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Are you struggling with the daunting task of writing a feminist theory research paper?

You're not
alone. Crafting a thesis on feminist theory requires deep understanding, critical analysis, and
articulate argumentation. It's a complex process that demands meticulous research, thoughtful
reflection, and precise articulation of ideas.

Navigating through the vast landscape of feminist theories, understanding their nuances, and
effectively integrating them into your paper can be challenging. Moreover, articulating your own
perspective while respecting diverse feminist viewpoints adds another layer of complexity to the task.

Many students find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer volume of literature, the need for
theoretical coherence, and the pressure to contribute something original to the discourse. Balancing
these elements while adhering to academic standards and maintaining a coherent argument can be an
uphill battle.

That's where ⇒ ⇔ comes in. We understand the struggles students face when
tackling such intricate topics. Our team of experienced writers specializes in feminist theory and can
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By entrusting your project to ⇒ ⇔, you can alleviate the stress and uncertainty
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By minimising the study to 66 women, Oakley was able to form close relationships with the
interviewees and was present at 6 of the births. Sex, therefore, is not a freedom when it appears
normatively less expensive for women to risk the undesired and painful life threatening procedure
and the abortion policy have never been approached on the concept of the way women become
pregnant (Jaggar, 1994). There are many different strands of feminist theory, and no one theory can
fully capture the complexity and diversity of the experiences of women and gender non-conforming
individuals. The expected roles of males and females differ from culture to culture. However,
emotional support is needed by the male in order to effectively perform in the occupational system -
this is support is extended by the female. (Parsons, 1949 pages 189-201). Oakley therefore attempted
to establish an underlying principle of personal involvement and always ensured that she answered
questions that her participants asked. (Roberts, 1981, page 31). The proponent and opponents of
abortion share tacit assumption that women must control sex. This would coincide with Oakley’s
argument that women are not inherently maternal and that whatever mothering skills they acquire are
a result of a learning process and assistance from the indoctrinated idea that they are supposed to be
good mothers. The changes in society with regards to the roles of males and females have also
evolved through time. Therefore, women feel that they have the right of choosing when and under
what conditions to conceive and give birth to a child for they must be in control of whatever
happens and their bodies and their life. Of course, a feminist movement attracted researchers, who
developed certain feminist theories. Since Parson’s study in 1949, the family has significantly
changed with some or most relying on the extended family for such things as childcare or simply
emotional support. It has also inspired a range of social movements, including the women's rights
movement, the LGBTQ rights movement, and the anti-rape and domestic violence movements.
Water pours down her body, wearing only soapy suds from the loofah in her hands. However, some
of the key ideas that have emerged within feminist theory include: The concept of the patriarchy and
the ways in which it shapes and is shaped by social, political, and economic systems. The idea of
intersectionality, which recognizes that different forms of oppression and inequality intersect and
reinforce one another. Feminists maintain that gender is socially created and should not necessarily
coincide with the biological sex of an individual. (Studying Human Society the sociological
approach, page 120 handout). Pollert was also interested in the women’s background, private lives,
and how marriage and family life influence women at work. (Marsh, 1998, page 346). Like Paglia,
Foucault mentioned the role of women through pornography as well. We are trying to provide you
the new way to look and use the Tips. The women’s performance rates were monitored throughout
each day and failure to reach targets resulted in wage reduction or lack of bonus. A woman has full
rights to her body and only a woman can determine what she wants to do with her body. She
believes that, in a woman’s life, reproduction and sexuality remain inseparable. In addition her study
was conducted from one hospital and subsequently the findings for other hospitals could have been
different. Camille Paglia believes that men and women have natural qualities and that they should
not base their choices on what men demand of them, but on what their desire is whereas Foucault
believes a woman’s sexuality is determined on society and the manipulation of men on women in
reference to sex and sexual activities and preferences. Liberal feminism considers gender inequalities
as harmful to both men and (primarily) women as a result of the gender role socialisation process.
