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The Large Intestine Meridian

The large intestine meridian is the Yang organ paired with the Yin Lungs in the Metal Element.

What does the Large Intestine Do?

The purpose of the large intestine (colon) is
reabsorption of water
absorption of some vitamins and minerals including sodium, potassium, and vitamin K. Recent studies
have shown that the large intestine is also responsible for absorption of small amounts of calcium and
The large intestine is our human bin, ridding the body of any waste products called faeces.

What are the Kinesiology Muscles for the Large Intestine Meridian?
Fascia Lata
Quadratus lumborum(deep abdominal muscles in the lower back)
Hamstrings(back of the thighs)

Common imbalances in the Large Intestine Meridian

Indigestion and digestive issues including IBS, constipation, or diarrhoea
Back ache (because of the connection between the hamstrings and the sacrum, plus the quadratus
lumborum location)
Food intolerances
Poor immunity
Weight instability
Hormone imbalance including oestrogen dominance
Bad skin (if waste toxins are not excreted effectively by the large intestine)
Malfunctioning ileo-cecal valve
Low energy and lethargy
Breast soreness due to congestion

Balancing the Large Intestine Meridian using the BEES

The BEES stand for Biochemical, Emotional, Electrical, Structural. These 4 areas are the focus of a
Kinesiology therapy.

Biochemical Balancing
Look at food intolerances with a large intestine imbalance. First considerations are wheat, dairy and sugar
due to their anti-nutrient effects on the body.
Lifestyle recommendations for the large intestine include
increasing healthy fibre from vegetables
eating healthy fats (provides slip in the bowel)
drinking water
deep breathing massages the large intestine as well as the Metal Element yin organ is the lungs

Muscle Testing for Supplements

When a large intestine muscle is imbalanced (often unlocking when challenged in a muscle test), we muscle
test supplements to find what will strengthen the circuit

Emotional Balancing
In Traditional Chinese Medicine the large intestine belongs to the ‘Metal element which is the emotion of
grief, letting go, guilt and regret.
Those with a large intestine imbalance can be teary, struggle to move forward in life and hold on to the past.
Some of the other emotional issues linked to the large intestine meridian include:
emotional introversion
depression and negativity

Electrical Balancing
The large intestines meridian’s time is between 5 a.m.- 7 a.m. This is ideally when we need to be getting up
in the morning, moving our body and having a bowel movement. Some clients with large intestine issues
will sometimes have skin issues on the large intestine meridian such as the beginnings or end of the

Structural Balancing
The large intestine muscles support the lower back; therefore, it is common to see the
following postural misalignments with an imbalanced large intestine;
hyper-extended hamstrings
lower back issues
turned in feet (due to an imbalanced fascia lata)
To balance the large intestine structurally, it is recommended to
sit in a squat position to engage the large intestine and muscles during a bowel
massage the large intestine muscles with a foam roller to relieve constipation

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