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When I have free time, I did the same activity as well as holiday activities.

In wakt that, I woke up early and hold a shower, after that I help my mother sweep the floor, sweeping
and mopping pages. After that I usually wash clothes and clean up the house.

I usually cook at 09.00 the same mother, namely cooked rice, fish, vegetables, and others. After that I
was washing dishes and when it finished at 11.00 I just eat with the family.

At 11:30 I usually watch television about music, the stories and the most I love watching laya-screen
glow tentag Sunan and other stories.

In the evening, I usually keep the store to replace the mother while waiting for mom and dad finished
grinding the rice.

05:00 hours I sweep, mop and parents at home. That's my activity when have free time.

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