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Fitriah1, Mustofa Haris2, Cicilia Desy Megawati2, Mufarika2, Suryaningsih1, Rodiyatun1

Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Surabaya, 2STIKes Ngudia Husada Madura

Introduction: Independent diabetes care management is needed for health
maintenance. Low self-care is caused by low self-efficacy. The purpose of this
study was to analyze the effects of diabetes self-management education and
support for self-efficacy and independent behavior in clients with type 2 diabetes
mellitus. Method: This observational research used a cross-sectional approach. Self-
The sample which used the cluster sampling method consisted of 200 people. The Management,
independent variable was education and support for independent diabetes
management, and the dependent variable was self-efficacy and independence. Self-Efficacy And
Research analysis techniques used bivariate statistical logistic regression test. Self-Reliance
Result: The Binary Logistic Regression test showed that education and
independent management support for diabetes significantly influence self-efficacy Behavior
with a result of sig 0.001 <α 0.05. Education and support for independent diabetes
management significantly influence self-care with sig 0,000 <α 0,05. Self-efficacy
affects self-care significantly with sig 0,000 <α 0,05. Conclusion: Self-
management education and diabetes support are beneficial for people with type 2
diabetes in increasing self-confidence to control and manage the disease they

INTRODUCTION symptoms of diabetes mellitus or clients with

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease shorter duration of diabetes mellitus was 221
that requires self-care management. Diabetes visits and the visits by patients who had
mellitus population in Indonesia has increased suffered from long diabetes mellitus were 134
from 9.1 million in 2014 to 10 million in 2015 visits.
(ADA, 2016). Diabetes mellitus if not seriously The problems experienced by type 2
treated is predicted to cause an explosion of diabetes mellitus clients can be minimized if
diabetes mellitus people to become 21.3 the clients have sufficient knowledge and
million people in 2030 (Putra, 2017). ability to control his illness by self-care
It was known 355 visits were made by (Kusniawati, 2011). The risk of complications
patients with diabetes in the authority of arising from diabetes can be reduced by
Puskesmas Senenan Bangkalan. The visit of selfcare, because selfcare behavior requires
diabetics who had recently experienced

I nte r na ti ona l Jour na l of Nur si ng a nd Mi dw if er y S ci e nce (I JNMS ) ,Volume 4,
Iss ue 1, April 2020
adherence to the design of therapy provided Proper management of education and
(Ekayasa, 2016). self-support can improve self-efficacy and
Self-care for patients with diabetes is implementation of self-care management. The
needed to make various dietary and lifestyle purpose of the study was to analyze the effects
modifications, dietary arrangements, physical of educational management and self-support
exercise, monitoring blood sugar levels, on self-efficacy and self-care of type 2 diabetes
medication and foot care (Ekayasa, 2016). The mellitus clients.
success of self-care depends on the activeness
of individuals to participate in efforts to MATERIALS AND METHODS
maintain their health (Indanah, 2010). The observational research design used
The data on self-care shows that of 10 a cross-sectional approach. The research
respondents who suffer from type 2 diabetes variables were exogenous variables and
mellitus, no respondents had good self-care, 3 endogenous variables. Exogenous variables
out of 10 respondents (30%) had sufficient were the management of education and self-
self-care, and 7 out of 10 respondents (70%) support and endogenous variables were self-
had insufficient self-care. efficacy and self-care.
Low self-care is caused by low self- the population consisted of 269 people
efficacy so that it will have an impact on the and the sample which used cluster sampling
pattern of management and self-care activities technique consisted of 190 people. The
(self-care) which will affect the patient's ability research instrument used questionnaires. The
to manage self-care and illness and decrease research analysis technique used a computer-
the quality of life (Bernal, Woolley, Schenzul assisted Bivariate statistical test.
dan Dickinson, 2000 in Ariani, 2011).
Self-efficacy will affect the mindset and RESEARCH RESULT
can change one's attitude patterns so that they The results showed that the management
can do an action (Fauziah, 2012). Self-efficacy of education and self-support significantly
in patients with diabetes mellitus focuses on affected the self-efficacy and self-care of type
the patient's confidence to be able to perform 2 diabetes mellitus clients. The results of the
behaviors that can support the improvement of statistical test analysis using the Significance
his disease and improve management of Test and Binary Logistic Regression Test can
diabetes mellitus care in general (Gede, 2015). be seen in the following table:
The data about self-efficacy shows that Table 1: Result of significance test
of 10 respondents who suffer from type 2
No Effect Coeficient T- Sig
diabetes mellitus, no respondents had high self- statistic
efficacy, 3 out of 10 respondents (30%) had 1 X1 Education 0.854 9.830 Sig
moderate self-efficacy, and 7 of 10 respondents and Self Support
(70%) have low self-efficacy. Y1 Self efficacy
Factors affecting clients who have low
2 X1 Education 0.364 2.348 Sig
self-efficacy include age, sex, level of management
education, marital status, socioeconomic and Self Support
Y2 Self care
status, length of suffering, and family support
(Ariani, Sitorus, & Gayatri, 2012). This causes 3 Y1 Self efficacy 0.501 3.470 Sig
a decrease in the ability to manage and care Y2 Self care
independently and have an impact on
The significance test is calculated using
increasing complications of disease caused by
Linear Regression which is done to test the
treatment that is not good (Rondhianto, 2012).

