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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Legalization of Cannabis Research Paper Outline

Crafting a well-researched and comprehensive thesis on the legalization of cannabis is no small feat.
The intricacies involved in navigating through a plethora of information, analyzing various
perspectives, and presenting a coherent argument can be overwhelming for many students. From
conducting extensive research to organizing thoughts into a structured outline, the journey towards a
successful legalization of cannabis research paper is undoubtedly challenging.

One of the primary hurdles faced by students is the vast amount of data available on the topic. The
legalization of cannabis encompasses a wide range of perspectives, including legal, medical, social,
and economic considerations. Sorting through this wealth of information to extract relevant and
credible sources requires time, effort, and a discerning eye.

Another significant challenge is the need to create a well-organized outline that effectively
communicates the key points of the research paper. Crafting a coherent structure that flows logically
from introduction to conclusion is essential for ensuring that the thesis is easy to follow and
compelling to readers. Balancing the inclusion of pertinent details without overwhelming the
audience requires a delicate touch that can be difficult to achieve.

To alleviate the burden and ensure a successful research paper, many students turn to external
assistance. ⇒ ⇔ is a reputable platform that offers professional writing services
tailored to the specific needs of each client. With a team of experienced writers well-versed in the
nuances of cannabis legalization, they provide expert guidance in developing a compelling research
paper outline.

By entrusting the task to experts at ⇒ ⇔, students can focus on understanding the
complexities of the legalization of cannabis rather than getting bogged down by the challenges of
crafting an outline. The result is a well-structured and thoroughly researched thesis that meets
academic standards and effectively communicates the chosen stance on the topic.

In conclusion, writing a research paper on the legalization of cannabis is undoubtedly a demanding

task. The complexities involved in conducting thorough research and organizing thoughts into a
coherent outline can be overwhelming for many students. To overcome these challenges and ensure a
successful thesis, seeking professional assistance from platforms like ⇒ ⇔ proves
to be a valuable resource for those looking to navigate the intricate landscape of cannabis legalization
with ease.
The quantity of weed related organizations exchanging on open stock trades is miniscule, and
keeping in mind that speculators do have the alternative of working with over the counter trades, a
large number of the best organizations in the early lawful cannabis space have been situated in
Canada or different nations. According to Grinspoon, marijuana alleviates nausea experienced by
cancer patients under powerful chemotherapy. Tantra Festival staff reserve the right to refuse entry if
proof of age cannot be established. Thesis Defense Presentation December 1, 2008 David Onoue 2.
We’ll occasionally send you promo and account related email. If you continue using our website, you
accept our Cookie Policy. Accept. Similar to the 1920’s prohibition, the current dealers and crime
rings will be forced to disband and find other means of income (Gazzaniga 44-49). There are people
who tend to get violent once they get drunk but most people often just go home after drinking and
then they go to sleep. Once I got the completed paper, my last doubts were gone. For one, high
caloric foods got harmful effects on our body yet they are not banned. If marijuana were to be
legalized and regulated, the government would be able to tax sales, creating a large new source of
revenue. It’s actually not that bad of a plant once you get to know it a little better. Many Americans
would agree, as according to a poll by Pew Research Center, 52% are in favor of marijuana being
legalized. The main question would be whether legalizing marijuana would cause more positive or
negative effects on the individuals using it as well as on the society as a whole. The research is
based on the states of Washington and Rhode Island petitioning the federal government on
reclassifying marijuana as a drug that is accepted with medical uses, saying they want to regulate this
distribution without putting any type of risk for federal persecution. This paper proposes the justice
of making marijuana legal at a federal level as a controlled substance while taking 2 standpoints
where the drugs benefits is more than the associated risks and also since there are inconsistencies
with the current legal policies on the issue of marijuana as compared to both legal and illegal drugs
that are more dangerous. Marijuana can also be mixed with foods usually brownies, cookies, and
candy which are called edibles. As Dunne argues, in America alcohol poisoning is one of the main
causes of deaths in America, and cigarettes are estimated to cause roughly 400,000 premature deaths
every year. The use of marijuana in most countries across the world is a crime with penalties
including fines and in other cases imprisonment. Although setback by the illegal constraints, it is
increasingly becoming a considered healing method. Dunne (1999) explains that marijuana is in fact
less dangerous than cigarettes, alcohol and even some medicines sold over the counter. In 1973,
Mikuriya traced the medicinal value of the herb plant. Legalization of Marijuana There is no shortage
of proof in this world that a blatantly harmful or vile substance can have several revolutionary uses
for humankind, if explored properly. He then addressed several arguments that have been raised
against the legalization of marijuana such as how the government should not allow harmful
medications to be prescribed, discussing the grounds which have been used to justify this argument.