This argues that the only beings with moral standing are persons and regards foetus as not person
enough to deserve the right of a person. For example, sociology departments offer courses on
stratification, women or sex roles, and race and ethnic relations. However, some sociologists now
base their analysis of sex and gender, on the supposition that there are distinct differences between
the two. This study also provides an opportunity to present the graphic details of the violence
women endure after marriage and the causes of women’s independence and identity deteriorating
after marriage. Paglia said that many women are provocative, and send wrong “signals” to guys.
The contents of literary works about feminism vary, some writers intend to advocate for the very
cause of feminism blindingly, some authors, conversely, intend to provide information about
feminism in a non-political or non-equalitarian manner. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board
with our. Pollert attempted to establish women’s experience in the labour workforce, specifically
women who worked in manual and non-skilled occupations. Feminist theory research paper - Entrust
your assignment to us and we will do our best for you experienced writers, exclusive services, instant
delivery and other. In this regard, right to life foetus cannot outweigh that of fundamental rights of
persons. As such, he suggested that male and female members should have clearly defined roles for
each sex to perform. (Parsons, 1949 pages 189-201). As a teacher, I plan on providing multiple
points of view in my. In conclusion, feminist theory is a diverse and interdisciplinary field of study
that aims to understand and challenge the systems of patriarchy and other forms of oppression and
inequality. Therefore, women feel that they have the right of choosing when and under what
conditions to conceive and give birth to a child for they must be in control of whatever happens and
their bodies and their life. She believes that this makes exceptions for the special occasions where
they presumed that women never controlled sex. Hooks raises the question is feminist a
philosophical belief or a political cause, given that the author tackles the arguments of the radical
feminists. Information literacy and student research habits in the social sciences: a vi. This illustrates
the frequency of these emotions for first-time mothers and the lack of truth in the legacy of
childbirth: bonding instincts are natural for and inherent to women. Parson’s study was carried out in
1949, and this factor must be recognised as a negative aspect, as society and the family has changed
significantly over the past 50 years. For this reason, the moral significance of birth lies in protection
of infants in contrast to fetuses, they are equal members of society. For instance, disparities in
strength and in aggression in general between males and females and the greater innate nurturing and
care-giving behaviors in general found among females compared to males were seen as reflecting the
natural order of things. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies. In this
regard there are several writings that concerns the principles of feminism. Therefore, any person who
supports the rights of women in the society is usually a feminist. One such notable content can be
found in Bell Hooks' publication, Feminism is for Everybody. This also refers to the extended family
for which the male is not responsible. The historical background of feminism is given in order to put
emphasis on the misconstrusion that happened along the way and to give way to the new concept of
the movement. Finally, the criticisms of both feminist theories and research on masculinities will be
documented to conclude. Low-self esteem, brought by the consistency of emotional abuse, often
gives women a distorted view of themselves whereby they presume that they are worthless; this
ensures the feeling of predetermined failure if they leave. (Handout, informal interviews, page 36).
Women also have pornographic minds, and whilst other feminists will be opposed to women
expressing themselves and being involved in prostitution and pornography, she disagrees. It is only
necessary that acts of sexual violence be well known so that fear of this violence keeps females in a
subordinated position. This is on the account that most feminists focus on the problem and not on the
solution. Typically, radical feminists believe that revolution is the way to eradicate male domination
in society. Interviews lasted on average 2.36 hours, ensuring a vast amount of qualitative information
produced from her participants - a larger scale study could have prevented this. Feminism began to
develop in the late 19 th century as the result of women’s exclusion from voting in an alleged
democratic society.
On the other hand, Foucault believes that men control women, and a woman’s sexuality is
determined on the stage of society and the transitions in the ideology of the culture and society.