I nte r na ti ona l Jour na l of Nur si ng a nd Mi dw if er y S ci e nce (I JNMS ) ,Volume 4,
Iss ue 1, April 2020
effect of exogenous variables on endogenous Effect
Direct Indirect
variables by looking at the value of
X1 Education Existent Existent
Standardized Coefficients and t-statistics in the management and Throught self
coefficients table. The value used as a Self Support efficacy
Y2 Self-care
reference is the value of T table = 1.96.
Exogenous variables affect endogenous
Y1 Self-efficacy Existent Non existent
variables if the statistical T value is greater than Y2 Self-care
the T table value with an error tolerance α 0.05.
Table 1 above explains that exogenous The calculation of the value of the direct
variables significantly influence endogenous influence of education management and self-
variables with a T-statistic value> T table 1.96. support for self-care is 0.364. Meanwhile, the
Effect value based on Standardized calculation of the value of indirect effects is
Coefficients in table 1 above resulted in explained in table 3 as follows.
indirect influence and indirect effect. The
following is an illustration of the pathway of Table 3 Indirect Influence
the influence of exogenous variables to Indirect effect/influence
Indirect effect value
endogenous variables, namely the influence of pathway
X1 Education management X1 Education
education management and self-support for and Self Support management and Self
self-efficacy and self-care is explained as Y2 Self-care Support 0.428
Y1 Self Efficacy 
self care  0.854 x
management and Self
Support (X1) Table 3 explains that the most indirect
0.364 indirect care is the effect of managing
education and self-support through self-
Self-care (Y2)
efficacy with a value of 0.428. The results of
Self-efficacy (Y1)
this study indicate that the indirect effect in
self-care is stronger than the direct effect.

Table 4 Results of Binary Logistic Regression

Figure 1 Effect Pathways in Management of Test Management of Education and Self
Education and Self Support on Self-Efficacy Support for Self-Efficacy
and Self-Care. Variables in the equation
B S.E Wal D Sig Exp
The pathway description of the influence of d f (B)
exogenous variables to endogenous variables Educatio - 1.01 12.0 1 0.00 0.02
above can explain the direct and indirect n 3.52 5 80 1 9
managem 6
effects of education management and self- ent and
support on self-efficacy and self-care. The Self
values of direct and indirect effects are for Self
explained in tables 2 and 3 as follows Efficacy
Regresi Binary Logistik α=0.

