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Because of all the problems and dangers associated with marijuana, there are more beneficial ways to
help citizens with a severe illness.The better alternative to the medical marijuana controversy is to
continue research in finding other methods to help people with illnesses. The whole issue began in
1996 when California voters passed Proposition 215.This allowed for the sale and medical use of
marijuana for patients with severe illness or pain The main support for using marijuana for medical
reasons would be to treat pain in patients with severe illness or those who are terminally ill. The
consequent speculation brings to light the possibility of a sudden increase of IBF residence time
following a sudden interruption of SJW administration, with risks of overdosing. Medical Research.
” AARC. 2009. Web, 8 April 2010. “Marijuana: Facts for Teens”. NIDA. gov. 2009. The biggest
danger is the fact that the results of marijuana use are worse than the supposed “cure” that it is
supposed to be, because it has many harmful chemicals in it. This is a great example of profound
research work. Even with the outlawing of a product, consumers will still demand it and seek it out,
even through illegal means. Ensuring a healthy population is a key role of every government. This
research paper will analyze and discuss the optimum benefits for the Legalization of Marijuana in the
United States. Medicines to counter the effect of TCH should be synthesized to achieve successful
treatment from marijuana abuse. Ultra-thin papers are the absolute epitome of rolling papers in terms
of their thinness and recommended skill level. I had 5 days to complete my paper and not even a
single chance to do it by myself. While I also believe other illegal substances should be
decriminalized and regulated, I believe marijuana holds prime importance. Marijuana consumption is
currently illegal in several countries, including the United States. What is apparent is the argument as
whether to legalize marijuana or render it prohibited under the law. In addition to research papers, the
journal seeks review articles and shorter insights papers covering personal views, new methods and
breaking news in weed science. The Drug Enforcement Agency DEA is an agency under the United
States Department of justice and was created in 1973 Rabkin, 1999. Medical Marijuana for Pain and
Depression, n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2013. Gonzales, Attorney General, Et Al. v. Raich Et Al. 545 U.S. 1.
Certiorari To The United States Court Of Appeals For The Ninth Circuit. 2005. Print. Garvey, Todd.
Medical Marijuana: The Supremacy Clause, Federalism, and the Interplay Between State and Federal
Laws. Such was the case 90 years ago, and such is the case today. The medicinal applications of
marijuana are due largely in part to Cannabidiol, or CBD, a compound derived from the Cannabis
leaves. There has been evidence available at certain places where heavy usage of marijuana has led to
heart attacks as well (Graves 2005). Adults should have access to marijuana, according to the
research. The dispensary industry has blossomed virtually overnight, with few regulations or rules,
and left politicians at the state and local level scrambling to catch up(qtd in Marijuana).With
dispensaries popping up on all the street corners people will start questioning the legitimate motive
behind these explosive uprisings, the last thing the government needs or wants is to create an uproar
of distrust and fear of safety throughout the general public. The resource used in enforcing the
policy that prohibits marijuana use is a waste of taxpayers’ resources since the business seems to exist
despite efforts to end it. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. With regard to analyze
the legal issue concerning whether California’s current medical marijuana program violates federal
law, it has been apparently observed that federal law forbids the production, allocation as well as
possession of marijuana by a significant level. Legalization of Marijuana would make smoking
marijuana an integral part of the youth culture in the US. The reduced black market sales of marijuana
would ensure that the health of the population is safe and that the sales of substandard marijuana do
not prevail in the country that may present an adverse effect on the population health. The provisions
of such legislation should also provide for the recommended form of marijuana for consumption
would be beneficial to people who need to take it for medical purposes.
This is a great example of profound research work. While I also believe other illegal substances
should be decriminalized and regulated, I believe marijuana holds prime importance. In their current
state, illegal drug-related laws are ignorant of freedom and personal liberty. Cannabis, Global
Marijuana March, Hashish 1505 Words 4 Pages Marijuana: Should it be Legal. The process of... In
this paper, an attempt is made to formulate policies that ensure corporate social responsibility (John F.