Appendix In Research Paper: 007 Research Paper Format Th Edi. Feminist Theory and Domestic
Violence Research Paper - EssayEmpire. Since feminist theory looks at all female crime and
victimisation- including crimes involving malesreasons as to why males become victims of female
assault and why they assault females are explored. In conclusion, feminist theory is a diverse and
interdisciplinary field of study that aims to understand and challenge the systems of patriarchy and
other forms of oppression and inequality. To some extent the men must have perceived this violent
behaviour as normal and had become desensitised to situations like this. Oakley suggested that in
modern society, it is motherhood as opposed to marriage, which illustrates to a woman the prejudice
she will endure as a result of her gender. In a personal account, I am taken to a different world as far
as feminism is concerned, primarily because Bell Hooks' gives a different appraoch in discussing the
cause of feminism. One hospital even had a policy of administering epidurals to all women during
childbirth. In addition Parson’s did not consider the importance of the extended family and
dismissed their value in contributing to the nuclear families stabilization. The concept of gender as a
social construct, rather than a biological reality. Hooks also counters the popular notion regarding
feminism as she feels that these notions should be given proper attention and correction. Toronto,
Ontario, Canada: University of Toronto Press. She forced the republicans to exempt from the ban
regulations and combat all discrimination against women. Feminists maintain that gender is socially
created and should not necessarily coincide with the biological sex of an individual. (Studying
Human Society the sociological approach, page 120 handout). However, emotional support is needed
by the male in order to effectively perform in the occupational system - this is support is extended by
the female. (Parsons, 1949 pages 189-201). Sex, therefore, is not a freedom when it appears
normatively less expensive for women to risk the undesired and painful life threatening procedure
and the abortion policy have never been approached on the concept of the way women become
pregnant (Jaggar, 1994). The both theorists contrast each other in theories in their views on a
woman’s sex life. However some were resentful as one woman stated “I’d like to see the manager on
a weighing machine for a week”, thus she surmised that he would be unwilling to entertain or unable
to manage such a task. (O’Donnell, 1988, page 274). Liberal Feminist Theory Liberal feminist theory
challenges the notion of the natural state of biological imperatives that long kept males and females
in separate spheres. The spinning room was the most skilled job within the factory; however it paid
no different than any other task. (O’Donnell, 1988, page 273). Liberal feminists do not advocate
revolution and are therefore prepared to work within the existing social structure. Upload Read for
free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What
is Scribd. She made reference to this when she discussed the numerous reports on accused rape. Blue
being the traditional colour for boys and pink being the accepted colour for girls. Oakley stated that
“Women’s domesticity is a circle of learnt deprivation and induced subjugation: a circle decisively
centred on family life” ( ). As such, to ensure the smooth operation and survival of commerce, there
must be strict discipline extended from all individuals working within the occupational system.
Gender is contentious area of study and as such there are various competing theories, which attempt
to extract the true essence of its meaning. The basis may be seen on the idea typecasting male as the
enemy, the categorization of man as the oppressor and woman is the oppressed is the primary reason
behind feminism's second wave, however, Hooks also does not take away the fact that females are
also responsible for such opression given that it took time for the supposed oppresed to spearhead for
change (Hooks, 2007). Engendering the Social: Feminist Encounters with Sociological Theory.
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This process is still evident today, as after marriage a woman will assume her husbands name.
(Marsh, 1998, page 210). Typically, radical feminists believe that revolution is the way to eradicate
male domination in society. He described the sexual division of labour as the most obvious and
pragmatic way to divide the tasks among society. Report this Document Download now Save Save
Feminist-Theory-and-Research1.pdf For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes)
136 views 19 pages Feminist Theory and Research1 PDF Uploaded by. The expected roles of males
and females differ from culture to culture. Save your essays here so you can locate them quickly. The
phenomenon of domestic violence is more often unreported and therefore undocumented, which
assumes the possibility that there are many more women in society undergoing this traumatic
experience in silence. In addition Parson’s did not consider the importance of the extended family
and dismissed their value in contributing to the nuclear families stabilization. Radical Feminism
Radical feminists, meanwhile, argued that buried deeper in human society, both historically and
psychically, were the relations of domination and subordination between the sexes. Oakley therefore
attempted to establish an underlying principle of personal involvement and always ensured that she
answered questions that her participants asked. (Roberts, 1981, page 31). Essay Appendix. Appendix
In Research Paper: 007 Research Paper Format Th Edi. In order to answer the question firstly, the
emergence of feminism in the discipline, as well as the way in which female offenders were
presented and understood in early criminological theory and research, will be examined. Through
history, culture determined how sexuality was originated. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. Feminist Theory; Feminist Research by Dr Ranjay Vardhan India; Feminist Art.