Beyond it’s medical purposes, however, marijuana is commonly smoked recreationally. People were
raised and taught since their early years that this plant brings nothing but trouble to your life if you
consume it, for any reason. The same cannot be said for marijuana use (Earleywine 24-88). Today
cannabis is used in the medical industry for patients who may suffer from cancer, seizures, migraines,
lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, among others. Alaska and Oregon followed suit in 2014 but did not
legalize sales. The medicinal applications of marijuana are due largely in part to Cannabidiol, or
CBD, a compound derived from the Cannabis leaves.
The matter of the legality of marijuana seems to have been polemic for a long time. The arguments
for the legalization of marijuana include the argument that liberty is a virtue which should be
promoted by governments, the criminalization of marijuana infringes upon liberty. After the
prohibition ended, there was an immediate decrease in murders, burglaries, and robberies It failed to
live up its expectation but instead corrupted officials, made alcoholic beverages more dangerous,
removed revenue from taxes, and increased government spending. US prisons’ today are
overcrowded and filled with inmates that have committed drug crimes. Recent data from the US
government indicates that Marijuana remains the most commonly used illicit drug in the US and
more than 83 million Americans aged over 12 years have at one time used marijuana. Therefore, the
topic of legalizing marijuana is presented from a completely different perspective. It also creates
mistrust and disrespect for the criminal justice system. Overcrowded courts mean reduced sentences
and plea bargaining for violent criminals whose presences are the real threats to society. Despite the
harsh laws in most states against possessing and using marijuana, the Substance Abuse and Mental
Health Services Administration reports that, in 2010, 6.9 percent of the US population, or 17.4
million Americans, used marijuana. THC can help control seizures that are not responsive to other
treatments taken to control them. The entire assignment was quite a great challenge for me, but not
for the writer at GetEssay. Some people believe that legalization of marijuana will create numerous
problems both for its users and society in general. In 2000, the number of people arrested for
marijuana related crimes by the state and local law enforcers were 734,498
(, 2008). This number indicates an increase of 800% since 1980,
according to the FBI, and was the highest ever witnessed. However, a large sum of people
nationwide chooses to participate in a certain recreational activity to find their relaxation: smoking
Marijuana. Does Marijuana Increase the Risk of Vehicle Crashes. Furthermore, studies have
confirmed its effectiveness as a painkiller for people suffering from spinal cord injuries and multiple
sclerosis. Another important reason as to why marijuana ought to be legalized is that it will save a lot
of taxpayer dollars spent on fighting marijuana. According to Miron, the ultimate gains the United
States could see from the legalization of marijuana would be far reaching but his report faced much
opposition from those who are opposed to the legalization of marijuana. It wasn’t until 1933 that the
prohibition was repealed by the Twenty-first Amendment. Legalization of marijuana could also help
reduce the number of traffic deaths. Once I got the completed paper, my last doubts were gone.
Mood defects, such as paranoia and depression, can be worsened by the use of cannabis and short-
term memory is also adversely affected. Tantra Festival staff reserve the right to refuse entry if proof
of age cannot be established. The main question would be whether legalizing marijuana would cause
more positive or negative effects on the individuals using it as well as on the society as a whole.
Legalizing Marijuana Cover Letter After a series of revisions, this essay has been significantly
strengthened and improved upon from previous edits. This essay is much stronger now that it was
previously and I have put a signification amount of effort into tightening up sections and improving
the flow of the paper. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that
is cheating. Also you. Cannabis, Cannabis laws, Global Marijuana March 1124 Words 4 Pages Thesis
Statement: The legalization of marijuana in the U. I am pleased with the final product and believe
that it is a significant improvement from my previous work. Mill strongly believes that the state as
well as the other people does not have any right whatsoever to interfere with other people’s
businesses unless the said people’s activities prove to be harmful on the society or on other individual.
