped.
[Info | 9:15:19 PM] ----[ESM State]: SearchingForCapture----
[Info | 9:15:19 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] server stopped
[Info | 9:15:19 PM] Fortnite exited.
[Info | 9:15:19 PM] recordingstopped
[Info | 9:15:19 PM] [ESM Event] - GameClosed
[Debug | 9:15:19 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"
[Info | 9:15:20 PM] End Controller Input Hook
[Info | 9:15:20 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Could not establish a connection to
any IPC server: Could not connect as an exception occured.
[Warning | 9:15:20 PM] No MedalCapture listener found
[Info | 9:15:20 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Client stopped.
[Info | 9:15:20 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] Server started.
[Info | 9:15:20 PM] Encoder server started
[Info | 9:15:20 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureNotFound
[Info | 9:15:20 PM] ----[ESM State]: SearchingForCapture----
[Info | 9:15:20 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] server stopped
[Info | 9:15:21 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Could not establish a connection to
any IPC server: Could not connect as an exception occured.
[Warning | 9:15:21 PM] No MedalCapture listener found
[Info | 9:15:21 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCClient] Client stopped.
[Info | 9:15:21 PM] [Encoder IPC] [IPCServer] Server started.
[Info | 9:15:21 PM] Encoder server started
[Info | 9:15:21 PM] [ESM Event] - CaptureNotFound
[Info | 9:15:21 PM] ----[ESM State]: ScanningForGame----
[Info | 9:15:21 PM] recordingstopped
[Debug | 9:15:21 PM] recordingstopped reply "ok"

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