Since Parson’s study in 1949, the family has significantly changed with some or most relying on the
extended family for such things as childcare or simply emotional support. The socialisation process
has enabled male domination to exist in modern society, as the traditional definition of masculinity
(superior, strong and dominant) continues to be portrayed by the family and throughout the various
social institutions as natural. (Handout, informal interviews, page 35). However, some of the key
ideas that have emerged within feminist theory include: The concept of the patriarchy and the ways
in which it shapes and is shaped by social, political, and economic systems. The idea of
intersectionality, which recognizes that different forms of oppression and inequality intersect and
reinforce one another. In this regard, right to life foetus cannot outweigh that of fundamental rights
of persons. The family and relationships are perceived as a private realm, with outside intervention
uninvited. Dobash and Dobash suggested that in reality the family is more likely inflict pain and
emotional stress onto its members than any other external group. (Handout, informal interviews, page
35). Review Essay: Utopianism, Epistemology, and Feminist Theory. When evaluating these theories,
it is important to recognise that a collection of all four theories can be used together to gain an
insight and understanding into gender. First Wave Feminism Essay 726 Words 3 Pages The first
wave of feminism has been a revolutionary social movement in terms of that it could lead to an
overcoming of the previous social order Newman, 2012 p. The role of women and their sexual
preferences and desires are based on the current situations in society. As such Pollert spent some time
explaining her motives, which dispersed some suspicion, which transformed into curiosity and
disbelief that factory women would be of interest to anybody. (Marsh, 1998, page 346). Essay
Appendix. Appendix In Research Paper: 007 Research Paper Format Th Edi. This is an extremely
high number which includes many different types and forms of. The financial difficulties for women
on becoming independent with 2 or 3 children can seem unbearable and unmanageable.
Daly is another representative of cultural feminist theory. Dobash and Dobash: Violence Against
Wives 1980, Handout. These basic work ethics are reiterated throughout the generations. The men in
the group did however ask their friend to stop, but this did not deter him. She is against modern
feminism because she believes that women have a right to these things, and that women need to stop
blaming men and become self reliant, independent and accept that they are differences between men
and women that cannot be changed. Oakley’s experience of motherhood was in direct opposition to
her preconceived ideas of fulfilment and contentment upon becoming a mother. Like Paglia,
Foucault mentioned the role of women through pornography as well. Liberal feminism considers
gender inequalities as harmful to both men and (primarily) women as a result of the gender role
socialisation process. I am invested in the intellectual growth and personal growth of my students, as
well as my growth as an. He separated the complementary qualities of the male and the female and
distinguished that: the female role is expressive and the male role is instrumental. (Haralambos, 2000,
page 132). In its crudest from, alleged conflict is normally between right to life for the foetus,
normally based on the presumption that it deserves moral consideration, and the right woman’s right
to bodily autonomy that encompasses her right to decide what might happen to her body (Jaggar,
1994). Feminists have been more inclined to believe that sexual inequality— in many forms, and
some far more pronounced than others—predated class society and, if left to its own devices, would
certainly outlive it, a position now supported by the histories of socialism in many countries.
However some were resentful as one woman stated “I’d like to see the manager on a weighing
machine for a week”, thus she surmised that he would be unwilling to entertain or unable to manage
such a task. (O’Donnell, 1988, page 274). For example, sociology departments offer courses on
stratification, women or sex roles, and race and ethnic relations. The man would typically be
apologetic and promise it would not occur again. The world is culturally constituted and the body is
seen materially through the eyes of man. For instance, disparities in strength and in aggression in
general between males and females and the greater innate nurturing and care-giving behaviors in
general found among females compared to males were seen as reflecting the natural order of things.
