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For centuries, the concept of school has held an unwavering presence in human society. But
whether this institution truly serves a useful purpose is a question constantly debated, sparking
passionate arguments and divergent perspectives.

Firstly, the school's utility seems undeniable. It equips individuals with the foundational
skills essential for navigating life and contributing to society. Literacy, numeracy, and critical
thinking form the bedrock of informed decision-making, effective communication, and problem-
solving abilities.

Secondly, the school fosters socialization and emotional development. It provides a safe
space for children to interact with peers, develop communication skills, and learn conflict

Thirdly, the critics of schools raise valid concerns. Standardized curricula often fail to cater
to individual learning styles and interests, potentially suppressing creativity and critical thinking.
Rigid structures and rote memorization can stifle the natural inquisitive spirit, leading to
disengagement and disillusionment with learning.

In conclusion, the question of school's utility cannot be answered with a simplistic yes or no.
It is a complex tapestry woven with threads of undeniable benefits and legitimate criticisms.

Alifa Fatimah

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