Table 2 Direct Influence Pathways The data in table 4 shows that

management of education and self-support

I nte r na ti ona l Jour na l of Nur si ng a nd Mi dw if er y S ci e nce (I JNMS ) ,Volume 4,
Iss ue 1, April 2020
significantly influence self-efficacy with sig Management of education and self-support
results 0.001 <α 0.05 so that Ha is accepted. in general encourages the formation of one's
self-efficacy or self-confidence through the
Table 5 Results of Binary Logistic Regression process of forming perceptions that are raised
Test Management of Education and Self- by a person after they obtain management of
Support for Self-Care education and self-support in daily life.
Variables in the equation Management of education and self-support can
B S.E Wald Df Sig Exp be used as a source of formation of one's self-
(B) efficacy because it is based on the fact that
Education - 0.483 13.759 1 0.000 0.167 one's success in perceiving positively the
management 1.792 management of education and the self-support
and Self
Support for
it receives will drive changes in one's self-
Self care confidence so that achieving this perception
Regresi Binary Logistik α=0.05
will be able to increase efficacy or strong
confidence in yourself as an effort to achieve
self-management goals.
Table 5 shows that management of Management of education and self support
education and self-support significantly facilitates the health information needed,
influence self-care with sig results 0,000 <α health services, active involvement and
0.05 so that Ha is accepted. experience it receives so that it encourages and
increases confidence and self-confidence in the
Table 6 Results of Binary Logistic Regression ability to prepare to carry out the task of disease
Test Self-Efficacy for Self-Care care management.
Variables in the equation
Management of education and diabetes self-
support will affect the formation of four
B S.E Wald Df Sig Exp
sources of self-efficacy, namely performance
accomplishment, vicarious experiments, verbal
Self - 0.532 14.329 1 0.000 0.133
efficacy 2.015
persuasion, and emotional aurosal, if these four
to Self can be positively responded so that self-
care efficacy increases. Management of diabetes
Regresi Binary Logistik α=0.05 education and self-support is one form of
support obtained from self-efficacy sources
namely verbal persuasion and emotional
The data in table 6 shows self-efficacy
aurosal (Indrayana, 2016).
significantly influence self-care with a result of
Management of education and diabetes self-
sig 0,000 <α 0.05 so that Ha is accepted.
support will affect the formation of four
sources of self-efficacy, namely performance
DISCUSSION accomplishment, vicarious experiments, verbal
Management of Education and Self Support persuasion, and emotional aurosal, if these four
for Self-Efficacy can be responded to positively then self-
Education management and self-support efficacy increases. Management of diabetes
significantly influence self-efficacy with sig education and self-support is one form of
results 0.001 <α 0.05 (table 5). This shows that support obtained from self-efficacy sources
management of education and self-support namely verbal persuation and emotional
increases the self-efficacy of type 2 diabetes aurosal (Indrayana, 2016).
mellitus clients.

I nte r na ti ona l Jour na l of Nur si ng a nd Mi dw if er y S ci e nce (I JNMS ) ,Volume 4,
Iss ue 1, April 2020
According to Bandura (1997) a person's Management of diabetes education and self-
self-efficacy is sourced from 4 factors namely support facilitates the four sources of efficacy
performance accomplishment, vicarious above, because according to Funnel (2010) in
experience, verbal persuasion, and emotional the process of managing diabetes education
arousal. Performance accomplishment is an and self-support there is a process to provide
experience or achievement that has been information support needed by patients in
achieved by the individual in the past, vicarious making the right decisions in their care,
experience is an experience gained from allowing for active collaboration, and the
others, verbal persuasion is a persuasion done opportunity to share experiences between
by others verbally or by himself that can affect patients and health workers, and help patients
how someone acts or behaves, and emotional solve problems.
arousal which is the generation of positive The process of managing diabetes
emotions so that individuals have the education and self-support will invite patients
confidence to take certain actions. to share their past experiences related to the
Bandura's theory states that a person's self- disease and provide the right information and
efficacy can be obtained, changed, enhanced or the right steps that can be done by the patient.
reduced through one or a combination of four Patients are also given the opportunity to gain
factors namely performance accomplishment, experience from others, in the form of
vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and exchanging experiences with nurses so that
emotional arousal. Self-efficacy is the result of confidence will be formed to take a particular
cognitive processes in the form of decisions, action.
awards, and beliefs to the extent that According to Edberg (2010), the main
individuals estimate their ability to carry out factor influencing one's self-efficacy is
certain tasks or actions to achieve the desired perception. One way to create a good
results (Bandura, 1997). perception is through management of
This is supported by the Diabetes Self- education and self-support that facilitates the
Management Education and Support theory need for information, knowledge, health
proposed by the American Diabetes Associate services, skills, and independent involvement
that diabetes education and support facilitate so that it will provide a correct perception of
the knowledge, skills, decision making and the possible level of difficulty in disease
abilities needed in self-management (ADA, management (magnitude), the extent of the
2014). problem faced (generality), and gives patients
The Source of Self-Efficacy states that self- an understanding of the strength (strenght) they
efficacy can be obtained, studied and have in dealing with problems in managing
developed from four sources of information. their illness which will ultimately build and
Where basically these four things are strengthen one's self efficacy.
stimulation or events that can provide In addition, the basic principle of managing
inspiration or positive generating (Positive diabetes education and self-support is the
Arousal) to try to complete the task or problem existence of autonomous support so that the
at hand. This refers to the concept of empowerment process can go well and patients
understanding that positive arousal can will feel satisfied with their role involvement.
increase feelings of self-efficacy (Bandura, This will foster confidence in him that he is
1997). Self-efficacy can be improved by able to be involved in taking the necessary
providing information about type 2 diabetes actions in managing his illness (Rondhianto,
mellitus itself, so that patients can make control 2012).
of self-management (Ariani, 2011).