CNS, depressants, narcotics, tobacco, alcohol, and stimulants are some of the drugs of abuse.
Introduction This research paper examines the evidence that supports a continuance of the existing
federal ban on the recreational use of marijuana. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find
out how to manage cookies. Whenever possible, avoid sources that are overtly pro marijuana or
overtly anti marijuana. The production and consumption of marijuana should be legalized in the State
of California, if not for any other reason than to cease the financing of the war the Drug Cartels are
waging against the Mexican State. They point at the related criminal instances that would be on the
increase with the probation of marijuana use. The collection of the information via Survey Monkey
4. Hayes first major reason for opposing the Legalization of Marijuana in the country is linked to the
fact that smoking or ingesting the weed can cause serious health issue, including lung cancer, high
blood pressure, heart complications, maniac disorders, and mental impairment. There are various
health risks associated with the use of this drug. Despite the harsh laws in most states against
possessing and using marijuana, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
reports that, in 2010, 6.9 percent of the US population, or 17.4 million Americans, used marijuana. It
wasn’t until 1933 that the prohibition was repealed by the Twenty-first Amendment. I have
personally witnessed the positive effects of such research. Moreover, the state governments highly
favor the passed laws relating to the medical value of marijuana which can be taken into concern.
This is a great example of profound research work. Most significantly, the federal government has
been entrusted with exercising dynamic police power with the intention of providing significant
benefits to the citizens belonging to different states6. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or
find out how to manage cookies. Thesis Defense Presentation December 1, 2008 David Onoue 2.
Cannabis, Decriminalization, Law 1140 Words 5 Pages October 28, 2013 Marijuana Legalization The
legalization of marijuana has been a heated topic of debate for many years. Cannabis, whose dried
leaves are referred to as marijuana, is considered an illegal substance by the United States
government. Today cannabis is used in the medical industry for patients who may suffer from cancer,
seizures, migraines, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, among others. The more resources you use that are
original source materials, or as close to original source material as possible, the more credible your
essay is going to be. The best rolling papers for beginners may be very different from the top papers
for more experienced users, for example, and it’s typical for cannabis enthusiasts to progress up the
scale towards thinner and more delicate papers as they hone their skills. Independent and rational
choice making is part of basic rights of human beings given that their actions are not harmful to the
society and the people themselves (Rosenthal and Kubby 2). When inhaled some effects are a
relaxed feeling, increased appetite, paranoia, and etc. But as the scientific and medical world
denounces the usage of marijuana it is banned in most countries.
There is an increase in the expenses in the judicial system to execute cases of marijuana sales victims
and those who consume the drug. An increase in the number of consumers of marijuana, according
to records by the law enforcement sector, is an indispensable reality. He was a professor of
anesthesiology at the University of Pennsylvania. The federal laws concerning the use of marijuana
have been identified to be quite serious and to be depicting severe punishment to those individuals
who broadly engage in the production or the allocation of marijuana. According to a research in
published in The Guardian, a considerable number of states tend to lessen their limitation on the use
of marijuana (Enten 1). In 2000, according to Watson, Benson and Joy 550, a center for medicinal
cannabis research was set up, and after research, the results were low-grade cannabis was capable of
reducing 34% daily pain. Marijuana availability remains strong, undefeated by its outlawing.
Schedule 1 substances are defined as having: “.a high potential for abuse, no currently accepted
medical use in treatment in the United States, and a lack of accepted safety for use of the drug or
other substance under medical supervision.”. Placing marijuana in this Schedule contradicts evidence
that proves otherwise, as marijuana has found medicinal use in 15 states so far. It has been apparently
observed that the federal government holds both constitutional as well as legitimate power and
authority towards forbidding the use of marijuana for all different purposes. Thank you, GetEssay,
for delivering my paper in record of 72 hours. These aspects comprise federal statutes, ratified
treaties and federal regulations. Second, assets seized from those arrested by marijuana law
violations are sufficient to fund the law enforcement cost as prosecutors and police remuneration. As
part of the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937, Marijuana for all purposes was outlawed. This is 100% legal.