Though marijuana is an illegal drug in America, statistics indicates that in 2000 alone, 734,498 people
were arrested for crimes related to possessing, selling or smoking marijuana. Despite its initial
appearance, Colorado has undergone significant changes in data since the legalization of marijuana
for adults. Schedule 1 substances are defined as having: “.a high potential for abuse, no currently
accepted medical use in treatment in the United States, and a lack of accepted safety for use of the
drug or other substance under medical supervision.”. Placing marijuana in this Schedule contradicts
evidence that proves otherwise, as marijuana has found medicinal use in 15 states so far. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. In America, the federal government, state authorities
and even local authorities spend millions of dollars prosecuting the “War on Drugs”. History of
marijuana laws in AmericaApart from initial introduction of marijuana in America in 1545 by
Spanish, marijuana laws began to exist as early as 1920s. In 1860, studies by the Ohio State Medical
Society came up with similar conclusions. In 2001, 20% of 8th graders had attempted to use
marijuana at least once, out of this percentage, those who later continued using marijuana when in
10th grade (used marijuana within the last month of the survey), rose to 20%. Trebach, 1993 So, in
the light of this argument people have the right to decide that whether they should make a use of
Marijuana or not. Marijuana is proven to be less harmful than alcohol in many instances. It also
creates mistrust and disrespect for the criminal justice system. Moreover, several regulations would
be established that define the minimum age at which one may be allowed to use marijuana for
medicinal purposes. Marijuana’s most dynamic element is delta tetrahyddrocannibino or simply THC.
This paper proposes the justice of making marijuana legal at a federal level as a controlled substance
while taking 2 standpoints where the drugs benefits is more than the associated risks and also since
there are inconsistencies with the current legal policies on the issue of marijuana as compared to both
legal and illegal drugs that are more dangerous. These characteristics are plentiful, and thus reinforce
the idea that marijuana should be legalized. Consumers are directly benefited from a higher quality
and lower prices. Legalization of Marijuana There is no shortage of proof in this world that a
blatantly harmful or vile substance can have several revolutionary uses for humankind, if explored
properly. Notwithstanding these possible side effects, the use of marijuana for medical purposes can
be justified because marijuana can effectively be used as a painkiller and antiemetic, and its value
for money is excellent and much better than of many other drugs. For Ray, who was diagnosed with
multiple sclerosis in 1985, Oregons legalization meant something entirely different: Instead of being
forced to use a harsh, legal medication-one that left her in a constant haze-she can now gain pain
relief much more easily. Marijuana has been one of the most researched drugs in the history of
pharmacology, and there is still considerable disagreement about its short-term and long-term
effects. A document which explores the budgetary issues of the US Federal government and includes
a report on drug related deaths that year in the United States. We’ll occasionally send you promo and
account related email. Moreover, author mentions about historical analysis of occasions when medical
marijuana can be used and when it must be completely restricted. To assess whether or not the
government should now take a final step and legalise the drug, it is important to firstly study the
health impact of cannabis smoking on health as a whole and as compared to other harmful
substances, such as alcohol and tobacco, which are currently legal and readily available. They have
actively contributed towards criticizing any move to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes. These
people argue that expenses used on rehabilitation centers are supported by people’s taxes thus
legalizing marijuana would be an additional burden for the rest of the society. In 2005, Harvard
University professor and economist Jeffrey Alan Miron issued a report which stated that marijuana
should be legalized and that the marijuana crop should be taxed just like those seen with tobacco or
alcohol. He then addressed several arguments that have been raised against the legalization of
marijuana such as how the government should not allow harmful medications to be prescribed,
discussing the grounds which have been used to justify this argument. As public opinion continues to
turn against the war, we can expect more elected officials to speak out. THC can help control
seizures that are not responsive to other treatments taken to control them.