I nte r na ti ona l Jour na l of Nur si ng a nd Mi dw if er y S ci e nce (I JNMS ) ,Volume 4,
Iss ue 1, April 2020
Previous research has supported that proper through the formation of positive thinking
management of diabetes education and self- patterns in order to support the success in the
support can increase the self-efficacy of implementation of self-care management and
diabetes mellitus clients to be increasingly cure of disease
increased, by increasing the healthy behavior Acceptance of effective management of
of diabetes mellitus clients so the quality of life education and self-support can increase one's
will improve. Proper management of diabetes self-empowerment on their ability to carry out
education and self-support can increase self- self-care management activities that are needed
efficacy (Indrayana, 2016). independently. Management of education and
Management of Education and Self Support self-support that is received by individuals on
for Self-Care an ongoing basis is useful to encourage the
Education management and self-support process of change and maintenance of behavior
significantly influence self-care with sig results in the implementation of a healthy independent
0,000 <α 0.05 (table 6). This shows that the disease management and improve the
management of education and self-support experience of care for patients with diabetes
improve the self-care of clients of type 2 mellitus.
diabetes mellitus. Orem's theory states that self-care is the
Management of education and self-support appearance or practical activity based on
provided to diabetic patients can improve the individual desires and carried out to maintain
aspects of cognition and affection of diabetic life, health, and well-being. The element of
patients which will simultaneously influence selfcare is the ability possessed by humans or
the increase in the healthy behavior of diabetic the strength to be involved in selfcare.
patients in carrying out disease self-care According to Orem (2001), the method that can
activities. be used in helping self-care is to provide
Management of education and self-support guidance and direction, provide physical and
encourage the process of forming the behavior psychological support and education.
of patients with diabetes mellitus compliance The theory of management of education and
with the management of disease care, self-support proposed by ADA is that
especially in patients who are at home is very management of diabetes education and self-
important because good self-care management support facilitates the knowledge, skills,
will prevent complications. direction of decision making and abilities
Patients who are able to take care of needed for self-care diabete. The main
themselves optimally will be able to control principle of management of education and self-
their blood sugar, contrary to those who are support is that patient involvement in the
unable to control their blood sugar levels management of education and support is very
properly, various problems will arise such as important because it reflects the life,
gangrene, decreased vision and neuropathy. experience, and capacity of a person (ADA,
Management of education and self-support 2015).
can improve one's self-care management Management of education and self-support
through the formation of mindset that can for diabetes supports decision making and self-
change one's attitude patterns in determining care activities to improve health status.
decision making for actions to be taken to Management of education and self-support for
support the implementation of self-care has a positive effect on behavioral aspects of
management, because management of diabetes and can improve quality of life and
education and self-support will encourage lifestyle behaviors such as having a better
one's abilities in achieving decision making eating pattern and engaging in regular physical