You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. There are 5 years
that he is deeply involved in the cannabis field. The more resources you use that are original source
materials, or as close to original source material as possible, the more credible your essay is going to
be. The whole issue began in 1996 when California voters passed Proposition 215.This allowed for
the sale and medical use of marijuana for patients with severe illness or pain The main support for
using marijuana for medical reasons would be to treat pain in patients with severe illness or those
who are terminally ill. While some argue that marijuana has medicinal properties and should be
legalized for medical use, others believe that it is a dangerous drug with no medicinal value.
Marijuana should be available medicinally and recreationally. Currently, the prison system is
extremely flawed, creating a cycle of repeat offenders due to a prison culture that demands that
people become tougher than they may have been before in order to survive, no matter what offense
got them in prison in the first place. The process of... In this paper, an attempt is made to formulate
policies that ensure corporate social responsibility (John F. I received a completed paper in two days
and submitted it to my tutor on time. These direct enforcement costs would be negligible with the
legalization of marijuana use in the country. Due to such legalization, the usage rate of medical
marijuana increased mainly among the youth adults of age-groups, 12 to 20 years. I have personally
witnessed the positive effects of such research.When my Uncle was in the middle of his battle with
cancer, he underwent many extensive treatments. The state of California allowed the use of
marijuana as a drug in 1996. The research direction we take is strongly determined by the policies put
in place by policy makers at all levels. Between 1980 and 2000, the number of hospital days fell by
56%. Once I got the completed paper, my last doubts were gone. But as the scientific and medical
world denounces the usage of marijuana it is banned in most countries.
This particular substance can lessen broad assortment of diseases such as glaucoma, epilepsy,
depression and multiple sclerosis among others. If all of that is too much for your schedule, you can
contact Premier Essay. Since its prohibition, related cases of marijuana consumption continue to
dominate the law enforcement sector and victims who break the law face the justice system. Some
people believe that legalization of marijuana will create numerous problems both for its users and
society in general. This is a great example of profound research work. Scholars can use them for free
to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. The medical use of
marijuana renders it safe for consumption at sustainable and prescribed amounts. Again, it is
important to note to view the situation from the patient’s perspective, who would welcome any delay
in the onset of such impairing symptoms. Thus, this should provide some grounds for the
consideration of the legalization of marijuana. Until then, it is important to approach marijuana with
caution and to carefully consider the potential risks and benefits before using it for medical purposes.
In this regard, no exclusion has been facilitated by the federal law for using marijuana for medical
purposes. What they may not know, Is what they do in their free time. Is marijuana truly a substance
that provides nausea relief to cancer patients, or is it simply a placebo. Marijuana should be legalized
for medical purposes and recreational use with proper regulation. She contracted it from her
boyfriend after her first sexual experience. Even though they say only some people become addicted,
that is still too high a risk. Data Collection and Instruments Information will be collected via the
website survey monkey from the internet. Limiting the use of marijuana is one of the factors that
affects personal freedom in very many ways. You can also look online from leading e-retailers too.
Medicines to counter the effect of TCH should be synthesized to achieve successful treatment from
marijuana abuse. Suppose the government substitutes the high profits with a tax enforced on
marijuana cigars. Since the illegalization of marijuana, the numbers of people who consume it
continue to rise and increase. Ensuring a healthy population is a key role of every government. CBD
is what causes the alleviating effects that justify marijuana’s use as medicine. The Role of
Relatedness and Autonomy in Motivation of Youth Physical Activity: A Self-Determination
Perspective. Today, people are living longer and healthier lives thanks in significant part to NIH
funded research conducted by physicians and scientists at the nation’s medical schools and teaching
hospitals. This saw an increased use of marijuana on a number of ailments as cancer as well as
arthritis. Then Gettman compares the prohibition of marijuana with prohibition of alcohol, and how
the alcohol law can be apply on marijuana. Prosecutorial, judicial as well as expenses related to
incarceration of marijuana offense cases would reduce to a minimum when marijuana is legal. Several
economists against the prohibition support the idea to legalize marijuana for its adverse implications
on the budgets of countries. Banning marijuana has so far been fruitless, as the black market
continues to make money from the American public.
