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The Amazon rainforest is a tropical rainforest that contains a pleasure of biodiversity.

The main
biotic factors in the forest are trees, this is because they cover around 80 percent of the amazon
and by result are a big part of its ecosystem.Trees impact biodiversity by hosting habitats for
various animals, this is because the trees have multiple layers in which they get a different
amount of rainfall and sunlight which results in various animals within these tree layers. Soil is
an abiotic factor that impacts biodiversity in tree species, soil conditions are too acidic for
species for trees to grow, as a result of this it reduces biodiversity for both plants and animals.
Limiting factors include things such as water and sunlight, sunlight is a limiting factor as the
trees in the amazon cover a lot of the ground, as well as oftentimes their leaves act as
canopies, reducing the amount of sunlight they can get. This can affect biodiversity by killing off
specific species of plants that can survive with the reduced amount of sunlights, which also has
a possibility of killing off the creatures who eat that plant.

Twigs -> sloths -> harpy eagle

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