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“It is not enough to simply teach children to read; we have to give

them something worth reading.”
Katherine Patterson.

N.B: Kindly note:
 P.1 to P.3 are required to answer with brief sentences.
One-word sentences are acceptable when not needed to explain.
Please pay attention to spelling.
 Parents and Guardians should extend reading assistance of
guidelines and questions for the pupils currently below their reading
levels to adequately complete their reports.
 Parents and guardians must sign book reports after reading
through the assignment. Your signature indicates that you are
aware of the nature of book read by your child and fully consent
to its content. Unsigned reports will count as no report.
 Learners are strongly advised to use the Oxford or Cambridge
dictionaries for British English spelling and description references,
not American English spelling.
 Answers using American English spellings or slang will be marked
as wrong.
 The book report is a mandatory holiday requirement for every
P.1 to P.6 pupil at Entebbe Junior School. It turns optional in P.7
first term holiday, however, in Primary Six transitioning to P.7, it
is mandatory for Term Three holiday.
 Extra marks are awarded for early submission to those who send
their reports via email before the holiday ends. Please follow these
instructions. Reports must be handed in as an attachment, not in
the body of the email.
Email address:

-What is a book report?

It is the summary of the plot of a novel, highlighting your opinions
of the strengths and weaknesses of the story.
 What is a plot?
The plot is a storyline. It describes how the events unfolded.

N.B: This is your second book report done in the holiday without
guided assistance from your librarian or teachers, so we shall
assist you with prompts and questions for a couple of holidays in
due course. Please note eventually, you will be required to write
your book report without prompts and questions for guidance. We
are gradually working towards independent thinking.
Follow the exact order provided below.
-Report Author:…(Please write your full name).......
-Class (Include your stream):……………………………………
-House: (Do not write the colour but name, i.e., Rwenzori, Elgon,
Holiday:...(Term Three)……..


1. What is the title of the novel?

2. When was it published?

3. Who is the author?

4. Name the main characters in the novel.

5. What is the difference between a story book and a novel?

6. What is the definition of a ‘supporting character’ in any book

or novel?

7. Who is your favourite supporting character in the novel and

8. What do you like most about the main character?

9. What do you like least about the main character?

10. What year do you think the story is set in and why? Please
make references to page numbers.

11. What planet do you think the story is set in and why?
Please make references to page numbers.

12. What were the major events in the story? Did they impact
you in any way and how? Please make references to page

13. What did you learn from the story? Please make
references to page numbers.

14. Does your main character have a pet?

15. If yes, tell us what you like most and least about the pet.

16. If no, what pet would you advise the character to have
that is not a cat or a dog? If the main character already has
a pet what other pet would you advise the character to bring
into their home and why?

17. What name would you call this pet?

18. What’s the colour(s) of its fur/ feathers/ skin?

19. Why did you choose this animal?

20. Is it a domestic or wild animal?

21. What does it like to eat?

22. If you could change the ending of the story, how would you
do it and why?


● Draw a picture of your favourite character in the book
and colour it.
● Draw a picture of the main character’s pet, and, or, the
one you chose.
● Was your book written in British or American
English?-(Please assist your child to figure out the
differences between British and American English).
● If it was written in American English, how many spellings
did you find different from those you’re used to? (Please
note the words and page numbers).
● How many new words did you learn? What are their
definitions in the context of the story? (Please refer
strictly to the story for definitions and include
characters who stated the words and Page numbers.

*You’re not in this alone!*

Do you have questions about your book report or are
feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry, please, contact the
school on 0414-321923, Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm,
EAT. Leave your details (name, class, and a phone
number) with the secretary, and the school librarian will
promptly return your call. If you still feel uneasy after
the call, a virtual lesson can be organised with your
school librarian to further assist you and at least five of
your friends.

“Reading is the gateway to every treasure in your mind. Keep going!

We are so proud of you!”

*Happy Holidays!*

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