This would coincide with Oakley’s argument that women are not inherently maternal and that
whatever mothering skills they acquire are a result of a learning process and assistance from the
indoctrinated idea that they are supposed to be good mothers. On the other hand, Foucault believes
that men control women, and a woman’s sexuality is determined on the stage of society and the
transitions in the ideology of the culture and society. The changes in society with regards to the roles
of males and females have also evolved through time. The greater the emotional ties males have with
other male peers in a hyper-masculine subculture, the greater the likelihood of sexual violence against
females. The constraints of all four studies also will be detailed with the intent to discover the
strengths and weaknesses of each perspective. On the other hand, masculinities and opportunities
theories are sometimes partially applicable to predict criminality of women in first world countries.
The women’s performance rates were monitored throughout each day and failure to reach targets
resulted in wage reduction or lack of bonus. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic.
The need for an authentic representation of all groups of people in any discourse. The nuclear family
share the status and prestige, which derives from the male’s occupational position and the female
subsequently, gains status from her equally important role within the family. In a personal account, I
am taken to a different world as far as feminism is concerned, primarily because Bell Hooks' gives a
different appraoch in discussing the cause of feminism. For instance, one question asked respondents
if they were physically restrained and forced to have sexual intercourse. My hope is that this paper
not only displays my ability to improve as a writer, my knowledge of theory.
I believe that there are many points of intersection between space and expression in postmodern
position, which for a certain time were occupied by representatives of feminist theories. Through
history, culture determined how sexuality was originated. This example could be considered
insignificant, however, this is merely the start of a long socialisation process, which illustrates to the
child what role is expected from him or her throughout life. One hospital even had a policy of
administering epidurals to all women during childbirth. Some extreme radical feminists would even
suggest that lesbians are the only genuine feminists as they are completely independent from men.
(Haralambos, 2000, page 136). Pollert also pointed out the lack of value that the women had placed
on themselves and the illusion that getting married would relieve them from their situation.
Information literacy and student research habits in the social sciences: a vi. This study provides an
explanation for the causes of woman’s subordination, which as a result leaves them dependent and
vulnerable to abuse at the hands of their husbands. As feminism progressed throughout the 20 th
century, attention became increasingly focused on the significant gender inequalities, which
continued to exist in modern society; consequently many feminist approaches have derived from
this. Sex, therefore, is not a freedom when it appears normatively less expensive for women to risk
the undesired and painful life threatening procedure and the abortion policy have never been
approached on the concept of the way women become pregnant (Jaggar, 1994). Paglia says that
women want sex as much as man, whether with a female or male, they should be upfront. The
nuclear family share the status and prestige, which derives from the male’s occupational position and
the female subsequently, gains status from her equally important role within the family. Women are
appropriately situated at home with the children because of their childbearing ability and men are
best suited to hard work because of their physical strength. (Haralambos, 2000, page 131).
Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your
writing easier are also offered here. Among the theories of masculinization, opportunity,
marginalization and chivalry; marginalization theory is the most relevant and significant for
analyzing causes of female criminality in contemporary third world societies. She criticises the legal
rights that defend the male authority by arguing that women must always submit. Thus, males are
not uniformly afforded the same opportunities to accomplish masculinity. The greater the emotional
ties males have with other male peers in a hyper-masculine subculture, the greater the likelihood of
sexual violence against females. Men use women for sex, and whilst women may think they are
equal, men view them as sex objects. This illustrates the frequency of these emotions for first-time
mothers and the lack of truth in the legacy of childbirth: bonding instincts are natural for and
inherent to women. A woman has the right to participate in any sexual act she desires, because it is
only her decision. Understanding Of Feminist Theory And Patriarchy Sociology Essay. I have
selected this artifact as a document of my inquiry and intellectual growth. Pollert was also interested
in the women’s background, private lives, and how marriage and family life influence women at
work. (Marsh, 1998, page 346). The female is therefore an expression of the instrumental male,
working intrinsically together, both equally important in their clearly defined roles. (Parsons, 1949
pages 189-201). MacKinnon According to MacKinnon, mot women seeking abortions normally
become pregnant after sexual intercourse with men and most of them never wished to conceive. By
continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Feminist Theory Author Institution Feminist
Theory Introduction Feminist theory refers to the extension of feminism into the philosophical or
theoretical discourse, and aims at understanding the nature of gender inequality. Save your essays
here so you can locate them quickly. The constraints of all four studies also will be detailed with the
intent to discover the strengths and weaknesses of each perspective.