I nte r na ti ona l Jour na l of Nur si ng a nd Mi dw if er y S ci e nce (I JNMS ) ,Volume 4,
Iss ue 1, April 2020
activity, empowerment, increasing self- Previous reserchers states that with high
confidence and promoting healthy coping self-efficacy, a person will exert all abilities he
(Sutandi, 2012). has to meet his personal care needs. Self-
Management of education and self-support efficacy will determine how much effort is
for diabetes encourages behavioral change, carried out by an individual persevering in
maintenance of healthy diabetes-related carrying out the management and treatment of
behaviors and is a basic reference for assisting his illness. In carrying out self-care
diabetes patients in directing decision-making management, individuals who have high self-
and self-care activities aimed at improving efficacy will tend to try to do the task of self-
health status. Supported by research which care activities well to succeed in supporting the
states that educational management and self- healing process of the disease. They will also
support can improve the management of increase their ability to achieve the desired
independent care of patients with diabetes goals
mellitus (Sutandi, 2012). Self-efficacy will affect the mindset and can
The application of management education change one's attitude patterns so that they can
and self-support for diabetes is an important take an action in accordance with a
element of care for all people with diabetes and predetermined decision. Self-efficacy in
those who are at risk for developing diabetes patients with diabetes mellitus increases the
(Sutandi, 2012). Previous research states that patient's confidence to be able to perform
proper management of diabetes education and certain actions or tasks that can support the
self-support can improve and will change the improvement of his illness and improve self-
healthy behavior of diabetes mellitus clients to care management
be increasingly improved, with an increase in Self-efficacy encourages the formation of
the diabetes mellitus healthy client's healthy positive thinking patterns that can make
life habits the quality of life will improve someone brave to make decisions in acting in
(Funnel, 2010). self-care management tasks. Someone's self-
Management of education and self-support efficacy will affect one's mindset in an effort to
increases self-awareness about health by using conduct self-management and daily self-care
health information, changing attitudes, activities. Someone who has high self-efficacy
changing behavior and increasing adherence in will tend to use the ability he has to perform
therapy programs, and improving the quality of certain actions in meeting the needs of self-care
life for people with type 2 diabetes (Ekayasa, and disease management independently so that
2016). the goals for the healing process can be
Research conducted by Funnel (2010) achieved.
shows that managing diabetes education and Self-efficacy drives the process of self-
self-support can improve patient self-care. control to maintain the necessary safety within
Self-care plays an important role in the oneself (Bandura, 1994). Self-efficacy in
management of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus is needed
because patient self-care can change the for the patient's confidence to be able to make
patient's behavior in managing diabetes improvements that can support the
mellitus independently. improvement of his illness and improve
Self-Efficacy Against Personal Care management of treatments related to diet,
Self-efficacy significantly influences self- physical exercise, medication, control, and
care with sig results 0,000 <α 0.05 (table 7). treatment of diabetes mellitus in general25.
This shows that self-efficacy improves the self- According to Rudhianto (2012) self-efficacy is
care of type 2 diabetes mellitus clients.

I nte r na ti ona l Jour na l of Nur si ng a nd Mi dw if er y S ci e nce (I JNMS ) ,Volume 4,
Iss ue 1, April 2020
closely related to the improvement of selfcare the effect of managing education and self-
in chronic diseases. support indirectly more strongly influences
Confidence or self-efficacy influences how self-care through self-efficacy than the direct
someone acts for personal health and effect of education management and self-
behavioral mindset of health (Palsdottir, support on self-care of type 2 diabetes mellitus
Agusta, 2008 in Fauziah, 2012). clients.
Orem (2001) states that self-care is a Management of education and self-support
performance or practice of individual activities has a stronger effect directly on self-efficacy
to take the initiative and shape their behavior in with a value of 0.854 compared to the direct
maintaining life, health, and well-being. Self- effect of management of education and self-
efficacy is the most effective predictor in support on self-care with a value of 0.364. In
assessing changes in a person's behavior addition, self-efficacy also has a strong
(Rondhianto, 2012). Self-efficacy is a form of influence on self-care type 2 diabetes mellitus
health behavior (Ketut, 2015). clients with a value of 0.501 (figure 1)
Self-efficacy is the result of cognitive This shows that the management of
processes in the form of decisions, rewards, education and self-support is more influential
and beliefs to the extent that individuals in increasing self-efficacy directly than the
estimate their ability to carry out certain tasks effect of managing education and self-support
or actions to achieve the desired results. Self- in improving self-care of 2nd type diabetes
efficacy refers to a person's belief in his ability mellitus clients. In addition, self-efficacy
to monitor, plan, implement, and maintain directly influences in improving self-care of
behavior. Self-efficacy affects how mindsets clients of type 2 diabetes mellitus. So it can be
can drive or hinder a person's behavior. concluded that the management of education
Someone with high self-efficacy will tend to and self-support has a strong direct effect in
behave as expected and have a commitment to increasing the self-efficacy of type 2 diabetes
maintain the behavior (Bandura, 1997). mellitus clients to achieve self-care for type 2
The ability to motivate oneself and behave diabetes mellitus clients and self-efficacy
according to goals is based on cognitive directly affects the type 2 diabetes mellitus
activity. Someone will decide to behave based client self-care.
on thought, use of knowledge in general and Someone who gets diabetes education
the ability to perform a particular action management and self-support will increase the
(Ariani, 2015). patient's self-efficacy and change adaptive self-
care behavior. Management of education and
Management of Education and Self Support self-support for diabetes is able to shape,
for Self-Efficacy and Self-Care encourage and improve one's self efficacy in
Education management and self-support carrying out management of their illness care
significantly have a direct influence on self- independently related to diet, activity and
care with a result of 0.364 (table 2). treatment. The existence of confidence and
Meanwhile, the indirect effect of education self-ability will make patients feel more
management and self-support on self-care meaningful and have confidence in managing
explains that the most powerful indirect self- their illness to be able adapt to the conditions
care is the influence of education management The role of patients is well-informed and
and self-support through self-efficacy with a proactive in their self-care. Patients need
value of 0.428 (table 3). The results of the study information about their illness, treatment goals,
indicate that the indirect effect in self-care is health services and motivation to make
stronger than the direct effect. Consequently, decisions in the involvement of their care.