Many people believe the stigma marijuana ruins lives when it can be argued that alcohol in fact ruins
more lives yet it remains legal. The proposition 19 on the Regulate, Control and Tax Cannabis Act of
2010 sought to allow the collection of marijuana taxes, in addition to regulating the civil and criminal
penalties that related to marijuana (Kassirer and Bakalar, 369). It would not make sense for a sixteen
year old to work at Burger King or McDonalds for minimum wage when they could be making a
thousand dollars a day. We are using Google Analytics to enhance your experience. Also contains
interesting statistitcs for the purpose of this assignment. However, there are facts and studies that
prove that legalizing marijuana could bring various amounts of benefits to many people. If the
accrued benefits of marijuana outweigh its shortcomings, only then can marijuana be legalized. There
are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL
command or malformed data. Dunne (1999), quoting Dr. Leister Grinspoon, who wrote a book
titled, Marijuana: The forbidden Medicine says that, the only well established negative impact of
marijuana is its smoke which comprises three times as much tar and five times as much carbon
monoxide as tobacco. I am pleased with the final product and believe that it is a significant
improvement from my previous work. Through the hallucinogenic and soothing qualities, it lowers
the level of pain for a short time. This classification poses challenges for researchers seeking to
conduct clinical trials on possible uses as approval from federal agencies such as the FDA is
required. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Responsible
and accountable marijuana smokers are not a threat or a danger to other people or to their children.
So their argument is that the claims of medicinal use for the plant are baseless and are merely debate
points that the supporters of the legalization of marijuana use in a futile attempt to get Marijuana
declared legal, at least for medicinal purposes. Compared to other drugs marijuana is not that harmful
and marijuana is just as addicting as cigarettes and alcohol yet these two are not prohibited by the
government (Weinstein, 1999). Do not hesitate to buy legalizing marijuana paper from
QualityCustomEssays. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word
definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. In the event that marijuana were
expelled from the rundown of controlled substances, far less court cases including the substance
would go to preliminary, bringing about less detainments, and thus more cash spared. I received a
completed paper in two days and submitted it to my tutor on time. Since alcohol is legal, and thus its
availability is controlled by the government. From the 1920 prohibition of alcohol, there was an
increase in all areas of crime due to the existence of a black market, all sparked by the illegalization
of alcohol. Marijuana contains a chemical that many people know as THC. Yet a research conducted
by Dr. Jack Henningfield and Dr. Neal Benowits proved that marijuana is not really addictive.
Additional factor is their belief that legalizing marijuana would heighten the numbers of people using
it. Studies at the genetic level have revealed that cannabis can be a major risk factor in the
development of respiratory cancers and reports have suggested that extreme cannabis users have a
greater incidence of gastrointestinal cancers, although cannabis smokers also are more likely to use
other substances which increase the risk of developing these types of cancers, such as tobacco for the
former and alcohol for the latter. It is by far the least harmful and most beneficial of the declared
illegal substances. According to some economists’ studies, states that have legalized the use of
medical marijuana have dropped 9% in fatal car wrecks, which means that there was a decline in
drunk driving. If marijuana is used on medicinal purposes only then the results are considered helpful
but when used for other reasons then the result would be harmful. For one, high caloric foods got
harmful effects on our body yet they are not banned.
Thus, if alcohol could be legalized then why is it that marijuana ought to be banned. It is by far the
least harmful and most beneficial of the declared illegal substances. Since the legalization in
Colorado, about 10.1% of crime has decreased, and a 6.9% decrease in violent crimes. Cannabis has
been illegal since the Marijuana Tax act of 1934. California, Cannabis, Decriminalization 1157 Words
4 Pages 12 July 2009 The Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana should be legalized not only for the
medical benefits, it could also be taxed such as alcohol, and cigarettes to produce revenue that our
country needs, it also could be utilized as many resources. Third, some categories of people
constitute the permanent underclass without any considerable social opportunities. Source: United
States government: National Institute on Drug Abuse, Bureau of Mortality Statistics. The legalization
of drugs would result in two thirds of the prisons being empty and more room for serious offenders.
Therefore, when considering authorization of marijuana, regulatory measures should be established
to prevent promotion of the drug to adolescents. Legalization of marijuana could also help reduce
the number of traffic deaths. Decriminalization of marijuana necessitates the reduction of crime.
THC can help control seizures that are not responsive to other treatments taken to control them.