Archaeologists have traced its usage as far back as ancient China and Bronze Age Europe around
2000 BC ( medical marijuana, Procon website) and there are historical records of its use all the way
through early and medieval Europe, to India and the Americas, right up to the present day, where the
substance is banned in most developed countries because of its hallucinogenic and addictive
qualities. Today, people are living longer and healthier lives thanks in significant part to NIH funded
research conducted by physicians and scientists at the nation’s medical schools and teaching
hospitals. There are several reasons why it is illegal, because of government propaganda and big
industry not wanting to lose money, but this will be discussed later. Thesis Defense Presentation
December 1, 2008 David Onoue 2. The whole issue began in 1996 when California voters passed
Proposition 215.This allowed for the sale and medical use of marijuana for patients with severe
illness or pain The main support for using marijuana for medical reasons would be to treat pain in
patients with severe illness or those who are terminally ill. We are open to everyone who has an
interest in weed research and related topics. This means that when you use hemp papers, you’re
basically just wrapping cannabis in cannabis. The main issues associated with the Legalization of
Marijuana include but are not limited to increase in the consumption of marijuana, health issues,
increased the cost of healthcare, lost productivity, and cultivation of unhealthy culture in general.
Marijuana should be available medicinally and recreationally. Please include what you were doing
when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Over the years
pro medicinal marijuana people has argued that it can be effective and helpful for different deadly
diseases like cancer, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, pain, epilepsy and glaucoma. We use cookies to create
the best experience for you. In this regard, no exclusion has been facilitated by the federal law for
using marijuana for medical purposes. According to the viewpoints of the federal government, the
procedure concerning the creation, allocation as well as possession of the substance i.e. marijuana is
regarded as a federal crime. However, the rate of consumption of medical marijuana is also extremely
high in the nations comprising of numerous rules and laws against its consumption rather than those,
without comprising any laws. Yet, challenges to that contention have emerged resulting of emerging
research on particular benefits and alternative remedies. The national organization for the reform of
marijuana law NORMAL is the oldest drug user lobby in the United States. These direct
enforcement costs would be negligible with the legalization of marijuana use in the country. Despite
its many practical uses, medicinal and industrial, our Federal government insists on maintaining the
status quo that the growth, possession and use of marijuana is criminal despite the evidence that the
legalization of marijuana would have a positive influence on America. Marijuana should be legalized
for medical purposes and recreational use with proper regulation. It is by far the least harmful and
most beneficial of the declared illegal substances. These are applicable in the use of marijuana, given
its prohibition. This will include creating an outline, writing facts on index cards, writing your rough
draft, editing, putting your works-cited information together, and more. Report this Document
Download now Save Save Final Research Paper - Marijuana Legalization For Later 92% (13) 92%
found this document useful (13 votes) 15K views 10 pages Final Research Paper - Marijuana
Legalization Uploaded by SaberUmbra There are simply not enough adequate reasons why marijuana
should remain an illegal substance. For this particular reason, the enforcement officials belonging to
federal law possess the legal right to raid the providers of medicinal marijuana. Legalization of
Marijuana would make smoking marijuana an integral part of the youth culture in the US. Drug and
substance abuse is detrimental to the health of the population that the government has the mandate to
protect. Under prohibition, victims convicted of offenses related to marijuana use and possession
would pay fines. I received a completed paper in two days and submitted it to my tutor on time.
HUS-30 Spring March 12, Legalization of Marijuana Medical Uses Before its prohibition in
1937,marijuana was a common drug in the medical field.

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