I nte r na ti ona l Jour na l of Nur si ng a nd Mi dw if er y S ci e nce (I JNMS ) ,Volume 4,
Iss ue 1, April 2020
Management of education and self-support for The conclusion of this study is the
diabetes helps identify barriers and facilitates management of education and self-support
problem solving and coping skills to achieve increases the self-efficacy of type 2 diabetes
effective self-efficacy and self-care behavior. mellitus clients, the management of education
Management of education and self-support and self-support increases the self-care of type
for diabetes is needed to improve patient self- 2 diabetes mellitus clients, self-efficacy
efficacy and self-care activities. The most improves the self-care of type 2 diabetes
important goal of managing diabetes education mellitus clients, the effect of managing
and self-support is to improve self-efficacy to education and self-support indirectly more
carry out DM care (Ariani, Sitorus, & Gayatri, strongly influences self-care through self-
2012). Stipanovic, (2001) investigated the efficacy than the direct effect of education
effect of diabetes education management and management and self-support for self-care of
self-support on the self-efficacy and self-care type 2 diabetes mellitus clients.
of diabetes mellitus patients showing the
results that an increase in self efficacy scores
and also self-care after respondents obtained
diabetes management and self-support American Diabetes Association. (2014).
management. The results also concluded that Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—
there was a positive and significant relationship 2015 Abridged for Primary Care
between self-efficacy and self-care. If a Providers. (2), 97–111.
person's self-efficacy increases, his self-care
will also increase. American Diabetes Association. (2016).
Management of education and self-support
Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—
for diabetes has a significant relationship with 2016 Abridged for Primary Care
self-efficacy, positive health behaviors and Providers. 3–21.
adherence in conducting DM self-care
activities and greatly helps 2nd type diabetes
mellitus patients to be able to increase Ariani, Y., Sitorus, R., & Gayatri, D. (2012).
confidence in their ability to take self-care Hubungan Antara Motivasi Dengan
actions (Skarbek, 2006). Efikasi Diri Pasien DM Tipe 2 Dalam
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can improve their self-efficacy and self-care. Keperawatan Indonesia.
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management and self-support are able to Health. Self Efficacy The Exsercise of
perform self-care independently will have Control. New York: WH Freeman and
good self-efficacy (Stipanovic, 2001) Company.
Proper management of diabetes education
and self-support can increase self-efficacy and
will change the healthy behavior of DM clients Edberg, M. (2010). Buku Ajar Kesehatan
to be increasingly improved (Ekayasa, 2016). sMasyarakat: Teori Sosial dan
Someone who is always given confidence and Perilaku (D. Anwar, ed.). Jakarta: EGC
encouragement to succeed will show the Penerbit Buku kedokteran.
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CONCLUSION Ekayasa, S. (2016). Pengaruh Diabetes Self

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