However, a large sum of people nationwide chooses to participate in a certain recreational activity to
find their relaxation: smoking Marijuana. Just as the legalization of alcohol in the 1920s resulted in
decreased crime rates, improved product safety and quality, and higher tax revenue, the legalization
of marijuana could produce comparable outcomes. The main issue behind Medical Marijuana results
mainly from an ethical standpoint, yet this essay will refrain from discussing any morality and will
strictly be structured through factual information. The effects of marijuana on the health of
Americans pale in comparison. This is a huge number of people, many jailed for merely smoking a
joint. One way that it could benefit the government is by selling it and taxing it. Marijuana has
numerous health benefits, and therefore its legalization should not be questioned. With the recent
laws passed in eight states about legalizing medical marijuana, many stand divided when it comes to
this never ending debate, but I firmly believe that this miracle working drug should be legalized
throughout the United States. Michael and Renee (2003) attribute the wide spread popularity of
marijuana in 1920s to the prohibitive laws established during the Prohibition Era. On the other side
there are people who object to the legalization of marijuana, even for the medical purposes, and they
claim that the legalization might result in an increase in the number of drug addicts. Neither medical
science nor criminal justice system in America, have any idea about whether legalization of marijuana
use is advisable or not. Though such effects happens only when a person extremely consumes lots of
alcohol, the truth is smoking an extreme amount of marijuana will not result in such dramatic effects.
This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you.
Do you see health benefits with the use of medical marijuana. Should truth be told the government is
just making marijuana traffickers richer by illegalizing it in spite of the fact that they could not really
stop the use of marijuana no matter what they do. The prohibition of using marijuana is often
supported with claims like legalizing it would cause serious harm on our society especially on young
adults. Andrew jackson and slavery essaysAndrew jackson and slavery essays. This essay is much
stronger now that it was previously and I have put a signification amount of effort into tightening up
sections and improving the flow of the paper.
Be that as it may, as an ever increasing number of states move to exclusively decriminalize pot use in
different reasons, and as the monetary advantages of a lawful marijuana industry produce results,
there are likewise many convincing motivations to think about across the nation authorization of
recreational marijuana. The sale of illegal drugs creates an environment that promotes criminality. Let
us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Dunne (1999) explains that marijuana is in fact less
dangerous than cigarettes, alcohol and even some medicines sold over the counter. Certain concepts
need to be understood in order for the information presented to be interpreted properly. A chemical
in marijuana knows as CBD is believed to stop the spread of cancer by turning of a gene that helps
produce cancer cells. Third, some categories of people constitute the permanent underclass without
any considerable social opportunities. Marijuana has numerous health benefits, and therefore its
legalization should not be questioned. This essay is much stronger now that it was previously and I
have put a signification amount of effort into tightening up sections and improving the flow of the
paper. In the 1920’s, after the Eighteenth Amendment took effect, alcohol still continued to be
produced, circulated, and consumed, despite being banned. Thus, there is no any particular reason to
treat such people like common criminals or deny them the custody of their children. One
unintentional effect of prohibiting marijuana is its popularity in schools. Lawmaking agencies need
to understand that the use of marijuana causes a disturbance in the brain connectivity function,
which can reduce the adaptive and cognitive capability in young adolescents. The arguments for the
legalization of marijuana include the argument that liberty is a virtue which should be promoted by
governments, the criminalization of marijuana infringes upon liberty. Since the legalization in
Colorado, about 10.1% of crime has decreased, and a 6.9% decrease in violent crimes. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Certainly, this cannot be a
reason to prohibit marijuana since it is not automatic that a marijuana user will automatically use
other illicit drugs. Therefore, it may be claimed that marijuana is useful rather than harmful for the
health of these people. Worker productivity did not see an improvement and many people were
imprisoned for minor violations of the ban, which was costly to enforce. There are many things in
this world that can kill a person. In 2000 alone, 734,000 people were arrested by the authorities for
marijuana-connected offenses. The study showed that only 30% of the people under the influence of
THC which is the powerful ingredient in marijuana failed the sobriety driving test whereas 88% of
the drivers under the influence of alcohol failed the test. The legalization of drugs in the United
States could cause an immense reduction in crime for a couple of main reasons. While maryjane stays
illicit on the government level, it is troublesome for financial specialists to gain by the development
of the business. All the work should be used in accordance with the appropriate policies and
applicable laws. Thank you, GetEssay, for delivering my paper in record of 72 hours. Since alcohol is
legal, and thus its availability is controlled by the government. Thesis Statement For Legalization Of
Marijuana Free Essays 2019-02-04. Secondly, its value as a medicinal plant outweighs its possible
abuse. I have attempted to clarify my thoughts and improve the organizational flow of the paper and
have added important subtitles to the essay.

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