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a. Construct the trend for your suitable keyword of your product/service/brand and print
screens the graph.
b. Compare the trend for your suitable keyword of your product/service/brand woth
TWO (2) others similar keyword and print screens the graph.

c. Explain the trend of the keyword of your product/service/brand based on question (a)
and (b).
Gift box has always been trend for this past days. It is because in Malaysia we celebrate
various kind of celebration such as birthday’s, valentine’s, wedding gifts, festival season and
etc and it can connect as through a person by giving a gift. The advantage of gift box is a gift
box adds an element of surprise and anticipation to a present. It enhances the overall
presentation, creating a visually appealing and thoughtful experience to someone.
The chocolate is one of the key to give a gift to someone we loved. Chocolate is often
considered a memorable gift for several reasons. Firstly, it has a universal appeal, pleasing a
wide range of tastes. Secondly, it is associated with positive emotions and indulgence,
making it a delightful treat. The act of giving chocolate can also evoke a sense of warmth and
thoughtfulness. In January 28 until February of 24, it have the ups and down where it usually
get higher when its a festive season such as on February 6 it have slightly increase.
Then we have T-shirt, that is also a favourable gift for someone. In January 8 to February
6, it mostly decrease but between February 6 to February 24, it become one of the most
important gift. A T-shirt can be a memorable gift for several reasons. It's a versatile and
practical item that people often wear, serving as a constant reminder of the occasion or person
who gave it. Personalized or themed T-shirts can also evoke specific memories or shared
experiences, making them more meaningful. The comfort and familiarity of a T-shirt
contribute to its long-lasting impact as a thoughtful and wearable memento.
Lastly, the shawl is the most loveable gift for a Muslim’s woman. In January 28 to
February 28, it has been statics and stable. A shawl can be a memorable gift for several
reasons. It often carries sentimental value, providing warmth and comfort. The versatility of a
shawl makes it a timeless accessory that can be cherished for various occasions. Moreover,
the thoughtful gesture of giving a shawl can symbolize care and consideration for the
recipient's well-being.

d) Display the keyword of your product/brand/services by using google suggest.

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