They have been portrayed as insignificant throughout history, and as a result gain prestige, not by
their own achievements, but rather from the male figure, to which they are affiliated. The contents of
literary works about feminism vary, some writers intend to advocate for the very cause of feminism
blindingly, some authors, conversely, intend to provide information about feminism in a non-political
or non-equalitarian manner. To some extent the men must have perceived this violent behaviour as
normal and had become desensitised to situations like this. Women are categorized, according to
Paglia, as having more emotional and sexual desires than men, but are not able to show it. Where
pre-marriage conflict did exist, it was typically a product of the male’s sexual jealousy and the
women perceived this rage as a display of commitment and love. Dobash and Dobash suggested that
in reality the family is more likely inflict pain and emotional stress onto its members than any other
external group. (Handout, informal interviews, page 35). Feminist Theory and Domestic Violence
Research Paper - EssayEmpire. The idea of agency, which refers to the ability of individuals to act
on their own behalf and to shape their own lives. To browse and the wider internet
faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. My hope is that this
paper not only displays my ability to improve as a writer, my knowledge of theory. Repercussions for
non-conformity within the work place can be formal or informal and apply universally for those who
do not obey the basic rules of industry. Pollert was denied the opportunity to work in the factory as a
covert researcher but realised this would have been impractical due to the nature of the job
requirements, and working there would have restricted her movement round the factory and access
to all groups of women within. She believes that this makes exceptions for the special occasions
where they presumed that women never controlled sex. Men use women for sex, and whilst women
may think they are equal, men view them as sex objects. We are trying to provide you the new way
to look and use the Tips. Feminists maintain that gender is socially created and should not necessarily
coincide with the biological sex of an individual. (Studying Human Society the sociological
approach, page 120 handout). Dobash and Dobash: Violence Against Wives 1980, Handout. In this
regard there are several writings that concerns the principles of feminism. Patriarchy is characterized
by the systematic oppression of women, and it manifests itself in a variety of ways, including
through gender-based violence, economic inequality, and cultural and social norms that reinforce
traditional gender roles and expectations. The relationships with Oakley’s interviewees were formed
over a long period of time, on average 26 weeks before delivery of the baby, and 20 weeks after, this
caused time and monetary consummation for the collection of qualitative data and can be viewed as
a constraint to this study. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. Pollert was also
interested in the women’s background, private lives, and how marriage and family life influence
women at work. (Marsh, 1998, page 346). In an attempt to regain her identity, Oakley began her
research into housewives and discovered that her feelings of isolation, oppression and depression
were not restricted to her alone and that these feelings have been and continues to be common to
many women in modern industrialised society. (Dunsmuir, 1991, page 30). Upload Read for free
FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is
Scribd. Am telling you man this writer is absolutely the best. ”. Together, these two forces have
increasingly made difficult male attempts to accomplish masculinity — at least in legitimate ways.
ESSAYS, term and. Politics of Reality includes essays that examine sexism, the exploitation of
women, the gay rights movement and other topics from a feminist perspective. This illustrates the
frequency of these emotions for first-time mothers and the lack of truth in the legacy of childbirth:
bonding instincts are natural for and inherent to women. It is from the imposition of male authority
and the oppression of women that violence against women has been allowed to materialise and be
maintained. (Handout, informal interviews, page 35). The women’s performance rates were
monitored throughout each day and failure to reach targets resulted in wage reduction or lack of

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