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Learning languages

What would life be like if one day you woke up and became a multilingual
speaker? I can’t imagine anything more exciting! As for me, there are several
reasons leading to the significance of foreign language in our lives.

Undoubtedly, foreign languages nowadays play an indispensable role in the

society, hence making the cultivation of them more and more essential. This
tendency can be beneficial in both ways of learning such as individual self-learning
or grouping, but the latter seems to be more advisable in my viewpoint.

First of all, learning in groups creates an open environment which boosts my

confidence and spirits, thus enhancing my interpersonal and teamwork skills.
Moreover, this also helps me exchange my views with peers or seek for support
from others when meeting difficulties to maximize my productivity. Lastly, we can
put into practice immediately without procascination and being surrounded by
peers also stimulates my eagerness to learn!

To sum up, language learning is of utmost importance, and although individual

learning has its own benefits, I firmly believe the advantages of group learning
outweigh them.

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