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Copyright @2018 Empowering Grace-FULL Wo(men)

Gratitude ECourse 1
Basic Level:
Planting the Seed of Gratitude
in My Life

1 Nita – <>

Elizabeth – <>
Copyright @2018 Empowering Grace-FULL Wo(men)

Blessing, Love & Peace to you!

We are delighted that you are embodying gratitude into your life
and beginning the planting the seed of gratitude journey.

This is a series of 3 weeks gratitude meditation/prayer and


We also offer:
One-to-one Skype sessions.
Email us if you would like to talk to us for one-to-one coaching.
Please note that there is a separate for fee this.

2 Nita – <>

Elizabeth – <>
Copyright @2018 Empowering Grace-FULL Wo(men)

Session One - Finding something to be Grateful for

Let’s start simple. Each day, find one thing that you feel most grateful for. Any one
experience from everything that you received or went through in your life today.

This might come to mind fast and easily, or you may want to close your eyes, sit quietly
and review through all that has happened today.

Sometimes, it’s not easy to feel grateful for anything we experience.

Whatever it may be, breathe, relax and choose one thing from today.

Begin by sitting comfortably, in a relaxed manner. Close your eyes.

Recall the circumstances, things and people that were involved in that one item or
experience. Recall and then in your mind, relive that experience.

Then, place your hand at your heart and try to feel gratefulness with your heart. Slowly
allow that feeling of gratitude to grow and fill up your whole heart.
Take your time.

Imagine that feeling of gratitude is like a light shining in your heart.

Then slowly imagine that light expanding, and spreading to the rest of your body,
encompassing your whole body.

3 Nita – <>

Elizabeth – <>
Copyright @2018 Empowering Grace-FULL Wo(men)

Continue to allow that light to shine brightly, as if others can see that light shining from
you as well.

Stay for as long as you like in this state.

When you feel like ending this meditation, just breathe and relax your body, open your
eyes gently and trust that you will continue to shine the rest of the day and evening.

When to do this: Anytime. It can be during your lunch break, on the bus/train home
after work, or even before your sleep.

Try to do this once a day this whole week. Start a journal and at the end of each
meditation, please write down what it was like for you.

If you missed a day, that’s ok. Start again the next day. You do not have to feel guilty or
beat yourself over it. Let it go and be kind and gentle to yourself.

4 Nita – <>

Elizabeth – <>
Copyright @2018 Empowering Grace-FULL Wo(men)

Session Two – Breathing In, Breathing Out Gratitude

Hello again everyone to week 2 of our Gratitude Ecourse.

This week, I invite you to continue doing our Gratitude meditation that you learned last
week, but with the suggestion that you do in the second half of each day. That is, you
may do it at your lunch break, on the commute home after work or before bedtime, but
not before lunch.

Today, I would like to share another simple meditation that you can do every morning.
Whether it’s right after waking up or on the way to work.

Begin by sitting comfortably, in a relaxed manner. Close your eyes.

Become aware of your breathing—your inhale and exhale.

Now I invite you to introduce two words into the mix—“Thank You”.

As you inhale, think “thank”, and when you exhale, think ”you”.

Inhaling “thank” and exhaling “you”. Keep repeating this with each breath.

Soon you may find yourself doing this unconsciously everywhere you go; when you’re
driving, or on the bus or subway, when you’re walking.

In time, this may become second nature, so that every time you breathe, you are saying
“thank you”. This is the start of an attitude of embodying gratitude.

5 Nita – <>

Elizabeth – <>
Copyright @2018 Empowering Grace-FULL Wo(men)

Do the above “Thank you” breathing meditation every morning for 10-20 minutes. Then
in the afternoon or evening, continue doing daily what you learned last week, and
continue to write what it was like for you daily in your journal.

And like last week, if you missed a day, that’s ok. Start again the next day. Let it go and
be kind to yourself.

6 Nita – <>

Elizabeth – <>
Copyright @2018 Empowering Grace-FULL Wo(men)

Session Three - Introducing Awareness

Today we begin by looking at your

journal, the one that you have writing in
for the last two weeks.

Take an hour today to just sit and read

through what you have written in your
journal. Notice in your items that you
have been grateful for each day, have
certain things or experiences listed more
than others.

What are these things or experiences?

Can you name them?

In addition to Gratitude, what other

feelings come to your mind and your

Start a new page in your journal, give it a name, for example, something like “Review and
New Awareness”, whatever that works best for you.

Write down the items that appear more than others.

Perhaps next to each item, put 1-5 stars or hearts to indicate how much you want to do
each of this.

Notice the ones with the most stars or hearts? Can you imagine doing them everyday?
Will that give you more joy, peace, love, life?

And here’s where gratitude flows into action. Try to do these things more often.
Make time to do them once a week or even once a month.

I think you’re likely to feel happier as time pass. Just begin doing this for now.

7 Nita – <>

Elizabeth – <>
Copyright @2018 Empowering Grace-FULL Wo(men)

Mark down time in your schedule to take time to do the above.
Also, continue to do the last two weeks’ meditation daily. And continue to do the review
that we introduced perhaps every fortnight or once a month.

Continue to journal. I invite you to do this for at least three months before signing up for
another course.

Begin to notice and become aware of where your joy and peace lies.
Begin to enjoy life.

If you wish, you may continue for more than few months, a year or, for the rest of your
life. Let this become a lifetime practice for you.

Thank you for having journeyed with us in the last 3 weeks.

I will you much Peace, Joy and Love.

8 Nita – <>

Elizabeth – <>
Copyright @2018 Empowering Grace-FULL Wo(men)

What Next? Here are some options:

• Continue doing the above, for at least 1-3 months.

• Book a personal coaching session with one of our team members.
• Perhaps join our next ecourse – “Gratitude and Contentment”
• Join our newsletter mailing list (drop us an email).
• Join our facebook page – Empowering Grace-FULL Women
• Drop by our website occasionally and keep in touch with what we are doing

We want to share more Love and Light in the world.

We enjoy putting our new gifts to share with people, so we will always have new courses
for our friends.

If you enjoyed this e-course, and your life have been enriched through the practices
recommended, please generously donate to support our work.

Please feel free to share this e-course with others as well so that their lives too may be

With grateful hearts,

Nita & Elizabeth

Founder of Empowering Grace-FULL Wo(men)~ Nita Ng of Run Waters

Co-Partner ~ Elizabeth Rutten-Ng of Embodied Movement

9 Nita – <>

Elizabeth – <>

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