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Inteligencia emocional:
 Intrapersonal: reconocer sentimientos, nombrarlos y comunicarlos.
 Interpersonal: diálogo empático con el otro (se va a poder hacer en la medida en
que yo tenga inteligencia intrapersonal).

Niveles de discusión:
- Hechos
- Opiniones y juicios
- Sentimientos

Taller 2
Pensamiento de personajes:
Manera española: “No puede ser —exclamó—. Ella era rubia.”
Manera inglesa (corregir a la española): “No puede ser”, exclamó. “Ella era rubia.”

CD 2
Juego del autor de pasar del discurso indirecto al directo, o sea, es intencional.
Introduction to academic writing
2nd essay’s draft
 Honesty and honradez. It’s a complicated point, it has to be sharp.
 Look at the names that are chosen. Melquíades.
 Use both Rabassa’s and Jill Levine’s texts. We can also use Schleiermacher and
Nida, although we are not digging into the theory.
 Introduction: introduce García Márquez and Rabassa. García Márquez: Nobel
Price, one of the most translated authors of 20th century.

 Translated English-Italian.
 Lose aspects of your own culture to fit in in another culture from a more powerful
country. Dilute the cultural value of the foreign.
 Comparison: Las meninas by Velázquez and Las meninas by Picasso. The work of
Picasso criticizes Velázquez’s work in the same language.
 Manipulation of signs can point towards a different meaning.
 Linguistic terrorism.
 When we translate, we are de facto applying violence. We are changing every word.

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