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ATT. Io annaffio la pianta.

PASS La pianta viene/è annaffiata da me.


They sell sports equipment in this store

Sports equipment is sold in this store

Si usa per:

- dare risalto all'azione più che a chi la compie

ES: Hanno arrestato i terroristi a NY

I terroristi sono stati arrestati a NY

- quando l'autore è ignoto o irrilevante o scontato

- in scritti scientifici, tecnici, nel linguaggio giornalistico

- nella descrizione di processi produttivi o esperimenti

- per divieti, istruzioni

Come si trasforma da forma attiva a passiva.

The storm damaged lots of cars last night

COMPL. OGG.---> SOGG Lots of cars

2. BE nello stesso tempo e modo was / were

del verbo attivo

3. aggiungi participio passato del damaged

controlla la concordanza sogg/ WERE

Lots of cars were damaged by the storm last night.

They have stolen my bike. /Mark has stolen my bike

My bike has been stolen. / My bike has been stolen by Mark.


They make these These cars are These cars Where are
cars in Japan made in Japan aren’t made these cars
in Japan made?

We are He is being He isn’t Is he being

interviewing him interviewed at being interviewed
at the moment the moment interviewed at the
at the moment?

We sent the The goods The goods How were

goods by train were sent by weren’t the goods
train sent by sent?

Someone was The traffic The traffic Were the

repairing the lights were lights traffic lights
traffic lights being repaired weren’t being
being repaired?

They have sold All the tickets All the Have all
all the tickets have been sold tickets have the tickets
not been
sold been sold?
They have been The hospital the How long
building the has been built hospital has the
hospital for five for five years hasn’t been hospital
years built for five been built ?

Someone had the papers had the papers had the

removed the been removed hadn’t been papers been
papers removed removed?

They had been The horse had The horse How long
training the been trained hadn’t been had the
horse for two for two hours trained for horse been
hours two hours trained?

They will meet You’ll be met You won’t Where will

you at the at the airport. be met at you be met?
airport the airport.

They are going A new A new When is the

to open a new website is website new
website soon going to be isn’t going website
opened soon to be going to be
opened opened?

They will have the building The When will

restored the will have been building the building
building by the restored by the won’t have have been
end of the year end of the year been restored?
restored by
the end of
the year

Someone has to All those All those Have all

type all those letters have to letters those
letters be typed by haven’t to letters to be
someone be typed by typed by
SOMEONE someone?

You must clean this machine this was this

this machine was must machine machine
every time you cleaned every wasn’t must cleaned
use it time you use it cleaned every time
every time you use it?
you use it

They should He should He Who should

have arrested have been shouldn’t have been
him arrested have been arrested?

I don't like XXXXX XXXX

people following

You could have the accident If you

prevented the could have hadn’t
accident if you been stopped at Could the
had stopped at prevented if the red accident
the red lights you .. lights the have been
accident prevented
could have
been if you had
prevented stopped at
the red

If our team If our team XXXXXXXX

played better played better
they could select
it for the
championships if it played

Turn into passive

1. They are going to take new measures to prevent violence in the stadiums
2. We had warned them of the danger

3. Someone has stolen my wallet

4. I hope professional dubbers will dub this film

5. How much money are they spending on that project?

6. The crowd was pressing us on both sides

7. Remember you have to keep this vaccine in the fridge.

8. Who did they give the first prize to?

9. They are going to televise the concert in a few days.

10. Did anybody clean Milly's room yesterday?

11. Do a lot of people visit the exhibition?

12. Are they repairing the road again?

13. It was the second time they had warned him.

14. They haven't discussed your project yet.

15. The critics didn't notice her good performance.

16. They might ask you to stay for dinner.

17. Can't you deliver these goods by the end of the week?

18. Who wrote this poem?

19. He hates people asking him personal questions.

20. They wanted us to help them with their translation.

21. I didn't write that note!

22. The police have just arrested a terrorist.

23. We are serving lunch now

24. The referee had to interrupt the match.

25. When the firemen arrived the fire had already destroyed the building.

26. That was the best book that anyone had written on the subject

27. You should have kept the cake in the fridge.

28. You must switch off your mobile phones during the visit.

29. If he won the pools he would solve his financial problems.

30. Mr Jones wants them to pack the goods carefully

31. I don't like people staring at me

32. He has to sign the contract.

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