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Here's an outline for the eBook "Tablighi Jamaat: Reviving Faith, Spreading
Light" with estimated page counts:

**Introduction (10 pages)**

- Setting the Stage: Understanding the Significance of Tablighi Jamaat

- Purpose of the Book

- Brief History and Origins of Tablighi Jamaat

- Overview of the Movement's Global Reach

**Chapter 1: Foundations of Tablighi Jamaat (15 pages)**

- The Life and Teachings of Muhammad Ilyas Kandhlawi

- Core Principles and Objectives

- Formation of Jamaats and Their Role

**Chapter 2: The Six Principles (20 pages)**

- In-depth Exploration of Kalimah and Its Importance

- Understanding Salah and Its Spiritual Significance

- Ilm and Dhikr: Pursuit of Knowledge and Remembrance of Allah

- Embracing Ikraam-e-Muslim and Ikraam-e-Deen

- Tawadu: The Essence of Humility in Practice

**Chapter 3: The Spiritual Journey: Khuruj and Its Impact (25 pages)**
- The Concept of Khuruj: Purpose and Methodology

- Personal Transformation through Khuruj

- Community Engagement and Outreach

**Chapter 4: Organizational Structure and Operations (20 pages)**

- Hierarchical Structure of Tablighi Jamaat
- Decision-making Processes

- Training and Development of Members

**Chapter 5: Global Impact and Reach (25 pages)**

- Spread of Tablighi Jamaat Across Continents

- Influence on Local Communities and Cultures

- Challenges and Successes in Different Regions

**Chapter 6: Controversies and Criticisms (20 pages)**

- Examining Criticisms of Tablighi Jamaat

- Addressing Misconceptions and Misunderstandings

- Internal Challenges Faced by the Movement

**Chapter 7: Voices from Within: Personal Stories and Experiences (30 pages)**
- Testimonials and Narratives from Tablighi Jamaat Members

- Impact of the Movement on Individual Lives

- Varied Perspectives on Participation

**Conclusion (10 pages)**

- Recapitulation of Key Points

- Future Outlook for Tablighi Jamaat

- Closing Thoughts on the Movement's Enduring Relevance

**Appendix (5 pages)**
- Additional Resources, References, and Further Reading

**Total Estimated Page Count: 160 pages**

This outline aims to provide a comprehensive overview of Tablighi Jamaat, catering to a diverse audience
interested in understanding its principles, practices, impact, and controversies while including personal
anecdotes to humanize the narrative.

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