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A Master’s Degree candidate major in Educational Management from

Marikina Polytechnic College conduct a study to determine if there is a significant
relationship that exists between the educational qualification and job performance of
teachers in their school. There were twenty-five(25) secondary teachers at a certain
school in Pasig City who answered the questionnaire checklist. The data are reflected
below in terms of the educational qualification and job performance which were also
validated by the Assistant to the Principal based on school’s official records. Compute
the t value manually. Interpret the result.

Distribution of Respondents in Terms of the Educational Qualifications and Job

Performance of Teachers at a Certain School in Pasig City (Raw Data)
Teachers Educational Qualifications Job Performance
1 85 10
2 50 6
3 65 8
4 55 6
5 70 8
6 85 10
7 50 6
8 65 8
9 70 10
10 85 8
11 65 8
12 85 10
13 70 8
14 55 6
15 65 8
16 70 8
17 65 8
18 50 6
19 85 8
20 70 10
21 65 10
22 85 6
23 55 10
24 85 8
25 70 6

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